The World is My Mirror (16 page)

Read The World is My Mirror Online

Authors: Richard Bates

Tags: #Practical investigation of our true nature

Science has got a habit of being a bit sneaky, though, and economical with the truth. I am not going to enter into conspiracy theories that question the moon landings; I am questioning who the hell went to the moon. On the one hand, the physicists tell us the universe consists of atoms and stuff, and this stuff was manufactured in stars eons ago. In the next breath, they talk of human advancement and more accurate predictions. If the universe is essentially energy, then Planet Earth that appears as humans and everything else is stretching out its tentacles and having a good feel of itself. Fantasy tells another story. Fantasy creates evolution and advancement. Fantasy creates division.


The spacecraft, the shuttle, the occupants‌—‌all are made from the same stuff as the moon. There is no separate something observing something else that is alien. It is all one. Always has been, always will be. The big bang is not some event that happened long ago and created all this. The big bang never went away: it has just cooled down a bit and looks like this now. I have heard it described as like throwing a bottle of ink against a wall and observing the vast array of twirling patterns at the periphery. The patterns are Wholeness patterning, appearing as space exploration and technological advancement.


All there is, can only ever experience itself; it never experiences objects. Objects or appearances reflect Wholeness because experiencing comes with ‘objects’ and objects come with experiencing. It is so obvious when seen and so hidden when looked for. Experience can appear as full moons, half-moons, crescent moons and cratered moons. It can be sampled by hand and sampled by sight. There is no definitive thing called ‘moon’. Moon is an abstraction used for communication purposes. The moon stretches out its own tentacles back to Earth in the form of oceanic movement we call tides. There is no such thing as one-way traffic.


I enjoy science and marvel at what appears to be. But no matter how sophisticated we have become, it all goes ‘puff’ in deep sleep. No computers or progress here. There’s just timelessness having a rest for a bit, ready for more mayhem tomorrow. If someone gave you a lethal injection whilst asleep, you wouldn’t care less, would you? Have the same attitude now. The universe won’t mind.



The Relief

Like the tight shoes scenario described earlier, seen in this way, a sense of peace ensues. Not the kind of peace when the spouse and kids are out for a while so you could make love to your iPod for an hour or so, whilst sipping a beer. That is very nice; I have done that more than once. No, the peace I am referring to is the one that is here in a busy shop, in a dentist’s chair or listening to a road drill outside your bedroom window. It is more like acceptance of what is rather than this constant pushing and pulling at life. In this peace, there seems to be the time to do things at whatever pace you feel like. There is a noticing of what is going on right now rather than constant thoughts about what next. An earthworm or an ants’ nest grabs your attention and there is just looking without trying to describe what is happening. There is no separation between the one who is looking and what is looked at.


The facial muscles relax and the wrinkled brow flattens out. Something has been released from its imprisonment and is enjoying the freedom. There is a realisation that you tied your own hands together and fastened the straps to the straitjacket. It has all been a game. No need to stop playing though; games are fun. Even better when they are felt as real and out there. Imagination has an enormous power when believed in. But it’s like going to the cinema, you have to forget the camera man, the lighting crew and the editor’s skill‌—‌that would spoil the enjoyment. This is what Wholeness does: it loses itself in the drama of its own creation. It pretends to be a separate thing existing in time and space with a limited lifespan. It cannot be any different; losing is finding I suppose. It kind of makes the return home something special. The battles and the victories in great literature from the Odyssey to Moby Dick mirror the war within you.


So, no need to call this a spiritual book; that sounds too fancy. Think of it like when your parents or whoever tell you about the facts of life‌—‌you know, where babies come from. The myth you carried around in your head gets shattered and something else, a bit strange and a bit messy, takes its place. It turns out the truth is stranger than anything you concocted yourself. It just takes a while to accept it and incorporate it into your life.


But like the mirror analogy for the title of this book‌—‌reflect on it!

 is a TV channel broadcasting on the Internet at
. It also has programmes shown on several satellite and cable channels around the world. The channel aims to stimulate debate, question, enquire, inform, enlighten, encourage and inspire people in the areas of Consciousness, Non-Duality and Science. It also has a section called ‘Life Stories’ with many fascinating interviews.


There are already over 200 interviews to watch including several with communicators on Non-Duality including Jeff Foster, Steve Ford, Suzanne Foxton, Gangaji, Greg Goode, Scott Kiloby, Richard Lang, Francis Lucille, Roger Linden, Wayne Liquorman, Jac O’Keefe, Mooji, Catherine Noyce, Tony Parsons, Satyananda, Richard Sylvester, Rupert Spira, Florian Schlosser, Mandi Solk, and Pamela Wilson. There is also an interview with UK Krishnamurti.


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present two unique DVD releases






Tony Parsons –
The Open Secret
• Rupert Spira –
The Transparency of Things – Parts 1 & 2
• Richard Lang –
Seeing Who You Really Are




Jeff Foster –
Life Without a Centre
• Richard Sylvester –
I Hope You Die Soon
• Roger Linden –
The Elusive Obvious


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New Book now available to order


Conversations on Non-Duality

Twenty-Six Awakenings

The book explores the nature of true happiness, awakening, enlightenment and the ‘Self’ to be realised. It features 26 expressions of liberation, each shaped by different life experiences and offering a unique perspective.


The collection explores the different ways ‘liberation’ happened and ‘suffering’ ended. Some started with therapy, self-help workshops or read books written by spiritual masters, while others travelled to exotic places and studied with gurus. Others leapt from the despair of addiction to drugs and alcohol to simply waking up unexpectedly to a new reality.


The 26 interviews included in the book are with: David Bingham, Daniel Brown, Sundance Burke, Katie Davis, Peter Fenner, Steve Ford, Jeff Foster, Suzanne Foxton, Gagaji, Richard Lang, Roger Linden, Wayne Liquorman, Francis Lucille, Mooji, Catherine Noyce, Jac O’Keeffe, Tony Parsons, Bernie Prior, Halina Pytlasinska, Genpo Roshi, Florian Schlosser, Mandi Solk, Rupert Spira, James Swartz, Richard Sylvester and Pamela Wilson.


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