This Darkest Man (18 page)

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Authors: Sinden West

Chapter Twenty-Eight

though I was naked, there was no chill on my skin. The air was warm, and the
servants must have gone to great lengths to keep Daniel’s draughty country
house heated. The leather collar that I wore though, that felt cold on my skin
even though where it chafed should have been hot. I stood still, Margaret’s
hand on the leash forbidding me from moving, and the crop that she ran up and
down my body served as sufficient warning not to be disobedient.

was itching to strike me with it. My eyes were on the photos spread out on the
table in front of me. All in color, Josh was down on his knees, naked but for
the collar and his bottom red from Margaret’s crop. It turned out that Josh was
a masochist, which was news to me. The photo’s had been circulated to humiliate
him, but that was just the start. Over the last three months, Daniel had guided
Josh’s company to complete destruction. Everyone who had invested had lost
everything and Josh’s name was mud in the city. He had filed for bankruptcy
today, that’s why Daniel was celebrating.

walked into the dining room, with a broad grin upon his face and a servant
followed him with a bottle of champagne.

down on your knees,” Margaret ordered me. She never disguised her glee when she
got to humiliate me. She took sick delight in it and I had learned to give as
little reaction as possible. I sunk down to sit at Daniel’s feet, obedient as
always. He always kept me close, I travelled to the city with him during the
week, where I stayed naked in the penthouse while he was in, and dressed up and
pretty on his arm when we were out. He was affectionate in public, and the
world thought that I was in girlfriend. I heard whispers of how lucky I was to
be with Daniel, little did they know the truth.

the country house, Margaret was used to keep me in my place. If the week in the
city and Daniel’s affection and attention gave me hope that Daniel might
forgive me and that he really did love me as I secretly believed, the weekends in
the country destroyed all those hopes. I was at the mercy of Margaret, and evenings
were often spent with others, where I was, as before, humiliated. Daniel’s
fucked up rules were that no one else was allowed to fuck me, and I wasn’t
allowed to have anyone else’s cock in my mouth except for his. Other men were
allowed to make me cum, he seemed to enjoy that. And truthfully, I enjoyed it
as well, as much as I shouldn’t. Colt was my favorite; he always made me laugh
before he made me cum and I looked forward to evenings where I got to be with
him. Part of me wanted Daniel to be jealous, but it seemed to turn him on

other favorite was Fantasia. I didn’t know what her real name was, but she was a
beautiful red head and the name, Fantasia, suited her. The first time Daniel
had introduced her, I had immediately frozen. I had never done anything with a
girl before and the thought sent shivers through me. But she had noticed my
tension and whispered in my ear, “I’m a friend of Colt’s, it will be okay.”
After that she had kissed me so sensually, it was like no one else was watching
and I soon began to look forward to seeing her. She was supposed to be coming
tonight; it would be only the three of us, with Margaret skulking around in
case Daniel required her.

stroked my hair as a glass of champagne was passed to him, twirling strands of
it around his fingers and occasionally pulling it so that I really did feel
like a toy. “Drink?”

bent down and placed the glass to my lips, I drank, enjoying the taste, more
than his touch right then anyway. I stayed silent at his feet, even as he tried
to coax me into conversation. I remained obedient, but only answered with one
word answers. Finally, he grew tired of that, and pulled me up to sit up on his

are you so quiet?”

tried to look away, but he gripped my chin and forced me to look at him. “Why
are you so happy?” I forced out. “A lot of people have lost money because of

of Josh,” he shot back.

.” Our eyes met, but I didn’t flinch at the anger that I saw in
his, because I had exactly the same feelings boiling through me. We held each
other’s gaze, only breaking it when Margaret returned with Fantasia. She looked
pretty as always, her rich red hair coiled into waves reminiscent of the 1940s.
Her voluptuous figure was clad in a skin tight dress made of a shiny fabric
that suited her look. Daniel instantly pushed me from his lap at the sight of
her, and I sunk down to my knees once more.

stood and went to greet her, only this time he kissed her on her full, red
mouth. If she was surprised, she didn’t show it, smiling when the kiss was
broken and switching her gaze to me. “Matilda,” she said as she bent down to
kiss my cheek. “I’ve missed your hot little body.”

smiled back at her. “I’ve missed your delicious tongue.” I wasn’t normally this
forward, but the anger within me made me want to flirt with her. I felt like I
had to prove something to Daniel, but I wasn’t sure what it was.

grinned, and pulled me to my feet as she placed that tongue in my willing
mouth. I found myself encircling my arms around her and reaching for the zipper
of her dress, pulling it down slowly to expose her.  She stepped back from me,
and shrugged it from her body so she stood wearing a corset that contained her
heavy breasts and wide hips. She wore no panties with it however, and whereas
before I had blushed and looked away from her shaven pussy, now I freely

kept grinning knowingly at me, and guided me over to the formal dining room
table, her mouth on mine, backing me up until my bare behind met the wood as she
helped me up to sit on it. Our hands were all over each other, and once again,
I was turned on by the thought of Daniel watching us. As usual, Fantasia
lowered her head so she was between my legs and began to tentatively lick me
like I was something sweet that she wanted to savor. I lay my head back and
enjoyed it, clearing everything else out of my mind.

then the sound of Daniel’s cell phone ringing interrupted us.

he swore as he looked at his phone. “I’ve got to take this.”

he strode from the room, Fantasia looked at me and giggled. “Terrible timing, I
had you so close,” she said smugly.

keep going then,” I told her, leaning on my elbows with my legs still spread.

can’t.” She climbed up on the table next to me.

who?” I reached out to stroke her breasts through the lace of the corset.

