This Time Around (Maybe) (18 page)

Read This Time Around (Maybe) Online

Authors: Chantal Fernando

“Less talking
, more fucking,” she replies, the minx. I grin slyly, giving her exactly what she wants, and then some.

I’ve never been one to back down from a challenge.

Chapter Twenty-Three


My day started off as any Friday would. Morning sex, check. Hit the gym, check. Work, check. I hadn’t seen Taiya since morning, because she went to work, then to her mum’s house. I had a pretty hectic day, between Reid telling me MMA scouts are up his ass, wanting him to fight, also him dropping the bomb that our father’s been trying to get in contact with us again, obviously using his limited phone calls trying to get one of us on the line. What I didn’t expect was to open my apartment door and find Taiya, sitting on the couch, staring daggers at her ex-best friend.

“What the fuck is she doing here?” I ask
Taiya, my heart slamming against my chest. I refuse to let anyone ruin what Taiya and I have, what we have worked for all this time to get our relationship the way it is. I finally have my wife back, and no one is going to get between us.

“We need to talk,” Sarah says, standing up. She looks the same as she did the last time I saw her. Blonde hair, brown eyes, and a model’s figure. I had no idea back then that she was bat-shit crazy, but one learns from their mistakes.

“What could we possibly have to talk about?” I ask, sitting down next to Taiya and taking her hand into my lap. She allows me to do it, which is a good sign.

“I’m pregnant,” Sarah says, throwing a smug look at my wife.

“And good luck to the sorry bastard that knocked you up,” I tell her, confused as to why she felt the need to tell me this.

“That sorry bastard would be you,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest and looking triumphant. The fuck? I have never slept with her in my life, and I haven’t even seen her since the time we kissed.

“You’re kidding me, right?” I say slowly, wondering what her game is. She clearly doesn’t want Taiya happy, or to be with me. Why? I have no fucking idea. She’s probably jealous of Taiya.

“Don’t act innocent. Two months ago, we slept together and now I’m having your baby!”
she says. It’s official-- this bitch has lost the plot. And I’m the one who is going to have to pay for it.

I turn to
Taiya. “She’s lying. I would never cheat on you,” I tell her, my voice taking on a pleading tone.

purses her lips, and pulls her hand away from mine. I close my eyes, squeezing them shut, knowing this is the moment where I lose her. At least until I can prove my innocence.

“Get the fuck out,”
Taiya says. I think she’s talking to me, but I look to see her saying it to Sarah.

“Didn’t you hear what I just said?” Sarah says, narrowing her eyes.

Taiya scoffs. “I heard you. And you’re a lying bitch. First of all, I trust my husband. Second of all, I’ve read too many romance novels to know that trusting the bitch of the story, is never a good idea. If you’re so adamant that the baby is his, come back when he’s born and we can do a DNA test. Which will prove Ryan isn’t his or her father. So if you’re even pregnant at all, perhaps you should go and find the real father. I understand that might take some time to go through all the names of the men you’ve been with, so you best get to work.” With that, she stands up and storms into the bedroom. I open and close my mouth in surprise. How amazing is my woman? I block out Sarah’s whining and bitching and escort her out the door, slamming it behind her, then walk into the room where Taiya is lying on the bed, her pet bird sitting on her stomach.

“You okay?” I ask her, kneeling on the bed.

She puffs out a breath. “Yeah, it just sucks. I don’t know what I ever did to her.”

“She’s just jealous,” I tell her, lifting my hand to touch her, but moving it back when the bird makes that scary hissing noise.
Taiya giggles, and almost getting my finger bitten was all worth it.

“Thank you for believing in me,” I say quietly. “I thought you were going to kick my ass out.”

She leans her head to the side. “You’re not that stupid to lose me twice.”

I chuckle at her comment. “You’re right about that.”

She gets up and puts Leo on top of his perch.

“Are we going to have make
-up sex now?” I ask. “I could really go for some.”

She puts her index finger on her chin. “I don’t know. Does that count as me running into one of your ex conquests?” I can tell from her voice that she’s teasing me.


“How about we just snuggle?” she says, getting back on the bed and leaning into me.

I yawn. “Snuggling is good.”

I don’t know how to put it into words what her trust means to me. I feel like I’ve just won a gold medal or something. Fuck. I’m obsessed with her.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way.


“You’re not fucking wearing that out!” I say for the second time, hoping from my look she knows I’m serious.

“You don’t control what I wear,” she snaps, putting a pair of big dangly earrings into her ears.

“You might as well be naked!” I say, looking down at her beige fitted dress. It clings to every curve on her body, showing every little detail. “No, it’s not happening.”

“Except it is,” she replies, pouting her lips as she smothers them with gloss or something.

“I’m going to be a walking erection all night,” I mutter.

ll, I’ll take care of that when we get home,” she says flippantly. Is she even listening to me?

“Tay, every fucking guy is going to be staring at you, going home and probably…”

She raises her hand cutting me off. “It’s just a dress.”

, maybe for a fucking stripper,” I say without thinking. Her face instantly changes, and I know I’ve pissed her right off. “I didn’t mean that,” I try to backtrack. “Don’t be mad.”

“What do I know? I’m just a stripper,” she sneers, stepping out of the bathroom and into her closet, where she pulls out the highest pair of fuck me heels I’ve ever seen. “Yes, I think these go with tonight’s theme, apparently.”

Me and my big fucking mouth.

I head into the kitchen and pour myself a drink,
waiting for Taiya to finish getting ready. We’re heading out to dinner and then to a club with Reid and Summer for Summer’s birthday. I’m chewing on an ice cube as Taiya enters the room, dressed to kill and ready to go. She has Summer’s gift in her hand, in a shiny pink gift bag. I stare at her dress once more, which now looks even sexier paired with the heels. I don’t know where to look… cleavage, thigh, legs or just the hourglass shape of her mid-section. My hard on isn’t exactly welcomed right now, considering we need to leave and she’s pissed at me. Although much can be said for angry sex…

“Are we going or are you going to stand there staring all night?” she asks, tapping her heel.

