Thin Ice 4 - Resurrections (32 page)

Yes sir,” Jansken replied contritely.

The Director was tearing him a new one and he was cursing the day he ever approved the operation.

“Cummings,” he yelled once he was off the phone.

Yes sir,” the agent answered standing in front of him now.

I want every inch of Victor’s and Shanise’s individual apartments searched, their lockers, their computers, everything,” he told him angrily.

Jaknsen hated to be made a fool of and right now he was looking like a sad clown with the way things were going down. His cell rang and he sighed deeply seeing his office number come up.

Shit, what now,” Janksen mumbled answering the phone.

He listened for the next 15 minutes, incredulous of the things he was hearing.

Are you serious,” he yelled, losing his compsure.

Quickly remembering he was in the open field of the crime scene, Janksen stepped out side, getting into his car where he could talk freely.

Whose bright ass idea was this,” he continued to rage. “They can’t pull this bullshit, who gave the order,” Janksen continued to question.

He listened once again as his assistant gave him a complete run down of the things being enacted over his head and behind the scenes.

This is bullshit,” he grumbled, powerless to do anything about it as he disconnected and pounded his steering wheel.


“Where you at,” Mook asked, answering the phone seeing Kim’s name on the caller ID.

At the house,” she replied going to tell him about killing Victor.

You and Gabrielle straight,” Mook asked, still digesting what she’d shared.

Kim assured him they were both fine, she just needed to know what he wanted her to do next.

Anybody see you come or go,” he asked as Tariq and Ramell gave Mook their attention hearing the tone.

No, not that I know of,” Kim replied honestly.

Shit,” Mook murmured.

He couldn’t take the chance of them showing up at the airport and someone apprehending them.

Come to Top’s,” he told her. “Pack your clothes, Gabrielle too, take my Range, leave your car,” Mook continued to instruct. “Park the truck in the garage, windows up, all the way here,” he finished as Kim again acknowledged his instruction telling him they would be there in the next 20 to 30 mintues.

Disconnecting Mook began filling the men in on what’d just happened as Shells and Jaron walked into room, arms loaded with weapons.

“So the damned FEDs are snooping now,” Jaron threw out, slightly disturbed by the thought.

We’re gonna hafta make some moves quick with them fools in the game,” Ramell told them as everyone grunted their agreement.

Jacoury arrived moments later, telling them everything was set and in place. The drivers and trucks were about 6 hours out.

Good, cause shit just got complicated,” Ramell replied, filling him in quickly.

Fuck,” Jacoury spoke aloud.

Shells cell rang and he answered seeing Tae’s name on the ID.

I didn’t get on the plane,” she told him quietly.

Why,” he asked evenly, his gut telling him something was wrong.

They have people here,” Tae replied. “I’ve seen them at counters showing pictures, asking questions,” she explained. “I narrowly missed a couple of them at my gate, when I bent down to pick up my phone after dropping it,” Tae told Shells as his anger rose.

Can you get away,” he asked her anxiously.

I’m on the train now,” Tae told him, referring to Atlanta’s rapid rail system.

Good, you come to Top’s house from dere,” Shells instructed as Tae replied she would be there within the hour.

He relayed his own news as everyone began to tense.

OK, shit is getting thick,” Tariq told them. “When all the women get here and we know they’re safe, we’re going to get KiKi, take out Ice and get the fuck outta Atlanta,” he instructed as everyone again murmured agreement, picking up weapons and beginning to load them.


Jalen was still looking at the man standing in front him incredulously listening to the things coming from his mouth.

Do we have an understanding,” Kai asked calmly.

Jalen frowned slightly but said nothing.

I can leave right now Mr. Bailey and you’ll spend the next 30 plus years of your life in a hardcore federal prison,” he told him once again snapping Jalen out of his trance. “OK, yeah, we have an understanding,” he told the man as Kai smiled slightly and turned to leave.

Don’t be stupid and try to cross me,” he warned tightly, looking Jalen in the eye. “I know how to find you whenever I need too.”

Jalen continued to sit quietly in the room alone until the door opened once again some 45 mintues later and Special Agent Charles Janksen walked inside. There were two other officers accompanying him, giving Jalen a bad feeling about the reasoning for the meeting.

Mr. Bailey, I need to ask you some questions,” Janksen began, sitting down across the shiny metal table, the chair making a loud and disturbing scraping sound as he slid it out. “I need you to level with me and tell me the truth,” he went on as Jalen continued to remain silent.

“I don’t blame you for not trusting me,” Janksen began again. “Especially after all you’ve been taken through,” he went on as Jalen recalled his earlier conversation with Kai. “But I assure you, those days are over, this is a brand new era,” he told Jalen as the man finally nodded slightly prepared to play his role.

Janksen threw out a series of questions, to which Jalen readily supplied the answers given to him by Kai. Janksen listened intently to the man’s story for the duration of the interview, fighting the urge to scream. He couldn’t believe all the lies he’d been fed by Victor and Shanise in the investigation.

So you’d never met Victor before a few days ago,” he asked as Jalen assured him he hadn’t.

He truthfully disclosed his meeting and socializing with Shanise as well.

I was simply looking for a beautiful woman to date, maybe have some great sex with,” Jalen told him nonchalantly.

That would have been easy enough with that tramp,
the Special Agent thought. Everyone in the bureau knew to call Shanise for a good time, no strings attached. “Thank you so much for helping us Mr. Bailey,” Janksen began anew, rising from his chair. “You are free to leave now,” he added as Jalen smiled slightly and thanked him. “I truly offer the Bureau’s apologies for all your inconvenience,” Janksen told him, shaking Jalen’s hand.

