The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories (23 page)

Read The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories Online

Authors: Brina Courtney,Raine Thomas,Bethany Lopez,A. O. Peart,Amanda Aksel,Felicia Tatum,Amanda Lance,Wendy Owens,Kimberly Knight,Heidi McLaughlin

Tags: #new adult, #new adult romance, #contemporary romance, #coming of age, #college romance, #coming of age romance, #alpha male romance

“Don’t you want mommy to hold you?” I ask, hoping to change the sad look on Katelyn’s face. It’s one that I don’t think even my kissing can change. Elle pulls herself tighter against my chest.

“I’ll go,” Katelyn says softly. She rubs her hand down Elle’s back before she gets up and steps down the bleachers with ease. I follow her as she walks over to Noah’s bench and asks for a bag of ice. I suppose if you’re going to have an accident like this, this is the place to do it.

“How are things going?” Josie asks as soon as Katelyn’s out of earshot.

“Things are good.”

“I heard you’ve been having dinner together.”

I laugh. “It’s just dinner. Quinn and the girls get along well and Katelyn is good company.” I don’t need Josie to be let in on what’s really going on. I know Katelyn has been talking to her, but we’ve been keeping things from the kids for a reason. It’s been at my encouragement that we ease the girls into what’s going on. I don’t want them to think I’m trying to replace their dad, because I’m not. I want to be someone that they can count on and be there for them when they need me. Quinn – I know how he feels – it’s just a matter of time before I tell him everything.

“I like Quinn,” Elle adds for good measure.

I smile down at her and return to watching Katelyn. She’s talking to Noah’s coach.

“Shouldn’t he be coaching?” I ask just as Liam yells from his spot by the fence. The coach looks at Liam and yells something out to the players.

“Noah doesn’t like the coach.”

“I don’t think I do either.” Josie laughs. I look at Liam, who’s having an animated conversation with Peyton. She’s holding her football under her arm and waving her other one dramatically in the air.

“You’re really good with the girls, Harrison. Katelyn sees that.”

“Peyton...” I look down at Elle and shut my mouth. The last thing I want to do is talk about her sister in a way that she could take as demeaning. I want Peyton to like me, not because of her mother, but because I think she’s an amazing little girl and want to get to know her. If she’s anything like her sister, even though they’re opposites, she’s going to steal my heart too. I just have to find a way to get past the wall she’s put up.

“She’ll come around. She was so close to Mason. Everywhere he went, she was with him and for her to wake-up and have her daddy gone... she doesn’t know how to cope. Katelyn says things are getting better with Dr. Brooks.”

“Someday,” I say confidently.

Katelyn returns with the bag of ice. It took that coach long enough to give it her and I’m about to say something completely stupid, until she smiles at me as she walks up the bleachers, making me forget whatever it was. I take the bag from her as she sits down. She slips her hand up under my sweatshirt. My body stiffens as I yell out.

“Sorry,” she whispers in my ear, placing a kiss there. “My hand was cold.” My tongue is tied, so I nod and wink at her. I’ll make her pay for it when we’re in Los Angeles.

“It’s cold,” Elle says turning away from me. I have to pull her away from my body against my will, but we need to put ice on her head to keep the swelling down.

“Just for a little bit.” Katelyn sets it back down on her bump and holds it there. I want to put my hand on her thigh to let her know that I think she’s amazing and to not let Elle’s actions get to her. I can see it in her face, the way it falls each time Elle tells her no or moves away from her. She’s trying so hard with both girls. I know she’s just looking for a tiny bit of happiness where they’re concerned.

Elle snuggles into my chest with Katelyn holding the icepack against her forehead. Josie starts cheering, causing Elle to turn sharply and almost fall out of my arms. Her sudden movements also send the icepack flying into the man sitting in front of us. I stifle a laugh and scramble to pick it up without dropping Elle. I hand it back to Katelyn, who looks mortified.

“Sorry, sir, it slipped out of our hands,” I say, hoping he won’t freak out. I sometimes forget that the people of Beaumont aren’t like some of the people in L.A. At least here you’ll just get a glare.

“I think we should go,” she whispers into my ear. Chills spread across my body with all the innuendos that could mean. The simple statement of
we should go
is what’s really turning me on. Just to be with her and the kids as a family is all I need right now. Everything else with her is just gravy.

I nod, pick up Elle and wait for Katelyn to gather her purse.

