Thin Ice 4 - Resurrections (16 page)


Jacoury was giving Trail instruction before he left, headed back to Atlanta for a few days. “I’ll be back this weekend,” he told him as Trail nodded his understanding. “When me and Mell handle this business down south, we’ll find a new manager,” Jacoury told him. “That is, if you don’t decide you want the job permanently,” he teased Trail.

The man chuckled and told him he’d see as he headed back to the bar and his work. Jacoury was still smiling as Tyashia came into the office.

Hey baby,” he greeted her, rising and walking over to her, hugging and kissing her softly.

Hey,” she returned softly.

What’s wrong,” he asked looking at the expression on her face.

Tyashia sighed deeply before speaking. “Sabrina and her girl Michelle are about on my last nerve,” she said angrily of her co-workers.

Jacoury asked her to elaborate.

They’re just being bitches for no reason,” Tyashia answered. “I mean, I do my job and I help out,” she went on as Jacoury continued to listen. “But that damned Sabrina just goes out of her way to be nasty to me,” Tyashia told him. “And of course since Michelle has no mind of her own, she’s right there with her girl.”

Jacoury sighed softly and kissed her again. “Sabrina has a thing for me,” he told her honestly as realization dawned for Tyashia.

Well damn,” she replied as Jacoury chuckled. “It’s not funny, Jacoury,” she told him, pouting slightly. “You could have warned me,” she added as he laughed full out now.

Baby, I’m sorry,” he told her finally gathering himself. “Listen,” he began as he gently stroked her face. “Do you know anything about office stuff, bookkeeping maybe,” he probed.

Tyashia nodded. “Yeah, I used to do the books for this club back home,” she told him. Jacoury smiled brightly telling her that was great.

So here’s the deal,” he began as he told her what he needed her to do.

Yeah, I can do that,” Tyashia replied.

Jacoury told her that’s what he wanted then.

You let Trail handle those two, and you handle my money and my books,” he told her. “OK,” Tyashia replied.

What,” Jacoury asked; taking in the look she was giving him.

I’m just impressed you trust me like this,” she told him as he smiled again.

Tyashia, baby, I can read people pretty good,” Jacoury told her. “You’re a good chick, a down with her man chick,” he went on. “That’s hard to find these days, and trust and believe when you find it you should hold onto it.” Jacoury told her, kissing her deeply. “That’s why you ain’t goin’ nowhere,” he whispered softly in her ear, bringing a smile to her face. “I’ll see you this weekend, OK,” he replied as she nodded and he kissed her again.


Kim found Mook sleeping when she returned to the house and was careful not to wake him. Mook normally didn’t nap during the day, so Kim surmised he was either exhausted or they were meeting tonight and handling business. Heading for the kitchen, she began quietly moving around pulling out the recipe she’d found for lasagna. She chuckled to herself of her attempt to cook at all. Kim was not domestic, not that Mook minded; she just wanted to be able to surprise him every now and then. Chuckling quietly she began gathering the ingredients, making the salad first.

That was easy,” she murmured, grabbing a glass of wine and turning the radio on softly. “Now comes the killer,” Kim sighed as she began reading the recipe and praying it was edible when she finished.

Mook was sleeping deeply as his mind overtook him and the dreams wrapped him in their protective cocoon.
“Shit, you are fine,” Mook told her softly as he removed the last of her clothes and she stood naked in front of him. “Can I see how fine you are,” she asked as Mook smiled. Walking over she began slowly removing his shirt, licking his nipple as he lifted his arms for her to take it over his head. “Damn,” Mook murmured, liking the action. She smiled again, unzipping his pants and letting them drop to the floor. “Mmm, is all this for me,” she asked taking his erection in hand, caressing it through the fitted boxers he still wore. “Yes, and I’ve been waiting a long time to give it to you,” he murmured pulling her close and kissing her deeply. She ended the kiss pulling away and slowly removing the underwear, his hard desire right in her face. “Looks yummy,” she murmured taking him into her mouth and sucking gently. “Yeah, shit,” Mook murmured as he guided her head. She sucked harder, throating him as Mook struggled not to shoot his load. She was so damned good, he thought behind the closed lids.

