Read The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories Online

Authors: Brina Courtney,Raine Thomas,Bethany Lopez,A. O. Peart,Amanda Aksel,Felicia Tatum,Amanda Lance,Wendy Owens,Kimberly Knight,Heidi McLaughlin

Tags: #new adult, #new adult romance, #contemporary romance, #coming of age, #college romance, #coming of age romance, #alpha male romance

The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories (66 page)

He expected the blush, which sprang right into her cheeks. What he didn’t expect was her shrug.

“Would you settle for hot, post-shower sex in your bed?” she asked. “A girl has to have some standards for her first time, you know.”

For a moment, he just stared at her. He didn’t blink. He didn’t even breathe. The moment he decided she was being serious, he got to his feet. Then he reached down, lifted her to her feet by tugging her hands, and scooped her up.

“Cole!” she exclaimed. “You can’t carry me up the stairs.”

“The hell I can’t,” he countered. Then he took them two at a time.

She laughed. “How come I can’t get you to work like this when we’re exercising?”

“I’ll give you a pass on that question because you haven’t had sex before,” he said as he crossed the house in a beeline to his bedroom. “Soon, all shall become clear.”

Her face was still a delightful shade of pink. He saw her wrestling with her embarrassment. The moment they walked into his bedroom, he set her on her feet and lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked.

She nodded.

He couldn’t fight his smile. “Thank you, Everly. You can’t know what this means to me. I’m honored and touched. And very, very eager.”

She laughed again, shaking her head at him. “Well, you have to wash my hair before anything else. So put a brake on the sex train for the moment.”

He took her hand and led her into the bathroom. “Wait a minute...there’s a sex train?”

“Well, you might not want to take my word for it.”

“Hmm.” He turned on the shower’s water and struggled to keep his thoughts off of the events to come. “Well, if there isn’t one, there should be.”

When he realized she was undressing, he paused to watch her. How was it possible that he was so turned on by her straightforward, focused movements?

Realizing that he was in real trouble, he tore his gaze from her and pulled his shirt off, followed by the rest of his clothes. He left his boxer briefs on. Everly’s tank top had a built-in bra, so she left it and her panties on. Then they went through the same process they’d done the day before and got her hair shampooed and conditioned.

“I’ll go and shower in the guest room,” he said when they were done. “Meet you in the bedroom when you’re ready?”

She smiled. “Sure.”

That shy smile sent a bolt of lust right through him. He backed away from her and left the bathroom, knowing that if he didn’t, her first time was going to end practically before it began.

Chapter 38

verly dropped the smile when Cole left.

What in the world am I doing?
she silently asked herself. Grabbing the buff puff and body wash that Cole had moved into his shower from downstairs, she began cleansing her skin.
I’m about to lose my virginity to Cole Parker!


She was supremely grateful that he’d also transferred the shaving supplies from the other bathroom. She imagined that was Margaret’s touch. Most guys wouldn’t think to have them handy. Then she realized she was spending far too much time thinking about shaving supplies.

I have no idea what I’m doing
, she thought as she ran the razor over her lathered legs.

Yes, you do
, another part of her argued.
You’re living

Because that part of her brain had gotten her through exercising with Cole, giving her courage to touch him in ways that she knew drove him wild, she chose to focus on it. She’d need that confidence to get through this.

No, not get through it.

That was the mindset she took with her as she toweled off and went to the vanity to brush her teeth. As she rinsed, she remembered that she didn’t have a change of clothes in the bathroom.

Oh, that was
not happening.

Cole’s robe hung from the hook near the door, so she grabbed it and tied it around her waist. It was ridiculously big. That was the least of her concerns.

Her hand paused over the door handle. Was she really ready for this? She’d only known Cole for a few weeks. Although they’d talked about a lot of things, his love life hadn’t been one of them. She knew from reviewing his medical files that he was healthy as a horse, so that wasn’t a concern. But what was his history with women? Was he the love ‘em and leave ‘em type?

Could she live with this possibly being a single moment of pleasure for him and an act of love from her?

