Read This Love's Not for Sale Online

Authors: Ella Dominguez

This Love's Not for Sale (20 page)

Tucker drove into her
repeatedly, unrelenting and severe, his breathing louder with each thrust. Lilliana eyes began to water as he hit her cervix time and time again. She had asked for a hard fuck and Tucker was giving her exactly what she had wanted. Unable to stop herself, Lilliana began to moan out loudly, panting and gasping for air as her lay waste to her defenses.

“Yes, that’s it, pet. Louder,” Tucker grunted.

Lilliana complied and screamed out. Tucker felt so damned good against her, his cock inside her felt intense – the heat of his core radiating inside the walls of her pussy. His slicked shaft slid in and out and Lilliana began to the feel the impending orgasm building quickly. She became mindful of where his hot flesh touched her and she felt the tingle of his thigh brushing her hip. She pushed her ass back into Tucker’s pelvis, meeting his thrusts bravely.

The palm of Tucker’s hand was felt on Lill
iana’s lower back as he pushed her down into the bed, reminding her to submit to his brutally passionate fucking. Inch by slow inch, he snaked his hand over to her hip and squeezed unsympathetically as he leaned down onto her and sunk his teeth into her shoulder blade.

Tucker’s breath was warm and damp against her ear as he whispered,
“My sweet, docile, Lilly…”

Lilliana had never been called
something so unassuming yet sensual, and her body softened to his words. 

that’s it… give into me. Get lost in the moment and lose yourself,” he continued to coo into her ear as he plunged deeper and more powerfully into her.

Lilliana’s whimpers
and heartbeat became so thunderous in her own ears, all other sounds were drowned out.  Tucker tilted his pelvis and began to hit that spot that was all consuming. She closed her eyes, bit and tore at the bed sheets below her and fisted her hands, trying to find some kind of relief from the sweet torture that Tucker was forcing upon her.

“Give it to me, Lilly,” Tucker nibbled on her collar bone.

Lilliana drifted away for only a brief moment as the wave of an orgasm washed over her body. It started low in her belly and then hit her like a tidal wave – smashing her against the rocks as her body convulsed and twitched violently.

“Ahh, Tucker!
” she screamed out.

The entire lower half of her body was intensely sensitive but Tucker was merciless as he continued to delve into her, seeking out his
own release. Lilliana whined and attempted to remain as still as possible, trying to rein in the spasming of her body. The way Tucker held her hands above her head and the sound of his voice was overpowering all of Lilliana’s logic. She wanted him so much; more of him, all of him. She wanted to be fucked like this on a daily basis until her body couldn’t take anymore. It had been far too long since a man had taken control of her and even at that, no one had done it quite the way Tucker had done it.

Lilliana had always associated sex with love and she was fighting her own inner demons as she screamed inside her head –
She didn’t want love. She didn’t need love. She just needed
Lilliana shook her head trying to fight the next oncoming orgasm that was edging closer.

Tucker’s voice was low and deep as he spoke to himself. “Right there…”

Lilliana felt the distinct pulsing of Tucker’s cock as his movements became frenzied. He gyrated and swiveled his hips as he slid himself all the way out only to force his dick into her time and time again. He hit her G-spot unexpectedly and there it was – another wave of ecstasy. It came so suddenly Lilliana didn’t have time to prepare herself and she jerked against Tucker and shrieked so loudly that her voice cracked and she choked on her own unintelligible words.

Sweet heavenly stars above, it was like being taken to another place. Lilliana was drenched in her own sweat and Tucker’s sweat dripped off of his face onto her back as he stilled, cursed and came.

Tucker collapsed onto Lilliana’s back, smashing her into the bed and rendering her helpless and unable to move under his massive muscular weight.

“Damn, Lilly,” he chuckled softly, rolling off of her and finally letting go of her belted wrists.

Lilliana rolled onto her back. Every muscle in her body burned and ached, and it took every last bit of energy just to bring her arms down in front of her. Turning her head, her eyes met Tucker’s as he watched her intently.

“Have you always been this docile in the bedroom?”

“As much as I’d like to be, I don’t consider myself docile or submissive.”

