Read The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories Online

Authors: Brina Courtney,Raine Thomas,Bethany Lopez,A. O. Peart,Amanda Aksel,Felicia Tatum,Amanda Lance,Wendy Owens,Kimberly Knight,Heidi McLaughlin

Tags: #new adult, #new adult romance, #contemporary romance, #coming of age, #college romance, #coming of age romance, #alpha male romance

The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories (269 page)

I gave him a sultry look and pursed my lips. “Yep, just waiting on you.” Before I knew it, we were flying down the road.

Later at the restaurant, we were enjoying our food and having a conversation about movies. When he asked my favorite genre, I told him that I loved any movie with Leonardo DiCaprio.

“Do you have a crush on him?”

“A crush? Please. Haven’t you seen his last two films?”

He took a second, then said, “Point taken.”

“Besides, I’m more of a Hugh Jackman kind of girl,” I said with a wink.

“Oh, I see,” he smiled with a hint of sarcasm.

“Who do you like?” I asked. When he answered I nearly spit out my food. The actress was famous for her wild past and humanitarian, child-adopting present.

“No, I mean talent wise,” I said with a slight chuckle.

“She’s talented,” he said, widening his eyes incredulously.

“You can’t be serious?”

“I am serious. Did you see the movie with her and that Latin guy, I can’t think of his name? He does voiceovers in those animated movies now,” he said in a way to prove his point.

“I know what movie you’re referring to, but no.”

He threw his hands up in disbelief.

“What’s it about?” I asked.

“This Spanish guy sends for a wife and he falls in love with her.” I nodded to show I was listening. “But she’s really trying to put one over on him and take his money and run.”

“That’s original,” I frowned.

“You have to see it.”

That’s his best defense?

“So, what happens?” I asked.

“You’ll have to watch the movie.” He teased.

“What? I’ll never watch it. You can tell me,” I said.

“No way. I have it at home. We can watch it together sometime.” James concluded then shoved his fork in his mouth. I stared at him for a moment. A movie at his house was the perfect way to achieve the task at hand, the task being sex, of course. I could see the doors of opportunity opening and my plan falling right into place.

“Let’s watch it tonight at your place,” I said.

He stared at me if I caught him off guard, as if he knew what I had in store for him. “Yeah, that’s a good idea.”

Yes! I was in
. Inside, I could hear myself laughing like a villain. It was show time.

After dinner, we drove to his apartment, a place I’d visited a couple of times before. This would be my first time seeing it at night. It was a bi-floor loft with a huge window that looked out onto the front street. His place was simple and uncomplicated like him.

As usual, we were greeted by his Great Dane, which he had dubbed Marvin. James got Marvin when he was only a pup, but now the dog was as tall as me if he stood on his hind legs. In fact, I was convinced he wasn’t a dog at all. Rather, he was a small horse. Dogs have always liked me. My guess is they could sense my loving nature. But Marvin wasn’t like other dogs. Every time I got near him he grumbled at me then walked away. James said he was usually warm with strangers and thought that Marvin might have an aversion to my perfume. I think it was James’ way of rationalizing the fact that his dog didn’t like me.

“Would you like something to drink?” he asked.

“Wine, please.”

“Comin’ right up,” he said and walked to the kitchen.

“Can I use your restroom?” I asked.

“Of course.”

I headed up to the bathroom in his upstairs bedroom and locked myself in. The last time I was in his apartment I looked through the bathroom cabinets for anything suspicious like the lady bic I found in Anderson’s bathroom. He was clean last time, and by the looks of it, he was clean again. I freshened my breath, lipstick, and perfume, then headed back downstairs. When I returned to the living room two glasses of wine sat on the table, the lights were low, and the movie was ready to go. He rested his arm along the back of the couch. I settled next to him and snuggled up in his arms. The moment I was comfortable, Marvin dug his nose in between us to create some distance, as if he were James’ chaperone.

“Go lay down,” James commanded and gently pushed him away. Marvin planted himself in front of us and stared. James repeated the nudge and command to no avail. Instead, Marvin grumbled and exhaled a sharp breath out of his nose like a bull.

“Marvin, why are you acting like this?” James said as he stood up. He gave me an apologetic look. “He usually listens really well. I don’t know what’s gotten into him.”

