Their Divine Doctor, a Holiday Ménage (17 page)

Come on, baby. Let it go. You know you want to.

She adjusted her position so she could see his face and feathered her tongue against the underside of his cock, which felt much harder and even heavier than usual. She teased at the sensitive spot near the head at the same time she concentrated her stokes on his prostate. He froze, and she got ready to swallow as his back suddenly bowed, his muscles went rigid, and his panting turned to howling.

“Oh, my God! Oh, fuck! Fuck! Angel! What—Oh, God—”

Emma felt positively victorious as Gage’s prostrate throbbed in time with each surge of cum that spurted in great hot streams into her mouth. She sucked and swallowed each one down as she continued milking him of every drop of cum he would give her. On and on it went, much longer than a typical orgasm. His flavor was milder, like his pre-cum, and she continued massaging him because she knew he wasn’t finished yet.

“Emma! Oh, my God! Emma! Angel! Holy fuck! Oh—” He punctuated his outburst with a loud wail as his cum continued spurting in hot surges as she swallowed.

His salty essence filled her senses, and she wanted to wallow in this experience with him as tears streamed from the corners of his clenched eyelids. She applied gentle pressure to his pulsing gland as the spurting waves of his climax gradually subsided and his body fell limp beneath her. He was bathed in sweat, and she wanted to take her clothes off and curl up with him. She gently withdrew her finger from his ass and removed the glove quietly as she licked his softening cock clean.

He gasped and moaned at another aftershock, and she hummed at the taste of his final spurt of cum, then kissed the tip of his cock. She felt his hands on her upper arms and allowed him to draw her as close as he could on the table.

“Emma.” His voice was gravelly and hoarse sounding from shouting so much.

She smiled when her name was all he could manage to say as he wrapped his strong arms around her. His body still trembled, and she could hear his heart hammering in his chest. He held her tight and just lay there recovering for a few minutes. Once he relaxed, she sat up and gazed into his bewildered eyes.

“You okay, Gage?”

“What in the fuck was

“I massaged your prostate.”

“I understood what you were doing, but still…what in the fuck was that?”

“Um…I’m hazarding a guess that it was an orgasm of volcanic proportions.”

“You got that right. Holy fuck. Where—Where is Duke?”

Duke murmured from the chair behind her in a deep, mesmerizing voice. “I’m here. I wouldn’t have gotten up and left for anything. That was amazing, Emma.” Duke stood and crossed the room as Gage finally sat up, still a little shaky.

Emma felt her cheeks fill with warmth as Gage looked up at Duke like he’d been to Heaven and wanted to tell him all about it but couldn’t find the right words.

Duke chuckled quietly and said, “You’ve made him speechless, Em. It must have been really good.”

Emma gazed up at Duke and saw the need in his eyes. His shaft was fully erect, and she giggled as she winked at him and licked the length of his shaft. “I think you need a doctor’s tender loving care, too.” Turning to Gage as he climbed from the table, she asked, “Did Doctor Emma cure you?”

Gage smiled as he swiped a lock of her hair from her cheek, and she realized her hair clip had come loose at some point. “I’ll say you did. It was a miraculous healing.”

Duke kissed her as he sat down on the table, his cock standing up stiff and ready.

Emma chuckled and drew on another glove, giving it a melodramatic snap for effect. “Make yourself comfortable, Duke. I feel another miracle coming on.”


Chapter Fourteen

Christmas morning…


In a husky voice, Duke whispered, “Merry Christmas, sweetheart.”

Emma awakened to the sensation of lips trailing soft kisses over her breasts and her throat. It was still dim outside, and she smiled as they slowly roused her to wakefulness.

Gage released her nipple and murmured, “Merry Christmas, angel.”

Emma rolled to her back on the crowded queen-size bed in her old room at her parents’ house in Dallas. She sighed luxuriantly as their kisses headed farther south. “It
a good morning. Merry Christmas.” She panted happily as Duke raised her calf, parting her thighs, and lavished long, slow licks to her pussy.

Duke toyed with her clit with the tip of his tongue and then sucked lightly on it, while Gage gently slid two fingers into her cunt and stroked her in a leisurely fashion while he kissed her good morning. The scruff on Duke’s chin tickled her inner thighs and her mound. Her men patiently took her higher and higher, whispering naughty, sweet words in her ear and licking her to the very edge of orgasm.