“In the real world you’re not, but behind closed doors… you, my little pet, are proving to be quite compliant. As for wanting to be submissive - you can be whatever it is you set your mind
to. Some women are born submissive, some are taught to be, and others are somewhere in between.”

There was truth in Tucker’s statement. She had always felt that despite her stubbornness and strong will, there was a desire to be submissive to her man in the bedroom, though no one had ever given her to the opportunity.  She had tried her best to please Adam by being
accommodating, but he ended up just walking all over her. Lilliana guessed she was in the category of somewhere in between and she wanted Tucker to help her reveal that side of herself.

Lilliana held up her bound wrists. “Have you done this sort of thing a lot?”

“I’ve done it, just not near as much as I would’ve liked. Not every woman is as open-minded as you and certainly not every woman I’ve proposed binding has agreed to it. You did quite well you’re first time out.”

Lilliana smiled proudly. Yes, she did do quite well and Tucker had
n’t done too badly himself. She had feared he would take complete advantage of the situation but he hadn’t. He had conducted himself both gentlemanly and animal-like, and it was a heady and mesmerizing combination.

Tucker sat up and unbound Lilliana’s wrists and the imprint left on her skin was fascinating; both exquisite and artistic in a way. Lilliana’s traced the outline of the lines around her wrist with a finger.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Tucker asked, kissing the inside of her wrist.

Lilliana nodded and
gave Tucker a smile of pure bliss. Yes, it was – just like Tucker.



Chapter 15

Tucker sat eating the light dinner Lilliana had cooked. The fresh corn pulled from the small garden her aunt had left behind and the baked chicken was like a taste of home. They were both showered and clean and seated across from one another as One Republic
If I Lose Myself
played in the background. He found himself comfortable in his surroundings; the small, cozy house with family photos adorning the walls, the smell of home cooking, and the faint scent of wild flowers and grass blowing in from the open window. The ambiance and the sun low on the horizon felt nostalgic as Lilliana babbled on and on about everything and nothing at all. Her voice was soft and feminine, pleasant and almost sing-song and Tucker appraised her with intense interest.

Once a
gain, Tucker found himself missing his family and the conversations that would ensue every night a suppertime. A visit sounded like it might be in order and he made a mental note to check his upcoming schedule.

Tucker’s eyes wandered to Lilliana’s wrists which still
showed signs of his belt. When his eyes rested on Lilliana’s green and brown flecked pupils, she was grinning at him and watching his mouth. He hadn’t even realized he was smiling. It was strange how Lilliana seemed to have that effect on him. Tucker suppressed it promptly when reminded of how Lilliana thought they were all wrong for each other. But were they really? Their backgrounds were so similar, their upbringing and values…

No - t
heir values weren’t the same. Maybe a long time ago they were, but they clearly had different ideas of what was important to them now. For Tucker - money and career; for Lilliana - family and honesty. Tucker’s throat tightened when he thought about Lilliana being all alone in the world and his deception. Both her mother and aunt were gone, and she knew nothing about her father. All she had was what they had left her – the acreage and her fond memories of them.

It was at that very moment he realized he couldn’t and wouldn’t take that away from her - n
ot ever. Fuck the land; fuck the money. He would just have to find another real estate project to concentrate on. As for Lilly, she had his full attention, regardless if things were going to last or not. Lilliana’s joy was so sincere and captivating, he could do nothing else but accept her for everything she was - willful, trying, often times infuriating, and completely loveable.

Uncomfortable with the emotions that Lilliana’s home and smile were evoking, Tucker scanned the tabletop
and picked at a loose thread on the tablecloth fretfully. He didn’t need another failed attempt at a relationship and Lilliana had made it abundantly clear that she wasn’t interested in any kind of commitment. Sex - that’s all this was, he told himself.

Tucker stood and cleaned his and Lilliana’s plates. Lilliana slid up next to him and dried the dishes that he quickly washed by hand. The way they moved in unison together, it was as if they had don
e it for a lifetime.

“I shoul
d go,” Tucker abruptly stated uneasily.

“So soon, Tuck?” Lilliana sa
id despondently.

Tucker’s eyes widened and his mouth popped open. No one but h
is family ever called him that, ever. He didn’t allow it. The way Lilliana said it like it was common place had Tucker struggling to find words. Should he correct her?