I sigh and put my glass in the sink, then walk to the front door and open it for her. “Are you bringing a jacket?” I ask, unable to contain the hope in my voice.

“No,” she says sweetly, walking outside. I lock up and head to Reid’s, then we all get in a cab and tell the driver directions to the restaurant.

“I love this dress,” Summer says, eyeing Taiya.

“You can have it,” I add i
n, ignoring the scowls from both women. Reid turns from the front seat with an amused smirk.

“Stop being an ass
, Ry,” Summer says softly, her voice laced with steel. “Taiya looks freaking amazing.”

, that’s the problem,” Taiya adds dryly, crossing her arms over her chest. It’s Summer’s birthday, which I don’t want to ruin so I decide to keep my mouth shut on that topic.

Did you like the gift, Sum?” I ask her, effectively changing the subject.

She claps her hands together. “I love it!”
Taiya and I got her tickets to a concert where several different R & B and rap artists are performing. It’s funny because now Reid has to go and sit through it as well, and he isn’t a fan. Two birds with one stone. Make Summer happy, and annoy my brother. Taiya also got her a perfume and some other girly items. Reid turns his head once more, his blue eyes narrowed on me. He calls me a ‘bastard’ with that one look, and I tell him ‘ha ha’ with mine.

“Anything to make you happy
, Sum,” I say, and I see his eyes and expression soften. Oh yeah, Reid will be going to that concert; he will hold a damn sign if he has to. Anything for his woman. I take Taiya’s hand in mine. She silently complies, and I rub little circles on her palm with my thumb. We share a look, and then she breaks out in a smile.

Time to enjoy the night out with my favourite people in the world.

Chapter Twenty-Four


“What are you reading?” Ryan asks, sitting down next to me on the couch.

I lower my book to
peek at him. “A romance book.”

His eyebrows almost hit his hairline. “Is it
porn… I mean erotica?”

I roll my eyes at him. “It does have sex in it, yes.”

He grins. “Want to re-enact one of the scenes?”

I bite
my bottom lip, getting a little aroused at the thought.

“You liked that idea
, didn’t you? Hmmm,” he says, leaning forward and kissing me on my mouth.

“Am I like the heroes in your books?”

I laugh. “You wish.”

“You’re right
. I’m way better,” he says, smiling lazily.

I shake my head at his huge ego. “You need to get ove
r yourself. Besides, the hero in this book couldn’t even get it up for another woman when the love of his life left him. You definitely didn’t have that problem.”

Silence, then, “So his woman left then he couldn’t even get it up for another woman?”


m a man, beautiful,” is his reply. “Perhaps he should see a doctor if he can’t get it up.”

“It’s romantic,” I scowl at him.

“It’s romantic that he can’t get a boner?”

“For anyone besides her, yes.

He sighs, and pulls me onto his lap. “Is this really in the book or is this just a dig at me?”

My body starts shaking in silent laughter. “Did you really just say that?”

I flip back a few pages in the book and find the paragraph, then show it to him. He reads it quickly, frowning.

“I can’t believe you thought I made it up,” I mutter, closing the book.

He places a kiss on the back of my neck. “
Apparently, I know nothing of romance books.”

“That’s okay
. I love you anyway,” I say, leaning back into him. “I can’t remember the last time we both had a day off and just did nothing.”

“I wouldn’t say we are going to be doing nothing,” he says, reaching his hand down to cup my breast. “I don’t think I will ever get enough of you.”

The man is seriously insatiable.
Not that I’m complaining. I suck in a breath when he turns my body, lowers his head and gently bites down on my breast through the soft cotton of my white dress. I watch as he then moves to my mouth, giving me a kiss that makes my panties wet. I tangle my hands in his hair, pulling on the ends, silently demanding for more. I straddle his lap, grinding myself into him, letting him know I mean business.

“Insatiable girl,” he mumbles, voicing my earlier thoughts about him.
I grin against his mouth in reply, and resume kissing him with everything I have. My hands soon start to wander, running up his six pack of abs, feeling each sculptured curve. I end the kiss, moving my hands to pull his T-shirt off and throwing it behind me. I sink my teeth into my lip as I take him in. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of seeing him. Eye-fucking candy. And he’s all mine.

“Did you just mumble ‘mine’?” he asks, looking a mixture betwe
en turned on and amused. His lids are heavy, but there is a slight smirk playing on his lips.

“Did I?” I ask breathlessly, my eyes roaming down his body.

“Yes, you did, and I’m pretty sure that’s my line,” he says, running his large hands up my thighs, reaching for the hem of my dress and lifting it up over my head. The dress gets caught in my mass of curls, so I reach up and help him get it off. “Beautiful,” he breathes, running his thumb over my lace bra. I lick my lips as he swipes my nipple through the material. Impatient, I lean back and unclasp my bra, letting it fall, sliding the straps off my arms and throwing it on the floor. Ryan is sitting there in nothing but his jeans, and I’m straddling him in nothing but a pair of tiny silk leopard-print panties. I imagine we make quite the picture. I place my hands on his chest, my darker skin contrasting against his fair. I trail my hands down to undo his top button, trying to pull his jeans down with no luck.

“I need them off!” I growl. “Why do you have to wear such tight jeans?”
I complain.

Ryan blesses me with a deep chuckle, lifting his hips up and helping me pull his jeans down to his thighs.
I can see his cock straining through his boxers, and I grin pulling those down as well.

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