The Warrior Heir (32 page)

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Authors: Cinda Williams Chima

Tags: #Fantasy & Magic, #Action & Adventure

Jack looked from his aunt to Hastings and back again. Linda leaned wearily against the fireplace. "Jack, meet the man who murdered your great-great grandmother."

"But that was a hundred years ago," Jack protested. "And she fell from a horse!" None of this was making sense.

"No, she didn't, Jack." Hastings straightened, but did not look at him. "Susannah was a warrior, but she was a pacifist. She wouldn't help me fight the Roses, nor would she allow me to train her son. When she learned what my purpose was, she wanted nothing more to do with me. I could not convince her that running and hiding always fail in the end."

"So you killed her, and you took her stone," Linda said quietly.

He flinched. "Not exactly. She killed herself because of me. There is a difference, if a small one. She offered her stone, and I took it." Hastings extended his left hand; the stone in his ring shone brilliantly. "I use it to remind myself of what I did, and what I lost. It … is a source of power, but if I could take it all back, I would, in a heartbeat."

Jack remembered the scene in Blaise's mirror, the young, red-haired woman he'd thought was his mother, the struggle at the top of the cliff. She'd buried the dagger in her own breast. That, at least, was the truth.

There was a brief silence, broken only by the snap of resin in the fire, and then Jack spoke. "How did you know?" he asked his aunt.

"It was in her obituary. Her body was found by Lee Hastens, Hastings to us. They weren't so fussy about spelling in those days. She had a chest wound, but I am sure it was not difficult for a wizard to plant a story about a fall from a horse. Will and Fitch had it partly figured out."

"But that was a hundred years ago," Jack repeated stubbornly.

There was a faint smile on Hastings's face. "I am much older than you think I am, Jack. We wizards are long-lived and have long memories. Why do you think this barbaric tournament system has gone on as long as it has?"

"What about Susannah's son?” Jack was slowly putting the story together. "What happened to him?"

"His name was Andrew," Hastings replied. "Your great-grandfather. I helped him escape with his father after Susannah's death. I kept track of him, kept the Roses away from him, but chose not to interfere with him after Susannah died." There was a century of pain in his voice.

The man in the mirror had wept, rocking the young woman in his arms. "You were in love with Susannah," Jack said. "And you're the one who tends her grave." The words came back to him.
Wizards have long memories.

Hastings did not dispute it. He stretched his long legs out in front of him and stared moodily into the fire.

After a moment, Linda said in a voice that would cut diamonds, "So, Jack, it appears that Mr. Hastings is working his way down through the Downey women. First your great-great grandmother, then me. Perhaps your mother is next."

"Just stop it!” Jack said it loudly enough to shut them both up. He felt that he was getting way too much information, but still not enough to understand. He'd never seen his aunt in such a state, ever, and he hoped he never would again. There was a raw, primitive edge to her anger that was bewildering. Now they were both staring at him.

"Becka is my mother," Jack went on, more quietly. "She's a great lawyer and a civil libertarian, and she'll always back the underdog in a fight. She loves medieval literature, and she makes her students love it, too. She likes to garden and take in strays. And she has
at all to do with this."

"That's what wizards do, Jack," Linda said evenly. "They go after whatever they want, and run over other people in the process. And it looks like you're on course to be the next sacrifice in Mr. Hastings's quest for revenge."

Hastings spread his fingers. "I didn't ask for this job. You asked me to save him, and I'm doing the best I can." He smiled bitterly. "Don't you see? I've failed. More than a hundred years I've been fighting the Roses, trying to organize a rebellion against this system, training warriors to defend themselves, pulling off daring raids and rescues. And for what? The Warrior Guild has been wiped out, for all intents and purposes." His voice softened. "I'm not telling you anything you don't know.
been fighting this war since you were Jack's age. From what I've heard, you're still fighting. Just not with me." He held her gaze for a long moment, and then looked away, toward the fire.

Linda looked stricken. "Lee, I—"

"Even that's not enough for them," Hastings growled. "Now Jessamine Longbranch is trying to figure out how to create new warriors. Next they'll be digging up the bodies of those they've murdered and cutting them apart." He touched the ring on his finger self-consciously.