Straightening her shoulders, she told herself to think of Cole as she knew him. A guy who went to such great lengths to avoid scandal and shaming his team wasn’t the type to go around sleeping with just anyone. Plus, she knew about his parents from his and Wyatt’s stories. Their mother had done things right by them.

Her hand fell on the handle and opened the door. She blinked when she stepped into the bedroom. Cole had brought in a number of the floral arrangements that had been delivered from the hospital earlier. They made the room look and smell like a romantic garden.

Smiling, she looked at Cole, who rose from where he sat on the bed. He wore only his boxer briefs. His hair was damp and he smelled like the cleanser he favored.

“Guess I should have gotten you something to wear,” he said, one corner of his mouth lifting. He approached her and brushed a stray curl away from her eyes. “Is this where I admit that I’m slightly terrified?”

Her eyes widened. A laugh bubbled out. “Isn’t that supposed to be my line?”

“Hey, you may be a virgin, but I’ve never done this with a virgin. It kind of makes us equals in this.”

“It does?”

“Hell, yeah. This is your first time. If I screw this up, I’ll forever be the pathetic ‘first time story’ that you tell years from now.”

She bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing again. She could tell he was largely being serious.

Huh. Cole Parker...nervous. About her.

Stepping closer to him, she ran her right hand along his pectoral muscle, holding his gaze as she did so. She watched his pupils dilate as she touched places that he liked. Her reservations vaporized like snowflakes in the sun.

“Well, I have no point of comparison,” she said at last. “But based on what we’ve done together so far, you’re already a sex god in my mind.”

He smiled. “No pressure though.” She gasped when he lifted her off her feet and walked her over to the bed. “Well, I’ll do my best to take it slow. Unless you demand otherwise.”

She rolled her eyes over his eyebrow wiggle. He placed her in the middle of the bed and climbed on to lay beside her. Her nervousness experienced a grand resurgence when he just lay there looking at her intently for a long moment. It was like he was trying to memorize her.

“Is there anything you’re uncomfortable with?” he asked.

She frowned in confusion. “How am I supposed to know?”

After a moment, he burst out laughing and collapsed so his head rested on her chest. It made her smile when she realized he was laughing at himself.

“Off to a roaring start,” he said. The words were muffled against the robe.

“You know, I’m no expert, but I’ve heard a kiss is a great launching point,” she offered.

He lifted his head and met her gaze, a grin on his face. “I bow to you, my student.” He pushed himself all the way up and braced himself over her. “Now I intend to take that sage advice and apply it to your entire body.”

Before she could reply, he leaned down and kissed her. Everything else faded to the back of her mind. She allowed the overwhelming sensation of Cole’s kiss to sweep away her nerves.

He took his time, alternating between soft, teasing kisses and deep, passionate ones. She wasn’t sure how long they just lay there kissing, but she vaguely realized at some point that he had positioned himself so that he rested between her legs. That probably should have alarmed her. Instead, she wanted him pressed even closer.

His kisses progressed beyond her lips. He spent some time along her ear lobe and the side of her neck. Then he moved lower and caressed the hollow of her throat with soft kisses and gentle flicks of his tongue. Everywhere he touched caused ripples of pleasure to course through her body. It all felt so good that she couldn’t find it in her to be shy when he reached for the robe’s belt and untied it. She even helped him.

She sat up when the belt was free and allowed the robe to slip from her shoulders. Cole seemed surprised by the move. He stared down at her for a long moment without blinking.

Then he pushed her back on the bed a little less than gently and kissed her again. There was nothing teasing about this kiss. It was openly carnal, conveying his desire in a way beyond words. When she felt his calloused palms on her bare skin, she shivered and moaned against his mouth.

He eventually broke off the kiss. The room filled with the sound of their panting. Everly’s side throbbed, but it was the furthest thing from her mind as Cole lowered himself along her body and began to fulfill his promise of kissing her everywhere.

She had thought she knew how much enjoyment she would get out of sex. Her previous encounters with Cole had left her aching for more of the blissful torture he could wield. Now, however, she realized she hadn’t had an inkling of what lie ahead.

