Read Too Near the Fire Online

Authors: Lindsay McKenna

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

Too Near the Fire (12 page)

Leah had gotten over her self-consciousness by entertaining the children with stories around the fire. Gil remained close by her side with little Susie, finally tuckered out, asleep in his arms. Even Chief Anders was less growly than usual as he lounged near the fire while Leah told the last story of the evening. Apache got up and came over to take his daughter from Gil’s arms. He smiled over at Leah.

“You ever babysit?” he asked her.

She shrugged. “I did when I was younger.”

“Well, anytime you want to get another dose of this little one, just let me know. Angie was saying she’s never seen Susie so taken with anyone before.”

Gil smiled over at Leah. “Who said women fire fighters weren’t special?” he teased warmly. Apache laughed softly, hugging his daughter to his chest.

“Maybe you’re right after all, Gerard. I’ll see you two tomorrow morning. Good night.”

A pleasant feeling enveloped her as Gil helped her repack her small picnic basket. Scotty had cried when his father came to take him from Leah’s side. Bob managed a murmur of apology to her, thanking her for taking care of the boy for the day. She sighed, gazing up at Gil.

“It turned out to be a wonderful day,” she said softly as she closed the lid on the basket.

He slid his arm around her shoulder. “Mmm, in more ways than one. Come on, I’ll walk you to your car.”

Leah leaned against his sun-warmed body, a smile of contentment hovering around her mouth as they made their way through the dusk. He put the basket in the back seat and held the door open for her.

“Still friends?” he asked.

“As long as you want,” she whispered.

That enigmatic smile returned to his mouth, and his eyes became hooded and unreadable. “Watch it, lady, or I might hold you to that,” he warned softly.

Leah gazed up into his shadowed face, trembling inwardly over his roughly spoken words. The day had been a miracle on all levels for her. Especially the emotional one. “Gil…” she began tentatively, unsure of how to explain what she was feeling. “I don’t want this day to end….” Her eyes darkened with uncertainty.

He brought up his hand and rested it on her shoulder, his fingers warm and strong. “I don’t either,” he returned huskily, “but it had to be your choice, not mine.”

Leah nodded, agreeing with his logic. Earlier, he had offered his friendship. If he was to become her lover as well, it had to be at her invitation. She had never made a decision like this on the spur of the moment. If anything, Leah had always been afraid and distrustful. But as she looked into Gil’s eyes, a new strength welled up inside her. It was right. She didn’t know why, but she sensed that her decision had been good. “I’m afraid,” she whispered.

A wry smile pulled at one corner of Gil’s mouth. “So am I.”

Leah’s eyes widened. “You are?”

“Yes.” His grip tightened momentarily. “We’re both serious when it comes to commitments with another person.” His voice deepened. “I’ve never considered you lightly here,” he said, pointing to his heart. “I told you before, I want the right and the time to get to know you, Leah. All of you,” he stressed gently. “Yes, I’m scared. And I’m deliriously happy. I’m many things all at once where you’re concerned, lady.” Humor glinted in his eyes. “I’m far from perfect, honey. I offered you friendship today and now I find myself wanting to take you to bed with me. I can’t help it and I don’t want to. But I want you on all levels, Leah. Mentally, emotionally, and—” he traced the length of her clean jawline “—physically.”

Leah shivered at the sensual implication of his words. Her dark lashes fell against her cheeks. “I feel the same,” she admitted.

Gil chuckled. “Come on then. I’ll meet you over at your apartment. Who knows what will happen when two people who think the world of each other are this scared.”

Leah laughed quietly with him. “Misery loves company, then.”

Gil grinned. “You’re hardly miserable to be around, lady, believe me,” he returned fervently.

The transition from friends to lovers took place with unexpected ease. Gil helped her put the picnic basket and other articles away once they arrived at the apartment. Gil made himself comfortable on the couch, and Leah brought over two glasses of wine and handed him one. She curled up on the couch, facing him, their bodies in contact with one another. The languorous sensual tension that had existed between them all day increased as they sipped the dry white wine. Music from the stereo drifted through the apartment, soothing away any anxiety or fear.

Gil placed their emptied glasses on the coffee table and took up her hands. With ease, he lifted Leah to her feet. A tender light appeared in his eyes as he cupped her face with his large hands. His breath, slightly sweet from the wine, caught her senses as Gil pulled her toward him. Leah did not resist, but let the full weight of her willowy body rest against the hard planes of his more angular form. Closing her eyes, she lifted her lips to his descending, predatory mouth.