“Lilly…” he swallowed.

“Please don’t go. Today was so wonderful. Well, most of it, anyway. Does it have to end so soon? Can’t we go back to your place for some time-out?” she grinned widely, waggling her eyebrows up and down.

Yes, some time-out is exactly what
he needed to get his mind off his sappy feelings, but he knew Lilliana was referring to getting down and dirty. Lilliana’s fingers crept up his chest as he stood silently watching her.

Locking h
er fingers behind his neck, Lilliana tiptoed up to his lips. “Please, Tuck?” she pecked his lips and the hunger burning in her eyes spoke of untold desires.

Tucker brusquely grabbed her and planted his lips firmly onto hers.
He wanted to satiate her desire and stoke that fire blazing within her with his power and control. He wanted her, he couldn’t deny it or himself, and he most definitely wasn’t going to deny Lilliana when she was being so meek. Hell, who knew how long it would last before her obstinacy returned.

“Yes, of course, pet. Anything you want.”


Lilliana wanted at that moment was Tucker’s arms around her. She felt dizzy with arousal as her heart beat rapidly.

She swiftly packed a change of clothes while Tucker browsed through her unmentionables.

He plucked out a pair of pink panties and bra. “These,” he stated placing them on bed. He returned to her drawer and grabbed two more sets. “Oh, and these, too.”

Next, he move
d to her closet and dug out a several pair of jeans and button-down, dress shirts and laid them out for her. How long did he think she was staying at his place? Lilliana just nodded complacently and added them to the growing piling.

Lilliana locked up her house a
nd found Tucker standing on the porch gazing at the darkening skyline and out into the open fields. He was at it again and it troubled her. She peered into his eyes, fearful of that she might see dollar signs again. She was relieved when instead she saw a look of peacefulness on his face. Her land had the same effect on her, as well. She felt at home on her family’s land, like Margo and her mother were somehow watching over her. She hoped they were. She moved next to Tucker and slipped her arm in his and leaned her head against his bicep.

“I love this place. I
can really feel my mother and Margo here. I swear I can sometimes even hear their voices carry with the wind. It’s the sound of two happy little girls playing in the calico field.”

Tucker star
ed down at her and blinked long and hard.

“I wish I could’ve gotten to know your aunt a little better.”

“You met her?” Lilliana smiled up at Tucker.

yes, I met her.”

“Ha! I bet she busted your balls!”

“She sure as hell did. Damn, she was a feisty thing. She wanted nothing to do with me. Sound familiar?”

Lilliana’s eyes welled up and tears threatened to break free. She missed the closeness of her aunt and mother so much, it was pa
inful. She would’ve loved to have gotten their collective opinion about Tucker, though Lilliana knew Margo would’ve told her to kick his ass and run the other way. Lilliana let out a small choked laugh as she fought back the tears.

“What is it
?” Tucker hugged Lilliana close.

ng. I was just thinking what Margo would’ve told me about you.”

“What’s that?”

“To run like hell,” she giggled.

Lilliana was only half-kidding but Tucker’s eyebrows knit together. She hadn’t meant to offend him or hurt his feelings, but she clearly had.

“Deep down, I’m really not a bad guy,” Tucker whispered.

“Oh, Tuck, I didn’t mean that. I know you’re not. You’re just, you know, a haughty piece of work.”

Tucker’s sexy grin returned. “You mean hotty…” Tucker spelled out the word phonetically, “… and not condescending, right?”

I meant condescending. Haughty and naughty, that’s all you, pretty boy.”

Tucker shook his head
in kidding dismay. “That mouth, I swear it’ll be the end of me.”

Lilliana hoped it would be the end of his arrogance, anyway.

During the drive to Tucker’s place, Lilliana’s phone rang. She recognized the tone as being that of Adam’s. She had been avoiding him for weeks. On their last conversation, she had tried to make it undeniably clear that his calls were unwelcome. Yet, there he was, again, phoning. Lilliana glanced at Tucker nervously and put her phone back in her coat pocket.

“Aren’t you going to answer that?” he asked curiously.


Tucker narrowed his eye
s and creased his forehead. “Why, is it your boyfriend or something?”

“Or something.
You already know I don’t have a boyfriend from that ridiculous background check you did on me. Anyway, it’s no one important and it can wait.”

