To Stand Beside Her (7 page)

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Authors: B. Kristin McMichael

Leila pounded on the door
until it
She did not want to be told by some old man with his own priorities what would make her happy.
she exited the priest’s chamber and walked back to her room
with Theo and Marcarius in her wake
all three
room, she turned
took their keys
and opened the door herself.

“Thank you,” she said
handing the
keys back to a shocked Theo


Chapter 4


How dare he talk about Erich?
If it weren’t for stupid kings trying to force me to marry them, he would still be here.
Leila took some food off the table
She stomped back
to the bedroom and climbed back up into her chair by the window
passing Kay on the way
. It was past lunch time
was hungry, but the chains around her wrists would not allow her to eat.
Kay kept away kn
that Leila needed time to think.

Leila tried to fight back tears.
It had been four years
King Jahangir had
her in his jail when he made the same proposal
that ended with
the death of Erich,
her partner and fiancé.

I am happy, Erich,
she lied to herself.
As happy as I can be without you.
Leila had not spent a day without thinking about her dead fiancé. She wanted to be happy
but without Erich, it was not possible.
She stared out at the horizon.
Beyond her view w
ere the mountains and
the home
was raised in.

I need to get Kay out of this,
she thought.
That’s where she needs to be.
Leila heard the outside door open again
and she quickly wiped away her tears.

“Miss,” a young
girl asked
peering into the bedroom.
“Could you please come with me?”

Finally, someone with manners
, Leila thought.
She climbed down from her chair
Kay st
in the middle room.

“You, too,” the girl requested
of Kay

Kay and Leila followed the
Theo and Macarius
the three girls.

“Please sit there,”
the servant
pointing to two chairs in the room.
Theo and Macarius stopped and waited outside the room.

In th
e corner of the room was a fire
place that was lit.
It seemed odd to Leila that a fire would be lit somewhere where the heat was
during the day anyway
Leila and Kay sat silently
waiting to see what was going to happen next.
n older lady
with hair dyed bright red
three male assistants
The lady
walked over to Leila and pulled
hair away from her face
as Leila kept perfectly still.
Then the woman walked over an
Kay the
same way.

The young girl returned
carrying a case that she sat on the table next to the chairs.
The older woman opened her case and began to sort through the jewelry inside it.
Every now and then
she would stop and hand an assistant something specific.
Leila watched what was happening but was not sure she was correct in her thoughts. In
women pierce
their ears
ornate jewelry
to announce their
Nalick was marking his intentions.
Leila stood up.
All six people in the room looked at her.

“Kay, we are leaving,” Leila turned to go out the door.

Before Kay had a chance to stand, one of the men placed both of his hands on her shoulder
and forced
to stay sitting.
The two other men acted at the same time to hold Leila back down in her chair.
Caught off guard and w
ith her hands tied to her waist, Leila was unable to fight back efficiently.
She had not assumed the men were there to fight.

“The king has ordered you be prepared for your upcoming wedding,”
the red
haired woman

“Then why are you holding Kay here
as well
,” Leila demanded.

“I was told that the king plans to marry both of you,” the woman continued.
Leila’s heart sank.
Was Nalick truly a man who would not only force one
but two women to marry him?
Leila struggled to try to free her
from the two men.

“I was told you were a fiery one
Everyone in the palace was told that they could not harm you for
any reason
, no matter how disrespectful you were, but the king never said anything about punishing her.”
The woman walked over and forced Kay’s hands onto the table.
The man holding Kay down placed her hands palm side up as the woman st
uck Kay’s hands with the lash
she had just pulled
out of the bag.
continued to
as the two men held her in her chair.

“You will learn some manners,” the older woman said to Leila.
Kay closed her eyes but did not make a sound as the woman whipped
hands five times.
When she was done, the woman walked over to Leila.
“You will learn that we all follow the king’s orders, no matter who we are.”
Leila continued to struggle.

Kay opened her eyes.
“Leila, please stop.
It is okay.
I am fine,”
lied to her friend to try to calm her down
, although her
hands were red
welts beginning to form.

“Let go of me,” Leila said angrily to the men still holding her in her chair.

I have never killed a person before, but there is a first time for everything.”
Both men did not hesitate as they immediately released her.
Leila walked over to the door and opened it.
Theo and Macarius were not outside the door, but a new guard was there.

“Where is Nalick?” Leila demanded of the startled guard.

“Um, at this time of the day, um,” the guard looked at Leila’s face and was beginning to get scared.
“He should be in his office, on the fourth floor of the royal wing,” the young guard began to explain.

Leila knew where she was going.
She took off down the hall as the young guard stood near the door wondering what he should do.
There were two prisoners
one he
should follow was the question
but before he could decide Leila was out of his sight.
On her way up the staircase, Theo
down the stairs.
He was
startled to see Leila coming up that he just stopped and let her pass by.
was alone, he hurried to catch up with her.
Leila climbed the stairs two at a time and was soon
on the fourth floor.
Theo followed close behind, but did not try to stop her.
From the look in her eyes,
had a good guess where
was head
and he didn’t want to bear the brunt of her anger.
Leila took a sharp
at the fourth floor door and pushed past the guards that stood in the doorway.
Nalick’s office, she noticed a figure at the end of the hall standing on the balcony.
t was him.
She walked down the hall quickly.

“How dare you!”
yelled at him.

Nalick slowly turned around
unfazed by the angry Leila that stood before him.

“This is the best time of the day,”
turning back to look out the balcony over the city.
“The city gets this deep red haze that fills the sky.”
He continued to ignore the anger in Leila

“She doesn’t deserve to be punished for what I say
” Leila wanted to slap Nalick, but with her hands chained down she was unable to.
“You are truly the man I heard
tales about
forcing two women to marry you unwillingly.

Nalick still didn’t give into her anger

s a kid I would sit here for hours, just waiting for the sun to set and the sky turn blazing red.”

Out of frustration, Leila turned around and walked away from Nalick.
way down the hall
before she stopped and returned to him.
“What do you want?”

“You already know,”
continued to stare out at the city. The sun was beginning to set and the sky was slowly turning a burnt red color.
He paused and turned to face her.
“I am not a monster.
You name it and it will be done.
All I ask for in return is that you stay here with me

“First, Ka
y will be set free
,” Leila began her demands as she continued to pace.

You will send no men to follow
Kay will be allowed to return to our home alone.
Second, I will not be your prize.
I do not want to be treated as an object placed in the palace as an ornament.
I will be free to come and go as I please.
” Leila paused to give
time to object. He did not so she continued.

Third, you will take no other wives beside me.
In my culture, we do not believe a man can marry more than one woman
at a time.
What you
nobles do is
Fourth, there must be love. We do not marry unless we are in love where I come from.
I will not marry a man I do not love, no matter what we agree now.

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