The Vengeance of the Vampire Bride (3 page)

Read The Vengeance of the Vampire Bride Online

Authors: Rhiannon Frater

Tags: #vampires, #vampire, #horror, #gothic, #dracula, #gothic horror, #regency era

“Thank you. I do appreciate your
assistance in the matters of my security and comfort,” I said, and
meant my words. I was maudlin and agitated by my circumstances, but
his presence was strangely comforting.

He smiled, the scars on his cheeks and
lip tugging oddly on his flesh. “It is my pleasure. Shall I take
the girl with me?”

Katya fumed, her gaze imploring

“No. No. I must feed tonight and a sip
now and again will keep her...” I turned study her flushed, eager
gaze, “...sated.”

Her smile at Adem was triumphant and he
bowed his head to my wishes. “Until tomorrow, dear

“Good evening, Adem.”

With one last concerned glance at my
guest, Adem left the room and I locked the door after him. I turned
to find Katya near. She was breathing heavily, her chest heaving,
her pale skin flushed, and her eyes dewy with need.

“Please,” she whispered, turning her
head to expose her slim throat.

I felt my teeth growing sharp and my
stomach felt hollow. The hunger was whispering through my veins as
I stepped toward her. My arm caught her about the waist and she
moaned with pleasure as she swooned. Since she was taller, I found
myself at a disadvantage. I lowered her to the floor, resting her
head gently against the wood. Her blond hair was radiant in the
firelight and reminded me vividly of Cneajna. Leaning over her, I
opened my mouth, my fangs sharp against my lips. Katya trembled
beneath me, her fingers tangled in her skirts, clutching

With a quick lunge forward, I sank my
sharp teeth deep into her flesh and reveled in the first great
burst of blood in my mouth. I drank in the rich fluid, feeling it
rushing through my body like warm wine. I took small sips from the
girl’s throat, my hands gripping her shoulders tightly. Her moans
of delight were disconcerting, but I ignored them as I fed. Quickly
satiated, I withdrew my fangs and licked the blood from my

“More,” she cried out softly. “More!”
Her hands gripped at my arms as I drew away. She followed me up,
her hands pressed to my neck and cheek. As I ran my tongue over my
bloodied lips, she pressed her mouth against my cheek,

I stood sharply, disturbed by her
seduction. I snatched up my handkerchief from my desk and pressed
it to my lips. I felt her hands on my skirt, pulling on it, begging
me to drink again.

“You can go now,” I told

Rising, she drew close once more, her
hands rising to her bodice. “Please, drink from me. You may drink
from me however you want. I do not care. Please!” Exposing her
creamy breasts to me, I saw the scars of Vlad’s teeth on her soft

“Cover yourself!” I felt a flash of
anger and jealousy at the sight.

Trembling, she obeyed. I could see her
fear, bewilderment and desire. “Perhaps here then?” She raised her
skirt, exposing her thighs. I could see his bites there as

I gripped her arms and shook her. “I do
not want to use you as he did. Do you understand?”

She shook her head in confusion.

“Leave me!” I threw her away,
disgusted. I was mortified by the corruption of such a young woman
by Vlad. But was I not the same as her? My bites did not scar, but
I knew his bite intimately. The pleasure it brought caused me to
burn at the mere thought.

Climbing to her feet, Katya let out a
plaintive cry. “Please, mistress, forgive me. Do not shun me. I
will not...try to do this again. I will...” She timidly approached
me. “I will not touch you or seduce you. Just let me feel your
kiss. Please.”

My anger leaving me, I reached out and
stroked her cheek. “I will let you feel my kiss. But I am not my
husband. I will not defile you as he did.”

Relieved, she kissed my hand and
reluctantly went to the door. I could see that she wanted to once
more fling herself into my arms and beg for my bite, but she
refrained. Unlocking the door, she slipped out into the hall. I saw
Adem’s keen eyes watching from the doorway across from my room.
Inclining his head, his gaze did not stray from my face until I
closed the door and locked it.

Trembling, I threw myself across my bed
and wept.


May 8, 1820


Dearest Astir,

I am pressed to secure
passage to my next destination, so I write this in haste. Have you
received word of Count Vlad Dracula and Lady Glynis? I am most
concerned for their safety considering the attack on their home in

If you have had contact
with them, please let me know their current location and if they
need assistance. I shall endeavor to join them as soon as my
Mistress permits it.


Father Ignatius


May 12, 1820


Dear Father

I hope this letter finds
you safe and sound in the lovely arms of the Immortal Beloved.
Please send your gracious and most beautiful Mistress my

As for Count Vlad Dracula
and his wife, Glynis, I have not seen a word from his noble hand. I
suppose I should assume they have returned to their estate in the
Carpathian Mountains.

Will you be returning to
Buda soon? If so, be aware that the vampire hunters have murdered
quite a few of your brethren as well as suspected innocents. You
may not desire to be too hasty in your return.

You friend,




Chapter 2


The Journal of Countess

May 8, 1820

The Golden Krone Hotel,


I am tormented in the
aftermath of the horrors that engulfed my mind as I lay sleeping. I
have dreamt of Vlad before, but as I slumbered during the hours of
the day I suffered the most vivid nightmare. Though I am loath to
put to paper what I endured, I recognize that I must be aware of
dark powers at work. By documenting this terrible nightmare, I
shall have a written record of the event. Should it be nothing more
than my mind deceiving me as I sleep, than I shall be quite
relieved. But if it is an ill omen of Vlad Dracula rising from his


The dream began as many do.
I thought I had awakened in my darkened hotel room, the bedcovers
pulled up to my chin. The shuttered windows let in not one sliver
of light and in my stupor it took a few moments for my eyes to
accustom to the darkness.