Her body was a flare of sensation. His dexterous hands and sinful lips stoked her to greater heights of pleasure than she’d ever dreamed possible. She never thought she’d be one to beg or demand, but she did both. Then, at long, long last, he sent her over the edge into wave after wave of glorious splendor.

While she drifted back to her senses, he reached for the condom he’d left on the nightstand. She took it from him and opened it while he removed his boxer briefs. Her eyes widened as she saw his entire body for the first time.

“Well, this will be quite different from suiting up the bananas in health class,” she managed.

He gave her a small smile, but she read the intensity in his eyes. Together, they got the condom in place. Then he caught her gaze again.

“You’re still sure?” he asked.

Her nerves jittered. “I’m sure.”

“Thank God,” he said. He kissed her again, clearly savoring the moment. He gently lifted her into a sitting position. “With this being your first time, I think you should be the guide.”

Her jaw loosened. “You want me to...?”

Lying on his back, he nodded. “I’m all yours, Everly.”

Biting her lip, she considered what to do. Pushing aside her sudden shyness, she moved so that she straddled him. Then she did as he suggested.

Slowly—exquisitely, achingly slowly—she lowered herself until they were fully joined. Her gaze never left his. She saw desire and something more...something that had her heart fluttering wildly in her chest.

Something that told her this was more than a single moment of pleasure for him.

She shifted to adjust to the feel of him. Pleasure blended with pain. He groaned and squeezed his eyes shut, his fingers tightening on her hips. The tendons in his neck stretched taut. Sensual heat flashed through her when she realized what she was doing to him.

So she did it again.

This time, he issued a low growl. Reaching up, he captured her behind the neck, dragging her to his mouth. She eagerly met the thrust of his tongue with her own. The kiss was hot, wanton, and filled with urgency.

He pressed against her. The movement overrode any pain, sending bolts of pleasure sizzling through her. Instinctively, she moved again to create the same unbelievable sensation. His hands skimmed over her body, making the pleasure spiral. Soon, they were lost in a rhythm as old as humankind.

Lost in each other.

Everly cried out Cole’s name when the pleasure overwhelmed her. He held her close when she did, stiffening against her and issuing a ragged shout of his own. Then he collapsed back onto the bed, pulling her with him.

She gratefully settled against his chest, working on steadying her breathing and heartbeat. She’d never felt so replete and content. Now she knew what all the fuss was about.

After a minute, Cole lifted her chin and caught her gaze. They grinned at each other.

“Guess it wasn’t too bad, huh?” he asked.

“Meh,” she said with a shrug.

She laughed when he swiftly reversed their positions so that she was beneath him. His eyes narrowed, but she saw the humor there.

You can’t lie there and tell me that you had a ‘meh’ first time.”

Attempting to sound diplomatic, she patted his arm and said, “We can practice as much as you’d like until it’s more than ‘meh.’”

“Oh, we can, can we?” He tried to look stern and failed. Shaking his head, he leaned down to brush his lips against hers. “You know this changes things, right?”

Her mood sobering, she considered his question as she held his gaze. Then she answered, “Yes.”

I just don’t know exactly how
, she silently added as her heart fell completely.

Chapter 39

hey showered together afterwards. Although Cole knew Everly had to be tender, he couldn’t stop himself from insisting on washing her and introducing her to the marvels of shower sex.

She was a remarkably fast study. By the time they were done washing and got out of the shower to finish things in the bed, he was barely clinging to his control.

It hadn’t ever been like this before. He hadn’t realized how it would make him feel to have a woman respond to him knowing she hadn’t ever done so with another man. Knowing that her responses were genuine and a sole result of his touch made him feel like the sex god she’d mentioned.

He would never forget the sight of her rising over him as she gifted him with her virginity. It had been an intimate moment unmatched by any other.

And it had hit him square in the heart.

He spent the better part of the afternoon and evening trying to show her just how much this meant to him. How much
meant to him. She embraced the idea wholeheartedly, even if she didn’t know the true reasons behind it.

They ultimately fell into an exhausted slumber without even thinking about eating dinner. When Cole woke up just before six o’clock the following morning, he realized they’d slept for more than eight hours. He also realized he was absolutely starving.

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