The Winemaker's Dinner: Entrée (27 page)

Read The Winemaker's Dinner: Entrée Online

Authors: Dr. Ivan Rusilko,Everly Drummond

“Oh my God! I want details! Where’s it going to be? When?”

“Quite the snoop, aren’t you? What are you willing to do to find out?” Ivan asked with a raised eyebrow.

She slapped at him with a soapy hand. “Quite the pervert, aren’t you? Sexual extortionist? That’s a whole new low, doctor!”

“Okay, okay. I’m just kidding. But I am serious about keeping quiet. You can’t say anything!”

“I won’t!”

“The event is at the Bath Club the day after we get back to Miami. It’s a posh little dinner with a singer—the perfect atmosphere. It’ll be a beautiful, intimate setting with a bunch of fancy Miami Beachers. I pulled some strings to get us all a table.”

“Wow! That’s so amazing! What’s the charity?”

“The Naked Foundation.”

“Oh, of course. You’ve done lots of work with them.” She loaded the last of the dishes into the dishwasher and wiped her hands. “Well, this all sounds great. How can I help? I want to be involved too! Tasha’s my best friend.” She turned to him with a pouty look, which she could tell turned him on.

“Okay, well, I’d love to get a woman’s opinion.” He uncorked what was left of the wine and poured them each a drink.

She leaned against the counter. “Happy to help.”

“That’s my girl.” He hopped up on the kitchen island and clinked his wineglass against hers. His eyes held a mischievous spark. “So what flowers would you suggest?”

“Well, roses, of course, but they must be deep red. White belongs at weddings, but deep red means love and passion—thornless if it was love at first sight.”

“Interesting formula,” he said. “Yours?”

“This is an important day in a girl’s life, so we do research.” She winked.

“Good to know. What about music?”

“Well, for me it would definitely be Frank Sinatra.”

“No kidding.”

“Yeah, not a hard guess. For Tasha, I think more modern music.”


“Hmm…if I’m cooking—”


Jaden gave him the eye and continued. “Okay then. I’m
cooking. For me, something light and not too filling—like a chicken dish with steamed vegetables. But, you know, Tasha is more of a meat and potatoes girl. She’s not a big foodie, though. Pizza would work just fine for her.”

“Good Lord. Well, I can assure you
will not be on the menu.”



“I’d go with wine, and you know which kind, of course. But Tasha? Shots.”


“Yeah, she’s a little…well, you know. She’s a party girl.”

“Yeah, I know,” he said with a low laugh.

“So who’s coming? Will we know anyone else?”

“Not a big crowd. I know Micky invited a mix of friends so it’s a good time. Pretty much everybody important, I guess. And then the paying customers at the event, of course.”

“That’s so sweet of him. I’m so excited!”

“You’d just better not say anything!” He poised his glass at his lips as he glared at her over the rim.

“Or what?”

“Or I get to do what we did in the woods today when we get back to Miami.”

A flash of heat shot through her body. “You might want to consider a different form of punishment,” she purred. “Maybe something I didn’t enjoy.”


She winked and drained the last of the wine from her glass, letting her eyes linger at his crotch. He finished his wine in one big gulp and set the glass aside. He smiled at her but didn’t make a move.

She set her empty glass down behind her and pushed off the counter. She put her hands on his thighs and pushed his knees apart to snuggle between his legs.

“You’re so lucky we’re in your parents’ house tonight,” he said, his voice low and thick.

She leaned in close and squeezed his firm cock. “Why does that matter?”

He gasped, but couldn’t seem to come up with a thing to say. She kept her eyes on him as she unzipped his pants and grasped his dick in her hand. She kissed him slowly as she worked him up and down. He groaned into her kiss but pulled away, looking over his shoulder.

Before he had a chance to protest further, Jaden swallowed him whole. Back and forth she moved, her hair draped over his lap. She knew he loved watching her, and she loved the thrill of knowing that at any second someone could turn the corner and catch them. Blowing Ivan on the kitchen counter in her childhood home was even more of a turn on than miniature golf.

She grew more and more wet as his groans deepened and his guard dropped.

“Ohh, fuck, Jaden…Oh…”


Her head came to an abrupt stop halfway down his shaft, and his groans cut off mid-breath. Her eyes slid toward the hallway.

“Whoops,” a male voice called from the shadows.

“Shit!” Jaden cursed as she scrambled to cover Ivan. She squinted to make out the figure who’d just caught them. Too scrawny to be her dad—thank God. “Justin? Is that you?”

“Well, I wish it wasn’t.”

She sighed in relief.

“I take it you’re Ivan,” he asked, stepping out the shadows.

“Yep. Uh…hey, man, er…I’m so—” Ivan stuttered.

“Don’t mention it. I didn’t see anything, and I’m going to bed.” Justin sounded a little annoyed, but he hugged her, albeit loosely when she approached him. His caution seemed justified considering the current state of affairs.

“It’s so great to see you! Do you want some wine?”

“It’s too late, and I’m too tired. I need some sleep. Plus I don’t want to interrupt. You looked a little busy.”

“Oh, Justin,” she sighed. “I’m sorry.”

“Have a good night,” he called, already across the room. He offered an informal salute and disappeared up the stairs.

“That went well,” Ivan exclaimed when Justin’s footsteps had faded. “Three out of four ain’t bad, right?”

“Don’t worry. That’s how he always is. He’s just a mellow dude.”

“And you aren’t embarrassed? Your baby brother just caught you with a mouthful of me!”