"So it's time to change strategies. I've been cutting off the arms of the beast, and it's done no good. This time I'm going after the heart."

"You're going to try to gain control of the council," Linda whispered. "And the artifacts."

Hastings nodded. "If I play Jack, and win, I'll own the Wizard Council and all their cache of magical weapons under their damned rules, at least until the next tournament. And there won't be another, if I can prevent it." He looked at Jack. "As I told you, I had hoped neither House would be able to come up with a player. They would forfeit, and you wouldn't have to fight."

"Well, maybe you can find the Red Rose player and eliminate him," Linda said acidly, mimicking Dr. Longbranch. "That would be perfect."

Hastings slammed his fist against the table, rattling the crockery. "Do you have a better suggestion? I wouldn't have done this if I didn't think it was Jack's best chance. It's too late. What do you think his future is going to be like? Where are you planning to hide? They're going to butcher him sooner or later, just like the rest of the Weirlind, and there's nothing you or I can do about it. And if they take him to play, you know what they'll do to him, don't you? At least if I sponsor him, that won't happen."

"Mr. Hastings told me that both the Red and the White Rose will be hunting for me now," Jack said with little emotion. "He said they would go after my family in order to get to me. Is that true?"

Linda sighed. "That has been the pattern," she admitted.

"No matter where I go, they'll track me down. I can never go home.” Jack shook his head. "I'm already tired of this, and it's only been a few months. I can't do this for a lifetime. At least this is clean and simple."

There was a brief silence. "Where are they holding the tournament?" Linda asked.

Hastings shrugged. "At Raven's Ghyll, perhaps."

Linda drew in a quick breath. "What makes you think you would get out of there alive? The members of the council will draw lots to choose who has the honor of cutting your throat."

Hastings smiled. "As a sponsor, I will be protected."

"Until someone gets you alone. Wizard's rules are meant to be broken," Linda said. To Jack's surprise, there were tears in her eyes. "Leander, maybe you are determined to get yourself killed, but leave Jack out of it."

"I'm already in it, Aunt Linda," Jack said quietly. Maybe it was the effect of the merger with Brooks, but there was some part of him that was no longer a child.

Linda seemed to sense it, too. "You're different," she whispered. "First your body, and now …" The tears had escaped and were now sliding down her cheeks. "You're sixteen years old," she said softly. "You're too young for this fight."

"I never picked it," Jack said. He turned to Hastings, feeling unusually calm and resolute. "You need to let my mother go now. Aunt Linda can take her back. Whatever you two can cook up between you to keep her from worrying is fine. I'll be at your bout. But I don't want her involved with this or with you. I think I deserve that much."

"Jack, I'm sorry. I'll send your mother back with Linda," Hastings said. He knelt beside Becka and took her hands. He spoke quietly, and although Jack was listening intently, he couldn't make out most of the charm. Becka blinked and sat up, looking confused.

"Becka, Linda is here to drive you down to Oxford. Jack's going to stay on with me for a few days.We're going camping in Langdale Pikes. I'll drive him down to you next week." Jack was beginning to recognize the sound of wizardry.

Becka stared at him a moment, then nodded. "I suppose I knew we couldn't stay here forever," she said. "But thank you for your … hospitality. I know you'll have fun, sweetheart," she said to Jack, managing a smile. "It will just take a minute to get my things." She looked as if she wanted to say something else, but then lost the train of it. She stood, wrapping her arms about herself, then turned and fled up the stairs.

Hastings looked after her for a long moment, then turned to Linda. "She'll sleep all the way home, and when she wakes up, she won't remember much about her stay here. She'll not worry, though, because she'll know Jack is camping with me."

"I'm not leaving you here, Jack," Aunt Linda said stubbornly. "Don't you think your mother will catch on when you're dead?"

"There's nothing you can do," Jack replied. "I'll be fine," he said with more confidence than he felt. "Besides, I might win."

Becka returned with her bag. Linda gave Jack a fierce hug, her face wet with tears. Becka gave him a considerably drier one. And then they were out the door.

