The Three "Only" Things: Tapping the Power of Dreams, Coincidence, and Imagination (30 page)

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Aas (Norway)

Aboriginal Australians

Big Stories of,

dreaming in culture of,

imaginative power of,

Aboulker-Muscat, Colette,

“accidental sagacity,

active images,

Aelius Aristides,


Aeveum, the,

Agassiz, Louis,

aircraft, dreams and,

airplane flights author's Three Only Things experiences on,

coincidences during,

Trickster energy during,

Alam al-Mithal (“Realm of Images”),

Albertus Magnus,

Allen, Marc,

alopecia areata,
dream imagery as cure for,


(true dream),

Amaterasu story,

Amour fou, L'


Andaman islanders,

animals in dreams,

messages from,

as signs,


Appian of Alexandria,

Aragon, Louis,

Arbre aux Dames, L' (Domrémy, France),


Artemidoris of Daldis,



Augustus (Roman emperor),

Australian Aborigines

Big Stories of,

dreaming in culture of,

imaginative power of,


Bach, Johann Sebastian,

Balzac, Honoré de,

Bastien-Lepage, Jules,

Baudelaire, Charles,


Beethoven, Ludwig van,

Berlin, Isaiah,


Big Stories,

of Australian Aborigines,

in Japanese mythology,

journal keeping for,

personal, being caught by,

plot themes in,

power of,

Scheherazade story,

bin Laden, Osama,

birds, messages from,

Blacker, Carmen,

blocks, picturing of,

body, imagination and,

Book of Changes.
I Ching (Book of Changes)

Book of Dreams
(Ibn Abi al-Dunya),

book-skimming game,

Born, Max,

Breton, André,

Briggs, John,



Burch, Wanda,

Burnham, Burnham,


Calpurnia (Caesar's wife),

Campbell, Joseph,

Cardan, Jerome,

car radio game,

Carse, James,

Cash, Johnny,


Cecil, William,

C.G. Jung Institute (Zurich, Switzerland),

Chaconne (Bach),

Chardonnet, Hilaire de,

Charlottesville (VA), author's experience on flight to,

Chateau of Clos Luce (Amboise, France),

Cherry, Marc,


healing images from,

imagination as place and,

spirit of play and,

child mind,

Chinese medicine,

Churchill, Clementine,

Churchill, Winston attitude toward failure,

author's coincidental experience involving,

historical imagination of,

historical parallel with Hitler,

as pilot, wife's dream involving,

precognitive dream of,

as visionary leader,

Churchill: A Life

Civil War

dreams and Underground Railroad,

dream trackers during,


“Clipper of the Clouds” (Verne),

Clos Luce Chateau (Amboise, France),


causation and,

claiming power of,


divination and,

double magnets for,

emotion and,

etymology of,

hidden hand in,

historical parallelisms and,

mental telegraphy and,

psychokinesis and,

rhyming sequences,

routine dismissal of,


setbacks as opportunities,

symbolic value of,

synchronicity and,

See also
coincidence, nine rules of

coincidence, nine rules of,

  1. There are things that like to happen together,
  2. Thoughts are actions and produce effects,
  3. Coincidence multiplies when we are in motion,
  4. Life rhymes,
  5. The world is a forest of symbols,
  6. Every setback offers an opportunity,
  7. To find our way, we may need to get lost,
  8. Look for the hidden hand,
  9. Passions of the soul work magic,

Coincidence Card Game,

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor,

Columbus, Christopher,

community vision, building (imagination building exercise),

Conrad, Klaus,

Corbin, Henry,


See also

courage, from dreams,

creation myths,

creative flow,

creativity, dreams and,

children and,


technological development and,


Crime and Punishment

“crossed letters” phenomenon,

cryptography, dreams and,


Dante Alighieri,

dead, the

dreams of,

as hidden hand,

death dream,

Dee, John,

Deep End of the Ocean, The

Dehanneau, Matthieu,

Democracy in America


Desperate Housewives
(TV series),

Deutsch, David,

diagnostic dreams,


divorce, dreams and,

Doctor, Sam and Marybeth,

Dossey, Barbara,

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor,

Drake, Francis,

dream games,

children and,

creativity and,

dream reentry,

Lightning Dreamwork Game,

for nightmares,

dream healing,

dream home, building (imaginationbuilding exercise),

dream incubators,

dreaming, nine powers of,

  1. We solve problems in our sleep,
  2. Dreams coach us for future challenges and opportunities,
  3. Dreams hold up a magic mirror to our actions and behavior,
  4. Dreams show us what we need to do to stay well,
  5. Dreams are a secret laboratory,
  6. Dreams are a creative studio,
  7. help us to mend our divided selves,
  8. Dreaming is a key to better relationships,
  9. Dreams recall us to our larger purpose,

dream interpreters,

dream maps,

dream masters,

dream music,

dream reentry,


action required for,

as awakening,

benefits of,

claiming power of,

of the dead,

death dream,





etymology of,

forgotten contract,

going back inside, ,


higher purpose through,

as intelligence,

interpretation of,


“legs in cement,”

as mirror,

“old place,”

personal relationships improved through,


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