The Suspicious Proposal (12 page)

“I want all of you,” she told him. “I want you inside of me.”

“Soon,” he promised before taking her in his mouth once more.

This time, he was faster and flickered his tongue quicker as his finger entered her again and again. Andrea moaned and bucked as she began to explode. Her orgasm was powerful and as her legs shook, David came from between her thighs and entered her with his impressive size. He took it slow at first, inching his way into her. She was stretching around him, welcoming him inside of her as she wrapped her legs around his waist. But after a moment, she pushed her legs into him, pulling him deeper inside of her.

“Harder,” she told him.

David began to pump in and out of her harder, each thrust going deeper than before. She dug her nails into his thighs and sucked on his neck as he pounded into her like a steel hammer. His muscles under her hands were hard and firm and with each movement, she could feel the power inside of his body. He was strong and powerful. Andrea had never been more turned on in her life. This man was more than she had ever had.

Just when she thought he couldn’t get deeper, he turned her onto her stomach and entered her from behind. She cried out in pleasure as his length buried into her.

“That feels so good,” Andrea told him. “You are so good.”

David reached around and caressed her breast. His fingers circled around her nipple as he gripped her hip with his other hand. The hand that held her hip held her steady as he plunged in and out of her, setting her arousal ablaze. Then, his hand traveled from her breast down her stomach and below, to her opening. His finger rubbed her bud, kneading her slickness as he continued to pull in and out of her from behind.

Andrea had never felt such bliss. No man had ever paid such attention to her needs in bed but David was working hard to bring a second orgasm from her body. Each time he pressed into her, it was bringing her closer to the edge. And as her climax came crashing out of her like a hurricane, Andrea cried out loud with joy.

It was enough to send David over the edge. He lost himself inside of her as he pumped one last, deep time. He held onto her for a moment, their bodies still rippling from the intense orgasms. When he finally let go of her, the two of them looked like they had been in the middle of a tornado. His shirt was ripped and in pieces on the floor. He had her scratch marks on his body while Andrea’s dress was shredded and her hair a mess. They looked at each other and laughed.

“Well, I guess we’ve started the baby making process,” Andrea said.

“If I knew it was going to be so fantastic, I would have started weeks ago.” David winked at her. “But I’m more than ready to continue trying.”

“I want a baby.” Andrea smiled at him.

“Good, because we are going to have a great time making one.” He pulled her to him and kissed her forehead.

The limo pulled up outside of their home and they both walked into the house quietly. They had just made love and held each other tight, but now they were heading to separate bedrooms like strangers. It was odd how one moment they could seem so close and in tune, and the next, they were so distant and apart.

Andrea closed her bedroom door behind her and got undressed. She just had the most amazing sex of her life and now they were on separate sides of the mansion getting into different beds. It was more than strange, it was unorthodox, but Andrea closed her eyes and imagined her husband’s face before falling peacefully asleep.


Chapter Four


The fact that it was Sunday made no difference to David. He still had emails to answer and contacts to call. His home office was just as busy as the one downtown. There was no time to sleep past seven on the weekend. He sat in front of a pile of paperwork and rubbed his fingers in a circle on his temples. What had he gotten himself into? he thought. Just across the house he had a wife, yes a wife, that he barely knew. Andrea was just what he had hoped for when he sent his men to find someone to marry him and have his child. She was beautiful and smart. She worked hard to achieve her goals, even though she seemed to need an extra boost at this point to help her get there. This woman was all part of his plan, nothing more than business, yet he found himself wanting to help her succeed in every dream she had.

David’s own goals hadn’t been as hard to achieve. He came from wealth and a long line of successful businessmen. His father made sure he got into the finest schools and after college, he was practically handed the perfect high paying job. After his father passed away, he was left a fortune, which he then invested into a lucrative business. He had easily created a good life for himself. But with success always comes the threat of those who want to take it from you.

Andrea’s face popped into his head. She couldn’t have been more opposite than him. Their lives were so different. From what his research of her revealed, she had been raised by a single mother who worked two jobs to put food on the table and a roof above their heads. David’s mother never lifted a finger in her life. Still to this day, his mother was living a perfect life while being catered to by maids and cooks. He had also learned that Andrea had worked hard to keep her business afloat. She didn’t have the funds to back her fashion company or take it to the next level. Unlike him, she didn’t have capital. He admired her passion and drive. It was a quality that couldn’t be taught.

