Read The Wish Online

Authors: Eden Winters

The Wish (13 page)

Paul hovered above him, staring down like an investor assessing a purchase.
This shouldn’t be happening
. Alex knew he should be the one taking possession, calling the shots. Never before had he been on the receiving end of such a skillful seduction, if Paul’s actions could be called anything less than conquering. No, Alex always took control, and would again after conceiving a way to turn the tables without putting a stop to their odd agreement.

He observed, transfixed, as nimble fingers unfastened a belt, oh so slowly pulling the leather free, belt loop by belt loop, to drop it to the floor. Next, Paul grasped his tie and slipped it over his head, and then climbed onto the bed with the scrap of silk in hand to loom over Alex’s prone body. Catching both of Alex’s large hands in his smaller ones, Paul slipped them into the loop of the tie. Wrapping the free length of the supple material between them, he secured them tightly before tying off the ends to a spindle on the headboard.

Faintly trailing fingertips stroked his arms from wrist to shoulder, reminding Alex of his captivity. When Paul climbed from the bed, a moment of panic surged through Alex. Though tied loosely enough to easily free himself, abandonment didn’t bode well. “Hey!” he shouted as Paul backed across the floor. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

A lust-filled gaze was his only answer. His captor entered the adjoining bathroom, searching for something, judging by the sound. “Aha! Found it!” Paul exclaimed, reemerging a moment later.

With a knowing smirk etched upon his face, Paul stalked across the room like a big cat tracking easy prey. Alex’s cock, already hard and aching, jumped at the thought of being prey, amazed that a born aggressor could get excited assuming such a passive role. No use trying to deny his arousal, which was becoming more and more pronounced with each passing moment.

Two soft thuds drew his attention to the items Paul dropped beside him on the bed, their implications clear. “I don’t bottom—ever,” he said, feebly attempting an authoritative tone.

Paul stared into Alex’s eyes as he removed his glasses and placed them on the nightstand. With a smile of pure seduction, he eased his fully clothed body onto Alex’s nude form, an unreadable expression on his face. What the look promised, Alex didn’t know. He wholeheartedly believed it came with a guarantee, though: he wouldn’t easily forget this night.

Still smiling, Paul bent his head down, five o’clock shadow abrading Alex’s cheek. “My rules or nothing, remember?” Settling his weight more firmly, he locked his mouth to the sensitive flesh where neck met shoulder, biting hard enough to remind Alex who wielded the power.

Far from attempting to pull away, Alex arched up, wanting more. He bucked his hips, reveling in the friction of Paul’s dress slacks against his bare flesh, knowing he was acting like a slut and too far gone to care. When Paul released his shoulder, in a brief moment of clarity he reminded himself that this was his adversary, not his lover. His body refused to listen to reason.

Paul rocked back on his knees and roughly rolled Alex over, causing the wrist bindings to tighten. Fear raced up Alex’s spine.
What have I gotten myself into?
Paul carefully loosened the tie, though he didn’t release Alex’s hands.

“Is that better?” Soothing fingers stroked Alex’s wrists where the tight material had chafed, and Paul murmured into his ear, “Relax, I’m not going to hurt you.” He snickered. “I’m planning to do many things to you tonight. Hurting you isn’t one of them.”

Grunting affirmation, Alex willed his body to relax, reassured that Paul didn’t intend to abuse him—at least, not tonight. Come morning, all bets were likely off. He decided not to think about tomorrow.

The popping of a bottle lid penetrated the silence, and Alex braced himself for the expected invasion, shocked when, instead of his ass, oil-slickened fingers found his knotted back muscles, working them with practiced ease.

At his breathy sigh, Paul chuckled. “I told you to relax, didn’t I?”

Those talented hands worked outward from the center of Alex’s back, easing tension with a thorough massage. He heard the sound of the bottle opening again, and this time his thighs and lower legs were rubbed and kneaded before Paul’s surprisingly strong fingers found his glutes.

When his cheeks were gently parted, he tensed, though he knew from experience that doing so would only cause more pain. Far from the stabbing penetration he’d expected, a steady stream of cool air blew across his exposed pucker.