. Has Colt never told you the rules? There’s no fucking you for the
boys, and none of us are allowed to have you go down on us. You’re like some
kind of precious jewel for Mr. Hellman. We’re allowed to make you cum in his
presence only, but we’re not allowed to use your body for our own pleasure,.
It’s just not fair,” she said with a smile as my hand rubbed over her hard
nipples. “That in particular isn’t fair,’ she whispered. “You’re getting me all

smiled at her and stopped touching her. “Lie down on your back.”

looked suspiciously at me. “I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

put my hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her down to the position that I
was in prior. “I think that it’s a wonderful idea.” She didn’t resist, allowing
me to lay her flat on her back before I slid off the table. I gently started to
stroke her already moist pussy. I had never touched any woman like this before,
or even seen another woman’s area like this so up close. For a moment I thought
of her as my toy, my experiment, and I understood Daniel’s desires a little

I lowered my face down, and lifted one of her legs over my shoulder before
running my tongue over her. She shivered. “That’s so good, Mattie,” she said,
so softly that it was hard to hear her. Encouraged, I began to lap at her with
more enthusiasm and she began tremble underneath me. Power swept through me at
the thought of bringing this beautiful creature under my control just by making
her cum. I savored all of her; the taste, the feel, so very different to a man.

the hell are you doing?”

froze before slowly letting Fantasia’s leg down and backing away from her. She
sat up on the table, her eyes warily on Daniel. I wouldn’t have turned to look
at him, but he made me, gripping my chin and forcing my eyes to meet his. “I
didn’t say that you could do that,” he said tightly.

shrugged. “So?”

stared at me for a moment, then released me as his face relaxed into a smile.
Only it wasn’t a nice smile, it was nasty. “I guess it’s only fair that if you
get a turn with Fantasia, then so do I.” His hands went to his fly, freeing
himself. I turned away, I didn’t want to see this, but he gripped my arm.
“Sit,” he ordered as he pushed me down onto a chair. I swallowed as he
approached her, her eyes scanned him up and down and there was no doubt that
she was just as into men as she was women. No objection was uttered from her as
he swiftly entered her. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him in deep. I
wanted to pull my eyes away, but couldn’t. A sick jealousy ran through me at
the thought of him screwing another woman. I wanted him jealous, and it had
backfired on me.

Fantasia began to moan with pleasure, I managed to move, getting to my feet and
stalking from the room. Margaret began to question me as I passed her on the
stairs, but I gave her a harsh shove that had her reaching for the balustrades
to save herself. At that moment, if she had fallen to her death, I wouldn’t
have cared.

went to Daniel’s room, where we normally spent our time together, but my motive
for going there was the liquor cabinet. I threw open the glass doors that
housed his collection of aged scotch and bourbon. They banged, and for a moment
I thought that they might shatter. But they didn’t, and I reached for a glass,
filling it with bourbon before falling back into a leather armchair to sip at
it. Tension and jealousy tightened every muscle in my body, and while at first
I took tentative sips of the straight bourbon, I ended up throwing it down my
throat in an effort to dull those feelings that ran rampant through me.

sensed him before he even entered the room, and clutched the glass tighter. He
walked across the soft carpet and poured himself a drink, before standing in
front of me. He was shirtless, and I imagined Fantasia running her hands across
his chest and enjoying the feel of his hard muscle under her fingers. The
thought made the bourbon taste even more bitter.

lifted his glass to me as if saluting me before throwing its contents down his
throat. I scowled at him and he raised an eyebrow at me before grinning and
pouring himself another drink.

he mocked.

narrowed my eyes at him. “Don’t flatter yourself. I’m just pissed because you got
in my way.”

held my gaze. “Liar.”

drained my glass and placed it on the small glass table beside me. It hit with
a bang that seemed to resonate around the room. “Why is it only you that gets
to make the rules?”

grin slipped slightly. “You know why. I’ve explained the conditions of our
being together. There’s no equality here.”

leaned back in the chair, resting my head against the leather. “Why is it that
anyone can touch me or make me climax, and I’m not allowed my mouth on anyone?”

grin faded entirely. “I don’t need to explain myself to you of all people,
Matilda,” he said sternly.

laughed softly.  “You’re right. You don’t need to explain to me because I
already know. You want me. It’s simple. You may let other’s give me pleasure
but I’m never allowed to reciprocate because you can’t stand the thought of my
mouth on someone who isn’t you.” He kept his eyes on me but said nothing, even
as I got to my feet. “You want me, but your twisted set of morals means that
you can’t admit it or act on it.” I tilted my head to observe him, but he was
giving nothing away beneath that cool gaze. “I think that you might even love
me, deep down, and by keeping me in this sick relationship of ours, you get the
best of both worlds. You retain your loyalty to Jeremy, and on some level, you
get to keep me as well.”

stood in front of him, naked and collared, his for the taking, but his eyes
didn’t flick over my body in admiration or otherwise, they remained on my face.
“What’s the point of your little speech?” he asked, his tone harsh, but I
wasn’t bothered.

do I fall I love with bad men?” I mused, more to myself than him.

stared hard at me, before taking a breath. “Because you’re weak and pathetic,
because you’re desperate for love that you’ll fall for anyone who toys with
you.” His lips curved up slightly. “It was easy. Manipulating you to fall for
me has been the simplest of things. You may think that you were getting what
you wanted, but you weren’t. You were never the winner in this little game,
Mattie. By going after your emotions, it’s been far easier to hurt you and do
more damage than financially crippling you ever could.” His smile stretched.
“It’s also been far more satisfying.”

heart pounded but I managed to control my breathing. “I don’t believe you.
You’re lying.”

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