Three Little Words (3 page)

Read Three Little Words Online

Authors: Maggie Wells

Tags: #9781616506049, #Maggie Wells, #romance, #Contemporary

“I’m not a gentleman,” he confessed, his voice rough and raspy even to his own ears. “I pretend I am, but I’m not.”

“I’m glad. I don’t have much use for gentlemen.”

Her breathy exhalation should have amused him, but it only made him want.

“The minute I first saw you, I wanted you.” His dick surged against her soft belly. “I want you now.”

Her smile grew wider and her eyelids heavier. “Good.”

“I want you so much it’s all I can do to keep from stripping you out of that dress and… Right here. Right now.”

Interest flared in her eyes. A dare burned hot. “And…
right here, right now?”

The last notes of the ballad faded away and the driving beat of the latest dance craze pulsated all around them. Greg tightened his grip on her hip and tangled his fingers in her hair. Her head fell back as he held her close, grinding his aching dick against her soft belly. His lips grazed the shell of her ear. “Fuck you. I want to fuck you.”

Her body grew soft and pliant, molding to his like a second skin. Her short, shallow breaths puffed against his jaw. She whispered the sweetest, softest, “Oh, yes,” imaginable, but he heard her loud and clear.

Cradling her skull in his palm, he flexed his fingers, gathering her thick, glossy waves in greedy handfuls. Lust and tequila pulsed through his veins. Each brush of her leg against his whittled away at his already strained control. “You’re killing me, I want you so bad.”

“Then take me.”

Everything in Greg’s world screeched to a halt. Oh, the music kept pounding and bodies continued to pinball around on the parquet, but he was completely oblivious to them—to everything but the woman in his arms and the hotel keycard scorching a hole in the pocket of his monkey suit.

He pulled back to look her straight in the eye. “God, I want to, but….” He trailed off, taking in the crowded wedding reception in one sweeping glance. Ben would be too disappointed in him if he left this soon. And Emily would nail his balls to the wall. And he wanted his balls. He needed them. They would be absolutely essential to ending this evening the way he wanted. “I can’t leave yet.”

“Of course you can’t,” she murmured with an understanding nod. “You’re the father of the groom.”

He stared at her, searching her luminous eyes for a glimpse of the man he’d been moments before—bold and brash, too cocky to care about anyone’s opinion but his own, and far too dangerous to be labeled something as innocuous as
. Berry red lips parted as he lowered his head. He reveled in her gasp of welcome surprise, but she stopped him mere millimeters from meeting his goal.

“I doubt the kids would appreciate us making out on the dance floor.”

“Come with me.” Without wasting one more second, he grabbed her by the wrist and took off toward the exit. Josie’s pulse raced under his thumb. Alcohol transformed into rocket fuel. The
of her impossibly sexy shoes provided all the spark he needed to propel them from the reception.

They burst from the dim ballroom into the brightly-lit corridor. A few guests straggled in from the outdoor smoking area. A bunch of his ex-wife’s cronies huddled together in one of the over-upholstered conversation pits. The conference area of the hotel stretched in each direction. Miles and miles of bland wainscoting camouflaged doorways. Discreet brass placards granted each room the dubious distinction of a former president’s name but gave no hint of what might lie within.

Josie gave him a none-too-gentle tug, turning him away from the gleaming glass doors and leading him deeper into the cream-colored canyon. They passed the Harrison, Taft, and Pierce ballrooms before he slowed his stride to match hers.

“The coat room is in use, so we need to find the Clinton or Kennedy room,” she huffed.

Greg squinted at a brass placard as they passed. “There can only be forty-four of these, right?”

“At most.” She turned her hand and laced her fingers through his. “I figure the ballroom alone should account for Washington through Adams.”

He shot her a sidelong glance. “John Adams or John Quincy Adams?”

“Let’s be optimistic and say Quincy.”

“Great.” He bobbed a quick nod. “Only thirty-something more to go.”

Josie trotted to keep up. He told himself to slow down, but he couldn’t. Scanning the length of the hall, he spotted a promising interruption in the flow of blankness and made a beeline for the alcove. Triumph surged inside him. The universal symbols for relief beckoned. A startled squeak burst from her lips as he pinned her to the door to the men’s bathroom. Josie stared up at him, wide-eyed and breathless.