Pushing thoughts of his contracted wife aside, David dove back into his work, distracting himself with numbers and figures. This was the life he knew, all work and no play. This was what he needed to focus on to get through the next year or so, but even as he turned the pages in front of him, he couldn’t get the image of Andrea’s enchanting body out of his mind. Her skin was like a rich chocolate, sweet and smooth on his warm tongue. Her hazel eyes had a hunger in them that made him want to do anything within his power to feed her appetite. As he thought of her smile, he considered it was the only honest thing in his life.

This was not going to happen, he thought suddenly. He shook her image out of his head and began working again. But what would one day without work hurt? his mind argued. He jumped up from his desk and left the paperwork unfinished for another time. His footsteps were quiet as he made his way to the kitchen. It had been years since he had cooked anything in a kitchen. Even growing up, his parents had staff to cook for them. In college, he made meals with his roommates sometimes. As an adult, he had staff just as his parents had, someone to cook and clean and another to take care of the outside grounds. On the weekends, the staff was off unless he needed them for an occasional party or business meeting at his house.

David fumbled through the cabinets and drawers looking for supplies. Does she like pancakes, eggs, bacon? he wondered, as he scoured his own kitchen. He had no idea what his own wife liked for breakfast. On a whim, he decided to just make any breakfast item he saw. Turning on the stove, he threw a couple pans on top and took his chance at a gourmet meal to suit the woman upstairs.

Doing something he’d never done before, he began cooking for a woman, one that he feared he might actually care about. He knew caring about his wife was absurd, yet he cracked an egg into the pan and tried his best to fry it just right, fearing he might disappoint the sleeping beauty on the next floor.


Panic struck Andrea as she jumped out of her bed from the loud piercing alarm ringing through the halls of the mansion. She grabbed her robe and ran out of her room and down the stairs. The smell of smoke hit her as she reached the first floor. As she ran into the kitchen, she found the source of the smoke. David was in front of the stove attempting to fan the smoke away from the fire alarms. After a minute of blowing the smoke out of the kitchen and through the open French doors that led to the outdoor patio, the alarms stopped and silence filled the air.

Andrea looked over the burnt food in the kitchen. The pans were charred and unrecognizable food littered the counters. She turned to David. He stood with his hands in the air like a cute and pitiful puppy that had just chewed up a slipper.

“I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed.”

“Well, you surprised me alright.” She laughed.

David stood still for a moment, before finally joining in and laughing with her.

“You don’t cook much do you?” she asked as she poked a blackened pancake.

“No, never, but I wanted to, for you.” His blue eyes looked around the room instead avoiding her eyes.

“I guess we need to go out for breakfast.” Andrea touched his hand. “But I appreciate you trying.”

David blushed for a second before gaining his full composure again.

“Let’s get dressed and go out to eat.” He smiled at her, the blue of his eyes like a blue sky during a rainstorm; they were pretty with a hint of danger ahead.

“We should clean up this mess first.” Andrea turned to the dirty counters and stove.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll have someone get to it.”

“David!” She threw a towel at him. “We’re perfectly capable of cleaning this up. If you make a mess, it’s your responsibility to clean it up.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He began wiping spilt pancake mix up from the floor.

A half an hour later, the kitchen was clean but the smell of smoke still haunted the halls.

Andrea had thrown on a casual dress that she had made from a sweet pink material. She slipped a pair of sandals on and quickly curled her brown shoulder length hair in twirls. After a little makeup and a spray of her favorite perfume, she was on her way down the hall to meet David.

If she hadn’t known better, she might have mistaken this for a real date. At least, that’s what it felt like when she primped herself in front of the mirror. She wanted to look good for him. She hoped to impress her new husband. But, this was a business arrangement, not a marriage made from love. This man had plans that didn’t include a happily ever after between the two of them. Yet, as she saw him watch her come down the stairs, she thought she might have seen something more in his eyes. Maybe a flash of a chance, a shade of hope in his eyes, but just as quickly as it came, the look disappeared and he turned to open the door.

“The limo is waiting for us.”

“That limo is dangerous.” Andrea joked. “It causes people to make wild and risky decisions.” She winked at him as she climbed into the backseat.

