Read The web of wizardry Online
Authors: Juanita Coulson
About the Author
JuANiTA CouLSON began writing at age eleven and has been pursuing the habit off and on ever since. Her first professional sale, to a science-fiction magazine, came in 1963. Since then she has sold thirteen novels, several short stories, and odds and ends such as an article on Wonder Woman, science-fictional recipes, and a pamphlet on how to appreciate art.
When she isn't writing, she may be singing and/or composing songs, painting (several of her works have been sold for excessively modest prices), reading books on abnormal psychology, biography, earthquakes and volcanoes, history, astronomy, or almost anything that has printing on it, gardening in the sunmier and shivering in the winter.
Juanita is married to Buck Coulson, who is also a writer. She and her husband spend much of their spare time actively participating in science-fiction fandom: attending conventions and publishing their Hugo-winning fanzine, Yandro. They live in a rented farmhouse in northeastern Indiana, miles from any town you ever heard of; the house is slowly sinking into the swampy ground under the weight of the accumulated books, magazines, records, typewriters, and other paraphernalia crammed into it.
Most of Juanita's books to date have been science fiction, but she has also written the historical romance. Dark Priestess, available from Ballantine, and is currently working on a new fantasy novel set in the same world as The Web of Wizardry.
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