Read The Ultimate Selection: Be Careful Who You Talk To Online

Authors: S. J. Wardell

Tags: #detective, #her last scream, #the hitman's guide to housecleaning, #midwiter sacrifice, #kerry wilkinson, #Crime, #psychological, #alex walters, #danielle ramsay, #james patterson, #ben cheetham, #detectivecrime, #police, #vigilante, #blood guilt, #trust no one, #simon kernick, #taunting the dead, #lee child, #jo nesbo, #killing floor, #rosamund lupton, #mel sherrat, #murder, #katia lief, #the faithless, #siege, #mark capell, #martina cold, #steig larsson, #michael connoelly, #locked in, #silent witness, #bloody valentine, #the enemy, #thriller, #mystery, #Mons kallentoft, #luther, #gritty, #patricial cornwell, #harry bosch, #stephen leather, #stuart macbride, #bloody, #london, #red mist, #hard landing

The Ultimate Selection: Be Careful Who You Talk To (21 page)

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Greg waited, surrounded by the darkness of the foliage. His thoughts traced back to the charade that he had watched on his television. He needed to block it out and remain focused on the task at hand. Control was everything. He watched intently as Valerie parked her car; his heart began to race. He continued to watch and wait until she had gone in to the building, allowing Valerie and Conrad enough time to occupy themselves.

His body started to shake as the adrenalin started to rush its way through his bloodstream. He could hear the echo of his own heartbeat as his nerves tried to kick in. The thrill was getting bigger every time.

Greg made his way across the road and in to the building. Once outside the main entrance, he used his snap gun to pick the lock. He was standing in the main hallway within seconds. He darted up the stairs, taking them two at a time, but stopped and smiled at the front door to Conrad's flat. Carefully, he placed his ear to the door, the noise coming from inside confirmed it was time for him to make his entrance. He quickly used the snap gun and, closing the door quietly behind him, Greg walked softly to the bedroom where Valerie was facing the bottom of the bed, with her back to Conrad, jumping up and down like a rodeo rider. Valerie opened her eyes for a split second, seeing Greg's silhouette, she stopped dead.

‘Let me give it to you from behind,' Conrad said, completely lost in his own pleasure, unaware of Valerie's reason for halting.

‘What?' Valerie was shocked at seeing their uninvited guest.

‘Please finish. I can wait,' Greg said calmly.

‘Conrad!' Valerie said, too shocked to be alarmed.

Conrad pushed Valerie off, and attempted to stand up as to confront Greg. Greg stepped forward and struck Conrad with the back of his fist. Conrad fell backwards onto the bed, then, without control, he slid awkwardly on to the floor.

‘Stay down,' Greg ordered.

‘I'll fucking kill you!' Conrad's threat fuelled with anger.

Greg calmly raised his right arm, aimed the taser gun at Conrad and squeezed the trigger. Two electrically-charged probes fired in to Conrad's abdomen causing him to convulse violently. His eyeballs rolled around until only the whites of his eyes were visible. Greg stepped forward and took a tube of pepper spray out from a compartment concealed in his belt and sprayed Conrad directly in his eyes. He released the trigger of the taser gun, stopping any further electrical discharge, turning the taser gun in Valerie's direction.

‘No, no, no! Please no!' she pleaded. Panic-stricken, she tried to hide behind one of the pillows that had been pushed up against the headboard.

‘Keep your voice down and I won't hurt you.' Greg's voice was chillingly controlled.

Conrad had now entered into a state of semi-consciousness. Valerie froze. She glanced at Conrad.

‘He can't help you now, Valerie.'

Greg put both items back in his suit and pulled out some zip ties. Conrad still had not recovered from the electric shock and was struggling to breathe as he passed out.

‘That makes that a little easier,' Greg said, as though it was all in a day's work for him.

Greg zipped Conrad's thumbs together and then his big toes. Greg then manoeuvred Conrad, laying him back on the bed next to Valerie. ‘Valerie, he's a big lad, isn't he?' Greg confirmed.

‘If you want money, my handbag is in the other room!'

‘Valerie Hope… Mrs Valerie Hope, please tell me how long you've been shagging Conrad behind your husband's back?'

‘What? Is he behind this? Has Brent paid you to do this?'

‘Mr Brent Hope has no idea. He doesn't know anything about this… yet!'

‘Who are you? What do you want?' Valerie was petrified and couldn't understand how this was happening.

