Read Too Many Princes Online

Authors: Deby Fredericks

Too Many Princes (55 page)

Rodrec shifted in place. He gave Brastigan a brief bow.

I'm sure the king will be with you momentarily,

he murmured. Then he slithered away.


Brastigan didn't bother to lower his voice.

When he could see past the obnoxious hat, Brastigan's eyes fell on something that banished all trivial speculation from his mind.

The canopy was draped over the dais, gold stitched with black towers, just as it always was. Only, there were no longer two thrones beneath it. There was just one. Alustra's throne was gone. Unferth's throne sat alone at the center of the dais, but Unferth wasn't sitting on it. Oskar was.






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