The soft tickle of facial stubble brushed against his ass as his thighs were forced wider apart. Once again, a hot tongue laved his balls before repeating the earlier swiping lick, this time moving from his balls to his hole. Alex hadn’t been entirely truthful when he’d said he never bottomed, but he hadn’t in a very long time. Casual fucks weren’t allowed the privilege. Another puff of air tantalized his damp opening.

Suddenly, Paul altered the pattern of lick/blow, raising his head to bite Alex’s cheek hard enough to shock, stopping shy of truly painful. The sensation shot straight through Alex’s body and into his cock.
Oh, fuck, what was that?
Who knew being bitten could be erotic? Even more shocking, he found himself writhing, wanting more.

What came next was like nothing he’d ever dreamed of. Instead of gentle, controlled exploration, lips, tongue, and teeth launched a full attack, licking, sucking, and biting in an unabashed frenzy up and down Alex’s back and buttocks.

Paul’s moans created erotic vibrations to stoke Alex’s already raging libido. Even without direct stimulation to his cock, Alex teetered on the edge of orgasm, every fiber of his being screaming for release. Far from fearing penetration, he now hovered on the verge of begging Paul to fuck him.

The mind-numbing sensations ceased abruptly, and he sobbed aloud in frustration, left hard and aching, denied completion.

Soft snickers accompanied the now familiar sound of the bottle top. Excited as he was, Alex no longer dreaded the fingers he knew were going to breach him. Thanks to Paul’s attentions, he longed for them, arching back in an effort to speed up the process. After what seemed a small eternity, a well-oiled finger slid effortless inside, quickly joined by another. While they hovered at his entrance, preparing him, they never penetrated far enough to offer satisfaction or relief.

Alex groaned in disapproval when those fingers slipped from his body. The soft rustle of fabric against fabric announced Paul removing his clothes. The condom Alex spotted on the bed earlier offered reassurance, as he hadn’t thought that far ahead himself—a stupid oversight he’d never made before. What was it about this man that aroused him to the point where he couldn’t think? Or was it that, deep down, he’d never seriously thought Paul would ever take him up on his carnal offer?

The warmth of Paul’s hand grazed Alex’s hip as Paul patted the comforter, searching, the tearing sound a moment later proving he’d found what he sought. Paul shoved a pillow under Alex’s hips, raising his ass and presenting it like a gift to the lover… no, the
who’d soon take it.

As Paul lowered himself, Alex longed to see the naked body about to claim him. He tried, unsuccessfully, unable to turn his head far enough. A slight weight covered his back, followed by an insistent nudging. Paul stopped. He inhaled sharply and then released the breath before murmuring, “Alex, do you want this? I don’t care what we said before. I won’t do this if it’s not what you want.”

In answer, Alex reared back, a bit too hard, resulting in an excruciating burn that caused him to cry out and pull away. Thanks to his bonds, he had nowhere to go, and his erection, full and hard before, quickly deflated. He panted through the discomfort.

The painful invasion stopped immediately, soft lips and hands tracing his shoulders. “Shh… easy, Alex. If you’re not used to this, we need to go slow.” Paul’s husky voice lulled him. “Relax. Let me know when you’re ready.”

It humbled Alex that, though he’d ruthlessly taunted and insulted the man, Paul didn’t plunge in brutally, mindless of any pain he caused. They were adversaries, right? Why did Paul take such care to be a tender and thoughtful lover, when by rights he should be cold and unfeeling?

The pain lessened gradually, and Alex’s breathing returned to normal. “Better?” Paul whispered, lips gently sweeping the back of Alex’s neck again.

Alex nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

Paul tentatively maneuvered back and out of Alex’s body. The pop top snapped and more lube dripped on Alex’s opening, worked in by slick fingers. Paul repositioned himself, and this time, when he breached the tight ring of muscle, the burn was far less intense. Paul took his time, carefully working himself into the tight, seldom penetrated passage, stopping frequently to allow Alex time to adjust.

At long last, Paul’s balls rested against his ass, cock buried completely inside. As slowly as it had entered, the cock that felt enormous eased out of Alex’s stretched passage. The slow, unhurried motions continued until Alex grew achingly hard again and ready for more. Raising his ass to meet Paul’s next controlled thrust, he silently pleaded for a more aggressive coupling. Paul gave him what he asked for.

Paul rode him, varying speed and depth, angling his hips to ensure Alex received the maximum amount of pleasure with each forceful penetration. When Alex moaned, a thrust was repeated, until Paul knew exactly what excited him most, giving it in good measure.

