This Love's Not for Sale (13 page)

Read This Love's Not for Sale Online

Authors: Ella Dominguez

Lilliana brushed up against Tucker
to move past him and her clean, floral scent assaulted his senses. It was then he realized what it was about her perfume that reminded him of home. It was lilac - the very flower that grew wild and in abundance in the backyard of his childhood home. Tucker inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. A primal growl started in his throat, low and deep.  When Tucker opened his eyes, Lilliana looked unnerved by the sudden change in his demeanor.

“Pet…” he called out to her.

Lilliana backed away. Tucker couldn’t help but smirk at the alarm on her face. In the blink of an eye, Tucker reached out and grabbed Lilliana’s wrist and yanked her close. Wrapping his fingers in her hair, he pulled her head back. Lilliana’s hand came up and gripped his biceps as he licked the length of her neck up to her chin. He gently bit into her chin and nibbled his way up to the corner of her mouth where he placed a gentle kiss.

Tucked lean
ed back to stare down at her. Lilliana’s eyes were closed, her mouth parted with tooth paste-scented breaths fluttering past his mouth, and she had a look of pure bliss. Tucker wanted her and he wasn’t going to wait until later. He was sick and tired of waiting. This woman had driven him to the point of no return and there was going to be no more fucking waiting. His dick throbbed in his pants as he thought about tearing her clothes off and fucking her passionately and without restraint. Or better yet, with restraints.

“I want to taste you,” he grunted as he sl
icked his tongue across her mouth, dipping it between her lips.

Lilliana’s hands tightened around his arms
, and she sucked his tongue in that brief moment it was in her mouth. He swept her up into his arms and carried her toward the direction of her bedroom. Lilliana’s eyes reflected nervous apprehension, but only her soft panting could be heard.

Once in her room, he kicked the door closed behind him and tossed her onto the bed roughly. Lilliana sat up and Tucker grabbed her ankles and pulled her to the edge of the bed, her dress hiking
up over her ass when he did so, exposing her smooth thighs and silk-covered pussy. He tugged at her panties, almost ripping them before sliding them into his pants pocket.

Lilliana didn’t disappoint
. She laid back and pulled her dress up higher, exposing her smooth labia and flat tummy. Tucker stood at the foot of bed, glaring down at her.

“You’re taking a lot for granted,”
he stated, repeating the sarcastic response Lilliana had given him not so long ago.

Lilliana’s eyebrows pinched together in bewilder
ment. Tucker bent down and grasped her ankles again and in one swift motion he flipped her onto her belly, bringing her bare ass front and center. Lilliana must’ve sensed what was coming because she tried to crawl away, but Tucker gripped her waist and held onto her firmly. There was no way in hell he was letting her get away when her perfect ass was within reach and in sore need of discipline.

“I meant i
t when I said you had a spanking coming for all the sass you’ve given me.”

“Tucker, wait…” Lilliana squeaked out.

“I’m done waiting for you, Lilly.”

Tucker grabbed a hold of Lilliana’s wrists and pinned them behind her back. Leaning on top of her, he whispered into her ear
, “I demand your respect, Lilly.”

“Tucker, please… I’ve never… please don’
t hurt me,” Lilliana answered softly, her voice full of fear.

Is that what Lilliana thought his intentions were? Tucker eased his grip on her wrists slightly and kissed her ear gently.

“I would never hurt you. This is simply to teach you that I won’t put up with your smart mouth and to show you that I always carry through with my plan of action.”

Lilliana’s breathing became ragged but she said nothing more. Had she resisted any further or said
Tucker would’ve backed down. He waited, giving her time to mull over his words. Would she balk like all the rest or would she take his punishment? He hoped for the latter.

When Lilliana remained silent, he spoke from his heart, “You need this as much as I do.”

With his final declaration, he kneeled between her open legs and nudged them open further with his knee, and brought his hand down onto her ass. For all his talk about discipline and paddling, he had actually only spanked a woman a handful of times, and he had never felt so alive than he did at that moment.

Lilliana shrieked and
pulled out her wrists out of Tucker’s grip. She clawed at the bed and tried to twist her body, but Tucker’s grasp was too strong. He smacked her one more time on her other cheek with equal vigor, the loud slapping sound reverberating off the walls.  He wanted to give her more, but he knew he was pushing his luck.

Tucker’s heart was pounding and it was so loud in his ears, he
could’ve sworn Lilliana could hear it, too. Lilliana twisted and arched her body as she fought to get free. When Tucker released her, she promptly jumped up and backed herself up against her headboard. He stood and backed away from her, allowing them both time to process what had just happened. 

She was breathless, panting, her eyes as wide as the moon
. Tucker didn’t know whether to laugh out loud or jizz in his pants from Lilliana’s reaction.

“Are you okay?”
her asked calmly.

Lilliana ground
her teeth and narrowed her eyes, but to Tucker’s utter astonishment, she didn’t say a word and he didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

“Lilly, are. You. Okay?”

Lilliana blinked rapidly, and her eyes examined his body.

“If by okay you mean pissed, flustered and turned on, then
I’m okay.”

A slow smile spread across Tucker’s face. Lilliana was something else. Her mouth never failed to irritate and entertain him.

“Good. Now get over here so I can taste you,” he pointed at the bed.

Lilliana opened her mouth and Tucker was positive it was to give him more of her
brand of sarcasm.

you speak, I should warn you: my palm is still itching to give you more.”


Still shocked from her spanking, Lilliana’s mouth snapped closed and she swallowed hard. Her ass was throbbing along with her pussy, and she was having a difficult time making sense of her emotions. Pissed was an understatement, flustered didn’t quite nail it, and turned on? No, it was more like raging horny. The look on Tucker’s face was unyielding, and his usual playful umber eyes were now pitch black and merciless. Rabid Tucker was now in her presence, and she feared what kind of reprisal she might face if she didn’t learn to temper her tongue.

