Touched By You (The Touch Series)


© 2013 t. h. snyder (Tiffany Snyder)

Published by t. h. snyder

First published in 2013. All rights reserved. This book is copyright. Apart from the fair purpose of private study, research or review as permitted by the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced without written permission.

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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This entire journey has been a dream come true and I couldn’t have done it without all of you.

I appreciate all the support of my fans on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads and Instagram…it’s because of you I continue to write every day.

My family! You are amazing and always encourage me to do what I believe in, no matter who says otherwise. I love you Mom, Angie, Mar and Dad!!

The two most important people in my life, my kids Raeghyn and Mason. I love you more than you will ever know…to infinity and beyond.

My reading partner in crime Trisha. Regardless of our busy schedules you always find the time to fit me in…somewhere.

My amazing beta girls! Thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to read my book. You all mean the world to me….love you STAR BETA SQUAD Jenn, Tabitha, Susan, Crystal, Sandee, Barbara, Amelia, Pam, and Jennifer.

Special author shout out to Margaret McHeyzer for guiding me under her wings. I love you for never giving up on me and giving me a good slap when I need it.



Someone once told me everyone has a special someone they are meant to be with forever. A man who will be my world, my partner in life, and the one person I can grow old with and always be by my side.

Maybe I never found that right person to begin with.

No! That can’t be right. I had my person and I was too wrapped up in my own little bubble to realize what was right in front of me.

He was the one.

He was my forever.

I screwed it up over my own damn selfish needs.

I thought I had chosen the path in life that was best for me, but I seem to have lost my soul mate along the way.

Waiting to board a plane back to Boston, I sit here wondering if I made the right choices in life. Did I follow the path that would take me in the right direction? Could I have done something different that would change the outcomes I’m faced with right now?

I haven’t seen or spoken to him in four months. Four long, torturous months dealing with what I did to us and our happily ever after. I know I’ll run into him soon, but when I do I’m not sure how he’ll react. He could accept me in an embrace or turn the corner and run the other way.

What did I do?

The choices I’ve made changed my life in only a short period of time and I fear I may have lost him forever.

At one time he was all I ever knew. The two of us were so in sync with the other no force field could tear us apart. I can hear him whisper in my ear. “Chloe you and I will stand the test of time because I was touched by you and only you.”

I, Chloe Taylor, am faced with a decision I may not like myself for in the next few hours. Only time will tell what is meant to be and for now I have a much bigger weight on my plate than that of my love life.



I sit under the giant weeping willow tree at my parent’s house, waiting for him. This is our meeting spot, the place where we can be together and no one can bother us. We’ve been meeting up at this exact tree for years and now it’s the last time he’ll come and meet me as my high school boyfriend.

I’m leaving for college tomorrow.

I’ll be moving to New York to attend NYU with a few friends and my cousin Lucy. This is a huge opportunity for me. I’m more than ecstatic to start a new chapter of my life, only if the distance from my boyfriend wasn’t making me have second thoughts.

Derrick and I have known each other since the first grade when his family moved to Boston. Since that time we’ve always been friends, but we never shared our true feelings for one another until our junior year of high school.

I sit back on the bench under our tree and remember like it was yesterday.

It was the day before our junior prom when I had my very first emotional melt down in front of Derrick.

I was asked by quite a few of my classmates to go to prom, but I kept saying no in hopes that Derrick would ask me.

It’s the day before prom and I sit in my room crying for hours.

How is it possible that Chloe Taylor is going to miss prom because of a guy?

Derrick climbs up to my bedroom window and asks me what’s wrong. I’m so upset, so embarrassed. I don’t think I can pull up the courage to tell him that he’s the reason I’m having an emotional breakdown.

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