Pushing down my covers, I let the cool
air brush over my face and neck. It was a sensuous feeling as I
rolled onto my side, tucking my hand under the pillows. The silk
coverlet bundled around my waist as I lay quietly, listening to the
sounds of the humans in the street below.

I could imagine them bustling about,
hurrying on errands, working, chatting, laughing, and doing the
sort of tasks mortal men and women occupy their time with during
the daylight hours. In the distance, I heard a baby crying and a
mother crooning to soothe the infant’s ill temper. Horses neighed
and carriages creaked as they carried their passengers and wares to
unknown destinations. I imagined myself out in the sun, looking up
at the white clouds skimming across pale blue skies as birds took
flight. In my fanciful notion, I added Ignatius at my side, his
rare smile making me laugh.

A hand slid over my waist.

I gasped in surprise. I
attempted to sit up, but was restrained. A firm, broad chest
pressed against my back as I felt cool lips trail up my neck to
nestle against my red hair. Twisting about, I could make out a dark
shape in the bed beside me. Dark, long hair fell over my body like
a curtain as a bare leg, thick with muscle, thrust between my

I flailed as my hands
sought to break the iron grip around my waist. With a growl of
passion, my attacker licked my throat. I gasped as my fingers
traced over the large hand pressed under my breasts. I felt the
outline of the signet ring of Vlad Dracula.

His distinct laugh filled the room as
he bit into my throat. I felt my blood gushing into his demanding
mouth. The pleasure of his bite elicited a moan from my lips as I
felt his power overwhelming my senses. I wrapped my fingers around
his, attempting to pry them free of my flesh. I struggled to escape
him, but he pinned me with horrific ease. His fingers twisted in my
hair as he licked my throat.

“Release me,” he whispered. “Release
me, and I shall have mercy on you.”

“No,” I gasped, my fingers trembling as
I gripped at his hand.

My body was my betrayer. He was my
first. The one who taught me pleasures of the flesh. The first to
ever fill me and make me writhe with desire. My blood was his blood
and it made me whimper as his hand slid down between my

“Release me, and I shall be yours. And
you shall be mine.”


I awoke, thrashing in the bed, my arms
and legs fighting against a phantom. I was alone in my bed, my room
dark. Faint sunlight crept around the edges of the shutters only to
be caught in the thick curtains. The weak illumination revealed a
room just as I had left it the night before. My bedclothes were
strewn about the bed and my nightgown was tangled around my

My body raged with dark arousal,
begging for release.

“Damn you to hell, Dracula!” I muttered

I curled up on the bed, pulling the
covers about me. As I lay shivering, my body aching, I cried with
frustration. That Vlad could still illicit such strong passion
within me filled me with despair.

Covering my face with my hands, I
forced my thoughts toward Ignatius. In my mind, I drew forth his
image and his voice. I remembered the gentleness of his hands and
the sweet caress of his kisses. I thought of his long hair
whispering against my face and breasts as he kissed me. I
remembered his long body pressed against mine while we made love
for the first time. I had been liberated by his touch, not enslaved
to it.

I filled my mind with my lost paramour
and my love for him pressed away the dark terror of my dream. I
drifted to sleep imagining his presence beside me.

I did not dream of Vlad



I had yet to dress and was
seated at my desk writing letters when there was a gentle knock on
the door. I quickly donned my robe and tossed back my hair from my
face. I was flustered by the thought of feeding off of a willing
male I did not have to draw into my thrall. I hoped fervently it
would not be a repeat of Katya’s unsettling attempted

“Who is it?”


I unlocked the door and drew it wide
for the two men to enter. Adem was dressed in his elegant black
uniform and despite his imposing appearance, smiled pleasantly at

The young man accompanying him wore a
more subdued version of his superior’s garb, also with black with
blue symbols along his sleeves. The very tall, lanky guard’s gaze
wandered around the room nervously as he tried not to regard me
directly. His sandy colored hair fell in soft curls around his brow
and his keen brown eyes had flecks of green within their depths. I
always like to study people’s eyes. They do say much about the mind
lingering behind them.

“This is Enre, my dear Countess. He
would be honored if you were to feed from him tonight,” Adem
explained, his hand resting on the younger man’s

“It would be my pleasure,” Enre said
gallantly, then bowed deeply before me.

“I thank you for the generous offer of
your blood.”

It was terribly awkward standing before
the two men, both of them waiting eagerly for me to feed from the
younger one. Usually I had to draw my victims into my power, luring
them with beauty, sensuality and lust. Tilting my head, I regarded
them with curiosity, unsure of how to proceed.

Adem recognized my uncertainty and
quickly urged Enre forward. Falling to his knees before me, Enre
leaned his head to one side, tugged back his hair with one hand and
exposed his neck.

My gaze shifted to Adem. “I

“Yes, Countess. His blood is

“Take what you will, my mistress,” Enre

I could see the desire in his eyes,
much like Katya’s. Whereas Katya had been flagrant with her
passions, he was completely docile.

My long hair fell over one shoulder as
I leaned over him, the firelight dancing along my deep red curls.
My lips close to Enre’s, my eyes staring into his, I

“Thank you,” I softly

Squeezing his eyes shut, his breath
came in short rasps of anticipation as he awaited my

My gaze drifted to the pulse in his
neck and the hunger welled up within me. My teeth ached as my fangs
descended, sharp as little daggers behind my lips. My hands
gripping his hair and his shoulder, I struck. It was glorious to
feel my fangs sink deep into his flesh, blood welling up in the
wounds. I began to suckle, drinking the elixir that would grant me
life, beauty and power for yet another night.

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