The_Submissive - Tara Sue Me (4 page)

After we finished, he told me to follow him. We walked through the house past his bedroom to the room before mine. He opened the door, stepped to the side, and bid me enter first.

The room was dark. A single small lamp gave the only light. From the ceiling two thick chains with shackles were suspended. I spun around to gape at him.

He didn’t look surprised. “Do you trust me, Abigail?”

“I…I…” I stuttered.

He walked around me and unbuckled a shackle. “What did you think our arrangement would entail? I thought you were well aware of what you were getting yourself into.”

Yes, I knew. But I thought chains and shackles would come later. Much, much later.

“If we are to progress, you must trust me.” He unbuckled the other shackle. “Come here.”

I hesitated.

“Or,” he said, “you can leave and not come back.”

I walked toward him.

“Very good,” he said. “Take your clothes off.”

It was worse than the night before. At least then I’d had some idea of what he wanted. Even earlier on his bed hadn’t been too horrible. But this, this was madness.

The crazy part of me relished it.

When I was completely naked, he took my arms, stretched them above my head, and chained them. He stepped away and took his shirt off. Rummaging through a drawer in a nearby table, he took out a scarf, and came back.

He lifted the black material. “Your other senses will be heightened when I blindfold you.”

Then he tied the scarf around my eyes and the room went dark. I heard footsteps and then there was nothing. No light. No sound. Nothing. Just the racing thump of my heart and my shaky breathing.

Light as air, something brushed my hair aside and I jumped.

“What do you feel, Abigail?” he whispered. “Be honest.”

“Fear,” I answered in my own whisper. “I feel fear.”

“Understandable, but completely unnecessary. I would never cause you harm.”

Something delicate circled my breast. Excitement pulsed between my legs.

“What do you feel now?” he asked.


He chuckled and the sound reverberated along my spine. I felt him draw another circle—teasingly, barely touching me. “And if I told you this was a riding crop, what would you feel?”

A riding crop? My breath caught. “Fear.”

The crop swished through the air and landed sharply on my breast. I gasped at the sensation. It hurt briefly, but not too bad.

“See?” he asked. “Nothing to fear. I won’t cause you harm.” The crop hit my knees. “Spread your legs.”

I felt even more exposed now. My heart doubled its tempo, but something inside me was lit with excitement.

He trailed the crop from my knees to the apex between my legs. Right where I was most needy. “I could whip you here,” he said. “What do you think about that?”

“I…I don’t know,” I confessed.

The crop smacked three times in quick succession right near my clit. It stung, but the sting was replaced almost immediately by the need for more.

“And now?” he asked, the crop swishing gentle as a butterfly between my legs.

“More,” I begged. “I need more.”

The crop circled gently a few times before he snapped it against my aching center. Again and again it struck, each time bringing a pain laced with sweet pleasure. I cried out as it hit again.

“You look so good chained before me, pulling against my restraints, in my house, crying for my whip.” The crop tickled my breast once more. “Your body is begging for release, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” I admitted, surprised at how much I needed release. I pulled against the chains, wanting to touch myself, to bring myself pleasure if he wouldn’t.

“And you’ll have it.” The crop smacked against my core once more. “But not tonight.”

I whimpered as I heard him walk away. Somewhere in the room, a drawer opened. I pulled on the chains again. What did he mean, not tonight?

“I’m going to unchain you now,” he said. “You will go straight to bed. You will sleep naked and you will not touch yourself at all. There will be severe consequences if you disobey.”

He undid the chains one at a time, gently rubbing a sweet-smelling lotion on each wrist. Then he removed the blindfold. “Do you understand?”

I looked in his deep, green eyes and knew he meant what he said. “Yes, sir.”

It would be a long night.


The smell of bacon woke me the next morning.

I jumped out of bed and ran to my watch. Six-thirty. Why was Nathaniel cooking? He hadn’t said anything about what time to meet him for breakfast. Surely I couldn’t be in trouble for not knowing he wanted breakfast earlier, right?

I rushed through another morning ritual of bed making, brushing my teeth, and dressing. I wasn’t sure what time I’d be headed home. Maybe I’d have time later for a shower.

I made it downstairs right at seven. Nathaniel sat at the kitchen table and two places were out.

“Good morning, Abigail,” he said. There was an excitement in his voice and eyes that hadn’t been there before. “Did you sleep well?”

I’d slept horribly. It was bad enough I’d gone to bed all hot and needy, but sleeping naked had done nothing to help. Memories of what he’d done to me the previous night flooded my mind.

“No.” I sat down. “Not really.”

“Go ahead and eat.”

He’d cooked for an army: bacon, eggs, and fresh blueberry muffins. I raised an eyebrow at him and he smiled.

“Do you sleep?” I asked.

“On occasion.”

I nodded as if that made perfect sense and dove into my food. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was. I’d finished three slices of bacon and half my eggs before he spoke again.

“I’ve had a nice weekend, Abigail.”

I tried to wrap my head around his calling the last two days a
nice weekend.
Must be some sort of crazy dom humor.

“I’d like to proceed with our relationship,” he said.

I choked on a bite of muffin. “You would?”

“I’m very pleased with you. You have an interesting demeanor and a willingness to learn.”

I was surprised he could tell anything from the little time we’d spent together, but answered, “Thank you, sir.”

“You have an important decision to make today. We can discuss the details after breakfast and your shower. I’m sure you have a few questions for me.”