A jagged, heated bolt of lightning plunged downward through her as his mouth barely grazed her parted, waiting lips. The sandpapery texture of his skin raised prickles of pleasure in her. His mouth moved across her lips, stealing her breath. Instinctively, Leah slipped her arms across his broad, incredibly strong shoulders, pulling him closer to her arching, aching body.

Throwing all caution aside, Leah hungrily returned his demanding kiss. He groaned and drew away slightly. His breath was labored, eyes darkened with barely restrained desire, as he stared down at her.

“I need you, Leah,” he whispered thickly. “God, I’ve wanted you ever since I first met you.”

Breathless, she nodded. “Yes,” she agreed inaudibly. “Love me, Gil,” she whispered, raising her eyes to meet his burning gaze.

He swept her up into his arms, carrying her as if she were a fragile child. The darkness in the bedroom was eased by a thin slice of moon hovering in the blackness of the sky. The silvery moonglow sent slanted streams of light through the delicately wrought lace curtains. Her heart pounded in her breast like a wild bird that had been captured as Gil gently deposited her on the bed. The heat of his body was disturbing as he patiently worked loose the buttons on her blouse.

There was beauty in each shared movement. Leah delighted in being an equal partner in the satisfying ritual of undressing each other. As his shirt fell open at her urging she placed a trembling hand against the dark mat of hair on his chest. She lifted her chin and met his penetrating gaze. In his eyes she saw the hunger building, a glimmer of tenderness, and…love? She blinked, aware of the wiry hair beneath her palm, the sledgehammer beat of his heart, the tautness of the skin across the breadth of his well-muscled chest. Was it love? Her breath came in short gasps as his hands slid firmly upward, cupping her now naked breasts, teasing the nipples to budding life. It wasn’t her imagination! She saw some undefinable emotion in his eyes, an emotion that made her yield to his masterful caress and eagerly reach up to meet his mouth with renewed fervency.

He whispered her name reverently, lying back on the bed and then bringing her to rest on top of him. Her body sang with pleasure as she settled against him, reveling in his sheer masculinity and her femininity. Blood pounded through her; the need to be one with him was now urgent. Her lips brushed his mouth, teasing, nipping at each corner. His fingers wrapped within the silk of her hair, Gil growled, gently forcing her onto her back. He drew her head back against the pillow until her lips parted to receive his kiss. Instead, he ran his tongue around her hardened nipples, taunting her unmercifully, coaxing her body into a frenzied state of need. As his mouth settled over one peak, he nipped it gently, feeling her arch upward against his body in response.

She moaned his name, fingers digging deeply into his heavily muscled shoulders, begging him to enter. A primitive passion surged hotly through her aching body and she willingly parted her thighs as his knee settled between them. Each goading touch of his skillfull fingers sent her closer to the edge. “Now,” she rasped softly, begging him with her eyes, voice, and hands. “Please…”

Her breath stopped as his hand slid beneath her hips, lifting her upward to meet his thrust. An explosion of incredible pleasure jolted through her straining body and a cry broke from her lips. A tidal wave of joy surged through her and she joined him in a rhythm that carried her on soaring wings of fiery passion. He coaxed her beyond anything she had ever experienced, taking her on a spiraling, dizzying climb that climaxed in a volcanic release of utter pleasure. Leah collapsed against him. A tremulous smile fled across her lips as she felt him stiffen, find satiation within her and then grip her tightly to him seconds later. Weakly resting her head against the dampness of Gil’s arm, she closed her eyes, physically drained and yet unutterably happy.

Gil rolled to one side, bringing Leah to him once again. He kissed her damp forehead, her cheek, and finally her pouty, parted lips. A new fierceness welled up in his heart as he held Leah. She brought out a side of him he’d thought long dead. It was a miracle, he decided. He loved her.


hat the hell is this?” boomed Anders as he swept down the stairs to the bay where the arriving and departing crews were waiting. His face was livid as he angrily surveyed the men and one woman standing at attention beside the engines. “All right,” he growled, “I suppose you think it’s a real cute joke, Stevenson.”

Leah jerked her head to the left, meeting the chief’s narrowed eyes. “Sir?”

“In the bathroom,” Anders repeated heavily, scowling.

