Thin Ice 3 - Armageddon (3 page)


Leaving his wife, Tariq thought about their marriage and how strained everything was as he drove. They hadn’t made love to each other in months. Every time he went to touch her, Kaitlyn would pull away from him.
I want her so much,
Tariq thought longingly. He knew she missed Khari, but if she would just allow them to make love, he would give her another child without question.
Even though you think Khari’s death was her fault,
his mind charged as Tariq frowned slightly pushing the thought away. He loved his wife and Khari was gone. There was nothing he could do about that now, but there was something he could do about him and Kaitlyn.

Please baby, open up,” he murmured aloud turning into the parking lot of Mardi Gras. He and LaRon bought the club after Ryan’s death and Ian’s lockdown. It still did banner business and they’d renovated it, making it larger so they could host more celebrity events. Sighing deeply no longer contemplating his marriage, Tariq turned his attention to the club and went inside, ordering a drink immediately. He hoped the dancing, music, and revelry would take his mind off the emptiness that was his existence at the moment.





“Wassup girl, seriously, it’s been a long time,” Tae greeted Kaitlyn as they spoke on the phone.

Shunté Russell aka Tae, was a good friend of both hers and Jaleesa from their illegal days on the streets. Kaitlyn smiled at the question imagining the look on Tae’s face as she spoke. The three of them had a lot of fun days together when they were all hustling. Tae was a pretty girl, like herself and Tweety, creamy light golden chocolate with two deep dimples that sparkled when she smiled. Tae was no joke though. You could ask the three or four chicks walking around with train tracks on their faces from her straight razor about that.

I know,” Kaitlyn replied chuckling herself now.

We’re doing a barbeque tonight,” she told her friend. “You need to come through,” she added sipping the crown and coke she’d made herself a few moments earlier.

Sounds good,” Tae replied still enjoying her salad as her date sat across from her, incredulous that she was carrying on a conversation with her girl in the middle of their date.

What time,” Tae asked giving him a look that basically said shut up and eat.

“Drop in around 7:30 or 8:00,” Kaitlyn returned.

What you want me to bring,” Tae asked again, sipping her water and blowing a kiss at her date, who smiled and continued to eat his steak.

We got plenty of everything, so hell, bring whatever,” Kaitlyn returned as they both laughed.

Telling her she would be there and couldn’t wait to see them both, Tae disconnected and returned her attention to her date, sweetly apologizing as he smiled back and assured her all was forgiven.

Kaitlyn was still smiling as she finished the drink and made another. Brown liquor always made her mellow and today Kaitlyn needed to relax. It was the nine month anniversary of Khari’s death. Pushing the dark thoughts aside, she dialed Jaleesa next. “Wassup chick,” her best friend greeted her cheerfully.

Hey girl,” Kaitlyn replied. “You’re still coming right,” she asked as Jaleesa assured her nothing would keep them away.

We’re dropping’ Jashon off at mamas,” she told Kaitlyn who grunted her understanding. “What are you doing,” Jaleesa asked catching a tone and feeling something amiss about her friend.

“Having a drink,” Kaitlyn replied flatly.

Jaleesa frowned slightly. Kaitlyn hadn’t drunk hard liquor in a long time. Not since she had Khari. She’d switched to wine and the occasional beer, but never the Crown again. “Are you alright,” Jaleesa asked hearing a quiet coldness she hadn’t heard in her friend’s voice since they ran together and Kaitlyn hooked up with Ice.

Yes,” Kaitlyn returned simply, which further let Jaleesa know something was wrong.

Tae’s comin’ to the party,” Kaitlyn told her disturbing her thoughts once again.

Wow, that’s straight,” Jaleesa returned, genuinely excited.

The three of them hadn’t hung out together for a long time and she missed it. She missed a lot of things about her old life, Jaleesa thought silently as Kaitlyn continued to talk.

Mook and Kim got in this morning, so they’ll be here too,” Kaitlyn interrupted her thought once more.

Cool,” Jaleesa replied. “Gonna be a whole family reunion,” she chuckled as Kaitlyn joined her.

