The Tycoon and his Honey Pot (12 page)

Maybe one day he
would allow her to explain.  He just hoped to God he had worked through his
anger before it was too late and he destroyed every chance they ever had at a

By Friday a
week later, Brooklyn had reached the edge of despair.  Mason did not let up on
his anger.  It was as if his anger intensified with each passing day.  Not a
day went by that he did not make love to her.  More often than not he took her
in his office, in the same degrading position and exulted in her cries of
passion when her climax shook her, no matter how hard she tried not to respond
when he did.

could not get enough of her, but now, he did not take so much care to please
her anymore.  He made a point of denying her a release at least once every
second day.  No matter how much she cried and begged, his resolve did not
weaken, but he would hold her in his arms, stroking her back until the shivers
of desire dissipated and she fell asleep in his arms.

did not know how much longer she would be able to hold back her desire for him,
the wantonness cried to be released when he pulled her under him and surge
inside her, the meekness with which she accepted his treatment of her.  She
hated every moment of his lovemaking; hated it, because he did not give
anything of himself.  He kept himself closed off, he drew responses from her
and found his release every time, but there was no warmth, no feeling, no
emotions in his touch … and she died a little inside every time.

moved around the house listlessly.  They left the office around noon already. 
Mason walked in dressed for golf.  He was on his way to play nine rounds with
Tiaan and Charles.  He frowned when he noticed her slumped shoulders.

about we go to the track tomorrow?  I am sure you are itching for a few laps in
that red baby of yours.”

stiffened and looked out towards the sea.  “I sold the Camaro.”


heard me.”


does it matter?  She’s … gone.”

cursed, walked up to her and hauled her around.  Her eyes swam with tears and
he repeated the curse and drew her into his arms, tenderly soothing her hair.

honey?  You loved that car.”

just shook her head, turned away and ran upstairs to their room.  He looked
after her and drew his phone from his pocket, scrolling down until he found Michael’s


did she sell her car to?”

was silent at first pondering the repressed anger he could hear in Michael’s

bought it.”

Why did she sell it?  She loved that car!”

assume you asked her.”

but she started crying and ran off.  Tell me!”

my friend, I interfered too much already.  She must be the one to tell you. 
But for her to do that, you will have to allow her the opportunity to tell you
why she did what she did.”

gritted his teeth.  “Just tell me when.  When did she sell it to you?”

Sunday after she spent the first night with you.”

felt as if a knife gutted his stomach.

… I want that car back for her, Mickey.”

sighed.   “It is still hers.  I paid her the money, but I just could not do the
transfer of ownership.”


laughed.  “Well … I see there is hope for the two of you yet!” 

named the amount and Mason promptly went to his study to transfer the funds to
Michael.  Agreeing that he would bring the ownership papers with on Sunday when
he brought his parents to lunch.

With a much lighter
mood, he got in his SUV and drove to the golf course.

Brooklyn wiped
the tears furiously from her cheeks and having made a decision, grabbed her
handbag and ran downstairs.  She groaned when she encountered Liza at the
bottom of the stairs.

am running into town quickly, Liza.  Is there anything you need?”

thank you, but don’t be long, Mason said he is taking you out to dinner and you
must dress up.”

smiled at the beaming woman, grabbed the keys to the SUV Mason told her was for
her use.  It was just after two by the time she reached the mainland on the
ferry directly to Long Island and felt the adrenaline pulse through her veins
as she drove to the Bethel Motor Speedway course where there was an
afternoon-evening race being held.

froze when she sauntered into the pit where he was busy doing the final QC
checks on Lucas’s Bentley.  She rushed to him and jumped into his arms and
hugged him.

