The Taming (The Black Thunder Series) (38 page)






the Language



ut it all back boys!”  Jack gave his order to Dustin and the other ranch hands.

“What do you mean
put it all back
?” asked Dustin as he scratched his head. “We just moved her out ‘cause she’s leaving.”

“Kate’s staying,” declared Jack gleefully.

Dustin sighed and rolled his eyes. “I wish you two would make up your mind,” he grumbled. “She’s staying, she’s leaving, she’s staying. I want a raise, yah hear me Jack. I’m a ranch hand, not a mover.”

“Just do it,” Jack barked his order
. “And I’ll give you a raise.”

“How much?” asked Dustin.

“A dollar more an hour.”

“I want two.”

“Fifty cents,” said Jack as his eyes narrowed.

“I’ll take the dollar,” frowned Dustin.

“I knew you were reasonable, boy.” Jack gloated and patted him on the back.

returned to the house and found Kate folding laundry.

“Dustin says he’ll bring the boxes and your clothes back,” said Jack as he leaned against the washer
. “But it cost me a dollar raise for him to agree.”

“I’m sorry,” Kate cringed.

“I’m not. It’s worth every penny,” said Jack as he trailed the thin line of freckles on her nose with his finger.

“He must think we’re crazy,”
she said.

“Nah,” he lied
. “He was a good sport about it.”

“I’m glad,” said Kate relieved.

“Are you hungry?”

“No, why are you?” She already knew the answer.

“I’m starved,” he said. “I haven’t eaten all day.”

“Well that’s an easy fix
.” She stopped folding and placed the basket on top of the dryer. “I’ll make you lunch.”

“I wasn’t hinting for you to make it,”
he said. “I do know how to fend for myself, but I was hoping you’d join me.”

Jack led her into the kitchen
. He motioned for Kate to sit at the table. He made two ham sandwiches and joined her.

“You sure you don’t want one?” he asked before taking a bite.

“I ate already,” said Kate.

wasn’t sure if he believed her knowing there was not a lick of food in the fridge at the carriage house. “Why do I get the feeling you’re lying to me,” he grinned as he took a bite of his sandwich.

“I did eat,” Kate restated again
. “I stopped in Virginia City and had a hot dog and some fudge.”

“You went sight-seeing?”

“I went shop-browsing.” She corrected him.

“They are mostly tourist traps,” said Jack
. “Except for the boot shop.”

“Those boots are pricey.”

“A good boot is worth its weight in gold,” Jack informed her. “They’re made well and they last. Did you find one you liked?”

“I did, but I didn’t get it,” said Kate as she picked up Jack’s other sandwich and took a bite.

“We’ll go back this weekend and get you a good fitted boot,” he said as he watched her polish off the sandwich she was too full to eat. “You need something proper to wear on your feet other than sandals.”

“Yes, Jack,”
She couldn’t help but grin hearing the old Jack resurface.

“I’m doing it again, aren’t I?” He heard his own words.

“Kind of,” she giggled. “But it’s okay.”

“It is?” Now he
looked really confused.

“Jack, I like that you’re a strong take-charge kind of guy,” said Kate
. “You just need to learn not to push so hard and be so overbearing that you run me over.”

shook his head and finished his sandwich before Kate had a chance to claim it as well. “I’m overbearing,” he repeated her words as he tilted his head arching a brow. “Does that bother you all the way around?”

“I don’t understand,”
she said, sensing he was fishing, but what he was fishing for she hadn’t a clue.

“Well right about now, I’m thinking I want to touch you, Kate,” said Jack in a serious tone
. “Normally I would just tell you to come here.”

It was a simple request and Kate was figuring out his love language. “I kind of like when you’re overbearing in that department.” She gave him a sheepish smile.

“Well now you’re really confusing the hell out of me.” He ran his fingers through his hair as his frustration grew. “How am I supposed to know when you like it and when you don’t?”

“I’ll tell you when I don’t like it.”

Jack felt like a mouse trapped in a crazy science experiment, getting shocked for every wrong turn until he found the cheese. “That gives you all the power,” he frowned.

“Yes, I know, and I’m going to enjoy every minute of it,” she said knowing it was not going to last long.

“I don’t like it,” he pouted as he watched her take his plate to the sink, rinse it off and put it in the dishwasher.

Kate grabbed the laundry basket and walked upstairs
. She put away the clean clothes just as Dustin and two ranch hands entered her bedroom carrying her boxes.

“You want us to unpack
?” He asked her.

“No, I’ll do it,” she said.

They placed the boxes in the middle of the room and left. Kate went to work once more returning her clothes to the drawers. Jack entered the bedroom and flopped on the bed.

“You want to know what I missed the most?” he said.

“What?” she asked as she began to work on the second box.

“I missed all your smelly, female junk in the bathroom.”

“I wasn’t gone that long,” she laughed.

“It felt like forever.”

“That’s sweet.” Kate walked over to him and bent down and gave him a quick kiss. She went to walk away, but Jack reached for her hand.

“Come here, Kate,” he said in a loving tone
. “Please, I just want to hold you.”

sat on the edge of the bed beside him. Jack placed his arms around her waist and pulled her close, then rolled her on her back and pressed against her. He kissed her sweetly, parting her mouth and savoring her lips, her tongue. He parted from her mouth and stared into her eyes.

