Tough Love (Hidden Secrets) (24 page)

call a few friends from the force and get the added help.”


“Don’t stop me. Kayla is fine. Someone’s going to pay and I’m going to help make sure they do. Now let’s go we are wasting valuable time.”

that we are out the door, heading toward the restaurant. The last place Shannon was at before she was taken. My heart was racing in my chest as we walked out into the parking lot. Focusing on one step at a time, it was the only thing that saved me from losing my mind.

Chapter Thirty-One






head was throbbing. It wasn’t a dull ache it was a roaring pain. I felt like my head was splitting in two. The more I became alert, the more I started noticing things. Something was digging into my wrists. Trying to shift my arms sent a stabbing pain through my arms and a strong pinch in my wrist. Groaning, I tried to lift my head, but couldn’t get it to move.

was a strong smell of mold, dust, and something else I couldn’t name. A flash, a picture almost, of a moment in time danced in my head. Then another flickered through my brain. A scream, a painful scared scream ripped through my head. It wasn’t mine. It was someone else’s, someone familiar.

pictures started moving faster, like a flip book. Everything was coming back to me. My eyes felt like cement held them closed. Forcing them open, a sound filled my ears. There was moaning. Yes, it was moaning. Not moving my head, I looked up with my eyes. There, not far away, was a woman with two men. One man stood in front of her naked form, the other behind her. She had one leg propped up on a box or crate of some sort next to them and the men were pounding away at her. The head of the guy that stood behind her, blocked who she was from view. Apparently she was enjoying what she was getting if her noises were anything to go by. The men were enjoying it too.

then a big bald guy walks in. “Hurry up you two! I’d like my payment before the bitch wakes up!”

get her when we’re done not a moment sooner,” one guy grunted.

my eyes as the bald guy looked in my direction, “Fine, I’ll just take my payment from the bitch over there,” he hissed.

woman screamed out and the men followed shortly behind her. Opening my eyes, I watched to see what was going to happen next. Was someone going to come for me? The two guys were dressing. The bald guy grabs the woman and slams her chest first down on the crate next to them. He kicked her legs apart and slammed into her.

she moans. “Fuck me hard, Ceo.”

my eyes again, I repeated the name over and over again in my head. If I ever got out of here I wanted to remember his name. This Ceo was the main aggressor. I wish I could have seen who the woman was, because my guess is she’s the mastermind behind this whole situation. My mind began to wonder if she was the one that kidnapped the boys. They had said that a woman was there. A woman had called my phone for the exchange.

noises increased in volume and I felt sick to my stomach. It was a conscious effort to keep from gagging. How could anyone do that to themselves? Those men don’t care about her, yet she gives them her body. Why? What does she get out of it? Finally the noises finished and there was silence. In the distance, I heard a door close. Waiting a few minutes, I listened for any noise to follow before I lifted my head. Looking around, I could tell immediately that I in some storage or warehouse building. Looking at why my wrists hurt, I saw that my hands were cuffed to a bar above my head. My ankles were chained to connecting poles. I was spread out like a big X. My arms were aching. The sight of dried blood on my arms made me realize that the cuffs were cutting into my wrists. Trying to move my arms and legs caused the metal to make a loud clanging noise.

who is finally awake,” came a sneer from the darkened corner of the room.

icy chill ran up my spine as the dark figure began to move closer. My heart was pounding erratically in my chest. Pressure was building in my head and chest. With each step the figure got closer to me, the harder it became to breath. My chest was clamping tight, sweat dotted my forehead and neck.

you should be afraid. Be very afraid, Shannon, because I’m your worst nightmare come to life.” An evil laugh smacks me before the breath from my lungs leave.

Rachael,” I say breathlessly.

right, it’s me! You took Jack from me!” She yelled, her voice echoing off the walls.

did not! You were never with him,” I said, suddenly defensive.

did! Just like you took your parents from your family,” she tsked.

movement from the corner of the room and again, my breath left me. “Uncle Rodney? How could you?”

took my sister from me and then turned your back on me just like the rest of them!” He roared.

didn’t. I asked Grandma where you were. She told me you hated me and blamed me for Mom’s death. I kept trying the number my mom had for you, but it was disconnected.”

went on vacation to get away from you!” Rodney half sobbed.

