Read The Zookeeper’s Wife Online

Authors: Diane Ackerman

The Zookeeper’s Wife (29 page)

Żabińska, Antonina.
Ludzie i zwięrzata
(People and Animals). Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1968.

———. "Rysie" in
Nasz dom w ZOO
(Our House in the Zoo). Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1970.

Żabiński, Jan. "Relacja. . .(A Report. . .a personal reminiscence of Dr. Jan Żabínski deposited with the Jewish Historical Institute after World War II)," no. 5704, n.d. Reprinted in
Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego w Polsze
(Warsaw), no 5. 65–66 (1968).

Zaloga, Steven J.
Poland 1939: The Birth of Blitzkrieg.
Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2002.

Zamoyski, Adam.
The Polish Way: A Thousand Year History of the Poles and their Culture.
New York: Hippocrene Books, 2004.

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