That’s so good,” Mook murmured again as she stopped suddenly and he opened his eyes. “What’s wrong,” he asked looking into her face. “I want you here,” she told him, lying on the bed and spreading her legs. Mook licked his lips taking in the sexy brazillian waxed work of art that was calling him. He went to his knees burying his head between her legs, his tongue and the stud doing what they did best. “Mook, mmm, damn,” she murmured almost coming off the mattress when she reached orgasm the first time. “Juicy ass peach,” Mook murmured inserting his tongue even deeper inside her. “Aaah,” she moaned reaching orgasm yet again. “Do what you’ve been dreaming of,” she told him softly as Mook’s eyes found her own again. Smiling he rose and climbed into bed with her.

Lying on his back, Mook pulled her into his lap, sliding inside her as she groaned deeply, drenching him as she came yet again. “Mook, this shit is so damned good,” she moaned riding him hard. “Yeah baby, damn, your shit is so tight, so damned wet,” Mook moaned as he too began feeling his orgasm looming. “You wanna cream it don’t you,” she asked. “Yeah, damn yeah,” he moaned. “Then do it Mook,” she screamed, the orgasm descending. “Take this pussy baby, make it yours and cream it,” Tae moaned senuously as she came hard and her body shook.

Mook sat straight up in bed, sweating profusely, still hard as steel. “What the fuck,” he mumbled as the dream screamed still in his subconscious. Gathering his bearings, he detected the aroma of food and knew Kim was home. Jumping from bed he hurriedly went into the bathroom, turning on the cold shower, praying the erection left before Kim discovered him.
You better make sure she never, ever, finds out about that damned dream,
Mook thought stepping under the spray finally. He sighed deeply knowing his subconscious was only giving life to the things he felt concerning Tae.
I gotta find a way to shake these damned cravings,
Mook thought as he heard Kim’s voice fill the bathroom telling him to hurry up because it was time to eat.



Tae couldn’t see anything in the dark room. It was pitch black, not even the tiniest pinpoint of light was present.
Where the hell am I,
she thought frightened at the prospect. All her mind kept replaying was Ian’s brother and his desire to find Kaitlyn.
Please let me get out of here alive, and back to my man,
Tae thought the fear beginning to make her tremble slightly. She heard the sound of the doorknob and turned her head in the direction of the sound. The light blinded her and she had to close her eyes momentarily. When she opened them again the room was once more engulfed in blackness. Tae was terrified at this point.
What the hell,
she thought, feeling the breath on the back of her neck.

Hi Tae,” Ian said softly.

Recognition flooded her mind and the hair on the back of her neck stood up.
This is a trick,
her mind told her as Tae shook her head in the dark. Ian was dead. There was no way he was in this room with her.

Surprised speechless, hmm,” he teased again.

Ian knew she had to be weighing every possible scenario in her mind right now; even down to thinking she was asleep and vividly dreaming.

“I’m real Tae, and I’m here,” Ian told her, touching her this time.

Tae screamed shortly the fear manifest. “No, stop, this is a trick,” she cried out praying she was right.

No, Tae, its not,” Ian told her again finally turning on the small table lamp and stepping directly into her line of sight.

Tae couldn’t describe the horror she felt as she looked into Ian’s face.

Wha --, I,” she stumbled as Ian smiled slightly.

Tae,” he began, sitting down in front of her. “You and I have never had an issue,” he went on as she regarded him, still in shock. “You already know, I would never hurt KiKi, and that’s not why I want to find her,” Ian threw out as Tae nodded slightly, but continued to remain mute. “If you help me Tae, you’ll save his life,” Ian lied, referring to Tariq. “You know he won’t let her leave with me, and I’d be forced to kill him.”