I shake my head, tears falling down my cheeks. “They left to reconnect as husband and wife. With Sebastian’s medical problems, they felt like they were drifting apart. I’ve been there every step of the way helping them, but they needed it. I hated them for leaving and leaving me with the boys again, but I hated them even more for dying. Everyone blames me and maybe they should,” I said sadly. “Mom and I got into a fight before she left because I wanted to take my life back a little more. Less with helping with the boys. I’ve never turned my back on you. I went out to the spot mom met you several times, but you were never there. I tried Uncle Rodney. I did. You were always my favorite, but you were never there.”

enough of this shit!” Rachael hissed handing him something.

looked down at the item and back at me. He almost looked torn, but then his face hardened and his softened eyes glared daggers at me. With a flick of his wrist, something snapped into my side and I cried out loudly. He hit me again on the other side. I tried to hold in the scream that wanted to come out, but no matter how hard I bit my lip the scream still came. He hit me a couple more times, each one ripping into my clothes and skin. It felt like my skin was being torn from my body. First, it started out as if something stabbed me, then a horribly overpowering stinging sensation took over right before an excruciating burning feeling took over that.

dropped what could only have been a whip to the ground and staggered backward. I couldn’t breathe. The pain was like nothing I’ve ever felt before. My breaths were shallow and rapid. Raising my head, I looked my uncle in the eye.

to your spot, I left you something there when you stopped showing up,” I forced out.

leaned down and took the whip in her hand. She snapped me with it twice, once on each leg. Her smile widened, the more she hits me. My body was screaming at me in pain. My heart was pounding rapidly.

should have stayed away from my Jackson. Maybe if you agree to walk away now I might put an end to this torture,” she smiled, seemingly pleased with herself.

I said firmly using the pain for strength.

answer,” she said, right before the pain tore through me like a freight train.

continued to whip me. There was not a single part of me that I did not feel the burning, the pain, the agony. Slowly Rachael walks up to me and gets in my face.

little bitch, you walking away yet?”

face was only inches from mine. Without caring what happened next, I spit in her face before hissing right back at her. “Never! He asked me to marry him.”

hand came so hard across my face that my vision blurred. She stepped aside and that Ceo character walked up. He had a smirk on his face as he ran his eyes up and down my body. A sickening shudder ran through me. He reached up and ripped what was left of my shirt from my body. Then my bra was removed, where he then placed two clip like things over my nipples. A sudden intense pain shot through my breasts.

have amazing breasts,” he said as he traced his hands around them. “I might have to play later,” he whispered.

jerked and tried to pull away, only causing the handcuffs to dig in deeper into my wrists. A maniacal laugh filled the room. My head was getting harder and harder to hold up on my own. Rachael wrenched my head back by my hair to stare into my eyes. “I’m going to kill you slowly until every last bit of life drains out of you.”

I hissed.

punched me so hard across the face that I could feel my jaw hitching as I tried to move it. Then he grabbed one of those clamp things and twisted. My whole body jerked with the sudden surge of pain. I could feel fresh trails of blood running down my arms.

do you think is going to happen when I run to Jackson and tell him that you’ve run off with Ceo here. When I tell him you never really loved him, but just wanted his money. Then what will he do?”

won’t believe you,” I choked out.

but he will,” she smiles menacingly. “He’ll believe me when I show him these pictures of you and Ceo here.”

holds her phone in front of my face. It was picture after picture of Ceo and I kissing, us holding hands walking down the street. Then I started to puke when I saw the next pictures. It looked to be me and him having sex. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. The puke rose from my gut and spewed from my mouth stronger than I ever thought possible. Rachael screams, jumping out of the way. By the time I stopped, my throat burned from the acidity.

clamps were turned and there was another hit to my face. I was hit so hard I thought my head would continue spinning for sure. Shaking from the forceful vomit spectacle that just happened, I took a shallow breath.

not me.”

Maybe not, but there’s still time for that. It’s amazing what a well-placed camera and a wig can do. Jack won’t know the difference. He’s mine, you little bitch.”


was getting harder and harder to breath. Every breath I took was painful and shallow never seeming to be able to get enough oxygen. My vision was blurring in and out. I could feel my heart beat in my eyes. Each beat shook my vision more than it already was. My heart felt as if it was slowing with each erratic beat.


My thoughts were of the boys. How alone they were going to feel? Would the Williams make sure they remember me? How would they look as they got older? I pictured Sebastian either building ships or sailing them. Atreyu was either a vet or a musician. Both grew up super handsome and had beautiful wives and big families.


I thought of Jackson. His heart is full again. He’s found a new wife and together they raise the boys as their sons. He has four more kids. I’ve never seen him smile so much. Be happy Jackson. Be free.


Everything starts fading around me. No longer do I feel the pain, the discomfort, the sadness. All I felt was numb, light, free.

I breathed out.


Chapter Thirty-Two






It was finally here. The day that I get my Jackson. The stupid bitch put up a nice fight, I’ll give her that. The guys came in saying some super woman was guarding her. Daryl and Cameron were the ones to bring her down, I guess. They were the first to get rewarded. Honestly, when I first started out on this task, I wasn’t sure their payment was going to be worth it. Now, I kind of wish it would have been a little harder for them to catch her. The time was coming to an end. I was enjoying sex with these three barbarian type of men. They were rough and sometimes forceful, but did they ever get me off.

loved my sessions with Daryl and Cameron. They liked to have sex together. There is no greater feeling than having two sexy, hot, hard men filling you so completely. The orgasms weren’t to be denied either. They were intense, strong, and consuming. If I were to be honest, they were addicting too. It was definitely going to be hard letting these men go, but I had to. My Jackson needed me. He’s loved me for so long and I have him, I won’t turn my back on him now. I’m going to rescue him.

the guys walked in with her limp body over their shoulder, I worried they took away all of my fun. Ceo assured me he just knocked her out. The guys were so turned on, which wasn’t abnormal I’ve found, that they had to claim their reward right away. I wasn’t complaining either.