What are you doing here?”

eyes shone in anticipation.  “I was hoping you would let me race the Camaro
once or twice?  Please!”

frowned down at her, not sure if this was the right thing to do.  Her eyes were
too bright, her body too tightly wired and he worried she would be reckless on
the track in her current state of mind.

is Mason?”

sighed and snapped.  “We are not bound by the hip!  He is playing golf with

he know you are here?”

slammed her fists in her waist and glared at him.

is not my master and I do not have to ask his permission to do anything!”

sighed and gestured to one of his pit hands.  This race track was the basis for
the Hadley team and all their cars were stored here as well as the Camaro.

eyes brightened when her beautiful red baby came to a stop next to her.  She
did not even bother to dress in the usual drivers gear and grabbed a helmet. 
Michael’s hand closed over her shoulder and he shook his head.

know the rules, Bee.  No gear, no ride.  Go and change.”

grumbled at him, but turned to grab the coveralls Lucas held out to her and she
rushed to the changing rooms.

she went around the track the second time both Lucas and Michael winced and
fear grip him around his heart.  She drove as if the devil was chasing her and
only slowed slightly every time he yelled at her. 

she nearly clipped the car ahead of her when she overtook him, Michael had
enough and called Mason, who answered on the second ring.

Michael … sounds as if you’re at the track?”

… it’s one of those afternoon-evening rac … shit … slow down!  Sorry, Mason,
but you better get here.”

felt a band tighten around his heart and he battled to breathe.

tell me she is on the track?”

and driving as if the devil is chasing her!  Bee … slow the hell down!  She is
not listening to me, Mason!”


track as the last time.”

there a place I can land the chopper?”

there is a helipad just off the side of the track.”

on my way.  Mickey … try and keep her calm.”

snorted, “Easier said than done!  If I could, I wouldn’t have phoned you!”

Chapter Eleven

Michael and
Lucas looked at each other when Mason arrived less than thirty minutes later. 
He only nodded at them in greeting and took the earphones from Michael and
hooked it over his ear, his eyes glued on the racing red Camaro.

jaw was rigid and his mouth tightened in a thin line when Brooklyn overtook one
of the back ended cars at top speed, causing the driver to pull the steering
wheel sharply and the car to spin.

I suggest you ease your foot of that pedal and quickly.”  His voice was
deceptively calm.

are you doing here?  I thought you were playing golf?”

was and winning as well, so I am highly annoyed at having to leave my winning
streak and the only relaxation I’ve had in a year interrupted to come here.”

asked you!”


cursed.  “He had no right!”

thing he did too.  I believe you have learned well over the past week that I do
not make idle threats, honey.  Ease your foot off that pedal and slow down.”

spite, she took her foot off completely and the car slowed to a near stop,
until she glanced in the rearview mirror, realizing in horror that the racer
behind her was nearly on top of her and with Mason yelling in her ear, shifted
down and rammed her foot on the gas pedal and the car shot forward.  She
gritted on her teeth as she nearly lost control of the car she was so shook up.
 She immediately pulled into the pit stop, gripped the steering wheel and glared
at Mason as he jumped from the platform and stalked towards her.

watched in amazement as both Michael and Lucas followed and ran past him to
reach her first and pulled her trembling body from the car.  Michael glared at

damn it, Bee!  Don’t come crying to me now … you asked for it!”

tried to push her behind them, but stepped away as Mason’s tightly wired body
stopped in front of them, his eyes black as the night, his jaw rigid and
clenched.  Michael still tried to pacify him, realizing that he was absolutely
livid with her.

… calm down first.”

looked at Michael and his voice was sharp as a shard of glass.

am perfectly calm.  Now … get out of my way.”

only realized then that what he said was true, he was absolutely calm, but he
was furious, even more so than when he realized who she was.  She turned and
made a beehive for the dressing rooms, but was caught around her waist before
she was even half way.  Her breath got cut off abruptly as his arm locked around
her stomach and he hauled her towards the bench to the one side.

sat down and pushed her face down over his knees and before she could complain
at the undignified position, his hand fell on her behind … hard … and again and
again, every time harder and she wailed at the burning pain.  He kept hitting
her until she pleaded, sobbed uncontrollably and cried brokenly, her soft
behind a ball of fire and throbbing in pain.