Luckily Tucker was satisfied with her answer. Lilliana didn’t particularly feel liking having to explain her situation with her ex. She detested that he wouldn’t leave her the hell alone. She had moved half a country away from him and
still that good-for-nothing, shit stain was calling her.

Lilliana looked out the window at the picturesque view of the countryside as they headed into town.
Fall was in full bloom and the Connecticut landscape was breathtaking. She had always adored Bridgeport and her visits, but now, living here, she truly felt like this was the place she wanted to call home – for good. She prayed everything would work out and that the small amount of money she had inherited from her aunt, and the sale of her condo would cover the taxes for at least the first year.

are you stewing on over there?” Tucker prodded.

“Money. Taxes. My ex.”

“I see. Well, everything will work out. As for your ex…”

Lilliana hadn’t even realized she had mentioned him.

“He lost out on a good thing with you. Dumb fucker.
I can’t help but feel a little sorry for him because you’re quite a catch, Lilliana Norris, and I’m one lucky SOB to have gotten you on your knees.”

Tucker’s statement knocked the wind out of Lilliana and she suddenly felt short of breath as her
heart did a flip flop. Tucker had no idea the feelings he stirred in her. Lilliana reminded herself that his enticing words were all a part of his game and undoubtedly he had said the same thing to numerous females.

Lilliana kept staring out the window. “Thanks,” she responded
composedly, not wanting to reveal how much his words really meant to her.

She closed her eyes for only a moment and drifted off.
Tucker hit a bump in the road and she bounced, waking her up. The numerous bad spots in the pavement reminded Lilliana that her body was sore and achy. Tucker had given it to her good two days in a row and her poor undersexed body wasn’t adapted to such use. Getting out his car at his house, she did a big stretch. She wanted more of Tucker’s brand of sexy time, but she was exhausted. Tucker walked over, put his arm around her waist and kissed the top of her head.

“I’m feeling it too. How about a nap before time-out?”

“That sounds fantastic.”


Lilliana woke several hours later, hot, sweaty and uncomfortable. She was lying in Tucker’s bed in only a tank top, and she and Tucker’s limbs were a tangled mess of body parts. He was lying in only boxer shorts and deep asleep, and putting off some fierce heat. Lilliana pushed his arm off her chest and was able to pull herself out from underneath Tucker without waking him. She leaned down and ghosted her mouth over his ear and kissed it gently. Lilliana sat back and then traced the outline of brightly colored burning heart tattoo on his bicep and kissed it, too, and then made double time getting to his bathroom.  On her way back out, she glanced at her phone on the granite counter of his restroom, noting the time was much later than she had thought.

Just as she picked it up, it rang out Adam’s ringtone, startling her. It was loud and she feared it w
ould wake Tucker. Damn, Adam. Why the hell was he calling after 2:00 in the morning? Was he drunk or just a complete inconsiderate idiot? Lilliana already knew the answer to her own question and she rolled her eyes.

Lilliana fumbled with the phone, trying to answer it before it rang out again. “What the hell, Adam?” she whisper yelled into the phone.

“So you are alive.”

“Yes, I am.  It’s two
mother friggin’ in the morning!”

“Watch your tone, Lil. I’m not in the mood. I’ve been trying to call you for weeks. I have half a mind to get on a plane and go out there to see what the fuck is so important that you can’t pick up your God damned phone.”

Who the hell did Adam think he was talking to? Did he suddenly grow balls or what? He hadn’t spoken so harshly to her since they were married – back when he was sticking his useless dick into anything with a pussy.  Lilliana bit her lip trying to restrain her anger and stop herself from screaming at Adam. She didn’t owe him an explanation, but the last thing she needed was for him to show up and muck everything up with her and Tucker.

“So?” Adam barked.


“So why the fuck haven’t you returned my calls or picked up your phone?”

“Because I didn’t want to talk to you and the last time I checked, we’re still divorced and I don’t have to answer to you.”

Adam huffed, “Try again.

didn’t respond. The tone of Adam’s voice was unfamiliar. He was usually just whiny and annoying, but at that moment he was fiercer.

Get a clue, Adam. I don’t owe you anything. Stop. Calling. Me.”

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