This Plague of Days Season One (The Zombie Apocalypse Serial) (29 page)

“I think you’re very brave, Mr. Perdue. But I don’t think you’re so brave that you will be reckless. You believe you are a noble man and your cause is just. That’s why you won’t take the risk that I’m a liar. All of humanity is too much for a good man to gamble. If it makes you feel better, the zombies are winning. Open your gates and you welcome the inevitable and maybe you’ll even save the future you imagined for the human race. Be a coward and all is lost and you’ll die anyway.”

She hung up, plugged her earbuds in her ears and touched the screen. Her selection came on:
We Want Your Soul
by Adam Freeland.

From ninety yards away, Staff Sergeant Tom Clayworth lay on his belly on a roof. He watched the pregnant woman through his rifle scope. Through his lens, she appeared in bright yellow and he could make out the cell phone and the wire to the iPod. Either one could harbor a gyroscope trigger to the bomb she claimed to have.

He keyed his radio mic. “I still have eyes on, sir. Permission to engage.”

A long pause. “She told me names matter. My name…” The agent’s voice shook. “My name means ‘lost’. Perhaps everything really is pre-ordained.”

“Sir? The target?”

“Negative on the target. Move to concentrate your fire on the riot, Staff Sergeant.”

“But, sir. I have a clean shot.”

“We’re about to open the front doors, Clayworth. Buy us a few minutes if you can, please.”

“Repeat, sir?” Clayworth put the ball of his index finger on the trigger, lining up a head shot.

“We’re letting those things in, Staff Sergeant. Do not engage the target.”

Clayworth hesitated a second more before following the order. He wondered how long he could stay on the roof before those rabid animals found their way up? He reached into his belt and put one round in his shirt pocket, sure to save one bullet for himself.

“But, sir…the Queen.”

“I’ll make sure she won’t suffer,” Perdue said. “God save our tomorrows because the Devil owns us tonight.”

Clayworth took one last glance at the target through his scope.

The Queen of the Zombies danced.

Season 1, Episode 4

You have forgotten you are meat.

You will be reminded.

We’re pretty smug, thinking we’re at the top of the food chain. Worms are the all-time champs.

~ Notes from The Last Cafe

Run fast from the zombie horde

ello?” The woman sounded like she had just been roused from a deep sleep.

“I need to talk to Dr. Neil McInerney, please. I’m one of his patients and this is urgent.”

“Uh…um…is this about a dental emergency? With the flu, the office is closed. He’s not seeing any patients. You might find some help at the hospital.”

“I’m calling from his office.”

“What? You can’t be at the office. It’s closed.”

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I smashed through the front door. It’s open now.” He heard rustling on the other end of the line and screams and running feet pounded one storey below.

“Who the hell is this and what’s this about breaking into my surgery?” He recognized the voice of his dentist.

“This is Craig Sinjin-Smythe.”

“The…volleyball player?”

“Dr. Craig Sinjin-Smythe. I’m overdue for a cleaning.”


“I’m not calling about my teeth, Neil. I’m a virologist. London is falling. There’s been a new flu mutation and it looks very much like rabies among the new victims.”

“Oh, my god! Is it airborne?”

“Hopefully not yet. But I’m sure it’s spreads through bites.”

“If what you say is true, we should bar the doors and wait it out. If it’s human rabies, better we stay off the streets.”

“And then what? This is our chance to slip away. By tomorrow, there will be too many. When you try to get away because you’re hungry, the streets will be full of them.”

“I don’t like the sound of this at all.”

“You don’t have to like it. You have to move. Now. You’ve forgotten that you are meat. You’re part of the food chain. If you wait, you will be reminded. This is a matter of life and death, Craig.
life and death and from what I’ve seen, we don’t have much time.”

“Where will we go?”

“First, anywhere but London. After that? I’ll tell you when we’re under sail.”

He couldn’t convince McInerney to come to the office. Since his dentist lived in St. Mary’s Gardens, south of the Thames, they agreed to meet at his boat. It wasn’t far. Only hundreds, perhaps thousands, of rage-filled victims of the new Sutr-X variant blocked their way to St. Katherine’s Docks.

