The Troll King (The Bowl of Souls Book 9) (50 page)


“I never agreed to Sally,” Elise said darkly.


He soon had the door open and they went inside. Nod palmed a light orb set into the wall and the room was illuminated. Elise let out a pleased sigh. It was quaint. Not up to royal standards, but well furnished.


She sat down in a plush chair that sat across from the fireplace and groaned. “Please tell me we are staying here for a while, Nod.”


“Sorry, Sally. That, we ain’t. We’re doing a little pilferin’ and then we’ll be on our way,” Nod licked his lips and started looking around. “Folks come home to a place like this anyways. No sense gettin’ ourselves caught. I’ve done my share of murderin’ in the master’s name, but it’s always to be avoided if possible.”


Elise whimpered. “At least let me take a short nap while you look.”


“Oh! Sorry again. Here we are.” The man reached under a workbench at the back of the room and pulled out a chest. He opened it with a small creak. “Hello hello. Ooh, so many pretty trinkets here. Ain’t allowed to touch most of ‘em though. Ah! Here it is!”


Elise looked over as he pulled out a small white orb, then shut the chest and carefully put it back where it was. “What is that?”


“Don’t rightly know, but I can tell you this, Sally. It’s an item of great power. The voice tells me so.”


He tossed it to her and Elise caught it by reflex. She looked closer at it and grimaced. It was a white moonrat eye. “Why does the Dark Prophet want this?”


“Don’t rightly know,” he said with a wink. “But I think it’s about time we brung it to him. Don’t you?”





The Bowl of Souls series will continue in




The Jharro Grove Saga: Book Five




Coming 2016






Also, keep an eye out for the first novel in a new series called,
Noose Jumpers.




It is a fantasy western and book one is due out winter of 2015.




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