He searched her face for any sign of reticence but found only the pearly pink flush of arousal. “I know this isn’t the most romantic place in the world, but I have to kiss you now.”


One breathy little bit of permission—two simple syllables—smashed a lifetime of self-control to pieces. He claimed her mouth with all the finesse of a plundering Viking. Her lips were firm and supple but soft. So soft he wasn’t sure he’d ever escape. He wouldn’t want to. Angling his head, Greg took the kiss deeper, sampling her sweetness again and again, savoring the glide of silky skin, sinking into the lush welcome of her body.

Their combined weight made the door swing inward. Her gasp broke the kiss. The momentum of their tangled bodies sent them stumbling into the tiled room. Alcohol slowed his reflexes, but he found a soft place to land. Pinned against the interior wall, Josie blinked up at him doe-eyed with surprise. He mustered the presence of mind to mutter a quick, “Sorry,” before claiming her mouth again.

This time she opened for him like a flower. Groaning his thanks, he plunged his hands into her hair and dove into her mouth. The brush of her tongue against his nearly took the top of his head off. He drew on the velvet softness, grappling for the handle on his baser instincts even as she writhed against him. He fought the crazy rush of lust. The one that made him want to push her dress up over her hips and bury himself inside her. The temptation was great, but somehow he managed to resist.

Greg sank into the kiss, letting pure sensation carry him along with each maddening swipe of her tongue. She didn’t just kiss, she consumed. Soft lips slipping and sliding against his, she took everything she could from each shift in angle. And he gave everything he had. Willingly. Licks, nips, pecks, and plunges. He was about to suggest they take a break. They needed to catch their breaths and maybe try to cling to a little propriety.

Josie had other ideas.

His bottom lip trapped between her teeth, she opened her eyes and stared straight into his as she slipped her hands under his tuxedo jacket and grabbed his ass with both hands.

Every honorable thought he ever had disintegrated on contact.

He thrust against her, taking the opportunity to free his tenderized lip when she gasped.

“So long.”

For one crazy second he thought she was complimenting his assets. Then she circled her hips in an ancient, elemental dance of seduction.

“It’s been too long.”

Greg gave up hope on drawing a full breath ever again. Desire and decorum waged battle inside him. No surprise, dignity was getting its ass kicked. It had been too damn long for him, too. The pulse below her jaw throbbed, soft and vulnerable. Her racing heartbeat revved his engines.

“We should stop,” he murmured against the tender skin.

Possessive hands streaked up his back, fingers splayed wide and greedy. “Don’t stop.”

“We’re in the men’s room.” The gruff reminder sounded lame even to his own ears, but location was the only argument he could grasp with her hands all over him. “I want you in my bed.” He caught her ear lobe between his teeth and bit. He suckled the afflicted flesh, using his tongue to toy with her earring then to trace the delicate shell of her ear. “Naked.”


A shudder of unbridled anticipation ran through him. He claimed her breast and teased the pebbled tip through the slick satin of her dress. Every impulse in his body jumped up and shouted a resounding
Gathering the hem of her skirt, he stroked her bare thigh. She shuddered and shifted, urging his hand closer to the place she wanted him to touch, but he didn’t dare. Instead, he clung to the one tattered thread of common sense her assertion hadn’t incinerated. Lifting his head, he peered into eyes clouded with desire and issued his most compelling argument.

“Anyone could walk in any time.”

Josie wet her lips even though they were still shiny from his kisses, but she didn’t look away. Desire flushed her cheeks. She grasped his wrist and moved his hand so his fingers grazed the smooth silk covering her pussy. “I know.”

The acknowledgment squeezed through wicked red lips. Her eyes widened as Greg slipped two fingers under the elastic of her panties. Downy curls damp with moisture tickled his fingertips. His head spun when she spread her legs, inviting him to partake. One brush of teasing fingertips promised everything he wanted. And possibly more. He had to take a taste.

Without warning, he parted the lips of her pussy and thrust those two lucky digits home. Josie moaned and pushed against him, riding the heel of his hand. She held his gaze. The pulse he’d kissed still beat fast and hard, but she wore a serene smile as she made him an offer no man could possibly refuse.

