Thin Ice 3 - Armageddon (34 page)

The car horn behind him broke his thought as Jaron continued on to his destination. Now he didn’t let Gabrielle out of his sight without knowing exactly where she would be. He had a GPS on her phone so he could track her and he didn’t let her drive. He took her everywhere she needed to go. Gabrielle didn’t mind though. She told him it made her feel safe that he took such good care of her. Thinking about her brought a smile to his face as he turned into the school parking lot and saw her waiting outside talking to her friends from class. Gabrielle rose and came to the car as soon as he drove up, jumping inside, and giving Jaron a quick kiss.

Hey baby,” she greeted him as he smiled and returned the greeting.

How was class,” he asked as they left the school headed for dinner.

It was good, we actually got a chance to practice more today,” she told him as Jaron nodded his understanding.

I’m starved,” she told him as he chuckled and told her okay.

I gotta stop at Mardi Gras for a minute, then we can go wherever you want,” Jaron told her as they got back onto the interstate.

Gabrielle told him that was fine as she opened her book and began to study. Jaron smiled again thankful he had her back and vowing never to let her go again.




Creeper was still thinking about the request Jalen made while he was in Philly almost two weeks ago.
Wonder what the hell he wants to know about Ice and Ryan for,
he brooded. Creeper was well aware of the man’s legend. Ice and his brother Ryan were no joke. Stories still circulated about how Ryan had Big Mike and his crew turned into hamburger meat, literally.
There’s more to this story than is being shared,
he concluded as his best friend walked into the small apartment where they counted money before sending it to be laundered.

Wassup man,” Pirate threw out.

Creeper greeted him, telling him to sit down he wanted to run something by him. Creeper grabbed a beer and began rolling a blunt as his friend talked. He lit it and inhaled deeply as Creeper finally finished his story.

So he just wants to know about them, because why,” Pirate asked, just as suspicious as Creeper.

That’s exactly my question,” Creeper threw back. “He says it’s just for his sanity sake, but I ain’t buying’ that bullshit.”

Pirate immediately agreed.

OK, so if you find anything, call his bluff,” Pirate told him. “Make that ass come clean about what’s really up,” he added as Creeper readily agreed.

We need to make a trip to Louisiana,” Creeper told him.

Pirate gave him a questioning look. Creeper explained that’s where Ian had been killed so it was just a good a place to start as any.

Man, I heard Ice was no fuckin’ joke,” Pirate told him the admiration in his voice.

I met his brother once,” Creeper told him as Pirate grunted. “We were supposed to talk about doing business, but shit came up and next thing I know he was dead,” Creeper stated as Pirate nodded his understanding.

I hadn’t ever met Ice and I didn’t know if Ryan had mentioned anything, so I didn’t even try that direction,” he added as Pirate chuckled and told him he understood.

So when we are leaving,” he asked his friend. Creeper told him he would get Tamiya and the kids settled tomorrow and they would pull out around noon.

Cool, that will give me time to put it on Lila real good,” Pirate replied as they burst into laughter and continued their task for the evening, counting their money.


Tariq smiled as he watched Kaitlyn play with the children at the shelter. She volunteered here three days a week and loved it. They wanted to have another child, but the doctors had asked them to wait until Kaitlyn finished her medication and they were sure she was stable. Thankfully they were only about a month away from their release date. Tariq couldn’t complain though. Their love life was still remarkable and they made love often, he just wanted to be able to give her the child they both so desperately desired. Kaitlyn looked up seeing her husband and waved. Tariq waved back as ten other small hands began waving and smiling. All the kids knew him and loved it when he came to pick Kaitlyn up, knowing he brought treats. Tonight was no exception. Tariq stopped at Krispy Kreme and picked up ten dozen glazed doughnuts, enough for all the staff and patrons alike to enjoy.

Kaitlyn hugged him tightly after all the little people were done saying hello and hugging him.

Hey baby,” he greeted her, kissing her softly.

Hey,” Kaitlyn replied happily.

Tariq loved looking into her eyes and seeing the sparkle once more restored. Every time he thought of Carlo or of Ice he wanted to kill them all over again. Pushing the dark memories away, he returned his attention to his wife as they walked out of the building bidding everyone goodnight.

I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow,” Kaitlyn told him as a point of conversation. Tariq asked what was wrong as she chuckled.

I have a check up, girl check up,” she iterated as he smiled and left the subject alone. “Next month cannot come soon enough,” Kaitlyn spoke again quietly.

Tariq wordlessly took her hand, kissing it lightly.

It’ll fly by, you’ll see,” he told her as Kaitlyn smiled and told him she believed him.

Tweety’s arraignment is tomorrow,” Kaitlyn said carefully.

She knew Tariq was still raw about losing his friend and partner. They hadn’t really talked about it since the night of the shooting. Tariq sighed deeply and simply nodded. He still couldn’t bring himself to speak on the subject yet. While he understood what must have been going through her mind when she shot him, Tariq was angry as hell that Jaleesa had killed his friend. He didn’t know if he could go sit in a courtroom and listen to them talk defense strategies and such.
You’ve got to deal with this, she’s your wife’s best friend,
his mind told him as Kaitlyn left the subject alone and began talking about something else. She sensed he wasn’t ready and he appreciated the fact that she didn’t push. Thinking about the arraignment, Tariq made a mental note to get with DeNoah. He’d returned to Atlanta almost three months ago, broken, and hunted. Tariq and LaRon had arranged a couple of high profile hits on the men looking for him, convincing them it was better to let it go. He would have DeNoah shadow Kaitlyn. He didn’t leave her without eyes these days, ever. Tariq still had the uneasy feeling that they weren’t out of the woods yet.
You killed that muthafucka, you saw him slide down that wall,
his mind tried yet again.