James took Marvin by the collar and ushered him to the kitchen. Marvin dragged his paws on the floor, and it only took a minute for James to get him to lie down. He returned to the couch, and I cuddled in his arms just as before.

We sipped our wine and watched the beautiful actress use seduction like a spell. About halfway through the movie, I realized how ironic it was. We were in similar situations, pretending to be into someone when we really had an ulterior motive. My cheeks started to flush as I wondered if James mentioned the movie because he secretly knew what I was up to. He smiled warmly when I looked at him for reassurance, so I shook off the ridiculous thought. No way he knew my true intentions. I snuggled deeper into him and began tickling his knee with my fingers. The movie progressed to a fever pitch, giving us the perfect push. A very steamy sex scene began, the kind that inspires either arousal or embarrassment.

I began softly running my fingers on his neck. In one swift, very sexy, move I straddled him. Our faces were only inches apart. He said nothing while my fingers ran sensually through his soft hair. He looked deep into my eyes and kissed me gently, yet fervently. My body pressed into his and he held me tightly. His kisses moved down my neck, and I threw my head back pushing my chest out. A shiver shot through my body as his hands ran up my thighs and under my dress until he reached my lower back. He caressed my skin as we kissed, the movie still blaring in the background.

I sat back to unbutton his shirt, then slid it off. His chest rose and fell as he breathed the sensual air. I traced a line down his chest to his belt and unfastened his pants. He kissed me again and pulled my dress up and over my head. He unlatched my bra and it popped right off like a broken rubber band. I stood and whispered, “Let’s go upstairs.” He followed close, yet far enough away for him to get a good look at what I had going on.

James came up behind me kissing my neck and touching every inch of my body. I reached around and pushed his pants to the ground. I crawled onto the bed. He grabbed my hips and kissed me along my back until he reached my shoulders. He held his body up with his strong arms while I flipped onto my back.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” he asked. His blue eyes gleamed at my hazel ones. I rubbed my hands down his back, slipped my fingers into his boxers, and began to pull them down.

“Yes,” I said. And I was. He sucked on my neck and slipped off my panties, careful to take his time. I helped slide him inside me, which sent a tingling sensation all over my body. He moved his hips at an easy pace as we kissed passionately. There I was again, completely free, uninhibited, and in control. The soft light from downstairs reflected off his defined body. I found pleasure in the sight and the sensation. His gaze caught mine and for a second I was fixed. Feelings of vulnerability began to unravel, causing me to close my eyes and turn my head. He leaned in to kiss me, then pulled away, softly kissing my chest. He continued down inch-by-inch until he reached my stomach, then lightly ran his tongue below my belly button. I threw my head back enjoying his attention to detail until he resumed his previous position.

I was feeling close, but didn’t want it to stop. He pulled my legs back and cupped his hands around my ass. It sent me over the edge and before I knew it I was having those tingling flashes of pleasure streaming through my whole body. James immediately followed.

“Oh, wow.” He breathed and rolled on his back.

“I know,” I said, also trying to catch my breath.

“Did you uh . . . ya know?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I said. “When it’s good, it’s good.”

“That was great.”

I woke up in one of James’ undershirts and a pair of his boxers. Not since my early days with Chad had I looked so cute in a morning after outfit. It was just after seven and James was missing from the bed. The bathroom door was slightly open. The sound of rushing water resounded from it.
Kinda early for a Saturday
. I got out of bed to check my face in his bedroom mirror and wiped the smudged mascara from underneath my eyes. When I heard the shower shut off, I hopped back into bed, pretending to be sleeping.

James came out a few moments later wearing nothing but a towel. Water dripped from his thick, dirty-blonde mane down his beautifully sculpted chest.

“Hey,” I said in a groggy voice. He turned around quickly as if I caught him sneaking out.

“Good morning.” He smiled showing off his pretty white teeth.

“I didn’t know you were such an early riser.”

“Not usually this early, but this is my Saturday to volunteer at the children’s hospital.”

“You volunteer at the hospital?”
Was this guy for real?

“Yeah, just once a month.” He dried and dressed.

“I guess I better get ready to leave too,” I said, pushing the covers off.

