Read Time Warp Online

Authors: Steven Brockwell

Time Warp (14 page)

However, Clare took on the task of seeing that
everything ran smoothly. A decontamination crew was put on standby since it was common that certain parasites had a habit of clinging to objects as they traveled through outer space, which in some cases caused havoc?

“Loading bay one on standby, ready to precede sir,” said Clare.

“Activate transporter”, replied Jeramaya.

“Transporter activated, object will materialize in ten, nine and counting,” acknowledged Clare.

The crew in loading bay one stood by to witness the space probe as it began to materials in front of them. Jeramaya had also transported himself to the loading bay, and reached dock one just as the decontamination crew had finished sterilizing the space probe. A crowd of workers, Forman and even top governing bodies, who were informed of the discovery also came to see the space probe, since they had waited so long to receive,

It gave them hope of new a life, a new world for them to colonize. However,
first, they would have to examine the contents stored inside the probes computer systems to verify that what they had hoped for had finally arrived.

Jeramaya approached the probe as a
cool; moist air swirled around his feet, from the decontamination spray, he was eager to examine the outside casing where he had inscribed the names of each crew that took probes similar to this one. Their names would revel who had sent the first probe back to their homeland. However, Jeramaya’s first objective was to check if any organisms, which could infect him, were still alive on the probes outside casing. “Clare scan object, verify decontamination process?” said Jeramaya.

A small light emerged onto the probe, incasing the entire object, the whole crowed waited for Clare’s analyses to be completed, hoping that no parasites had entered the loading bay. “

My analyses is complete, Paraglictic Spouriteus has been detected, although it is now rendered harmless”, replied Clare.

The crew stood in silence
not knowing what type of virus this was meant to be, since they had never heard of it before.

“Clare, explain!”

“Paraglictic Spouriteus is a deadly virus which once inhabited our planet, it was thought to have been transported to our lands when the first colonies had arrived, it’s now a dormant virus or has been completely wiped out.”

“Clare how did this virus first get here,” asked Jeramaya.

“According to my memory banks the virus was thought to have been transported from a far distant galaxy adjacent to our own, Meaning this probe must have traveled
through the same path as your ancestors did, since it has so far never been discovered anywhere else in our own galaxy.”

Jeramaya was silent, as the governing heads gathered and retreated to discuss the issue
. Since all known viruses had been eliminated from their planet, due to the immense cold and sterile conditions, which had to be kept in their underground city’s, due to their compact size. Any viruses forming underground could lead to a pandemic on their own planet, and would spread like wild fire throughout the entire region, killing hundreds and thousands of people. However, luckily for them Clare had rendered the spores to be safe, harmless to their species.

Jeramaya continued to search the space probe, for any inscriptions that he had scratched on the probe’s surface before all teams disembarked on their mission ten years ago
. He came across Sonard’s name, and at once began to analyze the route Sonard had taken.

While maintenance teams connected cables to the probe, so Clare could down l
oad all the information that had been collected inside the probe’s data banks. Normally this procedure would have been transmitted from one system to another, however; the probes power source was insufficient to with stand the transfer.

The information procedure began, and Clare started to analyze all the data she was being fed, Such as star charts describing the discovered planets solar system, weather conditions, plant life, temperatures, etc
. However, the most important part was who or what dominated the planet Sonard had discovered, a planet known to us as Earth.


















               CHAPTER ELEVEN

        Back to earth

eramaya had completed analyzing the path that Sonard and his team had taken; it seemed he had found a new planet to colonize in an adjacent galaxy, which to their standards did not seem to be that very far away. However, Clare their main computer system accidentally stumbled upon a small although complex problem. The data they had received was somehow dated at least 8 years ago, could it be for some reason the data stored inside the probe was dated incorrectly? This brought about a question, which nobody, really wanted to answer. If Sonard had found a new planet for his people to colonize, why did it take him all this time to relay the information, or even attempt to contact his own people for that matter?

The whole situation was
taken to the governing council who after a considerable amount of time, decided it would be for the better if they sent a Recon team to verify Sonard’s findings. Since they presumed if Sonard’s research was dated at least 8 years ago, between that time anything could have happened.

Jeramaya was appointed head of the mission, his ability to lead and determination to achieve his goal made him the most promising candidate
. Two other scientist were also chosen to accompany him across the distant galaxy, their main objective was to try to find Sonard and verify whether his discovery of the new planet, really was suitable or not for his people to colonize.

The whole mission would b
e based on the actual data, which they had obtained from the distant probe, that Sonard was thought to have sent.

It would take them at least two weeks to supply their medium sized cruiser, which would have to undergo a few minor alterations to
o with stand the journey through outer space. In addition, life support systems would have to be optimal, the same applied to their on board computer called Gale; She would have to be fed all the information they would need to complete their journey into the unknown.

Gale would also have to calculate distances and warp speeds, so they could travel the distance roughly at the same speed Sonard had travel, which would allow them to reach their destination, in the same time period.