‘Valerie, Valerie, Valerie… don't you watch the news? I'm all over the news at the moment. I'm the hot topic, the latest headline.'

‘What are you on about?'

‘Oh dear, Valerie. Let's wait for big boy to wake up first, I don't want to have to go through it all twice. Nice tits by the way. I bet Conrad has never thought to thank Brent for those.' Greg laughed.

‘Fuck off!' Valerie replied covering up. She was silent for a few moments whilst her mind raced. ‘Oh shit you're… you're…that bloke in the rubber suit aren't you? What is it they call you?' Tears began to drip off her chin.

‘They call me “The Ultimate”.'


‘I'm the person that will see that the scum that has been allowed to breed in our society is culled. I will make sure that the filth is cleaned and all the stains they have created are removed.'

‘Are you going to kill me?' she asked fearfully.

‘No, Valerie. I'm not going to kill anyone.'

Conrad began to move. His eyes were still burning. He was struggling to breathe. ‘Who the fuck sent you?' he murmured, his throat burning.

‘Oh good, I'm glad you could join us.'

‘Cocky fucker, aren't you?' Conrad barked in reply.

Greg walked over to the bed and raised his right leg, hovering the flat plain sole of his boot in front of Conrad's face.

‘You are not in a position to be speaking to me like that. Please don't make me hurt you.'

‘OK, OK,' Conrad humbled.

‘I am here to right all the wrong that you two have brought in to the world. I really feel for Brent, he is the victim here – so I'm victim support,' Greg laughed.

‘What?' Valerie asked, astounded.

‘This is a listening exercise Val, so shut the fuck up and listen. In a moment, I'm going to give Brent a call and let him know where we all are. I'm also going to let him know what you two have been up to, and for God knows how long. I will invite him to join us; he will then see the pair of you with his own eyes. Who knows what will happen once the realisation kicks in and he finds out what his wife has been up to behind his back. All this time he thought you were playing bridge or something.'

‘What's going to happen to us?' Conrad asked.

‘Well, that will be up to Brent to decide. I think that he's not going to be too pleased to see you both. I think he's going to hurt you Conrad. I think he's going to hurt you bad. I'm not sure what he'll do to you though… I would not want to be either of you,' Greg said, looking at Valerie. ‘May I?' he continued, as he picked up the cordless telephone that was sitting on the bedside table. He dialled Brent's mobile number from memory.

‘Good evening, Brent.'

‘Good evening. To whom am I speaking?' Brent enquired.

‘That's not important, what is important is who I am with,' Greg paused for a reaction.

‘OK, enough of the games. What is it you want?' Brent had never been patient.

‘Direct, straight to the point, I like that. I am standing in the bedroom of a flat that is owned by the man who is fucking your wife. He has been fucking your wife for some time now.' Greg paused. ‘Please don't ask me how long this deception has been going on for, because I don't know… What might be a good idea, is if you come over here and ask her for yourself.'

‘What?' Brent could not digest this information. ‘What did you just say?' Brent shook, dropping the glass he was holding.

‘Exactly what you thought I said. I have your wife here and I must say that she does have fantastic tits, they must have cost you.'

‘What do you want… money? I have money…' Brent became worried.

‘No, this isn't about money. I want you to come along and join the party to see for yourself what your slut of a wife has been up to behind your back.'

‘OK,where are you?'

‘Brent… be sure that you come alone, otherwise I won't be able to guarantee Val's safety if you know what I mean?'

‘You have my word, the word of a Mason, please don't hurt my wife.' Oddly Brent had become fearful for his wife's safety.

‘She doesn't realise how much you love her… OK we are at flat 5a, Lavender Gardens. Do you know where that is?'

‘Yes,' Brent was already contemplating alerting the police.

‘Remove that thought from your head, Brent. I think you know that I am not playing games here, this is the real deal. You have ten minutes,' Greg ended the conversation abruptly.

‘What kind of sick game are you playing?' Valerie asked.

‘I am a firm believer that ye shall reap what ye shall sow. For a long time now, you have treated your husband as a means to an end. If it wasn't for his money you would have left him a long time ago.' Greg stopped and pointed at Conrad. ‘He doesn't want you. He is a habitual adulterer, responsible for many a marriage break-up, a homewrecker. Conrad, why is it that you can't find your own fruit, you have to have the forbidden type?' Greg was becoming agitated by Brent's awaited arrival.

‘I don't know, but I promise that I won't look at another married woman again, how's that?' Conrad pleaded.

