The Song Remains the Same (35 page)


Kenna handed me my phone as I stepped out of the bathroom. Checking the name on the screen, I saw it was Devon.

“Hey, man,” I answered.

“Hey. I got her.”

“Oh, yeah? That was pretty quick. How’s she doin’?”

“She’s fuckin’ covered in bruises and…” Devon swallowed hard. “I’m scared she might need to see a doctor. One of those fuckers tore her ass up bad. She’s bleeding, and she can hardly sit down.”

“Then, fuckin’ take her! What are you waitin’ for?”

“She won’t go. She’s scared they’ll see her as a user and admit her to rehab or jail. Can I talk to Kenna? See what she says?”

“Yeah, man, here.” I handed the phone off to my Baby Girl.

She raised an eyebrow at me. “Hello?” her sweet rich voice spoke into the phone.

I watched her face for any telltale expression, but those waters were calm as she listened to Devon.

“How bad is it? Will she let you take a look?” She nodded her head.

I wished she would hit speakerphone. We were alone in our room. No one else would hear the conversation.

“Okay. Okay. I suggest that you get to the pharmacy…” She walked around the room, giving him instructions.

Devon must’ve said something she really didn’t agree with because her cool waters rippled with irritation.

“All right. Just keep a close eye on her. Yeah. Here’s Phil.”

She slapped the phone in my hand and walked out of the bedroom.

“What the fuck, GianFranco? Why’s my Baby Girl pissed?”

“Because I can’t find Brigid’s stash, and I can’t be with her every fucking second. She’s got tracks in the inside of her elbows, but they look a few days old, so maybe she wasn’t doing so much to go into full withdrawal. I know she doesn’t feel well, but she’s not wholly fucked up.”

“Can a roadie or one of your detail sit with her when you can’t be there?”

“I guess so. She’s been sleeping since she got here. Well, we talked, but…”

“About what?”

“About us, her and me. She said she was sorry about everything that went down. She admitted that you were the guy she fell for and that she went a bit psycho when she saw you again. But…she told me that she loved me, too, that she was just scared that I’d bail on her like you did. She fucked shit up on purpose, so she wouldn’t have to go through it again. I asked her if she was over you, and she said she wasn’t sure, but she was ready to move on.”


“So…after the tour, I guess I’ll go to Amsterdam and get her back into rehab—if, for nothing else, as a friend.”

“You’re really thinkin’ of gettin’ involved with her? After all this shit she put everyone through?”

“I don’t know. I’ve always cared about her, and right now, she needs someone who gives a shit, you know? Once…there was a time when I thought I could have that with her. She wasn’t like this, Phil. She was…Brigid—sweet and loving and adorable.”

“Yeah,” I replied, guilt flooding me.

“So, I’ll see you in Fresno then?” said Devon, sounding bone tired.

“Yeah, man. Call if you need anythin’.”

Hanging up, I took a seat on the edge of the bed. I thought about the young woman who had caught my eye after a club set in Zurich. We’d all hit up the bar, and there Brigid had sat, on a high stool with her long legs hanging out of a tight black miniskirt. She’d had her blonde hair up in a ponytail high on top of her head. I’d wanted to twist it around my fist and pull.


Brigid had been gorgeous.

For seven months, she’d been my girl. We’d partied, fucked, and had a good time. I’d paid for her rent, food, and covered the costs of drugs. I never could give her all of me. I’d never imagined she’d given me all of herself. If she had…it was never enough.

She wasn’t Kenna.

Kenna wanted me to be no one else but myself—the good, the bad, and the fucked up. No one got me as she did. She didn’t judge me for my weird baggage. The shit she put up with for me, the things she would do for me…she was everything and more.

I looked up, and there she was. Tall, cool, and collected, Kenna stood in the doorway, watching me come to terms with the Brigid situation.

“Hey.” I held up an arm, needing a fuckin’ hug.

Smiling sweetly, she came up and wrapped her long arms around me, holding my head to her chest. I loved how she smelled right in between her tits, clean and musky with a hint of sweetness.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” I sighed because, right then, I was home, in her arms, and nothing could shatter that. “Just…sad, I guess. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”

“I don’t know what to tell you, Phil. She’s got Devon, and I know if it gets bad, he’ll take her to the emergency room.”

“Yeah,” I replied, my arms tightening around her. I pulled us both back on the bed.

“Is she a responsible user? She doesn’t share needles or anything, right?”

“I think so. She used to be. We only shot up together a few times, and when I told her I was done with it, she said she was, too. We didn’t share. No fuckin’ way. But I have no clue what goes on in that bus. I don’t think Jürgen would allow for that sort of shit, not with his boys and not with the women he uses.”

“Do you know if he uses heroin?”

“I’ve seen him use, yeah. Never used with any of them though. That shit scared me when we hung out. Too many people, too many factors that could go way fuckin’ wrong.”

“But not with Brigid.”

“No. I was more comfortable with her.”

She snuggled into my arms, and her sigh of contentment warmed me. Sometimes, I’d catch these moments with her, and I would wonder how I’d ever existed without them. Kenna was just so fuckin’
to who I was anymore. Most guys would fuckin’ lose their shit in fear of feeling like that but not me.

I was born only to be her other half. Whatever else…fuck it.

Las fuckin’ Vegas!

End of the tour for us, and fuck yeah, we were going all out! I’d made sure Kenna and I would have a killer room at The Bellagio. I’d thought of the penthouse, but I knew Kenna wouldn’t be impressed with a huge fuckin’ room just for the two of us, so I’d scaled it down.