I’ll see you in a couple hours,” Jaleesa told her as Kaitlyn returned the sentiment and disconnected.


Tariq was surprised to hear the music already as he arrived at the house and let himself in. He’d fully expected to have to come home and get everything started himself for the barbeque tonight. He’d planned the gathering as a means of helping Kaitlyn get back into the swing of life. After talking to Mook the other evening and discussing some of the issues he and his wife were having, his friend suggested submerging her back into the scene with the simple gathering, surmising that if Kaitlyn were surrounded by family and friends, it might help her get past the grief and live again. Smiling as he watched his wife dancing along to the music while marinating the ribs, Tariq couldn’t help but think Mook was absolutely right. He hadn’t seen her this animated and complete in months.

Hey baby,” Tariq greeted her as Kaitlyn turned to him still smiling.

Hi,” she replied happily walking over and kissing him softly.

Tariq returned the kiss taking the time to gently caress her face. He loved this woman so much and her being in pain all these months was killing him.

“Did you get everything,” Kaitlyn asked, peering into the bags he’d placed on the counter.

Yeah,” Tariq replied, adding that the alcohol was being delivered in about an hour or so.

Good,” Kaitlyn replied, sipping the drink again.

Tariq noticed the brown liquor and frowned slightly but said nothing. It wasn’t a crime that she was drinking and she was happy, so he decided not to address it.

Well, all the meat is marinating, and I’ve made the kabobs and put them in the fridge,” Kaitlyn told him as Tariq continued to gaze lovingly in her face, loving the life he saw there now.

Tweety’s gonna help me with the salads when her and Deuce get here,” she added as Tariq nodded his understanding.

I’m sorry baby,” Kaitlyn told him as she sipped her drink again. “I’ve been so rude, do you want a drink,” she asked as Tariq smiled slightly and pulled her into his arms.

Not right now,” he told her softly as he kissed her lips gently.

Pulling away, he looked into her eyes as Kaitlyn smiled back at him, and stepped closer kissing him once more. Holding her tightly, Tariq kissed his wife passionately, his longing apparent as both their breathing became labored.

“I want you so much,” he told her softly as he continued to hold her and stroke her back. “Can we make love KiKi, please,” Tariq asked quietly in her ear, kissing her neck gently.

Fully expecting her to pull away at this point, he was eternally grateful she didn’t. Without a word, Kaitlyn took his hand and led him to their bedroom. As soon as they were inside, clothing flew off as they attacked each other in a heated frenzy of activity. “Shit,” Tariq murmured as Kaitlyn pushed him back on their bed and took his erection in her mouth, pleasing him as she worked him aggressively.

Tariq was breathing hard trying to take his mind off how good his wife’s mouth felt on him. He didn’t want to finish and not get a chance to make love to her. Today was an answer to his prayer and he wasn’t about to shortchange himself or Kaitlyn. Pulling her away, Tariq pulled his wife up to him and began kissing her as his hands roamed her body freely.

KiKi, mmm,” he murmured once more rolling her on her back as his mouth slowly made its way down her body.

Aah, Tariq,” Kaitlyn moaned softly as she felt his tongue for the first time greedily sampling her wet offering.

As she enjoyed her husband, Kaitlyn let herself go. She surrendered every dark thought and contemplation, focusing solely on the man loving her. Tariq heard her sigh deeply and felt her body convulse lightly letting him know she’d reached orgasm. Taking his time caressing her again as he returned to her lips, Tariq kissed her deeply, gently parting her legs and sliding inside her as they both uttered deep guttural moans at their joining.

Baby, I’ve missed you so much,” Tariq told her honestly as he continued to thrust deeply into her and Kaitlyn allowed him full access.

Yes, right there, oh god,” Kaitlyn breathed as yet another orgasm ripped through her and she pulled Tariq deeper into her being.

