Time Out (19 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

Tags: #Breanna Hayse

“I didn’t do anything this time, Bry. SHE started it.”

“If I hear anything more like that comment from you, I will have Aunt Suzanne paddle your little caboose like she did to Krissy.  You won’t like it one bit, either,” he warned.

“Why are you being so mean to me?”

“I’m not and you know it. I would suggest you consider showing a little humility tonight. You’d be surprised how far that gets you with Rob.”




Chapter Eleven



Cassie’s stomach twisted the entire ride home; know she was facing a rather severe session from her two Doms.  She already regretted the decision to drink and, after knowing how Kristina was dealt with for rudeness, she thought twice about continuing with that.

Rob was on the couch, flipping through the channels, when they walked in. “My girl.  Come give me loves.  How was your day?” Rob asked, embracing Cassie lovingly and planting a solid kiss on her lips.

“I’m still sore from Dad’s switching, Robby. I’m sorry I drank.  I really am.”

“I am so proud of you, my love.  What you did for Pop took a lot of courage, and finally accepting him really made him happy.  Thank you.”

“It was the right thing to do, wasn’t it?” Cassie asked, glowing in his praise of her. 

Bryon sat on the other side. “It was exactly the right thing to do.  I’m proud of you too.  I wish I didn’t have to punish you, though, but we need to just get that done so we can spend the rest of the evening together.”

“Robby? Please can just one of you punish me? I’m too sore.”

“No, honey.  You disobeyed both Daddy and me, and you could have seriously hurt yourself.  I’m sorry, but there are penalties for poor choices.  Go upstairs and take a shower, then come back down here dressed for bed.”

Cassie bit her lip, able to read into his words.  He included ‘daddy’, which meant she would be punished without any ‘big girl’ touching.  It also dictated how she was supposed to dress.

Hair in two high ponytails, Cassie grimaced as she buttoned up the back of her pale purple footy pajamas decorated with kittens.  Of all her little girl clothes, she hated these the most because they made her feel even younger and more out of control. She grabbed her favorite Teddy Bear and trudged downstairs to meet her fate. Her heart felt like it would explode.

The stocks were out and, next to them, Daddy’s big strap and a long, thin paddle with holes.

“Robby? Daddy? I’m sorry.  Please don’t spank me,” she pleaded, eyes filling with tears, as Bryon beckoned to her. “I promise I will never do that again.”

“We know, hon, but do you honestly think we are just going to let this go by without making certain you learn your lesson fully?” Rob asked as she approached Bryon fearfully.

“You terrified us. It’s pitch black outside and you take off around a lake drunker than Cooter Brown.”

“Who’s Cooter Brown?” Cassie asked, confused. 

Bryon looked at her, and then at Rob, who shrugged. “I have no freakin’ idea. It’s an old southern expression.”

“Like your ass is grass and I’m the lawnmower. Remember that one, Bry?” Rob chuckled.

“Yeah, right before Pop made us cut him a switch. Have no fear, Miss Cassie.  No more switches for you right now. You will be feeling enough as it is.  Unbutton your flap, please.” Bryon ordered, signaling to her pajamas.  Cassie blushed, reaching behind her to undo the three buttons across the top of her ‘trap door’.  The material fell open and she felt the cool air on her suddenly bared bottom.

“Onto the stock, little girl.  We’re meaning for you to see that we are serious about this punishment,” Rob ordered, ignoring the piteous look in her eyes. On impulse, she threw herself down and grabbed his legs, crying and begging him to change his mind.  He watched her with amusement for a moment before ordering her up and into position.

Bryon watched Rob as he expertly closed the device around Cassie’s waist, immobilizing her from twisting or turning.  Soft leather buckles were then tied around the back of her thighs, preventing her from budging from her kneeling position.  He peeled the flap away to expose the two half-moons of her still tender bottom.

“Pop did well, Bry.  She’s got a couple of bruises still. Good.” Rob commented, tracing the faded marks with his finger. “Hand me that box, please.”

Bryon watched as Rob removed a device from the ‘toy box’.

“What’s that?”

“It’s called a spanking plug.  Fills her up and also prevents her from clenching.  Suzanne suggested figging, but I didn’t want to bother.”