“Then maybe I should always drive you in it.” He sat down far away from her as though last night hadn’t happened.

They were back to being strangers who barely talked, with only the occasional small sexual innuendos here and there. It was odd. Andrea wanted to reach for him, but she fought the urge, telling herself she needed to focus on the contract and ignore his gorgeous blue eyes and firm hard abs.

The car ride was silent as they pulled up to the restaurant and stopped, Andrea looked at David for some sign of emotion, but she received none. He was the hardest man to read. She wanted to know what was going on in his mind.

“After you.” David motioned for her to exit the limo.

Andrea stepped out of the car and looked up at the sky. The clouds were dark and threatening a rainstorm. She ignored the clouds and headed into the restaurant with David close behind her.

“Hello, Mr. Lewis.” A pretty young blonde host greeted them. “How many this morning?”

“Just two.”

“Follow me.” The blonde woman led them to a table nearby. “Have a nice breakfast.”

Andrea watched closely as the woman touched David’s shoulder before leaving their table.

“Friend of yours?” she asked David, a streak of jealousy shooting through her, surprising her in the process.

“I come here a lot.” He lifted the menu up so that she could no longer see his face.

“Perhaps if you want people to believe you’re married, you might want to wear your wedding ring.” Andrea lifted her own menu up to cover the view of his bare finger from her view.

She wasn’t sure why it bothered her at all, he wasn’t her real husband. The ring didn’t mean anything but for some reason it mattered to her.

“You’re right,” he said as he lowered his menu. “I’ll wear the ring.”

“It’s your marriage. I mean you’ve created this. If wearing a ring is not part of your illusion, just ignore me. If having flings with blondes is in the cards, that’s your gamble.”

“Are you jealous?” David asked.

“No. No, you don’t owe me any commitments.” She hid behind the menu and from his view.

“You are jealous.” He pulled her menu down to see her face. His smile was the first thing she saw when she looked across at him. “Look at you, my little wife. You are jealous; I like it.”

Andrea raised her eyebrows and opened her mouth to protest but the waiter walked up and took their drink order. David ordered a coffee and water and she ordered a sweet tea. She had almost gotten past the whole jealousy ordeal without embarrassing herself more when David spoke up.

“I’ll wear my ring and there’ll be no flings.” His voice was deep and raspy, warming her body inside.

“If that is what you want.” Andrea looked into his eyes and studied the shades that swam with them.

“It’s what is best for appearances. People would start to question this marriage.”

Of course, for appearances sake, she thought bitterly. It shouldn’t have bothered her but it did. She was confused why she cared, but she was not in denial that it had mattered to her.

“David!” Two men approached the table. They were both in their late thirties and dressed as nicely as David.

“Tom, Ken. It’s been a while.” David shook their hands firmly.

“Yeah, it has.” Tom looked down at Andrea, waiting for an introduction.

“Guys, this is my wife, Andrea,” David said as he introduced her.

“Your wife? Wow! I had no idea you got married.” Tom shook Andrea’s hand.

“Nice to meet you,” Ken told her.

“We’re actually newlyweds. We've only been married two weeks,” Andrea told the men.

“Well, congrats,” Tom told them.

“David, how is everything? I heard about that trouble you had.” Ken looked at David.

“It’s fine, anyway, you guys have a good day.” David began to say goodbye to the men.

“Really? Well, I heard it was messy and tangled up in…”

David quickly cut Ken off unexpectedly saying, “We have a busy morning, but get a hold of me soon. You have my number. We can go golfing like old times.”

“Yeah, sure,” Ken said.

“See you guys later,” David said to his friends.

Andrea watched the men walk away from the table and out of the restaurant.

“What was that about?” she asked David. “What trouble was he talking about?”

“Nothing. He’s just an old acquaintance.” David shrugged the conversation off.

Andrea let it go, mainly because it wasn’t her business. David had many things about him she didn’t know about. She had just met him and he didn’t owe her any explanation, but something about the way he stopped his friend from talking bothered her. With her jealousy already shocking her, she pushed her suspicions aside. She wasn’t sure what had gotten into her and why she was losing track of what exactly she had with David, which was simply a contract. That’s what she was, a contracted bride, the sooner she got back on track, the better.


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