Read The Wildcat and the Doctor Online

Authors: Mina Carter & BJ Barnes

Tags: #The Wildcat and the Doctor

The Wildcat and the Doctor (2 page)

Day seemed to take it all in with a glance. He scanned the room with a single look as he pulled her through the door, disengaged the auto-doc with a slap of his palm over the plate by the door and yanked her into his arms in one move.

“I don’t watch them...” he repeated, his lips a hairsbreadth from hers. “But I’d quite happily star in one with you.”

She bit her lip and drew a breath in slowly. “There might be a lot of retakes...” The words drifted off, the rest of what she was going to say lost for the moment.

Having her body pressed up against his was almost more distraction than she could stand, and she almost forgot the original reason she’d brought him here. Day’s lips were so close to hers, she nearly gave into the urge to lean up and kiss him, but she didn’t. Instead her hand brushed over one of the slashes on his chest. The ripped,
feeling of the torn skin brought her to her senses.

God, how could I forget he was hurt?

“I need to get you to bed,” she murmured, her voice husky and low as she pushed him to the diagnostics bed.

“Oh...I’m all for that,” he agreed, capturing her hands in his again and kissing her fingertips as she walked him backward. “The bed and the retakes.”

She had to give it to him. Most soldiers, even the most macho she’d treated, would have been curled up in bed, whimpering in pain over the amount of damage she could see written across his body. But not him. She knew that was partly because his kind were hardy. If a creator had ever built a creature purely for war, then it was surely the Sargosians. They could take hits that would decimate any other species and still come back fighting, but... Somehow she knew it was more than that. His rank, his manner, the healing and nearly raw wounds on his body said he was something else, something special even for his species.

Unable to pat the bed since he held her hands prisoner in his, she continued to smile up at him after his backside had bumped the edge. “Since you’re so agreeable, why don’t you hop up on the bed and lie back for me?”

“Are you joining me?” That eyebrow went up again, the cocky little smile she wanted to kiss from his lips quirking the edges again. Lord, did he have any idea what he did to a woman?

Extracting her hands from his, she leaned closer and braced her hands on his chest, avoiding the injuries. “Not just yet, handsome.” Without warning, she pushed and shoved him back onto the bed. “Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you.”


Day didn’t expect the sudden shift or display of strength from the pretty little doctor. He found himself flat on his back with his legs dangling over the edge of the diagnostics bed like some ungainly, wrong side up solar spider.

Tessa didn’t waste any time, hooking her hands around the heels of his boots. A lift and a twist and he lay full length on the bed. The hint of a grin at the corner of her lips said that she’d dealt with awkward patients aplenty. He eyed the restraints at the side of the bed warily, then grinned as a couple of other uses for them came to mind.

“So...” Never a man to let sleeping Hasangs lie, he couldn’t resist pushing his luck. “Does that mean you’ll join me on it later?”

Bent over him with a dermal wand in her hand, she had the cutest little frown of concentration on her face. A moment later though, the corner of her mouth twitched upward. “The thought had crossed my mind.” Her amused gaze met his and he felt a thrill race through him.

“Though... you’re going to need to get wet first,” she said, her tone suggestive as she bit her lip.

He blinked, not quite sure that he’d heard right. Just the feeling of her delicate little hands on him, healing up the bruises and scrapes he’d collected on the battlefield was enough to have a very predictable effect in the pants region. An effect she was going to realize as soon as she looked down and caught sight of the damn tent at his crotch.

“Did you just say...?”

She straightened and regarded him calmly. She seemed completely unaware of where her hand rested, but he sure as hell realized. Low on his abs, inches away from the waistband of his combat pants and the thick, hard length of his cock beneath.

“Wet. I said you need to get wet first.” Her hand moved and he had to bite back a groan. “You know...a shower?”

Shower. Not sex. Fuck, he was one screwed up little bunny.
Lady, please let her move that hand lower

Sweat broke out on his upper lip as all his attention riveted to that delicate hand, the slender fingers as they stroked back and forth over the skin of his stomach. Already as stiff as a damn post, his cock jerked savagely, reminding him that he was not only missing the fertility festival, but also that he hadn’t been with a woman—any woman—for nearly a year.

