Therian Prize: 5 (Therian Heat) (5 page)

“Hard and fast, remember. I want to be taken with enough force it makes me forget everything.”

“Hard and fast it is.” He paused long enough to put on a condom then thrust into her waiting heat.

She closed her eyes and savored the firm slide of his hard shaft for several moments. He was nicely shaped for a human, reasonably long and surprisingly thick. Then she opened her eyes and smiled at Matt. “Got something for me?”

He unzipped his pants and took out his cock, stroking it twice before he slipped it into her mouth. He seemed reluctant to touch her, as if he could sense something wasn’t quite right. She was a hooker who was giving it away. Why wouldn’t he be suspicious?

She tightened her lips around Matt and slid her mouth forward and back. He started to touch her face then reached lower and pinched her nipples instead. She sucked him deeper. He groaned and pinched harder. She tilted her head back and took him into her throat, not stopping until her nose was pressed tight against his abdomen.

“Oh God. Oh God!” He repeated the phase like a mantra as she started to feed. She drew energy into her chest as she sucked his cock deep into her throat.

Sean was deep inside her but he wasn’t really moving. He was probably watching his friend being devoured. Dissatisfied with Sean’s passivity, she tightened her inner muscles until he cried out.

“Holy shit,” he groaned and tried to move. She held him so tightly he couldn’t. “How are you doing that?”

How was she supposed to answer with Matt in her mouth? She took several more deep draws from Matt then triggered his orgasm. A professional probably would have made him pull out, but a human’s seed held the power of creation and nothing tasted sweeter to a demon. Or even a half-demon like her.

Matt staggered back, too stunned to put away his limp dick. He braced one hand on the wall and panted, eyes unfocused and glassy. She grinned. Humans were so easy.

She arched her back and decreased the pressure on Sean’s cock. “Move. Now!”

He was happy to obey. With his hands tightly gripping her hips, he pounded into her fast and hard. She absorbed the impact of flesh slapping flesh and savored the fast shuttle of his body inside hers. She could sense his lust, his selfish need for release. He was focused entirely on himself now, thinking only of completion.

She eased into his mind, heightening his need until he screamed. He pumped with ravenous hunger, each thrust so hard her hands slid forward and she ended up flat on her belly. He followed her down, grinding her into the filth, and her demonic nature surged. She drank in the stench as she drew his sizzling energy into her body. He was wild, savage in his determination to come, and she fed deeply.

He cried out again, shuddering violently as he came. The condom caught his seed, which ruined the ending for her. Why must humans be so paranoid?

“Wow.” He climbed off her and helped her up from the ground as aftershocks trembled through him. “That was…unbelievable.” He dragged off the condom and tossed it aside as if it contained nothing more precious than piss.

She righted her clothing, hands shaking, a red haze obscuring her vision. Energy thrummed through her, power like she hadn’t enjoyed in years. Matt had been too easily overwhelmed but Sean had been aggressive and ruthless. He’d tasted strangely sweet, his energy concentrated and potent.

It had been her intention to feed and then wipe their minds of the encounter. But her demonic nature was not yet satisfied. With a powerful mental pulse she froze both humans in place. They were motionless but aware. Fear made a human’s mind more malleable, so she always let her victims see her coming.

She turned toward Matt first. He’d recovered enough to right his clothing, though his expression was still somewhat dazed. It would be simple to scrub his memory, but how would he react to the disappearance of his friend? No. Dead bodies provided fewer clues than confused witnesses.

Conjuring a long, thin blade, she paused as terror blossomed in his gaze. How she loved that look and that smell. She inhaled deeply, allowing fear’s stench to coat her nose and throat. Once she was surrounded in Matt’s horror, she thrust the knife into his stomach and his chest. He gasped and gurgled, blood rising into his throat.

She paused again, savoring the coppery tang and his futile struggle for survival. He couldn’t move, so the conflict was internal. She could hear his manic thoughts and chaotic emotions. This was better than sex. Well, better than some of the sex she’d endured down through the years.