“This is what I missed the most,” he whispered
. “The thought of never feeling you again killed me inside. I love you, Kate.” Before she had a chance to respond he kissed her again, wrapping his arms around her head, covering her with his flesh.

Jack felt a presence at the door and heard a loud cough
. Dustin and the other ranch hands were nervously standing at the door holding more boxes. “Don’t you knock?” he barked.

“The door was open,” said Dustin getting more uncomfortable by the minute.

“What are you staring at?” He was getting annoyed.

, nothing-” Dustin’s eyes darted from the bed to the floor. “Where do you want the boxes?”

“Put them in the hall,” Jack ordered
. “And close the door behind you.”

“Whatever you say boss
.” Dustin closed the bedroom door, laid the boxes in the hall, and ran like hell.

“Now where was I?” Jack turned his attention back to Kate.

“You were being all soft and snuggly on me,” she grinned.

“To hell with all this soft shit,” he growled
. “I’m going to love you, and I’m going to love you hard, baby.”

“Oh thank God,” Kate rejoiced as Jack practically ripped off her clothes.

He quickly discarded his own. Jack pressed her body into the mattress as he seized her hands and lifted them over her head. In one swift move he parted her legs wide with the muscular strength of his own. Kate gasped as he entered her deeply and began thrusting inside her. He nipped at her bottom lip with his teeth as a growl escaped his lips.

“You may hold the power outside, but not in here, not in our bed,” he said in a hoarse growl that made Kate instantly wet
. “I have the power, and its right between your legs. You in agreement with me, baby?” He slammed into her hard again as she cried out, sweet pleasure erupting within her.

“Yes, Jack,” she swooned
. “Oh God, yes!”

He claimed her with his mouth, driving his tongue deep inside her
. He heard her soft moans in his throat. It excited him further when he heard her call his name in sweet agony as he brought her to climax again.

Jack flung his arm underneath her, lifting her buttocks so his
penetration would go further. He groaned feeling her tightening around him. He needed, more like he wanted, to climb up inside her and seal her to him. Jack lifted her leg and swung it over his shoulder, he felt all control slip away as he went deeper and deeper into her. Kate cried out in a world of climatic frenzy, feeling him so deep she didn’t know where she ended and he began. All she knew was that she wanted more of him. Jack continued his delirious assault, stirred on by the sound of beating flesh.

“Come on, baby
. Come for me one more time,” he growled at her. “I’m so close.”

He slapped himself into her again and again with Kate squirming beneath him
. He dug his fingers into her fleshy bottom and pinned her tight against him until she was unable to move.

“Oh, Jack,” Kate cried out his name and exploded inside.

That was all Jack needed to hear. He picked up his pace thrusting in and out and finally his release came. “Kate,” he shouted as he scrunched up his face and clenched his teeth, coming deep inside her.

Jack released her leg and fell against her, covering her head in his arms
. He was still breathing heavily, his body sensitive to every sensation. Kate felt spent, unable or willing to move, pressed against the mattress covered in Jack’s flesh.

“This is what we do best, baby,” he whispered in her ear
. “This is how I get to love you.”

He lifted his head and their eyes met still smoldering from the past moments heat
. He kissed her sending another heady rush throughout her body. Kate felt him hardening again inside her. A slow mischievous grin slid across his lips. “I think we got ourselves a bonus round.”

It was Kate’s turn to grin
. “Take me, Jack,” she grabbed his hair with her hands and pulled him down to her lips. “And be as overbearing as you want.”

“Are you sure?” his eyes began to smolder hotter
. “’Cause I can be very overbearing if you want me to be.”

“I want you to be
.” She released a feminine growl of her own. “Do whatever you want to me because I belong to you.”

“Why you little cheat!” he grinned and began thrusting inside her again.

She closed her eyes and began to lose herself in the pleasure.

“Open your eyes, baby, ‘cause I want you to watch what I’m
going to do to you.”

Kate opened her eyes as a rush of sweet liquid ran through her belly
. He loomed over her and wickedly grinned.

“I’m going to teach you how to ride Kate,” he said in an earthy growl
. “And we aren’t going to stop ‘til you get it right.”

“I know how to ride.”

“Not the way I’m going to show you,” he said making her breath quicken. Jack jerked his arms under her back and rolled them until she was on top. “Sit up baby, and hold onto my hips with your thighs.”

Kate sat up and felt his hardness go deeper within her
. She pressed her thighs against his hips.

“Tighter,” he commanded.

Kate pressed harder feeling her thigh muscles begin to shake.

“That’s it
. Now lean back,” he watched her do as she was told. “Place your hands on your head and don’t let go or I’ll tie them there.”

felt a tightening in her belly hearing his threats. She placed her hands on her head. “Now, ride me.”

Kate moved up and down as Jack pulsed upward.

“Slam yourself on me baby, then lift slightly,” he commanded her as Kate did yielded to his instruction. “Oh, that’s better. You got a good rhythm going. Keep it up and don’t stop.”

was getting lost as her body began to fill with heat. She closed her eyes, feeling a surge run between her legs.

“Open your eyes and watch me,” Jack growled.

Kate opened her eyes as Jack placed his hands by her buttocks, lifting her up and down creating a faster rhythm. “Faster baby, and slam me deep.” Jack groaned when she complied.

He watched her bite her lower lip and he almost came unglued
. He worked her hard, moving her up and down against him, feeling a wild raging need to be consumed by her. Kate’s hands lowered, slipping through her hair.

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