His pace began to increase and she felt his erection stiffen even more alerting Kaitlyn her husband was almost at his end. Tariq buried his face in her neck, breathing harder as he held her tightly, pushing himself as deep inside her as he could and releasing his seed. Kaitlyn gasped as she felt her husbands finish, her own orgasm descending simultaneously.
Oh god,
she thought as realization hit her. Kaitlyn didn’t want to get pregnant again. She was terrified of losing another child.
Please don’t let that happen
she thought while Tariq continued to kiss her neck softly. Absently Kaitlyn stroked his back as she made a mental note to see her doctor and get fitted for an IUD.


LaRon was trying not to lose him temper and kill the woman standing in front of him going off on yet another tangent.

I ain’t gonna be in the fuckin’ dark, Deuce,” Kysha growled angrily rolling her neck as she stood, hand on her hip addressing the man she was five months pregnant from. “Me and this baby deserve as much as that bitch you livin’ with,” she spat nastily referring to Jaleesa.

LaRon sighed deeply. Kysha Brown was a mistake he prayed everyday he could erase and wished to God he’d never made. She worked for them at Mardi Gras as a waitress. They’d flirted off and on, but nothing serious. That all changed after Jaleesa miscarried and LaRon found himself blaming her for the loss. Kysha had been there to comfort him and support him in his self pity. They’d only kissed at first. Then she gave him head as he returned the favor. They finally connected after a celebrity birthday bash at the club. LaRon admittedly was drunk off his ass that night, but he knew better.

“Kysha, what the fuck do you want from me,” he threw back, tired of the games. She’d promised to get an abortion two months ago. LaRon again kicked himself for being stupid enough to trust her and not go with her to the clinic. She didn’t tell him until she was four months gone that she’d changed her mind. Now he was subject to any and every demand Kysha made if he didn’t want Jaleesa to find out about his cheating and leave him, taking their son with her.

I want you to make a home for me and this baby, to be with us, and not that bitch,” Kysha returned jealously.

She was in love with LaRon and the paper he made. She wanted the big house, the money and jewels she saw Jaleesa laced with when she came to the club. Now she had the means to secure it and she wasn’t letting go until she got what she wanted.

You already know I’m not leaving my son,” LaRon told her, beginning to see red again. “You don’t hafta leave Jashon,” Kysha told him. “I think he’s a great little boy, I have no problem being his mama,” she added arrogantly as LaRon sighed deeply once again.

“Jashon has a mama,” he replied as Kysha sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes again.

So what you gonna do Deuce,” she threw out regarding him once more, hand on hip, attitude full blown.

How I even know this damned baby is mine,” he replied, earning him a slap from Kysha.

Reflex prevailed and he slapped her back, knocking her to the floor.

No the fuck you didn’t hit me and I’m pregnant,” Kysha screamed. “Oh, I’ma have your ass locked up,” she yelled grabbing her cell from the table beside her.

Wait baby, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” LaRon told her hurriedly as Kysha eyed him angrily. “I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he told her softly, scooping her up from the floor and carrying her to the bedroom of her tiny apartment.

LaRon hated coming here. It reminded him of all the poverty he’d worked so hard to get away from. The apartment was old and unkempt. The paint peeled from the awnings outside. The windows allowed the cold air to seep in during the winter months, making the inside almost as cold as the outside. Her walls were paper thin and every sound seemed to permeate throughout. Kysha herself was a terrible housekeeper. The apartment was always dirty and littered with fast food containers, half used weave packages, hair glue, dirty clothes and empty beer bottles.

“I’m sorry, okay,” LaRon told her softly, reeling his mind in as he kissed her lips and Kysha smiled back at him. “I would never hurt you or the baby,” LaRon continued to convince her as Kysha began undoing his pants, letting him know what she expected in return for her forgiveness.

LaRon went through the motions, undressing her and caressing her to readiness, before entering her and having sex with her. His mind was in continual motion as he thrust into her and Kysha moaned her pleasure. He had to think of a way out of this mess without Jaleesa ever finding out. Kysha was a mistake, but he was determined not to let her or a kid he didn’t want, or even fully believe was him, make him lose the love of his life and the child they’d made together.

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