“No stay, sleep in, it’s still really early. There’s coffee and croissants if you’re hungry,” he said, pulling a shirt over his head.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’ll be gone most of the day, but I’ll call you later.”

I cozied myself under the covers. He kissed me goodbye and grabbed his bag to leave. I rolled over and watched him walk down the stairs, which was easily seen from his loft bedroom. After a minute, the sound of the front door closing resonated in the loft, and I sprung out of bed. My heart raced as I made my way toward the stairs. Marvin, who had been sleeping on the floor, followed. I held the railing as I walked briskly down when Marvin wedged his large horse-dog body between the rail and me, nearly knocking me off balance. He probably did it on purpose. He hates me.

Ignoring the near fall, I hurried to look out the living room window. James was walking to his car. Once he took off, I looked back at Marvin who sat behind me, staring me down like I was his enemy. I gave him a snide glare. He wasn’t going to deter me.

After I checked to make sure the door was locked, I relished. I was alone in James’ most sacred haven; his apartment. Then I looked at Marvin. Well, mostly alone. At first I was overwhelmed and unsure where to start. How do you clean? From top to bottom. I headed upstairs. The bathroom had already been searched, so I went through every dresser drawer, under the bed, and in all the closets for any clues of an ex-girlfriend or a slew of lovers. It was clean. Downstairs his hall closets and living room nooks and crannies were well organized. Still nothing. His answering machine had one message from his dentist and his kitchen wasn’t much help either. That’s when I saw it, the place a man keeps his real secrets. His laptop.

I made my way over to grab it, but Marvin beat me to it and placed his paws on top of it. My knowledge on the behavior of Great Danes was shallow, but this one was smart as hell and a pain in my ass. My eyes searched his. Did he have a human soul somewhere in his oversized dog body? I tried to grab the computer out from under his paws, but he guarded it like it was his special bone.

“Come on, Marvin,” I said, then looked toward the window.

“Marvin, what’s that?” I said and pointed in that direction. Marvin’s ears perked up and he looked at the window. While he was momentarily distracted, I swiped the laptop.

“Got it!” I said, and he barked at me. “Oh, stop,” I told him. Marvin disappeared upstairs leaving me to investigate the computer at my leisure. No password. Good. First, I looked through his Internet history, which was mostly news sites and a few cooking sites. I looked in his picture files and finally stumbled upon his porn stash. It was a fair amount, so I decided to take a look to see what he was into.

Naughty Office
featured a blonde woman dressed like an assistant. “I cancelled all your other appointments this afternoon,” she said shutting the door behind her. After that it was pretty much her and the “boss” getting it on all over the office. There was quite a bit of spanking, but probably not enough to be considered fetish porn.

“James, you naughty boy.”

I riffled through a few more movies. All were similar in nature, boy on girl action, nothing out of the ordinary. So far my search had been a bust. I put everything back in its place, grabbed a croissant, and headed home. The cab ride was nauseating due to an overwhelming odor of urine. I couldn’t wait to take a shower, because the pee stink seemed to permeate my clothes. After I was showered and dressed, I realized that the pee smell wasn’t from the cab, but was from my purse.

“Dammit, Marvin! This is Kate Spade.” I shouted. The purse was immediately escorted to the dry cleaners. Later, I met Telly for lunch to get her input and expertise on my search at James’.

“Oh, my God, Marin!” Telly said after I told her that James and I finally slept together. I smiled shyly as I stirred my iced tea. “So how was it?”

“It was actually really great,” I said. “There’s something about having sex without all those emotions that makes me feel uninhibited, almost powerful.”

“I’ve been trying to tell you,” she said.

“This isn’t just about good sex,” I said to change the subject.

“Oh, right. Any new developments?”

“He left me alone in his apartment this morning, so I did some snooping.”

“What’d you find?” Her eyes widened in anticipation of a great delivery.


“Nothing?” She couldn’t believe it either.

“Well, I did find some porn on his computer,” I whispered.

“Oooh, what kind?” I leaned in closer trying to be discreet. “That’s the thing. It was just regular guy on girl porn.”

“So what’s wrong with that?” She looked confused.

“A man's private porn stash exposes his deepest sexual desires. They make porn for every kind of masturbating bastard on this planet. Foot fetishes, racial specific, mature, chicks with dicks, masochistic sex—”

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