The Warrior Elf (65 page)

Read The Warrior Elf Online

Authors: Mackenzie Morgan

Kevin paused. “I’ve been thinking about that. If we put Garen’s men on the island, we might need to put a sorcerer out there with them.”

‘Why? What do they need one for?”

“They might want to build houses, especially if their families go with them, and although they could do it without the help of a sorcerer, one sure would make it easier. Or what if a tree falls the wrong way and hits a building, or worse, pins someone under it? And what about mud or rock slides?”

“People get along without a local sorcerer all the time. And when Landis gets there, Warren’ll be with her. He can take care of anything that’s needed.”

Kevin shook his head. “I don’t want him doing that, and if there’s no other sorcerer around, he’ll feel like he has to. I want him concentrating on Landis. The sooner she’s trained, the sooner she can defend herself, and the sooner I can get a good night’s sleep.”

“Is it really worrying you that much?”

Kevin shrugged. “Yes and no. Yes, because I know he’s looking for her and won’t stop until he finds her. No, because I know she’s safe in Glendymere’s backyard. And yes, because even though she’ll be safe on the island, one day she’ll have to leave.”

Chris nodded. “That’s why you’re so interested in Garen and his men, isn’t it? For the day she has to leave the island?”

Kevin nodded.

“So what are you thinking about as far as the guy up north goes? What’s his name?”

“Darwyn. He wants someplace warm. The island’s warm. And if I remember correctly, his position’s classified novice but gets extra pay because of the climate. Right?”

Chris pulled Darwyn’s contract out of his folder. After he skimmed it, he nodded. “It’s a novice position, but I’m not sure you want to put a novice up there. Working in those conditions makes it a little harder. Experience would help.”

“All right. Let’s compile a list of sorcerers who might be interested because of the pay, and a list of novices who are ready for their own district. We’ll need evaluations on all of them, but don’t let anyone know we’re thinking of making a change. Tell them we’re updating our files. If we’re lucky, we can move a practicing sorcerer into Darwyn’s position and a novice into the vacated spot. I’d love to handle this without having to go through a competition.”

Chris nodded. “I’ll get Elin on it tomorrow morning. We should start getting some replies by the end of the week.”

~ ~ ~ ~

When Kevin and Chris got to Sister Glenice’s office at the Chapel of Light in Mapleton, they found two mugs of scog and a plate of cookies waiting for them. They’d been there for ten minutes when the door opened and Robyn walked in.

“Nice to see you,” Kevin said as he stood up to shake Robyn’s hand.

“Nice to see you, too,” Robyn said. “I should have told you to send me a note or something after that duel so I’d know you were still alive. News of the duel hasn’t reached Mapleton yet.”

“I’m not sure it’s made the rounds of Camden either,” Kevin answered. “I’m sorry. We should have let you know, but to be honest, I didn’t think about it.”

“That’s all right. Main thing is you won.” Robyn sat down in Glenice’s chair. “You’re not here to tell me someone else has challenged you, are you?”

Kevin shook his head. “No, no more duels.” Then he asked Robyn if he remembered a guard named Garen.

“Sure. One of the best guards my father had. Good man, good leader. I thought the world of him. Why?”

“Well, I met him the other day.”

“How? Where?”

“In Milhaven. Turns out he’d been sent to Camden two years ago with orders to kill me. Fortunately, he didn’t.”

Robyn shook his head. “He’s not an assassin, Myron. He’s a guard. And a good one. He protects people. What was Rolan thinking?”

“That he wanted me dead, but that’s not why I’m here. I’m here because of a request Garen made.” He explained Garen’s wish to offer his services and those of his men to Landis.

Robyn thought about it for a bit. “If Cpt. Garen vouches for them, my first reaction’s to trust them. I’ve known Garen for years, since he was a teenager, and I’ve never had any reason to doubt him. He was very loyal to my father, to all of us for that matter. Granted I haven’t seen him or talked to him since my father died, but I doubt he’s changed. I don’t know who was on his squad, but if you can get their names, I’ll see if I know them.”

“I may take you up on that, but right now I’m trying to decide whether to bring this up with Landis or not. Do you think she’ll remember him?”

“I don’t know, but Taelor will. He’ll probably know all of them. Talk to him. I can’t say what happened after I left, but he’ll know.”

Kevin nodded. “I thought I’d ask Hayden about him, too.”

