Read The Tycoon's Reluctant Bride Online

Authors: Jenn Roseton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Contemporary Fiction, #Sagas, #Romance

The Tycoon's Reluctant Bride (4 page)

She plucked up her courage. “Where are we going for our,” she swallowed, “honeymoon?”

“To my ranch in Wyoming. It’s near a small town called Elk View Corner. It’s a bit rustic, but I’ve already arranged for Carol, my brother’s housekeeper, to get it ready for us.”

Your brother?”

Garrett. He lives on the neighboring ranch. He’s on
honeymoon at the moment. Lake Como.”

How many brothers do you have?” she asked curiously.

Four.” He grinned, his white teeth flashing. “I’m the eldest.”

Laura realized that was the most information Alex had given her about himself since they’d met.

“Do you have any siblings?” He watched intently for her answer.

She shook her head. “No.” Most of the time she hadn’t minded being an only child when she was young. She’d enjoyed helping her parents in the kitchen and learning to cook. But sometimes, she’d wished she had a brother or sister to play with, especially when her parents were busy and she read or played on her own.

Laura narrowed her eyes as a thought occurred to her. Alex had only proposed to her five days ago, but already he’d arranged a pre-nup, the wedding date and now the honeymoon.

You’ve arranged everything very quickly,” she ventured, watching his expression.

He surprised her. “I hoped you’d say yes.” For just a second, she thought she’d caught a glimpse of vulnerability on his face, and then it vanished.

Her heart melted. She had to admit, this man intrigued her, and actually wanted to marry her. When was the last time a guy was so interested in her?

Panic slivered through her. What if, on their honeymoon … she didn’t want to finish the thought. What if … he didn’t like her curves? Her soft, naked, hourglass body?

“Something wrong?” He looked at her in concern.

Laura realized what she was thinking must have reflected on her face and forced a smile. “Nothing,” she said brightly.

He looked at her thoughtfully. “If you’re finished, I’ll show you the rest of the place.”

She glanced down at her dessert. To her surprise, most of the delicious dessert was gone. Did Alex have such an effect on her that she didn’t even remember eating the most decadent chocolate mousse she’d ever tasted?

“Sure.” She rose from the table and followed him into the kitchen. It almost rivaled her commercial kitchen for space and equipment.

Alex gestured at the large, gleaming refrigerator and double oven. “You might like to cook sometimes.”

Laura gazed at the kitchen counters, the gorgeous paneled cupboards and the double sink. It put the tiny kitchen in her apartment to shame. “It’s great.”

He nodded, then clasped her hand in his, guiding her though the living-room into a short hallway. Her hand felt dwarfed in his grasp, and she couldn’t escape a shiver of awareness at his touch.

“This is my study.”

Laura peered around the doorway into a generously proportioned room. A large mahogany desk, a leather executive chair and a computer graced the den. A photo of five good-looking men, including Alex, all with dark hair, hung on the wall, and she could see the family resemblance.

“Are they your brothers?” She stepped into the room and looked at the photograph.

Yeah.” He came up behind her, his breath almost tickling her neck. They stood like that for a moment, before Alex ushered her to a room at the end of the hall. “The guest room.”

A double bed took up the center of the room. Cream carpet, and soft green and blue tones completed the neutral look.

“Both the bedrooms have private baths,” he continued, grasping her hand once more as they walked a short way to the final room. “And this is the master bedroom.” He ushered her into the large room. A huge king-sized bed dominated the room, with a large walk-in closet and plush, royal-blue carpet. Matching rosewood nightstands stood next to each side of the bed.

This is where we’ll be sleeping.”

Laura couldn’t help noticing the emphasis he put on the word “we” and the fact that he hadn’t let go of her hand. She nodded, not sure what to say. This was all happening so fast!

He turned to look at her. “You can redecorate anything you like in the apartment.”

Thank you.” She tried to swallow as he gazed at her with his midnight eyes. The moment stretched, and for a second Laura thought he was going to lean in and kiss her. He didn’t. She couldn’t help the disappointment that flickered through her. Clearing her throat, she began, “Alex, about the pre-nup.”

What about it?” His eyes tracked the expression on her face.

I don’t want your money if we … divorce.” She didn’t realize until seconds later that she’d squeezed his hand.

You signed the pre-nup.”

It was a statement, not a question and she wondered if he’d been notified the instant she’d put down the pen after scrawling her name. “Yes.”

“It’s a binding contract, Laura.” His eyes were fathomless.

Yes, but--”

You’ll receive the money.” His voice was almost a growl.

She stared at him for a minute, then nodded reluctantly. Her heart panged with regret at his tone, that made it sound like their marriage failing was already a foregone conclusion.