She reached down to Duke and caressed the closely trimmed beard on his jaw and whispered, “Please.”

His sensual gray eyes promised he’d give her what she needed, and then he closed his eyes and gradually increased the pressure of his suckling at her clit, drawing her flesh into his mouth and flicking it with the tip of his tongue until she covered her mouth with her fist and came with a panting, heartfelt sob.

When she could breathe again, she whispered, “I have surprises for you downstairs. They’re probably waiting for us already.”

Duke shook his head. “We set the alarm so we’d have time to make love to you this morning. We have
of time,” he said as he slid his cock deep in her slick pussy. “And surprises can wait, when we have you in our arms.”

“Very true,” Gage murmured as he knelt beside her. His cock was thick and very hard as she took it in her hand and kissed it before licking him. “No gift compares to the way you make me feel, angel.”

* * * *


Christmas night…


Gage rolled his eyes at Emma as she hid her laughter behind her hand. Emma’s father did his best to keep a straight face as he explained again to Emma’s partially deaf grandmother. “Duke is Emma’s boyfriend and Gage is Duke’s cousin.”

The sweet, but opinionated, gray-haired lady said, “Why in the hell is his cousin traveling with them to
? Doesn’t he know they want to be

Desiree, Emma’s little sister, looked ready to choke on her candied yams as they all sat talking at the dinner table on Christmas night. “Grandma, it’s not every day you have the chance to see the northern lights. Maybe they
him to

Emma made eye contact with Gage and splurted her iced tea as some went up her nose. “Oh!
I’m so sorry. Oh my goodness!” She held a napkin to her face. Emma’s sister proved that a perverted sense of humor ran in the Guthrie family when she kept letting little innuendos like that slip.

Gage laughed, marveling that Emma could turn that deep of a shade of crimson. Her eyes were watering, and he couldn’t tell if she was laughing or crying. Sitting beside her, playing the part of adoring boyfriend, Duke patted her back and offered her his napkin as well.

They’d had a choice to make. In deference to her extended family, they’d needed to determine who got to play Emma’s boyfriend. The choice had been made after a bottle of wine had been consumed, and they played spin the bottle.

Duke had won the honors, and Gage got to play the sexy, unexplained cousin at all the gatherings who got hit on by all the single women in the family. Emma had a large extended family and several single female cousins, as well as one gay male cousin, and all of them had been checking him out the night before, on Christmas Eve.

Emma made it up to him when he snuck into her bedroom with Duke later that night. Emma’s parents had set Duke and Gage up in the guest room and, with equanimity, told them that as long as they didn’t know or hear who went where, they didn’t care, just as long as Emma was happy.

Diffusing the moment, Emma’s mother, Roberta Guthrie, said, “We’re just so glad that they could all come. Gage is considered a part of the family, too.”

Gage smiled at the secret sincerity in her words. Despite the unorthodox nature of their relationship, Emma’s parents accepted Duke and Gage both equally. Aunt Mary and Uncle Joe were his mom and dad, but it was an unexpected bonus that he was accepted by Emma’s family, too. Neither he nor Duke had allowed themselves to believe that would happen when they pursued Emma.

* * * *


New Year’s Eve, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada…


Emma reached out to Duke and Gage as she stepped into the hot tub located right outside their sliding glass door. She quivered with delight as the frigid breeze blowing over her bare skin was replaced by the languid heat of the water. She sank to her neck in the frothing water, and they settled on either side of her. Duke reached for the switch and turned off the lights on the deck. Emma had debated about leaving her glasses on the vanity inside their room but was glad she’d left them on now.

Tilting her head back, she looked up at the sky, and her heart was filled with wonder. “Oh, would you look at

Shimmering, swirling shades of green danced in slow, undulating motion across the night sky. They were far away from city lights and the weather was clear enough that their view of the aurora borealis was nothing short of magnificent.

Emma let her breath out slowly and allowed herself to relax in their arms and take in the shimmering, scrolling curtains of light. At times, she was sure she could reach out and touch them as they swept by. At other times, she thought she could somehow see the very darkness that seemed to move independently of the shimmering skirts of light. It was an entrancing display, and she felt hypnotized by it.