Robyn thought for a moment. “I don’t know if Hayden will remember him. He wasn’t around the castle much. When he brought Landis home for a visit, he usually camped out in the woods while she was there. But it won’t hurt to ask. He might have known him.”

“He’s also her foster father. I need to talk to him before I pass Garen’s message on to Landis.”

Robyn nodded. “You say she’s safe where she is right now. Why not wait and worry about it later, after she’s trained.”

“I’ve thought about that too, and we may decide to do that. But at the same time, if they’re going to serve as her guard, I’d like for her to get to know them while she’s in protected territory.”

Again Robyn nodded. “Anything else?”

Kevin shook his head as he stood up. Then he asked, “Did you ever find out anything about that guy who was asking all those questions?”

Robyn shook his head. “He left about a month ago. We never did find out what he was up to. Hope we’ve seen the last of him though.”

Kevin nodded. “I’ll let you know what we decide to do as far as Garen is concerned. Take care.”

~ ~ ~ ~

It was nearly nine by the time Kevin picked Torrey and Warren up to take them back to Rainbow Valley. After they got there, he asked, “What time does Taelor normally get here in the mornings?”

Warren shrugged and looked at his wife.

“Sometimes he and Sari are down here before daybreak,” she said, “but usually it’s a little later, nine or so. Why?”

“There’s something I want to talk to him about and I imagine it’ll be easier to find him down here than up at the house.”

“He spends most of the day between the gardens and the workroom,” Warren said, “but those gardens are scattered all over the valley, up the sides, and on top of the mountain. But he usually stops by the caves on his way back up to the house.”

“When does he usually head up?”

“Around time for dinner,” Torrey answered. “He and Sari try to be back before Ashni’s ready to serve. Around dinnertime would be the best time to catch him. Down here before dinner, up there afterwards.”

Kevin nodded. “Thanks. See you soon.”





Chapter 38

More Loose Ends


Rhianna glanced into Kevin’s office when she got to the castle Tuesday morning, but he wasn’t in. “Where is he?” she asked Chris as she sat down beside his desk with a cup of tea.

“He’s still with Glendymere. He should be back before long.”

“Is his schedule full today?”

“Not particularly, mainly paperwork. Why?”

“Doreen finished Allisandra’s planter last night. I was wondering if he had a few minutes to take it to her.”

Chris laughed. “There’s no way you get in and out of Allisandra’s in under an hour. I’ll let him know when he gets back, but if you go down there before lunch, you’ll be there half the day. He’ll probably wait until this afternoon.”

Rhianna finished her tea. “Do you know where Rigel is?”

“Should be in the guard’s office. He’s on standby today.”

“Oh,” Rhianna said.


“Doreen finished another planter last night, too. Originally she planned to give it to Callie, but since she’s gone, Doreen’s going to let Debra have it. She was wondering if Rigel could borrow a wagon and help her get it over there, but I can do that. No problem.”

“Except Doreen would rather have Rigel help her.”

Rhianna’s smile was answer enough.

“Tell you what. If you’ll hang around while Rigel’s gone, I’ll tell Darrell you’re covering the bodyguard bit for now.”

Rhianna paused. “I was going to work with Elin and Cameryn for a bit. Would out back be close enough?”

Chris nodded. “Has Doreen made all the planters now?”

“I’m not sure. She may need to make one for Danyelle. Allisandra said Danyelle would... let me think how she put it... turn positively green when she saw it. I’ve never heard that expression before, but I have a feeling it means Danyelle will want one, too.”

Chris laughed. “I don’t know where the saying came from, but it means Danyelle will be jealous. Want to go get her tomorrow and take her to see Allisandra’s? Then if she wants one, Doreen can get started on hers.”

“Will Myron have time?”

“As far as I know, but if something comes up and he can’t take you, I can.”

Rhianna nodded as she stood up. “Elin, Cameryn, finish up whatever you’re doing and meet me out back.” Then she turned to Chris. “We’ll be back in an hour. If Myron has to go somewhere before I get back, don’t let him leave without me or I’m going to blame you.”

“I won’t. Do you need to talk to Rigel before he leaves?”

Rhianna shook her head. “Just tell him Doreen needs a wagon. She can tell him the rest.”