* * *


Dr. Jianjun Seong reached out and pulled Shiva aboard the helicopter. She greeted him with a warm smile and embraced him. “My sweet little brother-in-arms!”

As soon as she belted in and put the big headphones on her head, Seong ordered the pilot to take off. Two more passengers — an Asian man and a swarthy woman wearing a hijab — sat in the helicopter’s cabin. All were dressed as if ready for a hike, except each wore a sidearm and automatic rifles sat on top of packs at their feet.

They all bowed their heads in her direction and then craned to watch the bloody carnage below in fascination.

“My queen,” Seong said, bowing lower than the rest. “History and a new future are made!”

She laughed. “Now, now, Brother Seong. There’ll be none of that in the new world order, thank you very much. That’s the sort of nonsense we’re getting away from. We are pioneers, not the rich descendants of ancient warlords like those parasites.”

Shiva pointed at the Buckingham Palace grounds below. “That’s what we’re getting away from, Brother Seong.” The battle was a boiling mass of dark shapes.

“It’s impossible to tell who’s infected and who isn’t from here,” Seong said. “Your new variant is impressive. It spreads so rapidly.”

“I call it Sutr-Z. The CDC told me you were dead, Brother.”

“They were supposed to think that. They still don’t know.”

“So? What’s the progress report? Give me your good news.”

Seong took his time answering. “Sadly, the course correction is not as large as we’d hoped.” He pulled out an iPad and flipped through screens until he came to the document he needed. “Hong Kong went down easily, as I predicted. With all the commerce and flights in and out, the first stage of Sutr spread satisfactorily in the first attack. However, Sutr-X was contained better than we anticipated on the mainland. It seems the Chinese government learned much from the 2002-2003 SARS outbreak, Sister.”

“What are you saying?”

Even over the din of the rotors, Seong heard the hardness come into her voice. “The secondary attacks were very fruitful.” He pointed to statistics on a bar graph that showed the extermination numbers for farm animal populations. “I’m particularly pleased with the reductions in the cattle population.”

Shiva did not look as pleased. “I expected that we’d have a greater reduction in China’s chief product, Jianjun. How many Chinese were killed by the Sutr virus?”

“Millions by Sutr-X itself, Sister.”

She huffed. “Details.”

“Shenyang, Wenzhou, Ningbo, Baotou and, of course, my home city of Nanjing is gone. There were eight million in Nanjing alone.”

“Show me a graph, Brother Seong. Perhaps that will get us to the point faster.

The doctor switched screens and handed the iPad to her.

“Baotou is in Inner Mongolia with barely three million people. The fact that you even mention it shows how far from the mark you’ve missed.”

“The Party took drastic action to contain the outbreaks, but that also helped the cause. The good news I’ve been holding back, Sister, is that the Chinese government used
weapons to contain the outbreaks. Nuclear weapons on our own land! Amazing, isn’t it? I didn’t expect them to be so sweeping and decisive.”

“This is disappointing. Your target was our prime concern. If you’d isolated Sutr-Z as I did, China’s surviving populace would be crawling over each other by now. I didn’t even control the whole lab, but I didn’t fail!”

“I apologize, Sister.”

“You know what this means, don’t you? We have to take some of the infected from here and take them all the way back to bloody China for a fresh attack. I’d planned to take America with you by my side, Seong. Now we have to go back and do the job right the

“Yes. I am sorry I won’t be able to join you, Sister, but I can do as you ask and this time I will succeed. The infected will carry Sutr-Z to every corner of China.”

“You can do that? You’re sure?”

“I can do that.”

“I know you can, Jianjun. The community gave you your name because it means,
He who builds an army

Seong nodded his appreciation and smiled.

Shiva pointed at one of the other passengers. “But can
do the job right the first time?”

The Asian man’s head snapped around. He gave a crisp nod. “We make history and a new future, Sister. I can do as you ask.”

