The Siren's Call (Fantasy, Science Fiction, Romance) (FORCED TO SERVE) (38 page)

When all gazes swung to Boca expectantly, she swallowed and lifted her chin.

“There is an ink made from the Andrius plant that puts off a distinct and traceable biological signature that a handheld scanner can easily find. Sumerian agents often draw a design in this ink on their bodies, which looks like a normal adornment. When ID chips are scrambled or even removed, the ink allows the agents to be found anyway.”

Gwen laughed. “So what are you saying, Boca? We’re all supposed to get tattoos?”

“Tattoos?” Boca repeated, looking at Chiang in confusion.

Chiang calmly stood and pulled off his doctor’s tunic, turning his back to show Boca the markings on his shoulder. “A tattoo is just an Earth word for this kind of body adornment. Mine is my family’s marking.”

Boca’s gaze was on his shoulder and the intricate design there, but it couldn’t help follow the smooth skin down over the rest of his impressive back. When he turned back to face her, his gaze holding hers, she swallowed nervously again and wrenched her gaze from his body while he tugged his shirt back on.

But the damage was already done.

Desire to be with Chiang the Greggor and touch him was not unfamiliar to her now, but it was still unwanted. Her knees trembled and she pressed them tightly together to stop them. If he would have reached for her, she’d have crawled into his lap even with everyone watching. Her programming had already started to encode him on her energy.

Boca had to clear her throat to speak. Ironically, the gazes of others in the room no longer unnerved her. All could she think of was running hands over the Greggor and listening to him moan.

“The design need not be as large as Chiang’s family mark or cover so much area of the body,” Boca said, holding up her hand to Gwen and circling her palm. “This much is all that is needed. We will concentrate the ink in small designs for maximum effect.”

Gwen turned and smiled at the incredibly handsome male at her side. “Looks like we’re getting tattoos, Zade. Can we get matching ones? I vote for kickass dragons.”

“Fictional Earth creatures do not appeal to me. Pick something alluring. Or perhaps symbolic of your beliefs,” Dorian ordered softly.

“So, Synar, I assume you want us all to get these marks?” Gwen asked, deciding she would talk her mate into the dragon tattoos later, when they alone and she could have her wicked way with him until he agreed.

“No one is leaving the Liberator again for a mission without the tattoo,” Synar agreed, using Gwen’s word for the mark. “Not even Malachi.”

Malachi shrugged and smiled at the others in the room who looked at him in surprise. “For clarification, what our captain means is that the host body has to have a way to be found as well. I quite agree with him.”

“I thought you were invincible,” Chiang said coldly.

“Energetically, that is a truth. Certainly not much can block me, but there are metals like Ceruse that seem impervious. I would explain the reasons, but the physics are boring, and likely beyond the ability of most in this room to understand. You will just have to take my word that I would gladly have the mark applied to this host as well as to Ania Looren,” Malachi said, trying hard to sound patient, even when Chiang’s derision was an irritation.

“Everyone that leaves the ship will be marked. Pick a design and submit it to Medical by tomorrow. The ink will arrive Friday,” Synar ordered.

“Any other decrees you want to drop on us today?” Gwen asked, grinning at her superior, mostly because he was acting more like one than usual.

“Two more pieces of general information. The first is that a new Lieutenant will be joining us soon. Her expertise is in tracking which I deliberately sought. More about that after she signs her contract to serve on the Liberator.”

Synar paused and looked between Chiang and Boca.

“The second and more important issue concerns our upcoming return mission to Lotharius,” he said softly. “Ensign Ador has asked that Ensign Karr be considered to accompany her on the mission as her owner mate. I am taking her request under advisement. That’s all for now. The mission will likely commence near the end of next week. Our team will go in as soon as we get word the second ship is heading to the rendezvous point.”

As everyone stood to leave, Chiang turned to Boca. “I am to accompany you as your mate. Why have you asked for this change?”

Boca lifted her chin. “I talked with the captain about the growing complications of our—situation—especially considering your intense reaction to my training. Ensign Karr shows no remorse in his interactions with me.”

“That young male is not going with you,” Chiang whispered, towering over her as they both stood. “I meant what I said, Boca. No one is going to control you. But if you must have a temporary torturer, then by the Creators, it’s going to be me.”

“I believe that is for the Captain to decide,” Boca stated, hiding her trembling hands in the pockets of her Medical smock. Defiance was still so hard for her, but especially with this male. Her desire for him weakened her. “Now I must meet Lieutenant Zade for meditation practice. Excuse me, Doctor.”

“You can run for now, but this discussion is not over,” Chiang told her firmly as she turned to leave.

“Of course not,” Boca replied as confidently as she could. “Captain Synar hasn’t made his decision yet. Now I really must go.”

Chiang’s hands fisted at his side as he watched her walk out the door, on the heels of Gwen and Lieutenant Zade. The masculine laugh near his ear had his hot gaze swinging to the male who owned it.