Matt coughed, his blood spattering her face. She laughed. It was unlikely he’d planned the final insult but she wasn’t going to let it stand. She drove the blade through his right eye socket and deep into his brain. He shuddered then stilled, lifeless, useless. She released her hold on him and watched him collapse at her feet.

Sean made distressed sounds, frantically struggling against her paralyzing thrall. Walking toward the handsome blond, she gazed into his eyes as she licked the blood from her blade. His features revealed fear then disbelief and finally anguish. Where was her savage lover now?

“And you, my fine young stud, are going to come with me.” His eyes widened and he tried to shake his head. “There’s an unusual richness in your energy. I’m going to tie you to my bed and ride you hard and fast until I figure out what it is.”

She ignored his muffled screams as she wrapped her arms around him and unfurled her wings.

* * * * *


Jake drew his tiger to the surface as he waited for Heather to respond to his question. He had no doubt she’d told him the truth so far, but there was no telling how long her honesty would last. It was easy to picture a large group of Therian wolves gathered in the forest, beating each other to a bloody pulp for the right to claim a female. Of all Therian shifters, and there were many types, wolf packs were wildest and least interested in being civilized.

Still, the crux of the issue remained. Why had she chosen him as her protector? His interactions with wolves were few and far between. Silverthorne was one hundred thirty miles from Aspen. He stayed out of their way and, for the most part, they did the same.

“You passed the largest concentration of cougars in the state, an irritable jaguar and a raptor on your way to me,” he listed when she continued in silence, stubbornly avoiding his gaze.

She fiddled with the bathrobe’s belt then scooted to the edge of the chair. “I don’t know how it is when you shift, but logic doesn’t really play a part when I release my wolf. Everything is instinctual. I was running for my life. That’s all I knew. I did everything I could to elude the hunters and I ended up here.”

He knew what she meant. Perception was more elemental, more visceral, when he was in tiger form. Still, he wasn’t a mindless beast. Cause and effect were still present. He debated alternatives and made choices. Apparently she wasn’t ready to admit that she had intentionally headed to Aspen. And he might have believed her if it hadn’t been for Lexxie.

Lexxie was her best friend and he’d spent several hours with the lively she-wolf a couple of weeks ago. He’d asked a few questions about Heather and Lexxie had opened up like a fountain, sharing all sorts of inside information. If half of what Lexxie told him was true, Heather’s choice had not been random or driven by necessity. Heather was attracted to him. She just wasn’t ready to acknowledge the fact.

And he wasn’t cruel enough to push the issue while she was so shaken. “All right, so you’re here. What do you expect from me now?”

Obviously annoyed by the question, she stood and sent her damp curls over her shoulders with a toss of her head. “I don’t expect anything from you. I’m sorry I interrupted your night and I appreciate the shower. I’ll send your sister the money for an outfit and be on my way.”

“On your way where?” He stood and stalked toward her, not in the mood for theatrics. “Are hunters on your trail or not?”

Her jaw set and her gaze narrowed. Then she took a deep breath and admitted, “They are.”

“How many?”

“I’m not sure. The challenge was down to six, but…” Her chin quivered and tears filled her big blue eyes. She frantically blinked them back then released the tension in her jaw. Stubbornness alone was keeping her going. It wouldn’t be long until that control snapped. He’d seen it many times before. The longer someone fought to remain calm, the harder the emotions hit them.

“Were they still trailing you when you reached Aspen?”

She shook her head. “They were following my scent. It didn’t matter how fast I ran or how many times I circled back, they just kept coming.” She shuddered and slowly licked her lips but said nothing more.

“And then,” he prompted.

“And then I spotted a dump truck full of manure. I released the shift long enough to crawl into the bed but it started burning my skin, so I summoned the wolf again.”