drew her upright and pulled her in his arms, gently holding her and forced the
anger to shimmer down inside him.  Yet, the picture of her nearly being slammed
into from behind kept playing in his mind and his hands tightened around her,
causing her to wince.

hate you!”  Her soft but passionate wail reached his ears.


hit me, Mason!”

sighed and stroked her hair.  “I gave you a hiding, I did not hit you.  There
is a difference!”

don’t see any difference!” 

eyes fluttered around and noticed everyone staring, some smiling and others
gesturing; she hid her face in his shoulder and wailed again.

in front of everyone!” 

smiled and realized she was more bothered about that than the burning of her
behind.  Which, judging by the fire in his hand, would bother her for many days
to come.  His arms tightened around her.

at me, honey.”

pulled her head from his chest and her teary eyes met his, but his flashed at
her, the anger still shimmered in their depths.

will not allow you to put your life in danger, Brooklyn.  And if this is how
you plan on racing, suffice it to say, this was your last race!”

… you have no right!”

you even realize that you caused someone else to spin off?  No?  I didn’t think
so.  Reckless and racing don’t go well together and I will not allow you on a
racetrack ever again if I see you racing like you just did!”

stiffened.  “You won’t allow?  You are not my keeper, Mason Sheppard!  I am my
own person and you will not tell me what I can and cannot do!” 

far as racing that specific car is concerned, I have every right.”

do you mean?”

bought it from Michael earlier.”

lips formed a wordless no and she struggled to get up, but his arms tightened
even more.   He patiently waited until she stopped struggling and with a soft
frustrated, scream settled back into his arms.  Her eyes shot daggers at him.

me go!”

eyebrows rose and he smiled inside himself.  This was his little spitfire he
has missed the past two weeks.  She meekly accepted his treatment of her, which
was what fed his anger even more.  He forced her down harder against his lap
and she gasped when she felt his arousal press hard and warm against her hip.

why would I do that, honey, when you fit me so very well?” 

lips nuzzled her neck and she tried to pull away, but with his arms so tight
around her she had nowhere to go.  His lips closed around the soft skin in the curve
of her neck and pulled it between his lips and ignored her “Nooo” as he sucked
the tender skin, marking her once again.  He lifted his head, his eyes were
half closed as he looked at the red mark he just made on her neck and felt a
deep sense of belonging.  His eyes rose and met her flashing ones.

me, Brooklyn.”

voice so soft, so warm it rushed through her blood.  She felt the heavy pulsing
in her neck where he just left his mark, and she couldn’t stop herself from
leaning into him.  Her lips met his and their tongues immediately dueled in a
passionate dance.  She broke away in embarrassment when the people around them
applauded and pushed her blushing face into his chest, groaning as it moved
with his chuckles.

rose and pushed her to her feet, turned her towards him, circling her cheeks
and looked deeply into her eyes.

me you will take care when you get in that car, Brooklyn.  I need to know I can
trust you when I am not around to drive with skill and precision … not reckless

realized just how reckless she was when he mentioned her causing someone to
spin out and nodded.


you are angry at me, you take it out on me … you do not take it out on the race
track.  Is that clear, Brooklyn?”


leaned closer and kissed her again, softly and tenderly at first, deep and
passionate when she opened for him. 

lounged back against the Camaro, relaxed for the first time since Brooklyn’s
involvement with Mason. He clearly knew how to handle her and he was happy that
they found each other.  He chuckled, recalling the telephone conversation he
had with his parents last week after Mason visited them and informed them that
Brooklyn was moving in with him; something he was still amazed at.  He as much
as told his parents that he had sex with her and that he would not let her go,
no matter what. Totally unfazed about their reaction to that piece of news!  His
father rapped him over the knuckles for not warning them about the
relationship, but Michael assured them they had nothing to worry about.

