The Women of Duck Commander (30 page)

Read The Women of Duck Commander Online

Authors: Kay Robertson,Jessica Robertson

Homemade Biscuits
2 cups Pioneer Original Biscuit and Baking Mix, plus a little extra
1 cup sour cream
cup Sprite or 7 Up
1 stick of butter
Mix all ingredients except butter with a pie blender (pastry blender).
Pour a little biscuit mix on wax paper.
Put a cup of dough in the middle of the biscuit mix.
Form a ball and pat it down so you can cut the biscuits with a glass.
Cut just enough to fill a skillet or cake pan with biscuits (I use a skillet).
Melt a stick of butter in a skillet or cake pan.
Roll biscuits in butter and place them in the pan.
Bake at 375 degrees until brown.

14. Lisa, what are some of the things for which you have heard the boys really got in trouble when they were younger?

I have always heard the boys got in big trouble for three things: disrespecting their mother, tearing up good equipment (whether that was a fishing pole, a rifle, or something in the house), and coming to blows with each other. They did not get punished for disagreeing with each other, and disagreements were common I’m sure. But if a conflict escalated to the point that fists started swinging, then they got punished. Standard punishment in the Robertson household was three licks.

When people comment on the fact that they got in trouble for disrespecting their mother but not for disrespecting their father, Alan likes to say with a chuckle, “Who would want to disrespect Phil, as good a shot as he is?”

15. What is Christmas like for the Robertson family?

Miss Kay:
It’s a Cajun seafood feast!

One of the most fun things about Christmas with the Robertsons is that Miss Kay makes us laugh with her gifts. She loves to buy gag gifts, and she puts cards on them saying these gifts are from the dogs or from someone famous. For example, she would buy a gigantic bra and give it to one of us with a card saying, “Merry
Christmas from Dolly Parton.” She once had a dog named Doogie Howser, and one year she gave Missy a plastic pile of dog poop from Doogie. The funniest thing about her gag gifts, though, is when people open a present and get a quizzical look on their face because they can’t figure out the joke (not all of the gag gifts are as obvious as Dolly Parton’s), and Miss Kay bursts out laughing because she can’t remember why she thought it was funny. We think
is even funnier than her gifts!

16. Missy, how do you keep your kids grounded?

Jase and I have what I like to call “Come to Jesus Meetings” whenever we feel the need. Jase is the kind of person who does not like to let things go without being settled. I was raised quite differently. Neither my parents nor I are confrontational people, so we usually just waited for things to get better on their own or work themselves out. Sometimes they did; sometimes they didn’t. Not so with a Robertson.

Jase will analyze each behavior, good or bad, until the issue is completely resolved. This is a great quality when it comes to parenting, and even though it was against my nature, I gladly jumped on board, especially when I saw the end results. When we see bad behavior or potential bad behavior with our kids, we sit down and figure out the problem. Many nights have been spent in our living room with Bibles open and notebooks in hand while we hash out what’s going on. Bad behavior doesn’t just happen on its own. Something unresolved is going on in their lives that fuels that bad behavior.

With our teenage boys, most of the issues have revolved around
bad choices in their friendships. Teenage boys love to be admired and given positive attention. Teenage girls have figured this out, godly girls and ungodly girls. It’s our job as parents to make sure our boys are associating with people who want what’s best for them, not what’s best for themselves. And when your kids are stars on a national television show, there is definitely a big difference. I have to be very skeptical about new friendships in order to protect them.

17. Jessica, why weren’t you and Jep on the show more during its early seasons?

Well, it really wasn’t up to us. I appreciate and love all the time we are all together as a family filming
Duck Dynasty
, and I think everything happens for a reason, in God’s perfect timing. As our kids get a little older, juggling filming and the demands of raising four children gets a little easier! We have to keep our priorities straight.

18. Korie, is Sadie really that bad of a driver?

She went to driver’s ed, and now she’s actually really good. I think she’s better than John Luke!

19. Does everyone in the family really get along as well as you appear to get along on
Duck Dynasty

We get so many questions about the way we live our lives. People wonder if we really are nice to each other and if we really can get through a day or a week without someone shouting or erupting in anger. We do not have very sophisticated answers. All we can say is that we do our best to live with integrity, character, and a
strong value system—the way God wants us to live. We take our instructions from the Good Book, the Word of God. We do not just read it; we seek to apply its principles to every area of our everyday lives—doing business, raising children, building marriages, dealing with interpersonal relationships, managing our time and money, and more. So far, it’s worked pretty well for us!

20. How long will
Duck Dynasty

We don’t know, but we are enjoying it while it does, and we hope it will go on for as long as it is part of God’s plan for our lives. We love and appreciate all of our fans and hope every episode will bring love, laughter, and a renewed sense of faith and family to everyone who watches.

Write your own story here . . .

Miss Kay

One of my favorite outfits as a child—my jeans, boots, and cowgirl hat.

Me with my older sister, Ann, and our father.

My grandfather with his plow, behind Tony and me.

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