Shannon’s limp body bounce as Ceo walked away and see her hang there as he cuffed her. Her head sagged to her chest. Her legs weren’t supporting her inevitably causing the cuffs to dig into her wrists. I watched her sag there, watched her wrists take the brunt of her weight, watched as the first sign of blood beaded down her arm, dropping to the floor. My arousal spiked and I really got into the animalistic fucking I was receiving from Cameron and Daryl.

up you two! I’d like my payment before the bitch wakes up!”

get her when we’re done not a moment sooner,” Daryl grunted.

I’ll just take my payment from the bitch over there,” Ceo hissed as he pointed at Shannon.

then my orgasm took over me and nothing else mattered to me than riding it out as they fell shortly after me. It was an indescribable feeling being filled by two men. It was one moment I will treasure always. The guys had no more than pulled out when Ceo grabbed and slammed me on the crate next to me. His roughness turned me on more than anything.

I moaned. “Fuck me hard, Ceo.”

knew how to fuck me, how to make me putty in his hands. He could give me more orgasms than the other guys could together. He wasn’t afraid to be rough and then he’d surprise me in tender moments. Ceo pounded me with such vigor that I swore I’d be raw afterward. My body began to clench with my climax far too soon for my liking.

me up by my hair, he slams his lips down on mine. My breath is gone and my body is heating up all over again. He pulls his head back, looking down at me.

not done with you. When we take care of this stupid bitch, you’re mine,” he growls.

nodded my head and clench my legs together as my sex clenches from the intensity behind his growl. Fuck! This man was sex on legs and in voice.

walks out of the room and I head over to the corner and grab my clothes where they were flung and began putting them on. Just as I finished dressing, I hear the rattling of the cuffs and I smile. The fun was finally ready to start.

pleasure spiked even more when I could see the fear in her eyes and on her face. Keeping my smug smile on my face when she sees her Uncle Rodney walk forward. Listening to her try and plead with him to believe her, was entertainment in itself. The best was seeing her face when he hit her for the first time. Like she couldn’t believe he would do that to her. Please! Did she think she was so damn perfect that no one would hate her? Well, I hate her! I hate her with a passion.

fiber of my being wanted to just rip her to shreds and leave her to die. Though in my head my plan was to torture her into giving up Jackson, then convince her to take her alien babies away and let me live my life with Jackson. That was naïve of me to believe that. This woman was a bitch. Why would she care about mine and Jackson’s happiness? She only cared about her own.

I started whipping her, it was very hard to stop. There was a sense of power in knowing the amount of pain she was in and the marks these were going to leave that kept me swinging. No man was ever going to want to be near her let alone see her naked.

little bitch, you walking away yet?”

face was only inches from hers. The last straw happened when she spit in my face, then yelled, “Never! He asked me to marry him.”

hand came so hard across her face that the force hurt my hand. I stepped aside and let Ceo walk up to her. He had a smirk on his face as he ran his eyes up and down her body. A surge of jealousy ran through me. Then I watched as he reached up and ripped what was left of her shirt from her body. Then her bra was removed, where he then placed two nipple clips over her nipples. Personally, I loved nipple clamps, however, these were not being applied for pleasure. These were being applied to hurt to toture.

have amazing breasts,” he said as he traced his hands around them. “I might have to play later,” he whispered.

that strange emotion stirred in my stomach. My head was telling me to get him away from her, but then argued why I cared. If Ceo could keep her busy then I could have Jackson with no worry. A smile starts to form on my lips as I wrenched her head back by her hair to stare into her eyes. “I’m going to kill you slowly until every last bit of life drains out of you.”

she hissed.

thrill of watching her face as I showed her the pictures of me and Ceo that were staged to look like her and him. Though I must admit, I wasn’t expecting her to throw up. Thankfully Ceo stepped in and took care of the punishment.

she breathes weakly.

started removing the rest of her clothes. Just as he cut the rest of her clothes off, I listened to her say she loved my Jackson and her eyes roll back in her head.

Ceo, she’s passed out.” I panic.

be fine. It’s the pain,” he says, running his hands all over her body, his eyes following his hands.

can forget me later if you keep looking at her like that,” I hissed.

I don’t even know what Jackson sees in her. She’s fat, ugly, and pretty damn weak. He must pity her. That is the only thing I can think of that’d he be with her. A smile formed on my face. He probably thought of me when he had sex with her. Jackson would picture my breasts, my face… Shaking my head, I turned to Ceo.

need to carry out the rest of the plan.”

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