“Watching you and the lovely ensign fight is nearly as entertaining as seducing her would have been,” Malachi commented. “She’s a determined female. And I do believe she is angry with you.”

“Didn’t she tell you about Sumerian females, demon?” Chiang asked, his tone flat and hard. “They can’t be seduced.”

“Boca lies to protect herself,” Malachi said with a grin, slapping Chiang hard on the arm and earning a searing glare. “But then, you already know that for a fact, don’t you? You both carry images of each other which are quite stimulating to the rest of the intuitives on this ship.”

Chiang took two cleansing breaths wondering what would happen if he punched the smirking demon just once, really hard. It probably wouldn’t hurt the foul mist he was, and then he’d also have to hear all the whining about the damage to the host body.

Or worse—he might have to fix it.

“As much as I find your anger appeases my irritation that the lovely Boca is not meant for me, I have to ask you to set aside your possessive inclinations for the moment, Doctor. I wish to discuss the possibility of serving on your Medical team. Liam—I mean, Captain Synar—has given me permission to ask. To start my service, I could easily apply the tracking marks, even the dragons our adorable Earthling commander is secretly hoping to talk the Lieutenant into getting,” Malachi said, bowing his head to the Greggor male still fuming. “I didn’t mean to look at the images in Gwen’s head either, but she was so excited, I couldn’t resist.”

“Sounds great. Having you in Medical will ensure I always know what you’re doing. I expect you to commit to no mind reading as a condition, and I assure you that I will come up with many creative tortures to incapacitate that beloved host body of yours if you don’t behave yourself under my command,” Chiang said.

“Kinky—and appealing since it’s been a while for me since I was properly punished as I am sure you are well trained in how to do. But I prefer females, so I must decline your offer of torture,” Malachi said. “I assume behaving myself also includes stopping all attempts to seduce the delectable Sumerian you consider yours already.”

“You start work for me tomorrow,” Chiang said roughly, ignoring the comment about Boca, choosing to glare his agreement instead. “Your stasis unit is arriving on the Paladin which will meet us at the rendezvous point. If Captain Synar agrees, you can fly over with Zade to retrieve the unit and spend the required time setting it up on your return. I’ll connect it to the Medical analysis system afterwards. We’ll do the testing as soon as it is functional.”

“As you wish, Doctor,” Malachi said, bowing his head again. “Thank you for agreeing to my request.”

Not bothering to offer respect, Chiang turned abruptly and left, heading out of the conference room door to the nearest com port not in hearing distance. He wanted to know where Boca had gone and would enlist the entire Medical staff to help find her if needed.

The angry Greggor slamming the conference room door made him laugh again. He turned to see Liam and Ania standing, arms crossed, both glaring. He couldn’t fight the additional laughter welling up inside at their matching irritation with him.

Humor was such an odd sensation in a corporeal body. Normally, he only experienced such things at the mercy of his host’s senses. He was still getting used to feeling his own amusement again after so many years of not doing so.

“What are you two angry about now? Chiang the Greggor said yes to my offer,” he protested. “I will serve him well. I gave you both my word.”

Malachi couldn’t help laughing more when both his keepers rolled their eyes.

More About Donna McDonald






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Donna McDonald Contemporary Romances

Donna McDonald SciFi Romances

Donna McDonald Recommends

Donna Jane McDonald


Contemporary Book Blog


Paranormal/Fantasy/SciFi Book Blog


Contemporary Books


Never Too Late Series


Dating A Cougar (Book One)

Dating Dr. Notorious (Book Two)

Dating A Saint (Book Three)

Dating A Metro Man (Book Four)

Dating A Silver Fox (Book Five)

Dating A Cougar II (Coming 2013)


Art Of Love Series


Carved In Stone (Book One)

Created In Fire (Book Two)

Captured In Ink (Book Three)

Commissioned In White (Book Four )

Covered In Paint (Coming 2013)


Next Time Around Series


Next Song I Sing (Book One)

Next Game I Play (Coming 2012)

Next Move I Make (Coming 2012)


Single Title (Non-Series Books)


The Right Thing

Quickies Volume 1

Paranormal/SciFi/Fantasy Books


Forced To Serve Series


The Demon of Synar (Book One)

The Demon Master’s Wife (Book Two)

The Siren’s Call (Book Three)

The Healer’s Kiss (Coming 2012)

The Demon’s Change (Coming 2013)


Single Title (Non-Series Books)


The Shaman’s Mate (Fantasy)

About the Author


Donna McDonald is a best selling author in Contemporary Romance and Humor, and lately has been climbing the Science Fiction list as well.


Science Fiction reviewers are calling McDonald “a literary alchemist effortlessly blending science fiction and romance”. Contemporary and humor reviewers often write to tell her that the books keep them up reading and laughing all night. She likes both compliments and hopes they are true.


McDonald’s idea of highest success is to be sitting next to someone on a plane and find out they are laughing at something in one of her books. This would of course be while she was heading off to some new place on her next adventure to feed her creative soul.


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