Thin Ice 4 - Resurrections (26 page)

Jalen told her he was independent contractor.

I’ma bartender by trade, so I travel to whoever will pay me the most,” he told her as she smiled and told him that was different.

So what do you want to do now,” he asked, hoping she didn’t want to end the evening just yet.

We could go dancing,” Shanise suggested.

Jalen told her he was down, and they rose heading out into the city. She’d been here on several occasions and knew where the happening spots were, so Jalen let her drive. They arrived at the brightly lit building moments later, line outside the door.

Wow, how long is the wait to get in that place,” he murmured as Shanise chuckled.

Not as long as you think,” she replied telling him to come on.

True to her word, Jalen found himself inside the club in less than five minutes. He was enjoying the ambiance of the lighted dance floors and full lenth mirrors. They even had go-go dancers in cages high above the dance floors.

Very studio 69esque,” he quipped as Shanise told him that’s what she liked about it.

You want a drink,” Jalen asked as she told him she did and he went to the bar to order for them.

He returned shortly with the two apple martini’s as they sat in the empty booth they’d garnered.

OK, so at some point you have to actually get up and dance you know,” Shanise teased.

Jalen told her he could hold his own, so whenever she was ready, let him know. Setting her glass down, Shanise told him to come on. They made their way to the crowded floor, etching out a spot, and began dancing flirtatously with each other. Jalen was getting seriously aroused as Shanise continued to grind her butt onto his lap.
Shaking it like a salt shaker
, he laughed, completely enjoying her. The DJ changed up the pace and a slow jam came on. Most of the couples immediately retreated to their booths and tables, but Jalen, Shanise, and about 10 other couples remained on the floor and actually danced with each other.

So are you ready to take me home yet,” she asked seductively.

Jalen smiled, kissing her softly. “Hell yes,” he replied as she laughed.

So let’s go,” Shanise replied as Jalen smiled and took her hand, both of them almost running for the exit and to her waiting car.


Mook, Jaron and Shells arrived at the house, parking in the massive garage and hurried inside.

You straight,” he asked Jaron, noticing the bleeding.

Just a scratch,” he told Mook of the cut.

Fortunately none of them had been shot. They also didn’t know how many, if any, of the men they were shooting at were hit either. Things had spiraled immediately out of control once the bullets started flying. Someone had obviously called the police and the next thing they heard were sirens, yelling, and commands from the police about to storm the townhouse. The three of them had made an immediate retreat through the back door, seconds before SWAT swarmed it and made entry. They didn’t waste time waiting to see what would happen either. Mook jumped into the car, everyone else right on his tail, started the engine and casually drove out of the complex as four more squad cars came screaming through the now open gates.

That shit was crazy as hell,” Jaron told them, wrapping the cut, which had now stopped bleeding.

Fuck yeah, and too close for comfort,” Mook agreed.

“I sure hope we killed that fool,” Shells threw out.

They all murmured their agreement as Shells made a call. He had friends on the street that could tell them what was going down.

What dey say happen,” Shells asked his friend.

The man went on to give them details of the raid and what the police found.

They ain’t ID none of dem yet,” Shells told Mook and Jaron. “Two of dem dead though,” he added as they both grunted, sure they were all thinking the same thing about the one they wanted to be dead.

The sound of another car driving up caught their attention, and they heard Tariq, Jacoury, and Ramell, entering the house moments later.

I’m glad to find you all here,” Tariq told them, alerting them he’d heard what’d happened.

We are too,” Mook replied as they all laughed.

Man, what the fuck,” Ramell asked as they began recounting the entire interaction.

Damn, he’s a sick ass bastard,” Jacoury threw out after Jaron explained what they’d found out about Seth and Gabrielle’s relation to each other.

Once we find out one of the stiffs is actually his ass, I’ma call Kim and tell her, so she can let Gabrielle know everything is fine,” Mook told them as Tariq grunted.

He told them about killing DeNoah and the leak that was with Ice.

Oh so they hanging out together and everything huh,” Mook asked irritably.

Seems so,” Tariq replied, still angry about the man’s deception.

He always was a stupid ass,” Jaron added as everyone agreed.

Guess they gotta find a new snitch now,” Shells said in passing.

Shit, they probably got stupid muthafucka’s lined up from city to city,” Ramell replied as they all nodded their agreement.

KiKi texted me earlier,” Tariq said causally.

What,” Mook asked. “She okay, where is she,” he asked all at once.

Sighing deeply Tariq told them he didn’t know that yet.

She said Ice left her alone for a few moments, and she texted me, but she had no idea where she was,” Tariq told them, trying not to get angry or filled with despair again. “Shit,” Shells threw out.

Well okay, at least we know she’s all right,” Mook said again, wondering what Tariq was really thinking.

The other men all headed into the kitchen to devour the leftovers in the fridge, leaving the two men alone.

What’s up Top,” Mook asked, giving him a look.

I know he’s touched her, Mook, and that shit is eating me up,” Tariq readily admitted.

You don’t think he would hurt her do you,” Mook asked, referring to Ian forcing Kaitlyn to have sex.

No, but he’d dope her and take advantage of her,” Tariq replied bitterly.

Top, you gotta get past that,” Mook told him. “For KiKi’s sake,” he added giving him yet another look.

Tariq sighed deeply again. “I know,” he replied tiredly. “I’m just so tired of this roach hurting my wife and disrupting our lives,” he told Mook bitterly.

Well this time, we’re not taking any chances,” Mook told him as Tariq nodded slightly, following Mook’s line of sight, seeing the machete leaning against the wall.