“We’re going to take off,” she says to Josie, who is so enthralled in the game, she just nods. I jump off the side, holding Elle tightly in my arms, and turn to see Katelyn about to jump too. I reach for her and am rewarded with her hand slipping into mine, before she hops down. I don’t let go and neither does she. We walk hand-in-hand to Liam. His eyebrow rises when he sees us. I shake my head slightly. I don’t want a scene or any wise cracks coming from him.

“Peyton, we’re going to go.”

I see the anger in her eyes immediately. I’m prepared for the outburst. She bites her lower lip and clutches her football tighter.

“Peyton?” Katelyn says her name again.

Liam is watching all of this as it’s about to explode.

“Uncle Liam, can you give me a ride home after the game?”

Liam looks from Peyton to Katelyn, who nods quickly.

“As long as your mom doesn’t have a problem with it, but you’ll have to ask her.”

Peyton sighs and looks at her mom. “Mommy, can I stay with Uncle Liam?”

Katelyn covers her mouth and I’m oblivious to what just happened. “Yes, you can stay.” She steps forward and kisses Peyton on the forehead before turning and walking toward her car, leaving Elle and I standing there.

“What the...?”

Liam shrugs and goes back to yelling at Noah on the field. “Hey man, Quinn can stay too if he wants.”

“I want,” he says quickly.

“All right. I’ll come pick you up later.”

“Okay, dad. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

I walk away, still confused about what just happened with Katelyn and Peyton. I was ready for the all out battle that was going to ensue, because we all know how Peyton feels about football, but that didn’t happen.

Katelyn is waiting by her car when I walk up with Elle. The back door is open, allowing me to set Elle in her booster. She starts strapping herself in as soon as I move away. Sure funny how she’s feeling better now that we aren’t at the football game. Katelyn shuts the door and leans against it. I want to pull her into my arms and taste her lips for hours.

“Do you want to come over?”

“Would you think of me as a desperate man if I said yes?”

“No, I’d think of you as a man who wants to spend time with me, and I’d think of me as a woman who wants to spend time with you.”

“You need to pack.”

Katelyn shrugs. “Maybe you can help while Elle is watching a movie.”

“Hmm, maybe.” I place my hand on the back of her neck and pull her forward. As much as I want to kiss her full on the lips, I kiss her forehead.

“I’ll follow you,” I say, not wanting to leave my car at the field.

“Kay,” she replies with a nod. I stand there like lovesick puppy while she gets in her car. I can’t see her when she gets to the driver’s side because she’s too short. I try not to laugh, but just thinking about spending the next hour or so with her makes me happy.

I look out just in time to see Quinn running toward me. He’s in a full sprint, yelling my name.

“What’s up, bud?” I catch him in my arms. He’s breathing hard.

“I forgot you’re leaving tonight.”


“I wanted to ask you something.”

I set him down on the ground and move his hair out of his eyes. He needs a haircut. Something I’ll have to get done when I get back.

“What do you want to know?”

“Do you love Katelyn?”

I bend down so that I’m just a bit shorter than him and set my hand on his shoulder. “I don’t know, maybe. I’m not sure what it means to be in love. I love you, I know that, but I think with Katelyn the love is different.”

“Do you love Elle and Peyton?”

“I do. Is that okay?”

“Yeah it is, and it’s okay for you to love Katelyn too. I won’t be mad.”

I kneel down on the cold, wet ground and pull my son into my arms. I’m not sure how I got so lucky, but I did and I’ll never take him for granted.

“I love you, Quinn. Do you want to come with me to Katelyn’s?”

He looks back at Liam and Peyton and nods. “Yeah, I do. I like it there.”

“Me too, bud,” I say as I stand and ruffle his hair.

This may not be what Katelyn expects when I pull in, but I know she won’t be mad. We’re a family of five and neither of us can be complete without our children. We’ll just have to spend a lot of time in my bedroom in Los Angeles. One I don’t plan to leave until I’m scheduled to be on the red carpet.



He holds my hand as we rush through LAX. Dark glasses cover both our eyes, and even though he said he wouldn’t wear a hat, he is today, but I get it. Now I understand why he suggested we take the red-eye flight. Not only were we alone and not bothered, but everyone is in a rush to exit the airport and get to their early morning appointments. That means no one is stopping and asking for an autograph.