~ ~ ~ ~

Kevin waited until mid-afternoon to take Rhianna and the planter to Allisandra’s. He wanted to be too late for lunch and too early for dinner. Allisandra oohed and aahed over the planter. She removed the individual boxes and set them out back to be filled later. Then she moved the stand first one place and then another trying to find the perfect spot. When she was finally satisfied, she insisted Rhianna and Kevin join her for tea. While they were eating, she asked Rhianna if they’d made one for Danyelle.

“Not yet,” Rhianna said.

“You have to bring her here to see mine,” Allisandra said. “But not today. I want it filled first. I want it to look lush and green when she sees it. How’s tomorrow?”

Rhianna laughed. “Fine with me, but I’m not the one with the key and busy schedule.”

Allisandra turned to Kevin and raised her eyebrows.

“I’ve got a fairly busy day tomorrow, but since it’s only transportation, Chris could bring Danyelle down.”

Allisandra nodded and turned to Rhianna. “Be sure you come. I want you here when she sees it. She’s going to be so jealous! I can hardly wait.”

Lysette had been asleep when Kevin and Rhianna got there, and had slept through all the conversation and noise of moving furniture around, but when things got quiet she woke up, and when she woke up, she let the world know about it.

Allisandra jumped up. “I’m sorry, but I’m sure Lysette’s hungry. Do you mind terribly if I leave you now?”

Kevin and Rhianna both shook their heads. “We need to get back anyway,” Kevin said. “Go take care of Lysette. We’ll clear the table.”

Allisandra said, “Thanks,” over her shoulder as she left to tend to her baby.

Five minutes later, the table was cleared and Kevin and Rhianna left for the castle. When they got back to the office, Kevin grinned. “Good timing.”

Rhianna nodded. “Are you really busy tomorrow morning?”

Kevin hesitated. “Yes and no. I’ve got some things to do, but if it was going to be a quick trip, I’d be fine with it. But Danyelle will make a fuss over Lysette as well as the planter, and if she takes Norrie with her, you’ll be there all morning.”

“Chris won’t mind going?”

“Not if Allisandra feeds him.”

Rhianna laughed. “I assume she knows that?”

“They all do. That’s probably why he volunteered to take you. Danyelle will have something for him, too.”

“Will she know we’re coming?”

Kevin nodded. “I’ll go by after dinner this evening. One good thing about Danyelle, if I tell her I need to make it quick, she lets me.” Kevin sat down at his desk. “Where are you off to now?”

“If Rigel’s back, I’m going home.”

“Want to go for a walk this evening?” When Rhianna didn’t immediately say yes, Kevin added, “You know how much Nikki looks forward to it. You don’t want to disappoint her.”

Rhianna grinned. “No, I don’t guess I do. All right, see you this evening.”

~ ~ ~ ~

Kevin wasn’t in the office when Rhianna got to the castle the next morning. As she and Chris went into Kevin’s office to leave for Danyelle’s, Rhianna asked Chris if something had come up.

“Not really.” Chris took out the key Kevin had left for him to use. “He’s at Kyle’s.”

“Any particular reason? I mean, is Nikki all right?”

“Nikki’s fine. He went up there to see if Kyle is still planning to invite Marshall up for the weekend.”


“Marshall could use a vacation, and he needs to talk to someone about Dougan. Kyle’s perfect for that.”

“Will Marshall take Nikki with him?”

“I’m not sure. I know Kyle said something about having Marshall work with some herders.”

“Well, if he wants to leave Nikki here, she can spend the weekend with me. I know Shelley’d love it, and everyone else at the house likes her, too.”

Chris nodded. “I’ll tell Kevin. Now, ready?”

~ ~ ~ ~

It was nearly time for lunch when Chris and Rhianna got back to Kevin’s office. Kevin was seated at his desk working, but the disturbance in the energy field caught his attention before they arrived.

“So? How did it go?” he asked as they stepped out of the flow. “Does Danyelle want one, too?”

Rhianna laughed as Chris said, “Oh, yeah. And she wants to know why Allisandra got hers first.”

Rhianna shook her head. “I tried to take the blame for that. I told Danyelle you took me to Allisandra’s to get some fresh herbs for one we made up here, and when I told Allisandra why I wanted the herbs, she asked us to make her one, too. But Allisandra insisted she got one first because she’s your favorite aunt.”

Kevin’s eyebrows shot up. “Seriously?”

Chris nodded. “That’s what she said.”

“Please tell me Danyelle didn’t pay any attention to her,” Kevin said.

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