“Shower... on my own?” He shook his head, reaching out to trap one of her long curls. Slowly he wrapped it around his finger, pulling her gently closer. “I don’t think that’s wise. What if I slip and bang my head? I might feel a little... faint.”

The wand’s healing beam knit his flesh together on one of the worst gashes, but the tingle from that was nothing compared to the heat he felt where her hand rested on him. Her skin touching his. Seven hells he was having a hard time lying there, not able to touch her as he wanted to. Needed to.

“Hmm, that is a cause for concern, isn’t it? It sounds like you’ll need someone in there with you. Except, if I get in the shower with you...” She paused, but came closer as he tugged on her hair. “It might end up that we’ll both end up feeling faint. And if I get in the shower with you, then I’ll be wet too.”

She couldn’t use the wand anymore, forced to stretch over him as he pulled the curl gently tighter, his free hand cupping the back of her head. Her hand braced against his chest, fingertips brushing his nipple and sending a cascade of heat and need through him. He stopped pulling, looked into her eyes.

“A plan with no visible drawbacks.”

Then he kissed her.

A soft sound escaped her, and he captured it, drawing it into himself. She was a delight, an unexpected revelation, and the way she responded brought out the need to claim her. Instincts buried for a year came rushing to the fore. Biting back a groan, he brushed his lips against hers before running his tongue along the seam of her mouth, seeking to deepen the kiss.

She opened for him on a sexy little whimper, one he wanted to imprint on his memory forever. The women of his species were just as much warriors as the men, so there was no love lost during sex. It was more a battlefield for dominance, power games and shows of strength he’d reveled in before. But now, in their absence, he pulled her tighter into his embrace and savored the sweetness of her surrender.

With little effort, he lifted her slight weight and shifted her on top of him. His hands on her hips, he pulled her down to grind his cock against her through their clothes. A low growl rumbled up from the centre of his chest as he plundered her soft lips. That she let him, even tilting her head to allow him greater access and rocking her hips against him, sent greater waves of passion and heat through him. His body tight with anticipation, he tried to school his warrior’s natural instinct to dominate and plunder.

Everything about her called to him to take what he wanted, but Day wasn’t completely selfish that way. Oh he’d take alright, but he’d give her more in return than she’d ever experienced before. It wasn’t without reason that his species were known as the lovers of the galaxy. The urge to possess her—to claim her completely—filled his mind. He wanted her for himself and would be damned if he’d let another warrior have her. He’d rather kill a thousand men than risk letting another man put his hands on her. The thought caught him off guard, and right on the heels of it an intense possessiveness. The idea of her with another man brought forth another rumbling growl...Anger and jealousy surged through him.

Tess was his

Surging into motion, he sat up, holding her to him without breaking off the kiss. She was so slender, so delicate in the circle of his arms, that he warred with the two most urgent desires coursing through him. One to strip the clothes from her body, bury his cock to the hilt in her heat and claim her. The other to be gentle with her, to take his time and savor everything about her. He dragged his lips from her mouth and ran them down the delicate column of her throat. Why couldn’t he have both and take everything?

Indeed, it seemed Tess was more than willing to give him all that he wanted as she shifted on his lap, putting enough room between them for him to unbutton her blouse. Each tiny pearlized button he released revealed more and more satiny skin to his hungry gaze.

“I’m still overdressed,” she complained, her mouth set in a sexy little pout. She wouldn’t be pouting for long if he had anything to say about it.

Instead of replying, he half-sat, sliding his hands up her arms to cup her face. Palms against her jaw and his fingertips in her hair, he pulled her into him for a long slow kiss. His abs burned like a bitch, but he ignored them in favor of the slow slide of skin over skin and the gentle, erotic tangle of his tongue with hers. Her taste was sheer heaven, and he gorged himself for long moments. By the time he pulled back, they were both breathing heavily and his cock was threatening to disown him if it didn’t get some action soon.