She smiled when she saw the lights shining on the faces of her sweet, handsome men. They gazed at her like there was nothing else in the world they wanted to look at, and she temporarily forgot about one of the natural wonders of the world as the wonder she experienced in their arms superseded it.

“I love you,” she whispered as she looked from one to the other. “I’m so happy when I’m with you.”

Duke pulled her into his lap so she faced him, straddling his thighs. Tenderly, he kissed the healed incision over her breastbone. The position made her feel opened and vulnerable to him, and her pussy swelled and tingled with the need to be taken. She gasped when he held her to him and slid his back up the side of the tub until he sat perched on the edge, the water cascading down their limbs. His cock was pressed against her mound, and her body felt superheated in the cold air. She braced one knee on the decking around the hot tub and groaned softly as he slid his cock in one swift, hot stroke deep into her pussy.

“Oh, Duke, yes,” she whispered.

She heard a small popping sound then shuddered at the feel of warm lubricant being applied to her asshole. It made her feel special when they remembered the small things like that. Lubricant left out on the deck while they’d soaked would have been shockingly cold on her nether regions. Gage stroked her back opening, and the stimulation to those nerve endings made her antsy to move on Duke. He held on to her hips and patted her ass and chuckled. “In a hurry, sweetheart?”

Emma bit her lip and whispered, “Oh, you feel so good. I can’t help it. Fuck me.” She shivered lightly and then smiled when Gage pressed his warm body against hers. One of her legs was still in the water, and one was on the deck. The temperature difference confused her senses, and she felt hot and cold all at the same time. She crooned in relief when she felt Gage’s cock at her asshole.

Duke wrapped his arms around her torso, and she hung on to his shoulders, concentrating on relaxing for Gage. She undulated and arched her back as he pressed against her with his big, hard cock. Always gentle with her, Gage thrust in shallow strokes until his cock slid in completely.

“Oh, fuck. She feels so good,” Gage groaned.

“I’m holding on by a thread, already. Too good.” Duke’s strong hands grasped her ass cheeks, and he ground against her.

Gage placed his knee on the deck outside of hers and angled with her and began moving in counterpoint with Duke. Emma found her place in the rhythm and felt the tendrils of her orgasm begin to wind around her. She threw her had back against Gage’s shoulder and gazed up at the slowly undulating waves of light that had held her transfixed earlier. She felt so blessed that they both loved her and cared enough about her to chase all the dreams on her bucket list with her. They were everything to her.

In a deep, breathless voice she murmured, “You’re my world, both of you. I love you. I need you so much.”

Gage slid his fingers over her mound and stroked her throbbing, swollen clit. The tidal wave of emotion and energy inside her expanded until she felt her heart might burst. Her cunt convulsed, and her movements slowed until she merely received from both men what they would give. One of the men groaned loudly, and the storm inside her built to a crisis point. Her orgasm shuddered through her in great sinuous waves, and she rocked between them ecstatically. Both men let loose deep cries of passion as they came inside her pulsing body. They held on to each other, shuddering blissfully.


“Hmmm,” she murmured as she listened to Duke’s heartbeat and felt Gage’s exhalations against her back.

“Will you marry us?” Duke murmured softly against her temple.


“Marry us, angel. We love you so much,” Gage whispered.

Still connected intimately to both of them, her body throbbed with sudden awareness and clarity. “Marry you?”

They both breathed a deep sigh and nodded as they held her tightly. Gage reached behind Duke and revealed a velvet box. He opened it, and she gasped as the glow of the northern lights was reflected in the gold setting. The diamond solitaire flashed with green-and-white fire as the lights above suddenly flared bright for a few moments.

Duke chuckled and said, “We won’t let you go until you say yes.”

She touched a finger to the ring and then looked up into Duke’s eyes and Gage’s eyes then said, “Yes. Yes! I’ll marry you. But…”

“But what, angel?” Gage said, not as a worried question, but more of an affirmation that whatever might keep her from marrying them they would somehow overcome.

“We’ve been working our way through the bucket list. Where do you propose we get married?”

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