“I’ve never tried that out. You use a ginger root right?”

“Yeah, and the juices burn like a mother when they squeeze their little buns together.” Rob ignored Cassie’s whimpers as she fully realized that she was trapped and completely subject to anything they wanted to do with her. “This serves the same purpose, but without the burning.” He applied KY to Cassie’s bottom hole and, without much notice, gently pushed the long cone to the hilt inside of her.  He held it in place as he started to pump the bulb, watching as the tiny hole started to slowly stretch with the base of the device.

“Rob! That hurts!” She cried.

“Don’t fight it. The only way it won’t hurt around this little rim is if you push out. Keeps you from tighting up those naughty little cheeks.”

“That is sweet.  I need to find me one,” Bryon observed, picking up his belt.

“Taken care of.  It’s in your room.” Rob grinned, picking up his paddle and bowing to his brother to start.

“Cassandra Lynn Johnson, do we really need to talk about why we are here tonight?”

“No Daddy.  I’m sorry I was so bad.”

“You certainly will be by the time this night is over.” Bryon announced, positioning himself next to the stocks.  He drew back his left arm and sent the double strap harshly across her immobile, captured buttocks.  She yelled out, only able to wiggle her feet and pound the wood with her fists.

“I think 20 of these will be sufficient to remind you that you are still under age to drink and that you are to follow the rules of this house.” Bryon said strictly, raising his arm again.  Blow after blow, the strap met its vivid red target, covering the shaking mounds with dark, prominent stripes. Cassie stopped screaming and fell into a series of deep, guttural sobs.  When he had finished, he walked around to the front and laid the strap in front of her.  He sat down to watch her face as his brother took his position.

“You will be one sorry little girl tomorrow, Cassandra. I’m feeling very generous tonight,” Rob said, studying her deeply bruised bottom. “Because I’m impressed with how you presented yourself to Pop, I’m going to reduce my intended strokes to half.”

“Robby, I can’t take anymore. Please believe me, I won’t drink again.”

“Yes you will.  It’s not the drinking, it’s the getting drunk so that you don’t have to deal with your feelings.  It doesn’t work. You were pissed and tried to cut off your nose to spite your face to get even with us.  You didn’t get your way and threw a tizzy.  Never again.  Count down, starting at 6.”

Cassie’s voice rose to a pitchy squeal as she counted the first slap of the paddle.  She could almost feel her skin flatten completely under the tremendous blow. It covered her entire bottom and re-ignited the horrid burning from Bryon’s strap. Five—Four--- Three—Two---

“This is the last one, Cassie.  Not one sound.  I want you to feel it completely and know that I will never stand by quietly and watch you hurt yourself,” Rob instructed, heaving the paddle with a mighty swing in the direction of its intended goal.

Cassie could not have screamed if she wanted to.  The breath was literally knocked out of her, the pain shocking her into a state of silence.  It was not until the stock was opened and she was pulled into Rob’s arm that she was able to breath normally again.  The tears poured in hot currents as she was held securely against his chest.

“I’m sorry.” Her sobs were starting to calm, “I’ll be a good girl for now on.”

“I hope so.  Unfortunately, I don’t think your Daddy is done with you yet.”

“No more, please! I… what’s that?” Cassie clung to Rob, seeing Bryon pull out a large, pale pink diaper. She panicked, looking at Rob. “No! I’m too big for diapers! Robby, stop him!”

“Don’t fight me, young lady.  Tonight, you are going to be treated like a little infant who doesn’t know enough to take care of herself. Lay down on this towel.”

“NO! Put me down!” she cried as Bryon easily lifted her away from Rob (who smiled with amusement) and laid her face up on the blanket he put on the floor.  She tried to kick his hands away as he pulled her feet out of the footies and tried to slide the adult sized diaper under her hips.  She kicked him and he grabbed her ankles in his right hand lifting her bottom high off the floor and firmly slapping her discolored sit spots and upper thighs with his left hand.  She stopped fighting as she cried out painfully, completely humili
ated by the position he held her in
.  With a serious look, Bryon silently cleaned her pussy and bottom with a wet wipe checking to make sure no skin had broken and paying very special attention to her sensitive folds and tender skin on the inside of her bottom around the plug.  Satisfied, he applied powder to her skin and rubbed it in before securing the sides of the diaper. Cassie wanted to die from mortification.