Ever since space travel had become so complex, it was once thought space warp and time travel were somehow link together, and depending on the speed one would warp through space, would have a drastic effect on the time period when he reach his point of destination
. That is why warp drives had to be calibrated to travel at the same speeds precisely, or one ship could reach her point of destination at a different time zone then the other, although none of these theories had ever been successfully tested.

However, the whole theory was still far too complic
ated for any one person to handle except Clare, their main computer system, Who was at this very moment transferring all she knew about the subject to her sister computer gale.

though it was not exactly authorized However, Clare somehow knew Jeramaya might need this information just in case anything did go wrong.


The day had finally arrived for Jeramaya and his three-man team to depart, their cruiser had been equipped with the most advanced systems they had to help them succeed and return safely home. His wife Laya and his son Luka came to bid him fare well, tears rolled down her cheek as Jeramaya boarded his spacecraft. Every one stepped back into the protected area as the roof in holding bay One began to open; the cold air ran inside creating a mist, which formed upon the glass windows.

As Laya and Luka saw their beloved father,
husband for the very last time before he embarked on a journey that held no prospective, conclusions whether they would return or not.

A warning light flickered as the hydraulic lift began to rise, bringing their ship to the planet’s surface. Jeramaya began the initiation sequence to count down; gale took over as the ship’s thrusters burst to life, melting the surrounding ice and snow.

“Permission to take off sir?” asked gale. “Affirmative Gale, take her up.”

The ship steadily began to raise, the tremendous noise; vibrations shook the vessel as it steadily headed towards the skies, into the vast limits of space.

Jeramaya started to feel the anti gravity effect, and instructed gale to activate the artificial gravity systems as they flew though the darkened skies.

Jeramaya and the rest of his crew took one last look at their planet, their homeland, hoping it would not be long before they would gladly return.

Gale steered their vessel to the outer boundaries of their planet she headed for the same location that the probe had entered, also she steadily corrected the angle they would need to space warp, bend space at the exact opposite angle in which the probe had done, to arrive in the same time zone. (Plus the days that had elapsed from when the probe left earth) as to when the probe left earth’s solar system.

Gale began count down before she activated their space-warping device, while Jeramaya and his crew entered their sleeping capsules
. Since space warp was very fast, and most scientists (although debatable,) though it would be best that during space warp the whole crew should be held in suspended animation, so as not to harm the body or mind during their journey.

Gale closed all the hatches, and activ
ated their life support systems as the crew began to breathe an anisette solution that put them all to sleep. The whole journey should not last more than four days, so there really was need to suspend the entire body.

Gale closed all glass shields, and activated her sonar detection, and early warning systems, which in return would activate the ship’s laser cannons
. It was sometimes known that after space warp it was possible, that they could find themselves on a collision course with other objects, which awaited them at the point of destination.

However, when one considered the odds, the chances of this ever happening were still very remote.


Jeff was one of the firsts to wake up; his head was still spinning after being sedated for such a long period
. He slightly paused for a while until he could properly steady himself, and stumbled into the recreation area on board their unique vessel.

He downed a fresh cool drink to take away the foul taste, which the antiseptic had left
. Jeramaya and Jade would soon repeat this sequence as they also stumbled to their feet to explore the unknown.

Jeff being the ships technician, walked towards the control room and began to analyze the route they had taken, he knew they were in the correct solar system, however, for some reason the planet Sonard had described as earth, looked somewhat different.

Jeramaya accompanied by Jade looked at the screen, and ordered gale their main computer system to open the steel shutters, which protected the thick durable glass shields.

He also instructed gale to activate their complex cloaking device as not to be detected by any of earth’s security systems.

They knew that if they attempted to approach the planet, any move could be seen as a hostile one, something they most certainly wanted to avoid.

They gazed upon the planet called earth, and realized that somehow things did not look as they should have, according to the descriptions and photographs that Sonard had provided. Earth was supposed to be a bustling planet.

Jeramaya was concerned, as to why they were not picking up any of the transmissions that they should be able to receive by now
. Since radio waves did not hold any boundaries, certain transmissions should be emitted into space, However there were none.

Jeramaya asked gale
if for some reason they might have drifted off course during space warp, or perhaps they were looking at the wrong planet.

“Negative sir, these are the correct coordinates just as Sonard had described, “replied gale

“Then how come we are not picking up anything on our scanners?” asked Jeramaya

“The reason could be due to the electrical activity, also the magnetic storms that planet earth is enduring at this point in time. “

According to Sonard, earth’s weather patterns did not include magnetic storms; it seemed something was drastically wrong.

Jeramaya took over the controls and began to steadily, approach the planet as to get a better view, the over cast cloud
s covered most of the land mass making it impossible to identify anything. Gale their on board computer suggested it might be for the better, if A probe was sent in to view the planet at a closer range. Due to the magnetic storms, it would have been impossible to control their ship, or even if they were struck by lightning, it could seriously affect their equipment on board.

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