“Wow!” she gasped as we walked into our suite. “This is awesome!”

Not as awesome as the penthouse, but whatever…

Just something else I adored about her. She was perfectly happy, no matter where she was, as long as we were together.

Everyone else got suites on the same floor, including Devon and Brigid. She still wouldn’t leave whatever accommodations he’d put her up in, preferring to be anti-social. That was just fine by me. As long as she wasn’t up in Kenna’s face, irritating my woman, I was happy.

“Yeah, it ain’t bad,” I agreed, dropping my bag on the floor.

She took off into the bedroom. “Wow!” she called out.

I heard another door swing open and grinned when she exclaimed, “Holy shit! There are separate bathrooms
the bathroom!”

Totally worth it.

The penthouse would’ve rendered her speechless, and I liked hearing how much I could impress her.

My woman
out of the bedroom and over to the massive window to check out the view. Her face was alight, blazing with excitement. Just so fuckin’ radiant, it made the air in my lungs freeze.

How in the hell did I get so lucky?

“Hey,” I said softly, trying to fuckin’ breathe around her beauty.

She turned those big green eyes and dynamite smile on me, full blast. My nuts went insta-tight, and my dick roared to life.


Fuck me, she was so hot. I totally spaced for a moment there, forgetting what I was supposed to tell her.


Clearing my throat, I said, “I booked us for a couple’s massage at one o’clock. Ninety minutes. Then, you’re gettin’ a facial and all sorts of other shit while me and the guys have a meetin’. Is that okay?”

“Yeah. That sounds great.”

As I held up my arms, she practically ran at me, throwing herself into my embrace. She was just too fuckin’ cute for my own good. I was simply overjoyed at having her with me, being my other half, my only love. She was all I’d ever need.

“Wanna have some sex?” I asked.

“Hell yeah.”

That’s my Baby Girl.

Ninety minutes of
—that was what I’d booked for us. Well, Kenna seemed to be really enjoying the treatment, being felt up by a cute little Asian woman of indeterminate age. Seriously, the woman was somewhere between twenty and fifty. All the while, Helga from Sweden had been giving me a fuckin’ beatdown. The beast woman I had gotten was trying to massage my bones, foregoing any sort of warm-up. Helga didn’t believe in such nonsense apparently.

My six-foot-seven, twenty-eight-year-old grown ass was trying not to cry. Seriously, my fuckin’ eyes were watering.

Kenna sighed, and I raised my head to get a look at her. Helga grabbed the back of my head with one of her bear paws and shoved my face back down into the doughnut hole.

Afterward, they left us alone in the room to find our bearings. Kenna was all loosey-goosey, sitting up and stretching. The towel around her fell, so her titties were just out there for me to see. What a powerful sight they were, too. All my soreness forgotten, I sprang off the bed and tackled her flat.

“Phil!” she squealed. “Inappropriate!”

Completely ignoring her ass, I held her down and sucked one of her nipples into my mouth. They were
titties. I could do with them what I wanted, damn it.

“Stop it!” she hissed, but her fingers slipped into my hair and pulled me closer.

I went for the other one, and my Baby Girl let me.

“Bend over the bench—”

I will!” she snapped.

I loved it when she got riled up.

“Come on, it’ll be all sorts of inappropriate fun. I’ll be quick. I promise.”

She snorted. “Right, because

“I can take my time, too, but I figured you’d appreciate a quickie, considerin’ we’re in an inappropriate settin’—”

“Phil! I swear to the gods—”

I gave her my dimples, and she stared at me and stopped fighting.

Grinding my dick in between her legs, I pressed my luck. “Come on, Kenna Baby. Just bend over—”

“No. I don’t want the Essence of Phil dripping out of me while I’m having a spa treatment.”

Sighing, I settled for kissing her until she was grinning instead.

“Shit, how am I supposed to walk out of here in this state?” I asked her, getting up and indicating toward my ridiculous hard-on.

Little shit busted out laughing.

“Hush, Baby Girl.”

With her hand on my chest, she pushed me up against the door, dropped to her knees, tugged off my towel, and swallowed me down.

“Oh…fuuuck…” I moaned, my fingers stabbing through her hair.

She looked up at me—
so fuckin’ hot when she does that
—and winked. Then, she started playing with her tits with both hands, giving me a fuckin’ show.

“You little slut.”

She nodded her head while giving me a pair of innocent eyes, rolling her nipples between her fingers.

little slut, aren’t you?”

Again, she nodded with my dick jammed deep in her throat. She slid a hand up my inner thigh and gently stroked and pulled on my balls. My head dropped back, banging against the door.

“Everyt’ing okay in t’ere?” Helga called out from the other side.

“Fuck yeah, it is!” I called back.

Moaning, I earned a sweet pinch from my Baby Girl on my inner thigh.

“Fuck, do that again.”
Mmm…yeah. Love that pain.

Tingles shot down my spine, hitting my tailbone, zipping to the tip of my dick. My balls were fuckin’ singing, getting tighter. I could’ve busted out in soprano right then.

“Baby, I’m gonna blow…”

That was all she needed. She pushed her face straight up into my pubes and let me come down her throat. Shutting my eyes, I bit my lip and screamed behind my teeth.

Fuckin’ bliss.

Helping her to her feet, I gave my Baby Girl a kiss. I didn’t give a shit that she’d just swallowed my load. My woman got a fuckin’ kiss after giving me that sort of lovin’.

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