“Leaving the plug?” Rob asked, interest growing in the progress.

“Yes, it should be a good reminder of our evening together.  Cassandra, if you wet this, you need to tell us so we can change you.”

“Oh my God, no.  How much more degrading can this get?” she moaned, hiding her face as he redressed her in the PJs and buttoned up her flap, the bulky diaper uncomfortably wedged between her legs and against her blazingly raw bottom.

“Keep up this behavior and you’ll soon see. Rob, could you please put that brown bag in the frig up for two minutes in the microwave?”

“Here you go.  Nice and warm.” Rob handed his brother the bag and sat across the room to watch the events. Cassie felt scandalized when Bryon removed a large baby bottle filled with a cream color substance. She glared at him, wincing as he raised his index finger.

“No attitude, missy. Act like a baby and I am more than happy to treat you like one.  It’s dinner time and you will drink your bottle like a good little girl.”

“You are nuts! OooOWWWWW!” she yelped as he flipped her over his knee and began to smack her diaper clad backside repeatedly with his left hand.  The diaper provided a lot of padding, but not enough to prevent the already scorched flesh from burning anew.

“Ready for dinner now?” he asked, turning her in his arms to face him.  Tearfully, she nodded, allowing him to hold her, on her back, in the crook of his right arm as he held the bottle to her lips with his left.  Reluctantly, Cassie took it in and grimaced as she tasted it.

“It’s vile! You can’t expect me to eat this sh… stuff!”

“Tsk, tsk. Rob? Your brush, please.”

“No! I’ll eat it! I will!” Cassie yelled, grabbing the bottle and trying to hurriedly suck down the nasty contents.

“You need to slow down or you’ll get a tummy ache. I wish you wouldn’t fight me.  You always find yourself bottom’s up when you do.  There you go.  It wasn't that bad, was it?”

“It’s terrible, Daddy.”

“It’s good for you. Say good night to Robby and let’s get you upstairs to brush your teeth.”

“But it’s Friday night.  We always watch shows together on Friday nights.” Cassie whined, unable to walk comfortably in the humiliating diapers. She felt terribly lonely, not having gotten her regular ‘forgiveness’ hugs, although cradled by Bryon did provide some comfort. She hung her head upon seeing his warning glance and went over to Rob.  He pulled her carefully into his lap and wrapped his arms around her tiny body.

“I love you.  Don’t pull that stunt again, ok? How’s that diaper feel?”

“I have never been more embarrassed in my entire life,” she whispered into his ear. “Please let me take it off when you come to bed.”

“No. It will stay on until we need to change it, or until we leave for Aunt Suzanne’s. You are not to leave the bed once you’re tucked in and you may not go potty in the morning unless one of us takes you.  Consider yourself lucky that Bryon chose only 12 hours of baby time for you. Kiss me and go to bed.”

Cassie groaned, it was only 6 pm.  Bryon picked her up and carried her on his hip to her bedroom.  He brushed her hair and teeth before peeling back the blankets to tuck her in. 

“I’m thirsty.” The girl looked for a way to delay the early bedtime.  Bryon produced another bottle, this one filled with water. He sat on the bed and pulled her into the cradle of his arm again to bottle feed her. Knowing she had no escape from the humiliation, Cassie didn’t fight him.  She actually enjoyed the feeling of how he held her, and the water tasted sweet in her mouth.  Exhausted from her punishment, all the crying and the pain that racked her body, plus the secure comfort of being in Bryon’s muscle arms, Cassie soon found herself drifting off into a restful sleep.


* * *


Rob woke Cassie the next morning to get ready to go to Suzanne’s.  She squirmed uncomfortably, her bladder full and cramping to be emptied. He ignored her request to use the potty and she fought the urge as long as she could, but failed.  Her face reddened as she felt herself fill the diaper with hot liquid.  Shamefully, she tugged on Rob’s sleeve as he shaved.

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