Read The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories Online

Authors: Brina Courtney,Raine Thomas,Bethany Lopez,A. O. Peart,Amanda Aksel,Felicia Tatum,Amanda Lance,Wendy Owens,Kimberly Knight,Heidi McLaughlin

Tags: #new adult, #new adult romance, #contemporary romance, #coming of age, #college romance, #coming of age romance, #alpha male romance

The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories (77 page)

She didn’t comment. Her nostrils flared and her jaw tightened, though.

“He convinced you to have your brother, the aspiring baseball player, use his bat on Everly.” The words were hard. Angry. He couldn’t speak calmly about that, even now. “Little did you know, that would just push me and Everly even closer together.”

“If what you’re saying is true,” she said, “then any feelings you thought you had for her were surely destroyed when she went to the press about your injury.”

He shook his head. “You’re really something else, Abigail. How could you not know that I’d make the connection between you, Mason Wallace, and Joan Shumaker?”

“I don’t know what—”

“Oh, give it a rest. You deliberately led Everly to Joan at the ball and abandoned her there, knowing I’d see the two of them and wonder. You’d been planning with Mason how and when you’d leak the story and make it seem that Everly did it. He decided that the money you offered him now was worth getting revenge on his daughter and losing any possible money from me down the road. You added fuel to the flames by conspiring with him to record himself talking about a plot against me. You happen to be one of the few people who have my personal e-mail address. And what do you know? Mason said you gave it to him so he could send the recording to me.”

“I gave him your e-mail address, yes,” she said in clipped tones. “But it wasn’t for the reasons you’re implying. He just said he wanted to reach out to you. Since you were dating his daughter, I didn’t think twice about it. I shouldn’t have been so careless, I admit.”

Cole smiled, but there was no humor in it. “Mason figured you’d say as much. Lucky for him, Everly wasn’t the only one he recorded.”

She couldn’t hold his gaze. Pressing her fingertips to her mouth, she produced two more tears and shook her head.

“It wasn’t supposed to be like this,” she said in a strained voice. “I was just trying to protect you.”

me? How, exactly? By leaking the details that Mason got from Everly’s grandfather to Joan and jeopardizing my career? By hurting the woman I love?”

The last word had Abigail jerking in her seat. Just then, the server arrived with their entrees. He saw enough between Cole’s quiet fury and Abigail’s tear-streaked face not to linger.

When he left, Cole picked up his fork. “Here’s the deal. Since Marshall’s one of my best friends, I won’t rip his heart out by saying you started dating him to make me jealous. I won’t tell him that you did those things to Everly because you’ve been carrying a torch for me. You can make up whatever the hell excuse you want to avoid getting together with me and Everly, because we’re clearly never going there.”

He ate a bite of the chicken salad he’d ordered. She didn’t even look at her food.

“You’ll call Joan as soon as you leave here and tell her that you gave her information that wasn’t, in fact, true. I’m not injured and Everly isn’t posing as my girlfriend. She
my girlfriend. I don’t care if you lie and give Joan your ‘I’m his friend and I was trying to protect him and jumped to conclusions’ speech. Maybe she’ll buy it. Since the results of my physical came back negative for any injury, she’s going to print a retraction, anyway. You’re just shoring up my case.”

She stared at him. Wiping her cheeks, she nodded. “And the police?”

He ate another bite of his salad, letting her stew for a minute. Her complexion had turned a shade of mint green.

“Everly gave her father the option of handing his evidence over to us and leaving the country rather than turning him over to the police. He decided to take her up on it. So you’re the one left holding the bag, so to speak.” After a pause, he continued, “If you ever come near me or Everly again, that evidence goes straight to the police. I assure you, my attorneys will not only pursue assault charges, they’ll go for attempted murder.”

Her eyes widened. “You’re out of your mind.”

“On that, you’ve got me beat by a mile.”

Insult flared in her gaze. “Fine.” She reached for her purse. “Are we done here?”

“Abigail, we were done a long time ago. It’s well past time you accepted that.”

Chapter 53

leven months later...

“How about Satan?”