It might be the only opening I had and I took it. “Can I ask you something, sir?”

“Of course. This is your table.”

I took a deep breath. “How did you know I didn’t
take a shower yesterday morning or this morning? Do you live here during the week or do you have a place in the city? How did—”

“One question at a time, Abigail,” he said, holding a hand up. “I am an extraordinarily observant man. Your hair didn’t look like it’d been washed yesterday. I guessed you didn’t take a shower this morning because you rushed in here like you had a demon chasing you. I live here on weekends and have a place in the city.”

“You didn’t ask if I followed your instructions last night.”

“Did you?”


He took another sip of coffee. “I believe you.”


“Because you can’t lie—your face is an open book.” He folded his napkin and placed it beside his plate. “Never play poker, you’ll lose.”

I wanted to be angry, but couldn’t. I’d tried to play poker once with Felicia and lost badly. “Can I ask another question?”

“I’m still at the table.”

I smiled. Yes, he was. All that hard man-muscle, that gorgeous body, that smug grin—they were still at the table. With me. “Tell me about your family.”

He raised an eyebrow, as if he couldn’t believe that was what I wanted to know. “I was adopted by my aunt, Linda, when I was ten. She’s Chief of Staff at Lenox.
My uncle died a few years ago. Their only child, Jackson, plays for the Giants.”

“I’ve seen his picture in the papers,” I said. “My best friend, Felicia, asked if I knew whether or not he was single.”

His eyes narrowed and his lips pressed together in a thin line. “How much did you tell your friend about me?” he asked. “I believe the papers from Godwin were very clear concerning my stance on confidentiality.”

“It’s not like that,” I said. “Felicia’s my safety call; I had to tell her. But she understands, she won’t tell anyone anything. Trust me, I’ve known her since grade school.”

“Your safety call? Is she in the lifestyle?”

I shook my head. “Quite the opposite, actually, but she knows I wanted this weekend, so she agreed to do it for me.”

My answer seemed to satisfy him, he gave a slight nod. “Jackson doesn’t know about my lifestyle and, yes, he’s single.” The corner of his mouth lifted. “I have a tendency to be a bit overprotective—he’s had to deal with his share of gold-diggers.”

“Felicia’s not a gold-digger. Granted, it doesn’t hurt that he’s a good-looking professional athlete. But she’s got the biggest heart of anyone I know and is loyal to a fault.”

He didn’t look convinced. “What does she do?”

“She’s a kindergarten teacher. Petite, red-headed, and gorgeous.”

“Why don’t you give me her number? I’ll pass it on to Jackson and he can decide if he wants to call her.”

I smiled. Felicia would owe me big-time.

His expression grew serious. “Getting back to what I said earlier, I want you to wear my collar, Abigail. Please consider it while you shower. Meet me in my room in an hour and we’ll discuss it further.”

His collar? Already? I wasn’t expecting to be collared so quickly. How come whenever I spoke with Nathaniel I always felt more flustered and confused at the end of the conversation than I did at the beginning?

From his spot on the floor, Apollo looked up at me and whined.

An hour later, Nathaniel waited for me in his room, holding a box. A cushioned bench was in the middle of the floor. He waved toward it. “Have a seat.”

When I’d left my bathroom earlier I found a silver satin bathrobe with matching panties and a bra waiting for me on the bed. I thought it was pretty high-handed of Nathaniel to set my clothes out, but I
agreed to his terms.

Which was why I gathered the robe around me and sat as daintily as possible on the soft bench. Nathaniel wore faded blue jeans and nothing else. Not even socks. I sighed. Even his feet were perfect.

He turned and sat the box on the dresser by his bed.

When he faced me again, he held a platinum choker made of two thick rope-like strands twisted together. Sunlight bounced from the facets of the numerous diamonds embedded in the platinum. “If you choose to wear this, you’ll be marked as mine. Mine to do with as I wish. You will obey me and never question what I tell you to do. Your weekends are mine to fill as I wish. Your body is mine to use as I wish. I will never be cruel or cause permanent harm, but I am not an easy master, Abigail. I will have you do things you never thought possible, but I can also bring you a pleasure you never imagined.”

My skin broke out in a cold sweat. He stepped even closer. “Do you understand?”

I nodded. “I understand, sir.”

“Will you wear this?”

Again, I nodded.

He moved behind me, his hands brushing my neck as he fastened the collar. It was the first time he’d touched me all weekend and I jumped at the contact.

“You look like a queen,” he said, moving his hands across my shoulders and pushing the robe off. “And now you’re mine.” His hands moved under my bra and gently swept over my breasts. “These are mine.” His hands ran down my side. “Mine.” He placed a kiss on my neck, then bit me gently.

His lips. His hands. His touch. I threw my head back and sighed at how wonderful they felt.

“Mine.” His hands continued their descent. He reached the waistband of my panties and pushed it aside. “And this?” He slid a finger inside me. “All mine.”

He moved his finger in and out and I discovered I’d been right about his fingers, they could do wonderful things. They stroked hard and deep, but right when I was on the edge, he pulled them out. “Even your orgasms are mine.”

I groaned in frustration. Damn it, would he ever let me climax?

“Soon,” he whispered. “Very soon. I promise.”

Soon, like sometime in the next hour? The choker felt heavy around my neck. I reached up to touch it.

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