“We’ll move you in when we get back from the honeymoon.” His fingers tightened momentarily on hers, reminding her that he was still in possession of her hand.

Should she give up her apartment? Or should she keep it? How long would the marriage last? Could she ask him such a question? Laura resolved to wait and see what happened after the

Her one-bedroom was in a nice block and conveniently close to King Royale headquarters
She didn’t want to give it up, only to find herself apartment hunting in a few months’ time because her marriage of convenience had suddenly imploded.

Laura?” He tilted her chin up to meet his gaze.

Yes?” She knew she sounded flustered, but the whole situation was surreal.
What have you gotten yourself into?

Any questions?”

She fleetingly thought he sounded a little unsure of himself and instantly dismissed the thought. Alex Trask couldn’t possibly be unsure of anything in his life
. She
was the one who kept questioning the wisdom of this … this marriage.

It was no use - she had to say something. "I don't understand why you want to marry me. Couldn't ... couldn't you--"

"As I said before," he interrupted, "your clients are far more likely to pay what they owe once they know you're my wife. Besides, I have my own reasons for doing things this way."

She bit her lip. By the forbidding frown on his face, the subject was now closed.

His eyes zeroed in on the small movement of her teeth attacking her plump
bottom lip. “Once we get back from the ranch, I’ll get to the bottom of your company’s problems,” he promised, guiding her back to the elevator.

She nodded, watching his strong, tanned finger press the button for the ground floor. Discreetly looking at him as they descended, Laura wondered if he would kiss her before the wedding ceremony tomorrow. It would be nice to be kissed, she mused, wondering just how long it had been. Her last disastrous date five months ago had
certainly not
ended in a goodnight embrace. In fact, she’d toyed with the idea of ducking to the ladies’ room and leaving the restaurant by the back way, but didn’t quite have the nerve.

Where would you like to be dropped off?” Alex inquired once he helped her into the town car. He reached for her hand again, as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do
She couldn’t deny the thrill that ran through her when he touched her.

Back to King Royale? She was glad for once they didn’t have any events booked, but doing the accounts was never ending, even with the downturn in business. With a jolt, she realized she had to buy a dress for tomorrow.
Her wedding gown.

She named the part of the city that several posh boutiques clustered together. Perhaps she would find something that would flatter her curves as well as be suitable for a hasty marriage.

Alex nodded and imparted the instructions to the driver, before the privacy panel slid into place.

Once again, they didn’t speak during the short journey. Laura wondered if this was what her married life would be like. Long silences and short conversations with the most attractive man she’d ever met.

She looked down at their entwined hands. Alex’s thumb stroked hers, but when she turned to look at him, he was staring out the window, seemingly lost in thought. Her pulse quickened, but she couldn’t help thinking, did he even know he was touching her like that?

They pulled up outside a ritzy enclave of shops. Alex turned to her. “Don’t forget I’m picking you up at ten tomorrow.”

“I won’t.” She cataloged his features - his dark brown eyes that looked almost jet-black, his straight nose, and firm lips. No five o’clock shadow yet. How on earth could he think she would forget she was getting married tomorrow? To him?

Good. Call my office when you’re finished shopping and Tony will pick you up and take you home.”

There’s no need--”

He leaned closer towards her, until only an inch of space separated them. “There’s every need, Laura.” His lips almost touched hers when he spoke. “You’re my fiancé.”

She held her breath, wondering if his lips would descend a few infinitesimal degrees closer. Would his kiss be--?

His lips brushed against hers, then again. Alex deepened the kiss until Laura realized she’d have to curl her arms around his neck or else she’d dissolve in a puddle of jelly. Her fingers trembled against his nape, her eyes closed tight as excitement quivered through her. When he finally released her lips, Laura tried to control her shredded breathing.

Alex rested his forehead against hers for a second, then shifted back against the seat. Reluctantly dropping her hands from his neck, she drew in a wobbly breath

Call Tony when you’re finished shopping,” he repeated, helping her out of the car.

Laura nodded. “Okay,” she acquiesced. After that wonderful kiss how could she deny him?


Laura studied her reflection once more. The ivory gown with its sweetheart neckline, and soft satin fabric and ballerina length skirt flattered her generous hourglass figure, for once making her look perhaps a little glamorous. She’d kept her make-up subtle. Laura usually didn’t wear much makeup if any, and she didn’t want to look like a clown on her wedding day - even if it was a hastily arranged marriage of convenience.

Her dark brown hair fell in shining waves to her shoulders. For once, her session with the curling iron had produced credible results. Turning around, she studied her backside. Even her bottom didn’t look too bad in this amazing dress.