They decided to reserve
their opinion until after the lunch this weekend.  His mother confident in her
ability to read people and would wait until she saw them together on whether
she accepted his claim on her daughter.

Brooklyn woke
up on Sunday feeling very stressed.  She was still angry at Mason for giving
her a hiding in full view of a packed racing pit and still winced every time
she sat down.

has never met his parents and did not know what to expect.  Michael was no help
whatsoever in as far as giving her information about them.  Mason was still
sleeping when she went downstairs to start the preparation for the barbeque
they planned and found Liza already busy. 

Liza.  Why are you so early this morning?”

tsk’ed and smiled.  “I have to help you of course.  I figured if we started
early everything will be done by the time your guests arrive and you can all
relax and enjoy the visit.”

smiled gratefully at her.  She was a good cook, her mother made sure of that,
but this was a first for her … to be solely responsible for entertaining such a
group of people.  Mason insisted on the barbeque, so it made the planning very
easy. The side dishes were a variety of salads, breads and a very popular
potato dish.  For desert she made a fresh fruit salad with a fresh tangy sauce.

walked into the kitchen an hour later and pulled her into his arms, leaning
over to kiss her on her lips.

don’t like waking up with empty arms, honey.” He nuzzled her neck and when his
lips tugged on the spot where he marked her on Friday she quickly pushed out of
his arms, turning on him with a huff.

no you don’t!  I remember very well what Tiaan said about those marks and this
one is still very visible!  How am I going to hide it from your mother?”

chuckled and looked at her, his eyes serious.

would you want to?  It has not bothered you till now that I mark you and you
have not hidden it from anyone.  What makes them so different?”

our parents!”

we’re grown-ups.  At least I informed your parents of my intentions before the
time!”  His eyes twinkled.

you give my parents the same courtesy, Brooklyn?”

gaped at him.  “You … you … I’ve never even met them!  Oh, God!  This is going
to be a disaster!”

laughed and hugged her tight, his anger for now, buried under his anticipation
of his parents reaction towards her.

honey, they will love you and even if they don’t, it doesn’t matter.”

can you say that?  If they don’t like me, we … our fu …”

swallowed what she was about to say, remembering their current circumstances. 
He was right, it wouldn’t matter.  At this point, she did not even know what
tomorrow held in store for them, let alone the future.

eyebrows rose and he looked at her and hardened his heart at her obvious
distress.  He might have temporarily pushed his anger aside, but it has not
been forgotten, and it was good that she remembered.

am the only one that should matter to you, Brooklyn.  Make right by me … and
nothing else matters.”

want to, but you won’t let me!”

expression became closed and he turned to walk outside, regret in his eyes.

is not the time.”

and Brooklyn made a good team and she had ample time to take a shower, wash her
hair and get ready for their guests.  She went downstairs, dressed in a white
flowing sundress that hugged her curves wherever it touched and white thongs on
her feet.  She felt fresh and actually started looking forward to the day.

walked out to the patio where Mason had set out the gas barbeque and was busy
preparing welcome cocktails for the guests.  He looked up when she walked
through the door and he stopped breathing.  With the flowing white sundress she
looked beautiful and he had a flash of how she would look on their wedding day.

that … their wedding day!  Yes, she was his and that has never changed.  When
he told her he would never let her go, that was what he intended … for her to
be his wife … and even though he was still angry and disappointed with her …
that has not changed.

dropped what he was doing and walked up to her, caught her in his arms and locked
his lips urgently over hers.  He kissed her with so much fervor she battled to
breath, but as always he ignited the heat inside her and she pressed even
tighter against him. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she kissed him back. 
He groaned against her lips and his hands gripped her buttocks to pull her up
and hard against his rising erection.

… seems I am forever the one to remind you there are other people around,
brother dear!”

chirpy voice reached them through the passionate haze and Mason groaned loudly,
ending the kiss slowly and looked deeply into her eyes.  His hand lifted and tenderly
stroked her cheek, before he reluctantly drew away and turned to his brother.

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