‘Not my decision I'm afraid, it's out of my hands. We'll see what Brent thinks… speak of the devil.'

A quiet knock on the door alerted Greg to Brent's arrival. Greg opened the door, shielding himself behind it, holding a StunMaster 5000 volt stun baton aloft as he did.

‘Nice and easy does it,' Greg assured Brent.

‘Hey take it easy. I'm here and I'm alone. Now what's going on?' Brent acted very calm and controlled though, in truth, he was petrified. Greg was not expecting this. Brent saw the man in the shiny suit and blurted, ‘You're that guy they are talking about, The Ultimate!'

‘Follow me,' Greg said, ignoring the question, ‘everyone's in the bedroom.'

Valerie was crouching up against the headboard of the bed, trying to hide her nakedness behind a pillow. Conrad was lying on his side; Brent noticed that his hands and feet had been fastened together.

‘As you can see, they both seem to have lost their clothes, and there's no one else here for them to blame. I won't go in to the compromising position I found them in, though, put it this way, I did offer them the opportunity to finish before the real fun began.'

‘This may seem like a stupid question, but what's going on Val?' Brent asked his wife.

‘You were never supposed to find out like this,' she replied, pathetically.

‘How was I supposed to find out?' Brent was extremely dignified in his approach.

‘I don't know.'

‘You weren't… it was just a bit of fun,' Conrad joined the conversation.

‘Are you trying to defend my wife? How admirable.'

‘No, I'm not, it's just that you deserve the truth.'

‘I want the truth from my wife. I'd advise you to keep quiet,' Brent's tone sharpened. ‘OK where do we go from here?' he said, turning to look at Greg.

‘And I was beginning to get all emotional too, Brent. Everything begins with a choice, your next choice will shape the rest of your life: the unfaithful wife, the scorned husband and her lover. It all snowballs doesn't it? Firstly, what are you going to do now you have discovered that this guy has been fucking the arse off your wife for God knows how long? I'd wager that you've not been getting any action, if you know what I mean? So, with that in mind, you should be able to calculate how long this man has been pickling your rhubarb Brent. No man should asunder those whom God hath joined! Any man found infringing another man's consummate rights should be dealt with swiftly and punished vigorously. Any woman found to have betrayed her husband should be punished as her scorned husband wishes. Who has the right to break another's heart and soul? I know what I'd do, but then maybe you are more forgiving… more mouse than man.'

Silence filled the room. Greg went in to the kitchen, returning seconds later holding a bowl of cold water. He threw the water over Conrad completely saturating him and the bedding that surrounded him.

‘Everything begins with choice, Brent, make your move,' Greg spoke softly handing him the taser gun, in the knowledge that his rubber suit kept him safe, should Brent attempt to turn the gun on him.

‘Val, get off the bed,' Brent ordered.

‘Please don't do it,' Conrad pleaded.

‘Val, you have two seconds or you'll fucking fry with him. Now move!'

Brent could feel his pulse pounding in his neck. His penis became slightly erect and he felt a glowing feeling in the pit of his stomach. Adrenalin rushed up from the tips of his toes; when it reached his brain he automatically squeezed the trigger, sending two darts flying towards Conrad. Puncturing his flesh, the darts then began to fill Conrad's body with electricity. Valerie had placed herself in the corner of the room and wrapped the pillow around her head to soften the screams echoing through her eardrums. Conrad was shaking violently, his body convulsing and contorting. Blood started to ooze from his nose and both ears. A burning smell filled the air, the smell of burning flesh. The noises that came from Conrad were of desperate pain and suffering. The complete lack of control over his own body made him feel disconnected, as though his soul had already vacated the premises that it had lived in for so long. He had accepted his demise and that was when he lost control of his bowels. Urine and excrement left his body in rapid propulsion spraying only the immediate area around him. Only Valerie was hit by this propulsion. Conrad's body began to slow and took on more of a quiver as his violent contortions ceased. His body had given up; he was dead.

Brent turned to see what Greg was doing but Greg was gone, vanished. In all the excitement and fear he had not noticed Greg's departure. The Ultimate had slipped away and disappeared into the night. ‘WHAT, what have I done? Oh fuck, oh shit, I can't believe what I have just done!' The reality of his actions shocked him. ‘What are we going to do, Val?'

‘Am I next?' she asked, slowly raising her head. ‘Am I?' Tears streamed down her face, her gaunt look suggested that she had suffered enough. Her sobbing was interrupted by nervous hiccupping, making her speech frantic.

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