With the women gone, the manor had the feel of a dead place. The wizard and the warrior stood awkwardly for a moment, at a loss for words. At some level Jack had known it would come to this, from the first time he'd seen Hastings in Trinity. Even then, he'd seen the deadliness in him, and somehow sensed his tragic history as well. More and more, there were no revelations, but simply the uncovering of truths long known but dimly remembered. Everything had been written long ago. Their destinies were linked.

As for Hastings, the wizard seemed more vulnerable than before, flawed, somehow eminently human. A man who considered himself a failure at his life's work. Who was, perhaps, heading to his death in Raven's Ghyll, and bringing Jack along.

Chapter Fifteen

Raven's Ghyll



It was a fit name for these mountains, Jack decided. They were full of old magic, lost souls, and melancholy. And on this day they were full of rain and mist as well. He and Hastings had left their car in a parking lot some distance outside of Keswick. As they climbed higher and higher, the weather grew more brutal. Summer in the Lake District felt like November in Ohio. Jack wore a heavy jacket he had borrowed from Hastings, climbing pants, a thick sweater, and sturdy hiking boots. He carried his other clothes in a backpack, and his sword was slung across his back to leave his hands free for scrambling over the unforgiving terrain.

Hastings set an unrelenting pace, always upward, following a path that Jack could barely pick out on the treacherous rock.

The  peak  loomed  up  before  them.  Ravenshead, Hastings called it. But its stark melancholy suited Jack in his present mood.

They climbed farther into the ravine, keeping the peak on their left-hand side. Their route coincided with a stream that leaped and tumbled among the broken stones. The rocks along the streambed were wet and slippery underfoot. They climbed almost vertically the last hundred yards until they came to a place where the water seemed to explode from a cliff face.

"This is the water gate to Raven's Ghyll." Hastings had to shout over the roar of the falls. This left Jack as clueless as before. But he knew that Raven's Ghyll was their destination, the traditional site of the tournament. Hastings had suggested they enter the back way, for safety reasons.

"The Rules of Engagement are not in force until you are officially registered for the tournament," Hastings had said. "I don't want to risk an ambush along the way." Jack remembered what Linda had said about the members of the council wanting to cut Hastings's throat, and assumed that the wizard might have personal reasons for slipping in unnoticed. As if the terrain and weather were not bad enough, the idea of an ambush had infused their journey with just that extra element of suspense. Jack found himself reacting to every little noise and flicker of movement.

Hastings boosted himself easily onto a small platform of rock next to the falls and extended a hand to Jack so he could climb up after him. All of the stones and handholds were slippery with spray. Hastings pointed into the falls. "We're going in there."

There was a scant eight inches of ledge along the side of the gorge. By flattening themselves against the cliff and hugging the cold rock face, they were able to slide past the falls and into a rock chamber that lay beyond. It was cold and shrouded in vapor from the thundering falls. Jack could look out past the cascading water and see how far they had climbed.

At the back of the vault a narrow path snaked up between two massive blocks of stone. That was their road. They were hardly hiking anymore, but climbing. Any steeper and they would have needed ropes, Jack thought, tightening his fingers around stones above his head and hauling himself upward, trying not to think about what would happen if he slipped.

His thoughts wandered to his opponent, putting flesh on the bones of speculation. Hastings had guessed that Jack's opponent must be young, or the Red Rose would have called a tournament before now. The White Rose had held the cup for years, a situation that rankled the other House. Since most warriors were taken as young children, he'd probably been in training for years. Perhaps he looked forward to this fight with anticipation instead of dread.

Another half hour of hard climbing, and they were over the rim and looking down on Raven's Ghyll.

They couldn't see much. The valley was shrouded by a shimmering cloud that might have been mist, but which even Jack's uneducated eyes recognized as a wizard's barrier.

"How did you know how to get through here?" Jack asked, struggling to catch his breath and hoping to delay the wizard long enough to do so.

"I've had to get in and out of Raven's Ghyll unseen in the past," Hastings replied. The wizard wasn't even breathing hard. Hastings unslung his backpack and produced two lightweight cloaks. He pulled one on over his clothes and handed the other to Jack. "Put this on," he directed. Jack put his cloak on and pulled up the hood.

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