She grimaced as she thought of the price tag. She’d almost fainted, and had gone to three other shops nearby in case she could find something similar and less expensive, but in the end she knew that this dress was the one she wanted. Hoping Alex wouldn’t mind the exorbitant price, she’d tried on the gown once again, in case she’d mistaken how well it fit her. She hadn’t.

He did say to buy
she reminded herself, admiring her reflection once more.

As well as the gown, Laura had bought a cute matching purse and elegant ivory pumps with pretty little bows. Since she was used to wearing flats all day when working, she didn’t want to risk falling over in an unfamiliar pair of heels. Although it would be nice, she thought, to one day be nearly tall as Alex, instead of five feet five. At times she felt dwarfed by his height.

The doorbell rang. She froze. Concentrating all morning on getting dressed, she’d conveniently shoved all her doubts to the back of her mind. Now they flooded back.

What on earth was she doing? She couldn’t marry Alex Trask. Even if
an expert kisser. A soft sigh escaped her at the memory of his lips against hers.
What would it be like to be intimate with Alex?

Don’t go there,
she ordered herself. But it was too late. She’d never been interested in casual relationships, which meant her sex life had been very quiet - for a long time.

Shaking her head as if to dislodge that thought, Laura gazed around her apartment, her eyes resting on the small suitcase by the bedroom door. Was it too late to back out?

If she didn’t marry Alex, what would happen?
My parents will lose nearly everything they’ve worked for and I’ll have let them down.

The doorbell rang again, this time more shrilly. Picking up her ivory purse and suitcase, Laura headed to the front door, nerves swirling in her stomach.

“Hi.” She almost stammered, gazing up at Alex, gorgeous and confident in a formal light gray suit, white shirt and robin’s egg blue tie.

Everything okay?” His dark eyes swept over her.

It was hard to tell from his expression what he was thinking. Did he think she looked good? It would be nice if he told her he liked her dress. After all, he did pay for it, she thought a little guiltily.

She pasted a smile on her face. “Yes.” Gesturing to the suitcase at her feet, she added, “I’m ready.”

Good.” Alex picked up her case and held out his other hand to her.

Placing her hand in his large, strong grasp, she shut the door behind her, checking it was locked. Before she could think about the fact that she was leaving her old life behind, Alex handed her suitcase to the driver and whisked her into the silver town car.

Her groom held her hand again once she’d settled herself against the luxurious leather seat. Laura decided to take comfort in that, and tried not to think that maybe he laced his fingers with hers so she wouldn’t get cold feet and decide to make a run for it.

Biting back a giggle that threatened to turn hysterical at the image of herself running through the streets of San Diego in her bridal gown, she was startled out of it by Alex squeezing her hand.

“Are you okay?” His eyes glinted with concern.

Warmth flickered through her and she took a deep breath. “I’m fine.” She smiled, relieved that it was the truth
When he looked at her like that, she could believe her own words. “I’m just a little nervous,” she confessed.

Everything will go smoothly,” he reassured her. “My assistant and her husband will be our witnesses.”

“Oh.” Laura hadn’t even thought about the necessity of witnesses. It would have been nice to have a couple of her close friends there, but it was Wednesday, which might have been awkward for her girlfriends to get time off work. Besides, she hadn't even had time to tell them she was getting married.

Helen has worked for me for the last ten years,” he continued. “Her husband’s recently retired but she says if she stayed at home all day she’d end up a golf widow.”

Appreciating the fact that he was sharing another facet of his life with her, however small, she smiled. “It will be nice to meet her,” she offered, wondering if Helen knew her boss and his bride were practically strangers to each other.

“I’m sure you two will get on fine.” He stroked his thumb over her knuckles, a trail of  anticipation fluttering in her belly as she thought of what would happen at the wedding ceremony. Would Alex kiss her again like he did yesterday? What would happen when they arrived in Wyoming?

Alex didn’t let go of her hand for the entire journey to the courthouse. When they arrived, he helped her out of the silver car. Passers-by barely glanced at them as she and her groom stepped towards the entrance.

Once inside, Alex whisked her into a room marked Reserved Trask
Plush red and gold tones greeted her eyes. A male officiant sat behind a desk, while a woman in her late fifties and a dapper man with gray hair and wearing a fawn suit sat in the small front row.

The woman jumped up, her companion likewise. “Alex, you look very elegant. And this must be Laura?” She held out her hand. “I’m Helen, Alex’s assistant.”

Laura smiled back at the other woman. “Hello.” Dressed in a smart jade suit, Helen looked grandmotherly and efficient at the same time.

And this is my husband Walt.”

Hello,” Laura murmured again, shaking the older man’s hand. Walt smiled, his eyes twinkling.

Shall we begin, Mr. Trask?” the officiant inquired.