Hmph, not a bad idea,” Tariq replied as Mook chuckled, telling him that was the spirit, as they too headed into the kitchen to find something to eat.



Jalen awoke with a pounding headache. Frowning deeply he took a few deep breaths before opening his eyes again, trying to focus.
What the hell,
he thought glancing around the room and seeing no sign of Shanise.
Did she leave,
Jalen thought again, rising finally and making his way to the bathroom, nature called. Finishing up and washing his hands, he looked into the mirror, studying the bleary eyed reflection staring back.
Shit, what time did she leave,
Jalen continued to ponder returning finally to the bedroom and seeing the note on the small nightstand next to the phone. Picking it up he began to read. ‘Thanks for a great evening,’ the note began. ‘Sorry I had to leave but I had an early morning meeting,’ it continued. ‘Call me later once you’re up and about,’ it ended as Jalen smiled slightly.

Guess I didn’t make a total ass of myself,
he thought still a bit concerned he couldn’t recall any of it. Thinking hard he remembered them leaving the club and returning to his room. He thought he vaguely remembered kissing Shanise, but after that everything was a blur.
Man, what if we had sex,
he panicked. Telling a woman you didn’t remember making love to her was definitely not a way to score brownie points. Deciding he would just play it by ear, Jalen entered the number she’d left into his phone, walking back into the bathroom and turning on the shower. As the water ran, his cell rang and he answered.

Wassup,” he greeted Pirate.

You up,” he threw back, as Jalen enlightened him he’d just gotten up.

Hmph, okay,” Pirate returned. “We’ll be there in 45 minutes,” he told him. “Make sure you’re ready.”

Jalen continued to brood as he showered. The lessons with Creeper and Pirate weren’t nearly as deadly as the ones he’d experienced with Ian, well not yet anyway, he thought. Still, the entire lifestyle was disconcerting to him.
How do they do this shit day in, and day out,
he thought as the hot water cascaded down his body. Last night had been the first time in a long time that he’d been able to just relax and be normal.
So how do you get out,
his mind questioned as he finished the shower and climbed out, drying off.

That’s the 74 million dollar question,” Jalen murmured aloud as he dressed and readied himself to go with Creeper and Pirate.

Today was their last day in Florida. It was back to Atlanta and Ian’s constant scrutiny tomorrow.
I sure hope we had sex last night,
Jalen thought, knowing it would make things far easier when he met her tonight. If he had to leave her tomorrow, Jalen at least wanted to remember making love to Shanise. His cell vibrated again. Looking at the display he sighed deeply, grabbing his room key and heading downstairs, where Pirate informed him via the message, he and Creeper were waiting.


Shells was watching the news as Tae showered. She’d come home yesterday and he hadn’t let her out of his sight. He’d hired a home health aide to come by and assist her for a few hours each day. Tae at first balked, but when Shells didn’t budge, she simply shrugged and gave in. The next story caught his attention and Shells reeled his thoughts in. “The dead men have been identified,” the news anchor was saying. “Theodore Hemp, also known by his street name, Gram, was identified as one of three men witnesses say kicked in the door at a North Atlanta townhome community,” they went on, identifying the other dead man as an Atlanta police officer.

Fuck,” Shells swore, picking up his cell.

He called Mook first, getting him on the third ring.

Wassup Shells,” Mook greeted him.

I’m watchin’ de news,” he told Mook, who grunted slightly. “Only one dead, and him not de one we wanted,” he informed the man hearing him swear under his breath.

We need to find this muthafucka and kill his ass for real this time,” Mook threw out acidly.

Shells immediately agreed telling him he wanted to get his okay before he put the word on the street.

Yeah, do it, make the streets turn their asses up,” Mook told him.

They both knew the outsiders would stick out in the hoods where they did their business. It was only if they ended up in the suburbs would it take a little longer to find them. Mook knew Jaron would be pissed. He was too. Seth was obviously unbalanced to think Gabrielle wouldn’t be repulsed by the idea of them hooking up romantically, related or not, she saw him as her brother, period.

They probably pretty disoriented after yesterday,” Shells spoke again, breaking Mook’s train of thought. “That might make them sloppier than usual, easier to find, and to eliminate,” he added as Mook told him he agreed completely.

Disconnecting, Shells went to check on Tae, finding her in bed, already asleep. He smiled slightly and kissed her cheek. Picking up the prescription bottle he smiled again. The nice thing about the painkillers the doctor prescribed was their sedative like effect. Now he didn’t have to worry about her being out and about, away from his watchful eyes and his protection. Grabbing three guns from his arsenal, Shells put them in the duffle, opening the door for the health aide as he gave her final instructions and left the apartment. It was time to find their prey.


Victor awoke in the seedy motel and sighed deeply. He heard the shower and knew Seth was inside.
That shit went totally wrong didn’t it,
his mind pondered as he rose and pulled out his cell. Texting quickly he sent the message and waited for the reply. It came moments later as he again sighed deeply and deleted both.
This is so far out of hand, I don’t think we’ll ever get on track again,
Victor brooded. He thought about the men they’d encountered yesterday. They were vicious and deadly; even more deadly than he ever imagined they could be. Knowing that the woman who killed C-Rod belonged to one of them answered a lot of questions for Victor.
How deep is Gabrielle in all this shit,
he thought sighing lightly. Victor wanted her to stay innocent, hands devoid of blood. He couldn’t make himself believe she could ever be capable of killing anyone. Everything he’d been told about her went decidedly against the grain of her doing anything illegal. Victor’s head was messed up over a woman he’d never actually met and he hated it. Still his heart wouldn’t let her go and it was that attraction as well as his desire to unseat Seth that kept him going.

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