Leah gave him a confused look. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Chief.”

Someone down the line snickered and then all the men began to grin and laugh. Leah gave Gil an exasperated look. He shrugged.

“What is it, Chief?” Gil asked after the initial burst of giggles had died away.

Anders glared at his men. “I should have known…” he said, and then snapped, “The next man who pulls that kind of crap is gonna find himself doing duty cleaning up clogged ditches within the city limits. Got that? Dismissed!”

Completely perplexed, Leah took the stair steps two at a time. The two male crews mixed jovially down in the bay after Anders had disappeared. When she walked into the bathroom she stopped, gasping. There, suspended on a clothesline that had been ingeniously installed, hung a white bra that appeared to be a size 42-D cup. She tried to suppress her smile, but suddenly she broke into gales of laughter, her clear voice carrying through the bunk room. Footsteps echoing in the hall made her stop and she turned, wiping tears from her eyes. Gil appeared and he too halted, staring at the bra. A slow grin spread across his mouth and he began to laugh. Leah shook her head and went up on tiptoe to bring the bra down.

She held it out in front of her, grinning. “It’s a little big, don’t you think?”

“Slightly. Must be the guys’ wishful thinking,” Gil chuckled.

Leah colored and went over to her locker, stuffing it in the top compartment and locking it. “I wonder if it belongs to one of the guys in the off-going crew?”

“Don’t be so sure it was one of them,” Gil warned.

“You mean one of our guys came in early to rig this thing up?”

“Who knows?”

She managed a grin. “I think it’s kind of funny myself.”

“So do I. Come on, let’s get downstairs. We’ve got some work to do.”

The morning passed quickly and Leah noted that Gil’s crew seemed positively happy. Well, maybe that was what it took for her to be accepted: the picnic, a practical joke, and her own ability to laugh at herself. She had seen Anders twice and each time he nodded in her direction. It looked as if things were finally going to gel and she silently thanked whoever had arranged the voluminous bra fiasco.

At midmorning they all met in the kitchen to draw cards to see who would fix lunch and dinner. Leah groaned when she drew low card. “Okay,” she griped, smiling, “who’s fixing these cards? This is the fifth time in a row I’ve had kitchen duty since I fixed that pot roast!”

Apache grinned slyly and cast a look over at Gil. “Ain’t me. You keep this up and we’re all gonna get fat. My wife is complaining that I’m growing a potbelly just like Duke here.”

Saxon sneered, ignoring the happy banter as he continued to drink his coffee. “I ain’t got no complaints from my women. They all like my body.”

Leah colored fiercely, always embarrassed by his crude remarks. He did it deliberately, she was sure.

“Well, what will it be, guys?” She looked at each of them and they all hung back. “How about some okra, Sam?” she teased.

Wilson groaned. “Give me a break!” It was a well-known fact that he couldn’t stand the vegetable.

Gil smiled over at her as he went to the sink and poured himself another cup of coffee. It was an intimate smile, telling her that she was handling the men well. It bolstered her confidence more than anything else could have, and she decided to give them a taste of the real Leah Stevenson.

“Well, I could make spaghetti and meatballs with a ton of garlic in it,” she hinted, watching Apache’s eyes light up.

“Hey! That’s a great—” he piped up.

“Forget it,” Saxon droned.

“How about something different? A vegetarian meal?” she suggested.

“Do we look like rabbits?” Sam shot back. And the entire crew groaned collectively, giving her a beseeching look.

“How about that good Yankee pot roast?” Gil asked.

“You’ve had it three times in a row! You know, since I’m a woman, my repertoire of recipes covers more than one kind of meal.”

Apache howled, slapping his knee. “Hey! That’s a good one.”

“Just as long as it’s got plenty of potatoes, I’ll eat it,” Saxon said, throwing her a look of warning.

Leah ignored his dark scowl. “It’s about time you guys got a little more cosmopolitan in the taste-bud department. Whether you like it or not, I’m going to make beef Stroganoff tonight for dinner.”

That got a smile from all the men. Even Apache knew what it was, to her surprise. She puttered in the kitchen, making sure all the spices and other ingredients she needed were there. Pretty soon the men got busy with their individual assignments and the kitchen emptied. She happily made a cake, wanting to please them. This was a special day for everyone, and the change in the men’s attitudes infused the atmosphere at the firehouse with new buoyancy.

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