Shiva slipped a long dirk from her sleeve and plunged the three-sided blade between Dr. Seong’s ninth and tenth ribs. His jaw dropped open as he tried to gasp. He could not. She gave the handle a ruthless twist and he stiffened. Blood gushed over her hands as she hit the release on Seong’s seatbelt and tipped him to the floor.“Tell the pilot to swing back around, hover low and open the door. We should feed my children a sweet little dessert.”

Seong still clung to life as she kicked him out of the helicopter and into the teeth of the madding crowd.

Pack your memories, grab a sword

acqueline Spencer tore her gaze from the widening gyres of vultures that filled the sky and climbed the stairs to her room. The Spencers had emptied their home of everything they felt was essential. Was this what it was gong to be like from now on? Empty city? Empty house? Empty life?

She scanned her bedroom. Of course, Theo shared it with her, but there could be no doubt it was hers and she just let him sleep there, allowing him a little closet space. The wallpaper had been her choice, as had the bed and furniture.

In sleep, Jack liked to spread out, allowing Theo just a quarter of the bed. Theo joked that in bed she made him feel like a woman. “You rip the covers away from me and push me to the edge. Thanks for letting me keep one butt cheek on the mattress, Jack.”

After the kids came along, he toasted their mother with, “One cheek!” without explanation and gave his wife a kiss. Theo’s toast to her: A tiny, happy ritual.

She wished he were sleeping with her now, but there was the issue of contagion. If they slept together, the virus might slip into her mouth and nose and throat and lungs as they slept. Of course, that may already have happened. Part of the virus’ power was that it seemed to have a long incubation period, infecting others while the carrier was still unaware they were sick.

Jack slept differently now, lighter and fitfully. She did not spread out her arms and legs to take over the bed. Instead, she curled up, alone and fetal, often awake and listening, straining, to hear any sounds of danger in the night.

They had watched the house carefully. Now that Theo was sick on the couch in Oliver’s front room, he felt useless. Watching his own house whenever he was awake was the only thing he could do. Still, Jack worried that Bently would come back, perhaps sneaking in the back of the house to destroy their garden out of spite.

She thought again how Bently had looked at Anna, ogling her and unashamed to do so in front of her family. That was the crux of it, she decided. He was a short, grimy little man, but he was not afraid. There was no law and order any more, no common conventions. Bently was dangerous simply because he didn’t care about those conventions anymore.

He’d openly broke the unspoken agreement everyone has. You don’t look at somebody’s daughter like that. He did and, despite running from an old man, Bently still stayed long enough to collect the cans of food, rolling on the ground. Hitting him had been like shooing away a vulture who wouldn’t leave a corpse alone. Even though threatened with superior force and numbers, he’d be back. He wouldn’t stay away if there was anything left he could take.

Jack hadn’t known mental exhaustion could cut her this deep.
Stressed out too long,
she thought. Even a lab rat forced to run in a maze gets to rest. She lay on her own bed in her own house and let out a deep sigh. The bed was stripped and the quilt she’d bought from a Mennonite woman at a farmer’s market was now across the street in Oliver’s house.

She bet those farm women were set up nicely now. Fresh vegetables, horses and buggies for travel and root cellars full of everything they’d need. And a large group to protect them. The Mennonites and the Amish were ready for primitive conditions because their lives were always simple. Their community would work together. With so little contact with the regular world and its technology, they would barely notice the ravages of the world flu pandemic beyond what deaths might sweep through their community. Armed with their religion, they’d be better prepared to deal with funerals, too.

The Native American communities had some of the same advantages, but the reserves had been the dead canary in the coal mine in the early days as the Sutr Virus spread. Already unhealthy in many ways, flu had killed many more of them than whites, perhaps because contaminated water sources on reservations had weakened their immune systems.

Jack recalled from early news coverage, the Swine Flu pandemic had infected many more Indians on reserves than anywhere else. History had repeated itself, but nothing was done to protect the Indian population from the contagion. Lessons paid for at great cost had not been learned. She supposed the politicians responsible were probably safe in a bunker somewhere, though perhaps, they weren’t safe from their own decisions anymore.

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