Tucker had hit the nail on the head when he said she needed his discipline. How could he
have known? She had always wanted someone to see her for who she really was and what she truly desired, to be controlled and put in her place. She had never spoken it for fear of what people might think. Yes, she needed this, but how could she let go of who she was on the outside to let out what she wanted on the inside? 

When Lilliana didn’t heed Tucker’s command, he became visibly incensed.

“I once told you I always get what I want. Are you going to make me prove that?”

Tucker’s tone was fearsome
but Lilliana was quickly becoming annoyed.

Again with the
I always get what I want
? Maybe it’s high-time someone gives you a challenge,” Lilliana retorted.

Tucker clenched his jaw and Lilliana knew she had pushed his buttons, and not the right ones.

You’ve been nothing but a challenge. Let’s get something straight; I’m all for a strong, smart, independent woman outside the bedroom, in fact, I encourage it. But behind closed doors, I want your submission.  I crave it. I
it. So
do not
try to top me or act bratty seeking out discipline thinking it’s cute, because it’s not. It’s a deal-breaker is what it is.”

Lilliana thought long and hard before she responded. There was no
yet. She thought all that was ahead for her was a weekend of naughtiness, but this?

“Total submi
ssion comes with trust and…” Lilliana paused thoughtfully. “I don’t fully trust you yet.  I want you, yes, there’s no denying that. But to give myself over the way you want… so soon?”

Tucker stepped back from the bed and blinked several times. 
“I’m not a patient man, but you’re right. I can’t expect insta-trust. It’ll take time for that, but I’m optimistic we can get to that point. I hope you are, too.”

Tucker removed her panties
from his pocket and laid them on the bed. “Put yourself back together. Hopefully you’re still interested in going through with this weekend because I think you’ll enjoy what I have planned.”

Placing her hands on her hips and kneeling upright on the bed, Lilliana asked, “Another spanking?”

Tucker shook his head and chuckled. “Why? Is that what you want?”

Lilliana’s eyes widened. God, no, she didn’t want another paddling. Well, maybe she did.

“Perhaps, but not one because I’ve misbehaved.”

Tucker’s eyes b
rightened to her statement, and he gave her a lop-sided grin. Damn if Tucker’s smile was like the icing on the cake, the cherry on the pie, the lube on the dildo. Lilliana shifted on the bed and felt the dampness between her legs. She looked down at her panties lying at the foot of the bed and realized she was still naked from the waist down underneath her dress.

It had been eons since a man’s mouth had been on her
severely neglected nethers, and Lilliana said a silent prayer that Tucker still wanted to taste her. She also hoped Tucker was as good at tonguing vag as he was at wielding his arrogance. Lilliana lifted her dress up over her thighs and rested her bottom on her heels trying to entice Tucker.

“I thought you wanted a taste?”

Tucker’s eyes darkened again. “Are you goading me, Ms. Norris?”

“More like
imploring,” she whispered, running her hands up her thighs and skimming her fingers through her slit.

Tucker st
alked toward her. “There’s nothing more rewarding than a stunning beauty begging to have her pussy licked,” he slicked his lips. “That is what you want, isn’t it?” When he reached the foot of the bed, he ran his hand over his visibly stiff shaft and lifted an eyebrow at Lilliana.

Like an eager puppy, Lilliana wagged her head and practically panted out her response, “Not to put to
o fine a point on it, but… yes.”

Tucker bit his bottom lip, and his
eyes flicked from her eyes to her pussy, and back. “I’d be more than happy to oblige, but not until you say please.”

Lilliana sat silently
considering Tucker’s compliment and request. Her libido willed her mouth to move, but her pride stood in the way of what she wanted.

“It’s easy, Lilly.
please, Tucker, shove your tongue in my cunt. Make me scream for more. Fuck me with that tongue of yours.
Say it.”

There was an inherent look of orneriness on Tucker’s face when he spoke and his eyes revealed his enjoyment in all things perverse.
When he licked his lips as he waited for her answer, she was surprised she didn’t see a forked-tongue like that of a serpent or demon come out of his mouth.

Lilliana’s mouth opened
, but nothing came out. His dirty talk had her pussy on the spin cycle. No one had ever said such deliciously vile things to her. Why did everything with Tucker have to be so damned grueling? And again with the haughtiness? If she wasn’t in need of a stiff dick so badly, she’d shove something of her own up his ass.

Lilliana salivated thinking about his firm rear-end She wondered what else of his was firm, besides his obvious hard-on pressed tightly into his dark, expensive jeans that clung to his hips seductively. She really did want his tongue shoved deep in her pussy, along with his hard cock. She had screamed for him to ass fuck her at the restaurant kiddingly, but sitting here in front of him, exposed, it was different.

“I thought you said you weren’t a sadist,” Lilliana said softly.

Tucker threw his head back and laughed. In a desperate attempt to resist Tucker’s captivating smile, Lilliana blinked several times and shook her head trying to make sense of her jumbled thoughts. Cripes, that smile did it to her every damn time. Lilliana was beginning to suspect Tucker knew it, too.

Tucker’s laughter died down
, and his smile faded to a mere smirk. “I thought I made my rules very clear. I command; you obey. Or have you forgotten?”

“No, I haven’t forgotten,” Lilliana was able to manage out feebly.

“Apparently you have as you seem to be having a difficult time following a simple command, Lilly. Maybe we should just go.” Tucker turned to walk out of the room and Lilliana’s words came frantically spilling out of her.

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