Summoned the wolf? What an odd way to express it. He always “released” his tiger, because his tiger was always present, always wanting to be released. From where did she
her wolf? He made a mental note of the anomaly so he could ask her about it when she wasn’t so upset.

She rubbed her arms and gazed past him. “I knew the truck was headed west, but that’s all I knew. The driver stopped for fuel in Glenwood Springs and I figured it was time to change directions.”

“So you headed here?”

“It wasn’t a conscious decision.” She sounded almost believable but she was still avoiding his gaze. “I found a trailer that reeked of horses and climbed in. When it stopped, I got out and started running again. I ran until I couldn’t run anymore and woke up in your sister’s bathtub.”

Heather must have been terrified and desperate, but he wasn’t that easy to find. Aspen was filled with pubs and bars, restaurants and lounges. At some point Toulouse Tavern had become a conscious destination. Why was she so reluctant to admit the fact?

“Twenty-four hours. You can crash at my place and I might even feed you, but you’re not staying more than one day.” He doubted that he’d enforce the limit. Still, he wanted the option in case she remained this secretive.

She nodded in agreement and her eyes grew watery again. “Thank you.”

He picked up the overnight bag then handed it to her. “Enya’s right. You can’t go around in her bathrobe. Get dressed.”

While Heather dressed in the bathroom, he went to Enya’s room and knocked on the door. “I’m headed home. Thanks for your help. I know you would rather have left her in the alley.”

Enya pulled the door open a crack. She’d dressed for bed. Without flashy clothes, she looked younger, yet still world-weary. The echoes of pain in her leaf-green eyes re-broke Jake’s heart every time he looked at her. She was his one regret, his biggest failure. She’d always looked up to him, respected and trusted him. Yet when she’d needed him most, he’d been unable to protect her.

“Be careful,” she said. “Nate Fitzroy is one sneaky son of a bitch. This could be a twisted setup.”

“What do they gain by Heather throwing herself on my mercy?”

“I don’t know, but you can’t trust a wolf.”

“I trust Landon.”

“Silly you.”

Her unwavering position made him smile. She might be slightly misguided but at least she was consistent. “I’ll be careful.”

“I called Toby and asked him to open the restaurant tomorrow, or actually today. Either way, you’re off the hook. Come in once you’ve gotten rid of the wolf.”

He chuckled at her phrasing. “Thank you, that was sweet.”

“Sweet.” She snorted. “We both know I’m anything but.”

“If you say so.”

“I’ll have the bathroom fumigated and you’re getting the bill.” She shut the door before he could respond so he just smiled and returned to the living room.

Heather was waiting for him, looking uncomfortable in the borrowed clothes. “Are all of her outfits this revealing or is she screwing with me?”

His gaze ran the length of her body and the irrational urge to hug Enya swept over him. Jeans rode low on Heather’s hips and clung to her rounded behind. Several inches of toned abdomen were left visible by the snug top. Her breasts, obviously unencumbered by a bra, were clearly outlined, the nipples teasing peaks against the dark-blue material. Enya was screwing with someone, he just wasn’t sure it was Heather.

“She likes to show off what she’s got, but she’s also screwing with us.” He walked to Enya’s coat closet and found a sweater. “This will have to do until I get you home.” And then he’d peel off that skintight top and explore her perky breasts before he gave her a baggy t-shirt. The unwanted thought kept his gaze firmly fixed on her flushed face. She had not come here to be seduced. She was in danger and passion was a powerful distraction. He had to stay focused if he hoped to protect her.

She slipped the cardigan on, overlapped the edges then crossed her arms. “Beggars can’t be choosers. Besides, I get the impression I’m lucky she offered me anything.”

“She has good reason to hate wolves. It’s more than the cat-and-dog thing.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset her.”

“There’s no reason to feel guilty. I involved Enya, not you.”

“There’s another change of clothes and some personal items in the bag. Should I bring it with me?” She motioned toward the overnight bag, which now rested in the chair she’d used earlier.

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