“How about we do this….” She tipped her head in a vague nod toward the stalls. “We go in there. I take this….” She gave his arching dick a not-so-gentle squeeze. “…In my mouth.”

A groan escaped him. Those plump, ripe lips brushed his—a sweet, sensual whisper of a kiss. It left him aching. He chased after them when she pulled back, but she ducked out of reach.

“And you let me suck you.”

“Jesus.” He gaped at her, his mouth working but his brain far more occupied with other thoughts.

She brought her other hand around to toy with the studs on his shirt. “Then later, when you’re done doing your fatherly duty….” She paused as if trying to decide if toying and stroking and promises of blowjobs might be enough to convince him. With a coy glance from under her lashes, she sweetened the offer. “Then I’ll let you fuck me.”

Withdrawing his hand, he held her gaze, willing his own pulse to slow. He told himself it was a matter of convenience. There was no way he could walk with the hard-on she had given him, much less walk around his kid’s wedding reception. And, as much as he hated to admit to the possibility, Greg worried his wall banging days might be behind him. Not that he’d ever had a lot of women up against a wall. One, maybe two, and both decades ago. The last thing he wanted to do was fail her. Not at this.


He scooped her up, banding her to him with both arms. Her yelp bounced off tile walls. One shoe clattered to the floor as he carried her across the room and deposited her in the far stall. By the time he turned the lock, she’d kicked off the other red high heel and pushed him against the stainless steel door.

The rustle of fabric and rasp of his zipper were smothered by the roar of short, panting breaths. His, hers, didn’t matter whose. A growl rumbled deep in his throat when cool air feathered over his swollen dick. The weight of his belt buckle pulled his pants down farther. The elastic of his boxer briefs cut into his thighs, but he couldn’t have cared less. All he cared about was Josie and having her sweet, succulent mouth on him.

He kissed her hard and hot, parting her lips with his tongue and drinking deep. Full, soft breasts flattened against his chest. He grabbed two handfuls of her ass and hauled her to him, rubbing against her like a frantic teenager.

The thought made him groan. Tearing his mouth from hers, he buried his face in her neck. “I may not last long,” he whispered. He scattered wet, ardent kisses of pre-apology along her jaw and throat. “Shit, I’m surprised I didn’t come in my pants already.”

Her breathy exhalation of pleasure shot arrows straight to his groin. “May not be a bad thing.” She ran her fingers through his hair and pulled his head up. “We’d be back before anyone even notices we’re gone.”

And then she slid to her knees.

Taut nipples teased through layers of material. Her dress snagged on his studs as she sank lower. She pushed the crumpled tails of the shirt up, leaving him exposed. Warm, moist breath washed over his skin. He fought the urge to close his eyes. He didn’t want to miss a moment of what was about to happen. Flashes of a thousand of fantasies flickered in his head. From the early days of adolescence until this day, the scenario played out the same way. The sexy stranger who kept him company far too many nights remained nameless, faceless, just out of reach. Now she was here in front of him.


Josie with her full red lips and a wicked gleam in her eyes.

She kept those eyes focused on his as she brushed a small, almost chaste kiss to the head of his granite-hard prick. “Mm.” Her soft hum of approval snapped the last thread of his control. Plush lips parted. He raked his fingers through her hair, pulling her closer as she took him in.

She drew on him tentatively at first, using those first mind-boggling pulls to taste, tease, and set the tempo. Greg clenched his ass, trying with all his might to refrain from thrusting into her hot, wet mouth. Winding his fingers in her hair, he groaned his appreciation each time she took him deep. She pulled back to tease the slit with the tip of her tongue and he almost blew his stack.

“Suck.” He dug his fingers into her scalp. She took him deep again. Deeper still. Deep enough to make him lose his mind. He thrust into her, fucking her mouth with absolute abandon. “That’s right. Suck me. Suck me hard.”

Josie moaned around him. The vibration made his balls draw up. Every beat of his hammering heart pushed him closer to the edge. Her velvet tongue swirled around his swollen head. The bathroom door swung open.


Will’s voice echoed off the bathroom walls, but he couldn’t answer. All he did was stare at the woman who would fuel his fantasies until the day he died. Climax rippled through him, curling his toes and tensing his thighs.

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