“Of course I am!” Jaden felt her face heat up. “But it is what it is. I’m sure he’s done much worse in here.”

“I hope not. That’s a health code violation for sure!”

“I did enjoy that taste of you,” she said, moving closer. “In Miami I want the whole thing, doctor.”

“And you’ll get it, Ms. Thorne.”

She stifled a yawn.

“We now have
hours before we gotta get moving. How about you get to bed. I’ll finish this up.” He gestured to the last of the mess in the kitchen.

“No, absolutely not.” She silenced him with a kiss.

He kissed her back and hopped down off the island. He tucked away his still-erect dick and buttoned up. “Yes. You should get some rest. We have a long couple days coming up, and I want you at your best to help me pull off this proposal without a hitch.”

“Deal, babe.” She hugged him, breathing his addictive scent. “I love you.”

“And I love you.”

She smiled as she retreated to her room. Her best friend’s engagement. It just seemed perfect. She took a deep breath and realized she was finally happy again.

Chapter 24


served as Ivan’s alarm clock when the nonstop flight from Denver to Miami touched down. He noticed Jaden stirring as well, and he joined her in stretching arms and legs, shaking off the fitful hours of in-flight sleep.

“Ugh, I am so tired.”

“Didn’t you sleep well last night?” she asked, eyes concerned.

“I just need a few more hours.” He groaned as he retrieved his phone.

“Ah, poor baby,” she teased. “Too much jet-setting lifestyle.”

“Aren’t you funny.”

“Well, you can sleep in the cab.”

“And you can give me a back massage while I do.”

Rolling her eyes, Jaden laughed and stood up to retrieve her bag from the overhead bin. “We’ll see.”

Soon they were strolling hand in hand through the all-too-familiar Miami airport. The way it was supposed to be. He smiled as he looked over at her. Normally so put together in public, she hid today behind oversized sunglasses and a pajama-like outfit she’d hastily chosen that morning. She still looked beautiful.

Cresting the opposite side of the security gate, he checked his phone again.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Will you quit your snooping?”

“Always a workaholic. I know you do have ADD, but you also have your girl in town, so just relax,” she commanded sweetly.

“Who said it was work? You’re the queen of assumptions!”

Her smartass grin faded into sheer excitement as she looked toward the exit and saw someone—someone who came running toward her, squealing all the way.


She dropped her luggage at his feet and ran. They nearly knocked each other over.

“I’m so excited to see you!” Jaden hugged her friend tight.

“Me too, Ms. Superstar. Wow, you’re in phenomenal shape.”

“Oh, stop! I love your hair!”

“Yeah? They cut it shorter than I wanted to, but I think I love it now too.”

More incomprehensible woman chatter ensued as Ivan scooted past the gabbing girls to Micky. “Women,” the two muttered simultaneously. Shaking their heads, they left the ladies behind and began loading the suitcases into Micky’s silver Grand Cherokee.

“She have any clue?”

“No, I told her you were proposing to Tasha.”

“What! Why the hell would you do that?” Micky nearly yelled, panic in his voice.

“So she’ll be extra careful not to meddle or get suspicious.”

“God, I hope she doesn’t tell Tasha anything.”

Ivan laughed. “What, you couldn’t handle her?”

“Oh, I can handle her all right. You have everything set up?”

“Fuck, I spent all last night emailing every contact I have to make this thing the way she wants it. Didn’t sleep a wink.”

“How do you know how she wants it?”

“When you’re good, you’re good, man.” He slapped Micky on the back.

“Well, fingers crossed for you. It would be a shame to see that rock go to waste.”

“No shit.” Ivan rolled his eyes.

“What are you going to do if she says no?”

Ivan glanced over at Jaden, still talking a mile a minute in her pajamas. He couldn’t help but smile. “If she says no, it will be the first time in my life I haven’t had any idea what to do…Of course then I suppose I’ll go on a rogue mission of mindless, nameless, faceless sex and depravity. Never done that…But don’t they say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone?”

They burst into laughter, and Micky added, “Or behind someone.”

“Now you’re speaking my language, my friend.”

“How was her parents’ place? You survive that okay?” Micky asked, shifting gears.

“Yeah, it went amazing, actually. Not a problem at all. I got that much-needed stamp of approval from both parents, so I’m more relaxed now. Hopefully they were the hard ones to convince,” Ivan said with a laugh.

“One girl the rest of your life? You ready for that?”

Without hesitation Ivan smiled. “Absolutely.”

“And her? She’s ready for one dick for the rest of her life?”

“Jesus, no cuff,” Ivan laughed. “I hope so.”

“What’s up with her co-host, by the way? Tasha says he’s kind of a douche.”

“Ehh, he’s harmless. Fucking pretty boy Casanova wannabe. There aren’t too many people in this world that irk me, but that little shitstain does.”

“Wow, does he irritate Jaden that much too?”

“You know, he did at first, but she hasn’t said much about him at all lately. Things must have settled down. I’m sure she’s got him whipped into shape.”

“Well, that’s good,” Micky said. “Yo, ladies! This taxi is leaving with or without you.”

Tasha and Jaden shot over a pair of dirty looks, but they did begin making their way to the “taxi.”

“She’ll say yes,” Micky said softly. “And if not, at least you have a free-range sexual mission to look forward to.”

Ivan snickered.

“What are you two talking about?” Tasha inquired.

“Totally irresponsible bareback sex with a slew of random beautiful women. Usual guy stuff, no big deal,” Ivan deadpanned.

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