Laura noticed a vase of beautiful deep pink roses on the desk and realized she hadn’t even thought of a wedding bouquet. It would have been nice, she thought wistfully, to have a posy of her own.

“This is for you, dear.” Helen rummaged next to her chair and unsnapped a small cooler box. She held out a gorgeous bridal bouquet of soft pink and cream roses. “Alex wasn’t sure if you’d have time to organize one for yourself.”

Laura lifted her eyes from the flowers and looked at Alex. To her surprise, a small flush of red stained his cheekbones.

“Thank you.” She buried her nose in the fragrant blooms, appreciating the heady scent of myrrh.

Mr. Trask?” The officiant tried to get their attention.

Of course.” Alex held out his arm to Laura. “Ready?”

She gazed at him, her heart suddenly hammering. Was she ready to marry Alex? Laura
drew in a deep breath. She couldn’t back out now.

Nodding, she took his arm and they walked a few steps in front of the desk. The officiant stepped around the desk until he stood in front of them.

The short ceremony began. It was mostly a blur to Laura, until they came to the if anyone objects part. She fleetingly wondered if one of the slender women Alex had occasionally been photographed with would suddenly burst into the room, but the moment passed without incident.

They exchanged rings. Small diamonds studded her gleaming gold band while Alex’s was plain gold. When the officiant pronounced that Alex could kiss his bride, Laura’s knees started to tremble. He’d only kissed her once before - was she ready for Alex to kiss her in front of three strangers?

She was.
The moment he gathered her in his arms, she became lost to the world. His lips claimed hers, softly at first, and then with increasing hunger. Laura forgot there was anyone else in the room, until a soft “ahem” brought her back to reality.

Blinking, she clutched Alex’s shoulders to steady herself as he reluctantly loosened his embrace. Laura tried to stem the blush rising to her cheeks as they faced their witnesses.

“Congratulations, dear.” Helen kissed her cheek. “You too, Alex.” She winked at him.

Thanks, Helen. Walt.”

What are you two going to do now?” Walt inquired

Alex looked at his gold Rolex watch. “We’ve got a plane to catch. We’re going straight to my ranch for three nights.”

Laura blinked, a little surprised at his answer. She knew they were going to Wyoming that day, but surely not this very minute? No cake, no celebratory meal, not even a glass of fancy champagne? Although, she supposed, they did have one when she accepted his proposal. Her shoulders drooped for a second. She hadn’t even packed her favorite chocolate bar.

Lovely.” Helen smiled at them. “But make sure you give Laura time to catch her breath.”

I will,” Alex promised, looking down at his bride, tenderness and desire glinting in his eyes.

A rush of awareness ran through her. Maybe … maybe this marriage would be a success?

After thanking the officiant and saying goodbye to Helen and Walt, Alex guided Laura back to the town car. She stared down at her sparkling ring, tracing the elegant diamonds with the pad of her finger

How long will it take us to get to Wyoming?” She raised her eyes to meet his.

He took her hand. Laura wondered if Alex would hold her hand every time they were in a car. She wasn’t about to complain, though.

“About three and a half hours
Then a forty minute drive from the airport to the ranch.”

During the drive to the airport, Laura couldn’t stop thinking about tonight. Would Alex make a move on her? Would he expect to consummate the marriage tonight? What would she say?

Peeking at him from beneath her lashes, she caught her breath. She was married to this sexy man. But why had he married her? Surely a good-looking billionaire like Alex could have any woman he wanted. Why had he wanted to marry her? And what would he think when he caught his first glimpse of her body … nude?

She’d packed her prettiest lingerie, and had even splashed out yesterday and bought an elegant white silk nightgown today, using her own money, not Alex’s. Just in case …

But would he like her curves? Her ample breasts? Her soft, plump figure? Although she was on her feet a lot when catering parties, she needed to taste each dish in the kitchen to make sure it was perfect. And when she came home from a long day at work, the last thing she wanted to do was hit the gym.

What would Alex think when he saw her naked?

The thought haunted her all the way to the airport. She tried to shove it to the back of her mind, and finally succeeded when they pulled up outside a private area.

Alex ushered her out of the car and into a small office. “Hey, Mr. Trask.” A man with dirty blond hair greeted them. “The plane’s ready and waiting.”

“Good.” Alex nodded, looking pleased. “My wife and I will see you on board.”

His wife.

Panic hit her. She really was married to Alex. This wasn’t a surreal dream where she would wake up any second. Although it had seemed real for a second when he’d kissed her at the end of the ceremony, Alex referring to her as his wife brought it all home to her.

Till death do us part.

Or we divorce.
After all, hadn’t Alex planned for that contingency with the pre-nup?

Telling herself not to be silly, Laura blinked back the sudden moisture in her eyes. This was her wedding day. She was going to try and enjoy it.

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