Baby, you missed the turn,” Kaitlyn spoke, breaking his thought.

Tariq apologized, making a quick u-turn and heading back to the Grill and the bison steak Kaitlyn said she wanted.


Jalen was trying to watch the game and tune out his girl’s constant complaining. “Why can’t we go out, damn, you’re always broke,” Penny whined as Jalen rolled his eyes at her.

He’d been dating Penny Rhodes for almost a year. Jalen smiled to himself thinking they should have named her dollar the way she was always asking for and spending money. Jalen couldn’t lie and say she wasn’t sexy or fine for that matter. The big, round, bubble butt had him mesmerized the day he met her. He would be the first to admit she wouldn’t win any beauty contests, but she was tolerable and the way she gave head definitely made her a keeper.

Baby, I’m trying to watch the game,” Jalen tried. “How about we go out after it goes off,” he added trying to sweeten the deal.

Penny came and stood directly in front of the TV, hands on her hips.

I want to go out now,” she told him as he sighed deeply once more.

After the game,” he told her, trying to keep his anger in check.

No! right now!” Penny yelled and Jalen snapped.

Tell you what bitch,” he threw out before he could stop himself. “How about you take yourself out, right now,” he raged as Penny slapped him hard across the face. “Don’t you ever call me a bitch again,” she yelled back. “I don’t have to deal with your broke ass or your bad ass attitude,” she told him definitely.

Then fuck, don’t,” Jalen yelled, pushing her roughly from in front of the TV set.

Did you just push me,” Penny questioned picking up a vase and throwing it at him. Jalen ducked and the glass object shattered harmlessly against the wall.

See, that’s why I don’t fuck with your stupid ass,” he told her. “We’re done, shit, get out,” he yelled as Penny again put her hands on her hip and spoke, neck rolling as she did.

Ain’t no great loss Jalen,” she told him haughtily. “You’re broke, you’re a bartender with no future at a broke down club,” she continued to insult him. “Shit, the dick ain’t even good, short and boring,” Penny threw out as Jalen jumped in her face.

Get the fuck outta my house you tramp,” he told her, spitting on her at the end of his sentence.

Penny swung at him again as he blocked the blow. Turning she grabbed her purse knocking over everything in her path as she stormed out of the door.

Sighing deeply Jalen didn’t even bother to try and pick up after carnage. He settled back onto his couch and continued watching the game.
I sure hope Creeper can get me some answers,
he thought as the commercial blared into his psyche. He’d tried approaching his mother again, but as usual she told him she had nothing to say.
“What do you mean nothing to say,” Jalen flared. “This is my damned life we’re talking about, and I want to know about my brothers.” His mother had given him a look then, like she wanted to say something, but thought better of it. “You have no brothers,” she replied sternly. “How many times do I have to tell you that,” she finished and said nothing more.
Fleetingly his thoughts returned to the present and went to Penny and apologizing to her.

Fuck that,” Jalen said aloud.

He needed a change of pace, a new face to look into. He thought about the crack she made about his lovemaking and frowned deeply.
Guess it wouldn’t be good considering all the trains making stops at that station,
Jalen thought as he decided he needed to take a trip and grabbed his new laptop from the hiding place under the sofa. Booting it up he began to scout locations, looking for sun, quiet, and easy sex.


Good evening Mr. Marks,” Abigail greeted him. Robert frowned slightly. He hated to be disturbed at home once he left the office.

Yes, Abigail,” he returned not trying to mask his irritation.

I apologize for disturbing you, but there was a call for you,” she told him as Robert asked her who it was.

All right, thank you,” he returned, managing to keep his voice even. “I’ll take care of it,” he added as Abigail told him that was fine and bid him a pleasant rest of the evening.

Robert headed directly to his bar and made himself a drink, pouring a double shot, and throwing it back before heading to his home office.

Robert went behind the large white oak desk and sat down in the oversized desk chair, pulling a set of keys from his file drawer. Opening the drawer and withdrawing what he was searching for, Robert picked up his cell and dialed.

Hello, this is Robert Marks,” he told the party when they answered.

Sitting and listening intently for the next twenty minutes without comment, he finally disconnected and opened the file in front of him, pulling out the bottle of scotch he kept in the other file drawer and pouring himself yet another double shot.

Robert sighed deeply as he began reading the documentation in front of him as his mind spun and his heart raced.
I will maintain the confidence and preserve inviolate the secrets of my client, and will accept no compensation in connection with a client's business except from the client or with the client's knowledge and approval,
Robert’s mind threw at him from the oath he took upon becoming an attorney. Sighing deeply yet again, he took one last drink and returned to the task at hand.


Creeper was making one last run by the traps and decided to stop at one of the fried chicken places, wanting to grab something quickly and go home. Standing in line he unintentionally listened in on the conversation of the two women in front of him.

I don’t know why people find it so hard to believe in God and miracles girl,” the portly woman told her friend who clucked her tongue and agreed with her.

Creeper could tell they were tourists from the dress and mannerisms.

Right now, at the rehab I work at, we got this man who is sho nuff a miracle,” she continued talking as Creeper sighed lightly.

I’m telling you girl, who else but God could have saved that man,” she went on. “12 bullets to his body, hitting 2 major organs, and a shot point blank in his head,” she told her friend, tweaking Creeper’s interest now. “And the only thing wrong with him is a slight limp and a bit of impaired speech, honey don’t you tell me Jesus ain’t real,” she added as her friend threw in a hallelujah behind her statement.

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