The car I arranged for us is waiting by the curb, as planned. I sigh heavily, thanking whoever is listening. The last thing I need is to screw this up. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and I’m not sure I’m cut out to be their manager, especially since things with Harrison and me have developed into what they are now. I don’t want him to give me special treatment, nor would I expect it. Liam already does that to an extent, and I’m afraid there will be too much strain if I was to screw up again. I don’t want the band to be in a position where they have to fire me, yet I’ll still be hanging around. Maybe I’ll become their fanclub President or something equally as demeaning. I don’t know what I’ll do, but I’ll manage. 4225 West is far too important to me to do them wrong.

The driver opens the door when Harrison nods at him. I slide in first, with Harrison’s hand on the small of my back, guiding me. He sits next to me and reaches for my hand. He hasn’t stopped touching me since we boarded our plane late last night. I’m happy, even though I’d never admit this to Josie, that they took a different flight. Harrison and I got to be a couple without those two making faces or gawking at us.

The way he holds me, the way his fingers dance along my cheek, he makes me feel like I’m the only one he’s ever seen. Many stolen kisses and falling asleep in the most awkward position made our flight very memorable, at least for me. I don’t know how many women he’s flown with and honestly, I’m afraid to know, but I promised myself I’d ask the questions that have been plaguing my mind for a while now. Harrison knows more about me than I do him and that needs to change. If we are going to make this work, we need to be open and honest with each other about everything.

The car lurches through traffic. Harrison points out different landmarks and promises to take me on a hike to show me the famous Hollywood sign.

“You don’t live in Hollywood?” I ask. I knew Liam did and assumed Harrison does as well.

“I live in Beaumont,” he says, catching me off guard. “I have an apartment here. My sister has been living in it, but she’s in New York right now.”

Sister? This is exactly what I’m talking about. I don’t know him and I want to. What’s his favorite color or food? Does he like to sleep in on Saturdays or does he get up with Quinn and watch cartoons?

“But you don’t live in Hollywood?”

Harrison shakes his head. He cups my face and presses his lips to mine. “I live in Beaumont,” he says again. I understand the meaning behind his words. “But I have a place in Hermosa Beach. There’s something about living in the city that doesn’t appeal to me.”

“How far are you from the ocean?” It’s been years since I’ve seen the ocean and played in the sand.

Harrison pushes his ball cap back and forth and lets out a sigh. “Ms. Powell, are you using me for my beach access?”

I punch him lightly and fall into him. He holds me as the car travels down the highway to his place. A slight sense of dread washes over me. I hope he knows I’m not using him. He’s not a rebound or anything like that. I truly enjoy being with him and value what we’re building. “I’m not using you.”

“I know,” he says quietly with his lips pressed to top of my head. “If you walk out the sliding glass door and off the deck, you’ll be in the sand. Not sure how many steps it is until you reach the water, but I could text Quinn and ask him.”

“That’s okay,” I say. I play with the ties from his hoodie and think about having him partially naked and wet in the ocean. “We can count our own steps.”

“Yeah, I’d like that, Katelyn.”

Harrison starts humming the melody from the song he wrote for me. It lulls me into a blissful state. We’re existing in this cocoon, neither of us willing to punch through and discuss where we’re heading. I’m not sure I can say I’m in this for the long haul, it’s far too soon for me to even think about where I’ll be next year, but I don’t want a fling and I don’t want to introduce him as someone special, only for him to bail days or weeks later. Not that I think he would, but there’s a lingering fear that I’m not what he wants out of life. I’m a widow with two children and he can have his pick of any woman he wants, why would he want me and my baggage?

“Hey,” he says. “We’re here.” He points, but all I see is a tall apartment complex looming in front of me. I know I’m tired, but I swear he said sand and ocean.


“It’s out back. Come on.” He takes my hand in his and we slide out of the car. Harrison gives the driver a tip and takes our bags from him. “Follow me,” he says as he winks. I have no problem walking behind him, I like to stare at his backside more than I care to admit. I like to stare at him in general. I never thought I’d find him attractive with all this tattoos, but I do. They excite me, and each time we’re together, I learn something about one of them. He’s a story waiting to be told.

Harrison leads us down cobblestone walkways and through palm trees and shade created by stockade fencing. Most have flower arrangements hanging off of them, creating a nice oasis of tranquility. I try to picture myself walking down this path with a bag of groceries and coming home to Harrison. I can see myself here, but I can’t leave Mason. I know he’s gone, but in my heart, he’s still my Beaumont and I’m not ready to give that up yet.

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