The Trip to Echo Spring (37 page)

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Authors: Olivia Laing

my father's blow-it-all
. . .': John Berryman, ‘Eleven Addresses to the Lord',
Collected Poems 1937–1971,
p. 219.

He was perfectly ready
. . .': John Berryman,
p. 242.


But he was a brilliant poet
. . .': John Cheever, in Blake Bailey,
Cheever: A
, p. 513.

Yes, but he was also a phony
. . .' Carole Kitman, interviewed by Blake Bailey, in ibid., p. 513.

came out of prison 20 pounds lighter
. . .': John Cheever,
p. 317.

Sauced, I speculate
. . .': John Cheever,
p. 285.

How strange to be carried
. . .': John Cheever,
p. 822.

he saw that he had lost his fear of falling':
ibid., p. 827.

wonder if I have the courage
. . .': John Cheever,
p. 300.

a purification, a period of suffering
. . .': Joan Didion, ‘Falconer',
New York Times,
6 March 1977.

mix myself a gin and vermouth
. . .': John Cheever, Berg Collection.

am not better than the next man
. . .': John Cheever,
p. 321.

wallow, smear, engorge myself
. . .': John Cheever, in Blake Bailey,
Cheever:A Life,
p. 472.

brought on by my anxious and greedy
. . .': John Cheever to Ray Mutter, in ibid., p. 403.

To be confirmed
. . .': John Cheever, Berg Collection.

He was drunk
. . .': Raymond Carver, ‘My Father's Life',
Fires: Essays, Poems, Stories
(Vintage 1983), pp. 14–18.

to preserve Ray's opportunity
. . .': Maryann Burk Carver,
What It Used To Be Like: A Portrait of My Marriage to Raymond Carver
(St Martin's Griffin, 2006), p. 65.

I was in my late twenties
. . .': Raymond Carver, ‘The Art of Fiction No. 76',
Paris Review.

sucking brandy from a bottle
. . .': Maryann Burk Carver,
What It Used to Be Like,
pp. 286–7.

In 1977 he was tall
. . .': Richard Ford, ‘Good Raymond',
New Yorker,
5 October 1998.

All three letters from Raymond Carver to Gordon Lish quoted here were published as ‘Letters to an Editor',
New Yorker,
24 December 2007.

I'm 45 years old today
. . .': Raymond Carver, ‘Where Water Comes Together with Other Water',
All of Us,
p. 63.

have a poor
. . .': Raymond Carver, ‘Fires',
Fires: Essays, Poems, Stories,
pp. 29–39.

think my problems enforce my drinking':
John Cheever,
p. 297.

and then . . . something: alcohol
. . .': Raymond Carver, ‘Alcohol',
All of Us,
p. 10.

Keep believing in me
. . .': Raymond Carver, ‘Wenas Ridge', ibid., p. 75.

Stop gouging me, you bastard
. . .': Raymond Carver, ‘Nobody Said Anything',
The Stories of Raymond Carver
(Picador, 1985), pp. 42–54.

I've never felt godlike
. . .': John Cheever, ‘The Art of Fiction No. 62',
Paris Review.

the galling loneliness
. . .': John Cheever,
p. 77.

I got six clams in the river
. . .': Ernest Hemingway,
Selected Letters,
p. xiii.


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