Read The Wretched of Muirwood Online

Authors: Jeff Wheeler

Tags: #Fantasy

The Wretched of Muirwood (34 page)


You will find many of the artifacts and traditions within this series to be historical in nature and representative of medieval life. A little delving into Wikipedia on terms like
globus cruciger
may provide some insights on things very common centuries ago which we do not see much of today. But this is not medieval Europe. Muirwood is set on another world that shares some historical and religious contexts with ours.


Finally, regarding the Medium. Every power demonstrated through the Medium can be found through various religious texts. Whether it is summoning fire from the sky, water from stones, or preventing death in battle, all have been hand-picked. They show that our own world has a deep tradition of miraculous occurrences. The one exception to this is the use of floating stones, which concept came from artist Christophe Vacher, someone I admire greatly and whose paintings inspire my writing.




Jeff Wheeler is a writer from 7-10 p.m. on Wednesday nights. The rest of the time, he works for Intel Corporation, is a husband and the father of five kids, and a leader in his local church. He lives in Rocklin, California. When he isn’t listening to books during his commute, he is dreaming up new stories to write. His website is: WWW.JEFF-WHEELER.COM


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