Once again hovering on the edge, Alex groaned his disappointment when Paul slowed and eventually stopped, sliding out once more. Paul turned Alex and gazed down with an expression far removed from the open hostility or sneering triumph Alex expected. Wasn’t there supposed to be humiliation and getting even for the snide comments and ill treatment? Instead, Paul painstakingly saw to his comfort, ensuring the bonds weren’t pinching before leaning down and capturing his mouth in another searing kiss. If Alex hadn’t known better, he would have sworn Paul meant the passionate gesture.

Their lips parted, and Paul used his knee to separate Alex’s legs, repositioning the pillow under him. He kneeled between those splayed legs, gazing down appreciatively, like a craftsman admiring his handiwork. Alex caught his first glimpse of his captor fully naked, surprised to see a completely hairless chest, abdomen, and groin. Paul sported a full and heavy cock, as long as Alex had believed, and much thicker. He felt a rush of gratitude for Paul’s careful preparations; thoughtlessness might have caused serious injury.

“Like what you see?” Paul whispered in a voice gone husky.

Alex saw no use in lying. “Yes.”

Paul’s beamed a guileless smile as he positioned himself again, his weight braced on one wiry, muscled arm. He bent one of Alex’s legs out of the way and guided himself back to Alex’s stretched opening, leaning in and sinking his teeth into a muscled shoulder. He slowly worked his way in and then out, driving Alex insane with impatience.

Hissing sharply through clenched teeth, Alex arched his back and pulled hard against his makeshift bonds, wrapping his legs around Paul’s thighs, trying hard to hurry the wickedly slow pace.

Paul teased for a few minutes, then relented and gave him what he craved. Bringing Alex once again to the brink, Paul settled into a steady, driving tempo, his hand finding and stroking Alex’s cock in a frantic rhythm.

Deepening his plunging thrusts, Paul pressed further into Alex’s ass and stilled, his cock pulsing and spasming deep inside. His hand faltered as he groaned out his completion. Alex found release a split second later, rendered more intense by the repeated denials.

With a heady sigh, Paul collapsed in a tangle of arms and legs, still firmly embedded in Alex’s body. He mumbled incoherent words against Alex’s chest.

Careful as Paul was, Alex still winced when the man’s spent flesh slowly eased from his body. He suffered another brief moment of panic when Paul disappeared without a word. The sound of running water prompted a sigh of relief.

Bare feet padding across the floor announced Paul’s return. He carefully released the tie, raising Alex’s abraded wrists and examining them before bestowing a gentle kiss on each.

Paul’s intense brown eyes locked with Alex’s as he wiped away the evidence of their encounter with a damp cloth. Never had Alex witnessed such heated passion directed at him, and for a moment he imagined the pseudoadoration to be love instead of the mysterious, unknown emotion it actually was. Triumph, perhaps?

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Paul tossed the soiled cloth to the floor to join their discarded clothes.

Alex shook his head, fully prepared to be abandoned now that they’d satisfied the terms of their agreement, the idea depressing beyond his reckoning.

Instead of leaving, Paul folded the comforter down and urged Alex to crawl beneath it, climbing in afterward to snuggle against Alex’s side.

“Paul, I…,” Alex began, without any real clue of what he intended to say.

“Shh…. We’re still playing by my rules,” Paul replied. “Let’s not try to talk tonight.” He kissed the sting out of the words, delivering another soul-searing kiss Alex feared might prove addictive. Burrowing into the covers, Paul yawned and said, “Good night.” Soon steady, even breathing confirmed Paul was asleep. More sated than he ever remembered feeling, Alex wasn’t far behind.



hovered outside in the hallway once Alex and Paul climbed the stairs, decorum dictating that he not spy on two of his favorite men. When the moans and guttural cries quieted, he couldn’t help himself and chanced a peek into the blue room.

Gliding over to the bed, he fought the urge to crow in happiness. Observing the peaceful sleepers lying entwined, he exulted that they’d finally put aside their differences and given in to their mutual attraction. Oh, how Byron loved being right.

Satisfied his work there was done, the spirit of Byron Sinclair, now beginning to assume the shape he’d worn in life, sped away to keep watch over his own sleeping lover.


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