Tae looked into Ian’s eyes, not sure she believed any of what he was telling her. He saw the indecision and began talking to her again.

Tae, I’m not here to cause drama or get revenge or any of that bullshit,” Ian lied smoothly. “I’m alive, and that is a miracle,” he began again. “I just want KiKi, the woman I love, who I know still loves me back, and to go live our lives together,” Ian pleaded convincingly.

“Jalen is your brother,” she asked buying time once more.

Yes,” Ian returned.

He said he would kill my sister and my niece,” Tae threw out as Ian sighed lightly.

I’m sorry he threatened you Tae,” he replied. “Jalen doesn’t call the shots however, I do.”

Nodding shortly again, Tae decided to fish.

How are you supposed to get KiKi,” she asked as Ian smiled slightly, pleased she was thinking about helping him.

Call her and ask her to meet you,” Ian told her. “A restaurant, someplace she’ll feel safe,” he went on as Tae listened. “I’ll be with you when she comes, and she and I will talk,” Ian told her as Tae grunted.

Suppose she says no Ice, then what,” she asked wanting to know all she could about Ian’s true motives and plans.

She won’t say no, Tae,” he replied confidently. “KiKi loves me, she always has, and that’s why Tariq was so intent on trying to kill me,” Ian told her. “To keep us apart.”

Tae again nodded but said nothing.

I know you don’t have a reason to trust me Tae,” Ian told her effectively reading her thoughts. “But ask yourself, have I ever not been straight with you or anyone I do business with,” he probed.

Tae had to admit he hadn’t.

Has KiKi ever told you I hurt her intentionally,” Ian threw out as she again answered no.

Then help me Tae,” he pleaded again. “I just want to love her and take care of her. Hasn’t KiKi suffered enough,” he asked as Tae sighed deeply, but still remained quiet.

Think about it,” Ian told her rising and leaving the room and her mind, still spinning.


Shells was getting worried. He’d been irritated about an hour ago when he called Tae for the fifth time and she didn’t answer. He was on his way to the meet, but he wanted to know she was okay before he got there. Trying once more, Shells hit the speed dial number assigned to Tae and waited for his call to connect. Just like his previous attempts the phone went straight to voicemail.
Where is that girl,
Shells wondered arriving at the house and pulling into the driveway. Getting out he made his way to the front door, using the key he was given and going inside.

Wassup Shells,” Tariq greeted him, seeing him first.

Not a lot Top, wassup wit you,” Shells returned trying to keep himself focused on the business at hand.

This wasn’t like Tae. He tried to recall if they’d had an argument or if he’d said anything that would have pissed her off and made her ignore his calls. There was absolutely nothing. Even if she were with one of her girls, Tae would have called him, texted him at least.
Maybe she’s with someone she don’t want you to know about,
his mind tried. Shells immediately dismissed that thought. Tae had been absolutely faithful since they became a couple and there were no signs at all that she was even thinking about seeing someone else.

“The bastard is alive and he’s here somewhere in the ATL,” Tariq told the men as they all sat.

Fuck,” Shells swore aloud as the others agreed with his sentiment.

Tariq told them that Ian had somehow gathered more soldiers and he was more than sure plotting some type of territory takeover.

We need to find him before he makes that move,” Mook threw out.

Ramell and Tariq immediately agreed with him.

We need to hit the streets and make them talk,” Ramell told them.

Shells agreed saying he had a couple friends he would start with.

Where is DeNoah,” Shells asked curiously.

Tariq explained he’d left him watching Kaitlyn.

With this fool on the loose, we all know she’s gonna be his first order of business,” Tariq replied as every grunted their agreement.

Ramell was quietly thinking of Jacoury and the call he’d gotten earlier. His partner was back, but he didn’t want it known yet.
“I’m gonna do a little watching of my own on this DeNoah fool,” Jacoury told Ramell.
He was eager to know what his friend found. He had his own suspicions about the man as well, but before he brought them to his cousin, he wanted to have the facts to show him.

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