Telling him he was simply glad everything was settled, Jalen left the interrogation room and walked straight out of the front door to the car waiting.

You did well,” Kai told him calmly as Jalen shut the door and the vehicle headed for its destination.




Tariq, Mook, Shells and Jaron were making last minute adjustments to their bank accounts; transferring monies, closing accounts, wiring funds electronically overseas. All the women were in place and accounted for.

It’s almost time,” Tariq told them, giving Mook, Jaron and Shells a look, he spoke again. “Go and let them know we’re leaving, and that we’ll be coming back.”

Sighing lightly each man left the room heading for the spare bedroom where the 3 women were relaxing. Mook walked in and told Kim to come with him. They went into the other empty room in the house that Kaitlyn used as an office and he closed the door.

We’re about to go do this,” he told her, looking into her eyes.

Don’t start no shit Mook,” Kim told him softly. “You come back and get me,” she added as he smiled and pulled her to him, kissing her deeply.

I’m coming back, Miss Kim,” he replied, kissing her ear softly. “Can’t have no other fool thinking he gonna have all this,” Mook told her, his hands gripping her butt and squeezing tightly.

See there you go,” Kim threw back, turned on.

Mook kissed her again, lifting the skirt and caressing her skin. He loved the fact she wore thongs, made his access so much easier, Mook mused, forcefully ripping the thin strings from her, his fingers immediately finding her clit and massaging gently.

Mmm,” Kim moaned quietly, aware of her surroundings.

Mook pushed her backwards, never removing his hand as it grew more slippery from her arousal. Kim felt the leather against the back of her leg as Mook guided her down on the the chaise lounge located in the office. He quickly removed the tank she was wearing and the bra, taking her nipple in his mouth as he brought her to orgasm and Kim gasped deeply.

My Miss Kim,” Mook murmured as Kim undid his pants, freeing his hardness, grasping it tightly, wanting it inside her.

Come take it,” she told him senuously.

Mook instead kissed her stomach softly, moving slowly down, burying his tongue stud inside her once again. Kim bit her lip hard fighting the urge to scream from the fantastic sensations Mook brought her. She came hard again as Mook opened her completely, pushing himself deep inside her and thrusting hard.

Mmm, baby, yeah,” Kim moaned quietly.

He buried his face in her neck, moaning his own pleasure, hitting her clit with each thrust. He felt Kim drenching his erection, her walls contracting around it, squeezing him tightly and quickly inching his release to the top.

Shit Miss Kim,” Mook growled in her ear.

Bust it baby, fill your Kim up,” she moaned coming hard once more herself as Mook expanded inside her and she felt his eruption in all its heat and fury as he groaned and collapsed atop her.


“You gonna kill him in front of her,” Ramell asked Tariq as the three of them chilled on the screened in porch.

Yes,” he replied calmly as Jacoury told him he liked the idea.

So she’ll know she’s free from his crazy ass once and for all,” he added as Tariq told him that was his logic as well.

Have you given any more thought to where you wanna start again,” Ramell asked. Tariq told him not really.

I honestly just want to get Kaitlyn in my arms and out of that fuckin’ house, then I’ll worry about that,” he replied as Ramell again told him he understood.

We need to kill David when we get back,” Jacoury told Ramell changing the subject and garnering Tariq’s attention.

Jacoury went on to tell them about the things Tyashia found when she was going through the books and how David had been stealing from them for awhile.

Ain’t that a bitch,” Ramell threw out angrily. “Oh yeah, we gonna find that ass when we get back,” he replied as Tariq nodded his own understanding.

“Hard to find good people, loyal and honest people these days,” he told them as both Ramell and Jacoury agreed.

You and Tyashia still kickin’ it,” Ramell asked, giving his best a look.

Jacoury chuckled and told him they were straight. “I relocated her while I was home,” he told him as Ramell grunted slightly.

She must be special,” Tariq inquired as Jacoury told him he thought so.

Have you told Sam we’re coming,” he asked Ramell.

His cousin assured him he had and she was thrilled to finally meet them.

I already got ya’ll suites for the first couple weeks, then you can look around and see what you like or not yourselves,” Ramell told Tariq.

That’s good lookin’ out man,” he replied looking out into the horizon.

Darkness had fallen and they would be leaving within the hour.

We’re gonna get her Riq, and everything is gonna be straight,” Ramell told him reading his cousin’s expression.

And this time we’re going to help you make sure that stupid ass Ice is dead,” Jacoury threw out as they all chuckled and began talking once again about life after Atlanta.


Tae was on fire as Shells continued to sample her wares. He was licking her senuously as she flowed freely, coming hard moments later. She was gripping the sides of the small twin bed they’d found in the room off the garage where he’d taken her. Shells pulled her closer, his tongue going deeper as he held her clit prisoner between his teeth, the sensations rocking her body.

Aaah Shells,” Tae breathed as he finally released her and began kissing his way back up her body, arriving at her swollen and throbbing nipples, taking one in his mouth.

He pushed two of his fingers inside her wet opening, beginning to slow work them in and out, rubbing her exposed clit as he did driving Tae wild. She had to maintain her control and not scream. They weren’t alone and everyone didn’t need to know Shells was making her lose her mind.

So damn wet, gurl,” Shells whispered in her ear.

She loved the sound of his voice, especially when they made love and he talked dirty to her.

Who’s making dis pussy wet like dis,” he asked, licking her ear, plunging his fingers deeper, finding her g-spot.

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