Everly glanced at Cole over her shoulder as she hung another ornament on their Christmas tree. He was sitting on the floor, tugging on a rope toy currently clamped in the sharp teeth of their three-month-old chocolate Lab puppy.

“You can’t name a puppy Satan,” she argued.

When she reached out, he handed her another ornament from those they’d picked out together the week before. Then he selected another one and managed to get a hook on it with his free hand.

“Sure you can,” he said over the puppy’s playful growls. “He ate the baby Jesus out of our manger, didn’t he?”

She considered that as she hunted for another spot to fill on the tree. “I suppose that’s true. But he also ate Joseph and Mary. And a couple of sheep.”

“Exactly. Satan.”

Rolling her eyes, she reached for another ornament. She couldn’t help but smile over the sight of Cole grinning like a kid with candy as he played with the dog. He handed her the next ornament he’d hooked.

“Ms. Margaret’s going to have her hands full while we’re gone,” she said, turning back to the tree.

They were leaving the next afternoon for a two-week trip to Florida. It was a late graduation present for her, since her graduation had taken place mid-season. They were beginning the trip at Disney World and then finishing it with stops at a few beaches along the Gulf Coast. Everly hadn’t ever seen the ocean in person. She couldn’t wait to experience it all with Cole.

“Ms. Margaret and Lucifer here will get along just fine,” Cole said. “And since Jonette is now your grandpa’s dedicated nurse, you don’t have to worry about him, either.”

That was a tremendous relief. When she’d moved in with Cole a couple of months ago, she had asked her grandpa to move with her. He refused, insisting that she and Cole needed their space. Knowing she’d worry, Cole had offered Jonette enough money that she could transition her other patients to other nurses and focus all of her time on Jake. She’d opted to move into Everly’s old room. The arrangement seemed to be going well.

“We’re not naming our dog Lucifer,” she said as she hung the ornament.

“How about Piss-Pot? P.P. for short?”

“Creative. But no.”

Cole handed her another ornament. “What fun are you, Dr. Wallace?”

She grinned. “As my patients frequently tell me, I’m no fun at all.”

It felt good to say that.
Her patients

After the news story about Cole’s injury came out, his teammate, Randy Haviland, asked to meet with Everly. They’d talked about his recent Tommy John surgery. He’d read about Aiden’s experience and had connected with it, as he’d been suffering from depression and fear that he’d never pitch again.

She’d been working with him on rehab ever since. He’d be returning to the team in better shape than ever when he reported for spring training. Since Cole recently signed a new five-year contract himself, they’d be teammates for a while yet.

Although she worked part-time with Casey at the sports rehabilitation center, the bulk of her work was done in their home gym. Cole had added all of the special equipment she needed to work with her private patients. It had shocked her when he suggested opening their doors to her clientele, but since she only worked with a handful of well-paying athletes, it had proven less invasive than she’d imagined.

She reached for the next ornament he handed her. As she placed it on the tree, she said, “Are we nuts for hosting Christmas dinner this year?”

“Hell, yeah,” he said. “We’re traveling up until the week before the holiday, we still have tons of gifts to wrap, and we have to leave the day after Christmas to get to New York for all of the pre-New Year’s festivities. We’re certifiably insane.”

Their ad for the designer underwear had been such a hit in magazines that it was about to grace a billboard in Times Square. They were being paid to fly to New York for the big unveiling. The ad was meant to be seen by everyone attending the ball drop in Times Square on New Year’s Eve...and the millions of people viewing it on their televisions.

“Ugh. We really are nuts,” she said, taking the next ornament and searching for a branch. “My grandpa is going to see me in my underwear. He never misses the Times Square bash.”

“You’re assuming he’ll notice you. Keep in mind that you’re posed next to all of this hotness in that ad.” He gestured to himself before handing her the next ornament.

She laughed and shook her head at him. As she turned to the tree, she looked more closely at the ornament. It was a white frosted globe painted to look like a baseball.

“I don’t remember buying—” she started to say as the ornament twirled in her hand.

She lost her voice when she saw the other side. It read,
For Everly
. Looped to the top of the ornament was a sparkling diamond ring in a platinum setting.