“Take that off,” he warned. “And there won’t be any going back.”

A slow smile curved her lips as she made of show of opening her shirt the rest of the way then slid it off. He followed every tantalizing move she made as she arched a delicate brow at him and tossed the blouse away. “Does it look like I’m interested in going back?”

He opened his mouth but nothing came out. Instead, he just looked at the vision kneeling over him. Soft curves covered in satiny skin were revealed to his gaze, curves that made him want to fall to his knees to thank the Lady he’d been born male.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, sitting up fully. A hard arm wrapped around her waist as he hooked a finger under the strap of her bra. Purple, not the white of convention. The satin slid aside, tugged further down her arm as he kissed a new path across her shoulder and into the curve of her neck, pausing just long enough to rub his stubbled cheek against her soft skin. “An angel too good for a rough soldier.”


Shivering at the rasp of stubble against her skin, Tess slid her fingers through Day’s short hair, holding him close. The contrast in sensation between his soft lips and his cheek against her neck made her squirm in his lap.

“I’m not an angel, Day.” Turning her face, she nuzzled him, her lips brushing his ear as she spoke. “And don’t say I’m too good for you. I’m not. I’m just a woman. One that wants you whether you’re a soldier or not.”
Couldn’t he see he was so much more than that?

His only answer was another rumble from deep within his broad chest, and she gasped as he found the spot beneath her ear. Her pussy ached with need as heat shimmered through her veins. The thick length of his cock pressed hard against her, so close to where she yearned for him, drawing another soft moan from her lips. “Ohhh...”

His tongue drew a delicate swirl along her ear before he pulled the lobe between his lips, sucking the flesh as his hands fanned out over her back. Moved downward until the tips of his fingers played along the soft skin under her waistband.

“Then you’re a hell of a woman.” His voice was low, with a rough note in it that she recognized as need.

Pulling back, she caught the hard look on his face. Hard and tight, the battle for control raging in his unusual eyes. Surprise and wonder filled her that she could cause such a feral reaction in this powerful man.

“Are you going to take these off, or do I rip them off?” he asked, watching her.

She bit her lip and moaned softly as her body reacted instantly. Her pussy clenched in anticipation, dampening her panties with liquid heat at his words. What would it be like if she let go of all of her inhibitions and told him not to hold back?

Screw it, inhibitions were over-rated anyway. And when was she likely to be in the arms of a Sargosian warrior, held to be the best lovers in the galaxy, again? Holding his intense stare, she reached back and tugged her boots and socks off, letting them fall to the floor carelessly.

The tension in her kicked up a notch as she reached between them and placed her hand against the huge bulge in his pants. Good God, he was big. Rubbing her palm over him, she watched as he sucked in a ragged breath.

“If you want to rip them off, then go for it. Don’t hold back.”

” His soft curse fed her ego as he surged into movement. Strong hands gripped her pants, fingers like steel curling in the fabric. He yanked, and the sound of tearing cloth filled the small cubicle as the seams gave. Cool air washed over her suddenly exposed skin, a delicious contrast to the heat of his body beneath her.

His eyes glittered with hunger as he swept a glance down her body, a small smile curving his lips. “I think purple just became my new favorite color. And sweetheart,” he grabbed her hand, stopping her exploration of his cock through his combat pants, “Carry on like that, and this’ll be far quicker than either of us want.”

“Hmm...” Tess smiled back at him and tilted her head to the side. “You’re right. I don’t want quick right now.” Gently, she attempted to free her hand from his. “Maybe later, but right now?” She leaned in close, rubbing her breasts against his chest, and kissed him. “Just do what feels right. There’s no need to rush. We have all night...”

Regret shone in his eyes as he stopped her. “All night, after that shower. I’ve been dirtside a week, babe. I stink.”

Frustration rolled through her, even though she understood where he was coming from. After all, she was the one that had suggested the shower, but that had been before he had kissed her and things had heated up. His skin was marked with old bruises and dirt, his clothes ingrained with it. He’d obviously been on duty for days, was probably self conscious and uncomfortable, and here she was just interested in jumping him.

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