Her mouth opened, but nothing came out. She stared at the gorgeous ring for a long moment. When she looked back at Cole, she realized he had risen so that he rested on one knee. He reached out and took her hand.

“Everly, will you marry me?” he asked.

Since her knees wouldn’t support her, she sank to the ground in front of him and threw her arms around him.

He laughed when she just clung to him. “Is that a yes?”

Tears of happiness filled her eyes. She leaned back to look at him.

“I’ll think about it,” she said.

Quirking an eyebrow, he dragged her to the ground in a pretend tackle and proceeded to take the ring off the ornament and put it on her left ring finger. She laughed like a loon, especially when the puppy saw that they were playing and decided to join in. Cole let out a yelp when the puppy sank his teeth into his arm.

Everly caught his gaze.

“Jaws,” they said at the same naming the puppy.

She smiled when Cole got to his feet and pulled her up with him. He held her hand up so he could see the ring on her finger.

Tenderly brushing the back of her hand with his lips, he said, “I love you, Everly. Thank you for making me the happiest man alive.”

His words filled her with joy. “I love you, too, Cole. Thank you for this beautiful ring and the promise it represents. I can’t wait to share my future with you.”

As she met him for a kiss, she thought about her grandpa’s wish for her just the year before. He’d wanted her to experience and enjoy life. And now she was...with Cole Parker by her side.

If you enjoyed
For Everly
, check out these books, also by Raine Thomas.


Raine Thomas is the award-winning author of bestselling New Adult and Young Adult fiction. Raine is a hopeless romantic with a background in the fields of mental health and wedding planning...two areas that intersect far more than one would think. Her years working with children and young adults with emotional and behavioral challenges inspired her to create protagonists who overcome their own conflicts. When she isn't writing or glued to e-mail or social networking sites, Raine can usually be found vacationing with her husband and daughter on one of Florida's beautiful beaches or crossing the border to visit with her Canadian friends and relatives.

Raine loves to hear from readers! You can connect with her here:



Bethany Lopez

Physically impossible to rub out, wash out, or alter

~ like a mother’s love or a tattoo

This book is dedicated to all of the single parents out there who are working hard to make a great life for themselves and for their children.

Chapter 1



’m twenty-two years old, wear a size twelve, and am a single mom – things that don’t make me the most popular girl on campus.

I live in family housing. It’s cheap, has a washer and dryer, and makes it a little easier to juggle going to school full time while raising a two-year-old daughter.

Her name is Karrie, and she’s the smartest, funniest, and sweetest child I’ve ever met. I never imagined I’d be pregnant at nineteen, let alone raising a kid by myself. But I guess life doesn’t always go according to plan.

At least, that’s been my experience so far.

When I went away to school, I was your typical first-time-away-from-home, irresponsible, and crazy party girl. I had a blast my first year. Didn’t go to many classes, and partied way too much. You’d think that was when I got knocked up.


My sophomore year I straightened up. After a series of long lectures from my parents and the arrival of my final grades for my freshman year, I realized I was making a lot of mistakes. I actually started going to my classes. I stopped partying every night and only went out with my friends on the weekends.

Things were going great, until one night I met this hot guy at a frat party and we hooked up.

That was all.

No great love story, no blossoming relationship.

Just a one-night stand.

When I found out I was pregnant, I was scared and devastated.

It had been six weeks since the party that changed my life. I’d been feeling nauseous and extremely tired. It wasn’t until I got lightheaded in the shower that I decided to go to the doctor and see what was wrong.

I wasn’t prepared for the diagnosis.

I felt a myriad of emotions that day: disbelief, anger, sadness, and finally terror.

I worried about what I’d tell my parents, and what it would mean for my future. But first I had to share my terror with the one person that I assumed would feel my pain. I went to the frat house and told my hookup that he was going to be a father.

He laughed and said I was mistaken. He had no intention of being a father to anyone.

I had expected disbelief, and possibly anger, but I’d never expected that. He said no matter my decision, he didn’t want to be a part of the baby’s life. He told me not to even put him on the birth certificate.

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