Training Their Mate [Pack Wars-Book 1] (12 page)

Dropping her head back, she relived the almost
deadly encounter. Her stomach swirled. She mentioned the white car.

“We saw the car. That wasn’t Couch.”

She sniffled. “After it disappeared behind the
dumpster, Couch pounded on the window.” She squeezed her eyes shut, but the
image of his leer wouldn’t go away.

Trax slammed his hand against the wheel.

She couldn’t tell if he was upset that Couch
almost got to her or because he was close and missed him. Trax scooted across
the seat and hugged her. His warmth settled some of her nerves. “I’m so sorry I
allowed you to talk me into letting you come.” He swept an errant strand of
hair behind her ear.

She choked back a sob. “He called me by name.
And it wasn’t Ms. Chambers.” Now the tears fell in earnest and she hiccupped.

Trax’s thumb swiped them away. “We’ll get the
bastard. I promise.”

He started the engine and peeled out. His
shoulders remained rigid throughout the drive back to his loft.

Once he parked, he jumped out and jogged over
to her side. When he opened the door, his gaze scoured the back alley.

“He can’t know I’m staying here.”

“I wouldn’t put anything past Couch and his

She didn’t like the way his voice lowered. He grasped
her arm tighter and rushed her to the building. All he had to do was lean over
the scanner, and as soon as it read his iris, the door clicked open.

She raced upstairs and straight to the
sanctuary. Once inside, she dropped down on the sofa and buried her head in her

Trax knelt in front of her and clasped her
hands in his. “We need to talk.”

His ominous tone almost scared her as much as Couch
pointing that damned gun at her.


Trax had never been more scared in his life.
Just thinking about that asshole Colter getting near Liz knotted his stomach.
He’d fought in Iraq and met terrorists head on but it didn’t compare to this
gut-wrenching experience. It was his fault Liz was even in the car. What had he
been thinking letting her come?

Sure, she had the information and seemed
determined not to tell him, but he should have insisted. Clearly, she needed

She stared up at him waiting for him to have
this discussion, but his cock was throbbing something fierce. Ever since he’d
brought her here, all he could think of was sinking his dick into her sweet pussy.
This damned mating stuff finally made him crack.

If he could train her to obey, life would be so
much better.

“You need to understand something.”

She sucked in her bottom lip and he almost
pulled her to his chest and kissed her.


“You have no idea what Couch or any of the
other Colters are capable of. I do. From now on you
obey me.” He desperately wanted to show her that obeying him
could be amazing.

She was his mate. He’d seen her flushed face
when she was with Dante in the store. Her scent had drawn him downstairs. His
need was making him careless. Sooner or later she’d decide she wanted Dante,
and when he told her they were werewolves, she’d freak out less if she cared
for them both.

Her pert little mouth dropped open and her lids
lowered. “Obey you? Am I now your captive slave?”

The idea of making her submit had the animal in
him trying to burst out. If he didn’t taste her now, he would shift and ruin
everything. One tug was all it would take to pull her into his arms.

She licked her lips and stuck out her chest in
a defiant pose.

That did it.

He stood, pulled her to a stand, and clasped
her to his chest. He almost hoped she’d scream and try to flee, but instead she
did the worst thing possible.

She leaned in and kissed him.

Every last bit of resolve broke as he returned
her kiss. His cock throbbed and pulsed, and the power within him threatened to
come out. His need to claim her overtook all of his senses. He teased her mouth
open, desperate to taste her. When she responded willingly, his claws began to
replace his nails, and his bones cracked.

He pulled away. “Come with me.”

The expected question about where he was taking
her never came. When he pressed his thumb on the sensor, the locked door behind
the living room opened.

“So that’s how you get it to open. Cool.”

He prayed she’d think it was still
once he showed her what the room
contained. The inside was dark, but as soon as they passed under the sensor,
the room’s lighting blinked on. The beige walls became bathed in a reddish hue
adding to the seductive nature.

Liz halted. “What is this place?”

“Welcome to my playroom.”

She glanced around and from the way her fingers
tensed in his palm, she’d never seen anything like this.

“What’s all this for? I mean I can guess, but
why show me?”

She rotated around and faced him. It was now or

“I want you.” He couldn’t wait anymore and bent
down to drink in his fill.


Chapter Ten

Liz didn’t take her gaze off
of Trax until they entered the room. Then the magical place drew her in. “Oh,

She tried to figure out the
purpose of all the items. One thing was for sure—it thrilled and scared
her at the same time. A spanking bench to the right had her mind wandering.
While no man had ever asked her to kneel on one, she thought the idea exciting.
A padded table that looked like one a massage therapist would use stood in the
middle of the room. Her sore muscles ached to have someone’s hand to rub the
tension from her body.

Cuffs dangled not only from
the walls but from the ceiling, and things like paddles, whips, crops, and
collars hung on the side wall. She failed to take this all in. Half of her
wanted to experience each and every item in here but another half was plain

Her gaze continued across the
room and stopped at the shelves that contained dildos and a few things she
couldn’t even guess their use. Suddenly, she was far outside her comfort

“Do you like my pleasure
room?” It sounded as if he was holding his breath, waiting to see if she’d turn
and try to run.

“I’m not sure.” She didn’t
know if he wanted to bring her in here to have sex or just to show her what
would happen if she didn’t obey.

He turned her around and
clasped her shoulders. “I’m hoping I can show you a new world of pleasure, but
first you’ll need to learn to do what you’re told. It’s for your own good.”

She was about to say she was
twenty-eight and didn’t need anyone to tell her how to act, but the need in his
voice stopped her. His gaze oozed sex appeal and for some reason she wanted to
obey him, if only to experience the wild side once in her life.

“How do you intend to tame
me?” The defiant part of her body couldn’t be quelled.

Trax Field would never use
violence against a woman. He was a passionate man, but he was also one who
needed control like he needed oxygen to live.

“I’d like to show you, but
you’ll have to follow some simple rules. Can you do that?”

“Rules? As in I can only wear
black and must eat peas twice a day?”
do you always sass him?

I want to break through that steely exterior and unleash his inner beast.

He didn’t answer, but she
swore half of his lip twitched upward. It might be as close to a smile as she
was going to get.

“Yes, like that, only you
will be naked and eating my cock.”

Waves of contractions sped
through her pussy and dampened her panties. She’d never been with a dominant
man, but with Trax she was willing to give it a try. While she loved Dante’s
carefree ways, Trax excited a different part of her.

She squelched another sassy
retort and studied his eyes. With only red light bathing the room, it was too
hard to read his expression. He lifted her sweater over her head, folded it
neatly, and placed it on a side cabinet she hadn’t spotted when she’d first

“Rule number one is don’t do
anything until I tell you to.”

“So what you’re saying is
that if I feel the urge to—”

He cut off her question with
another powerful kiss making her forget what she was about to say. His hands
roamed over her back, but only for a moment. He moved back as if he hadn’t
meant to kiss her.

“Rule number two. Don’t say
anything other than
yes, Master
no, Master
, and only when I ask you a
question. Is that clear?”


His shoulder jerked forward.

“What if I don’t like what
you’re doing to me? Can I stop you?”

His body relaxed and he
dragged a knuckle down her cheek. “Have you ever had a man make you helpless
and vulnerable?”

“No.” No one other than

“No, what?”

. She’d messed this
up already. “No, Master.”

This time the white of teeth
appeared, and what perfect teeth they were.

“Good. If you want me to
stop, all you have to do is say the safe word.”


Now a chuckle almost rumbled
out. “We can be more creative than that.”

“How about

His demeanor turned dark.
“That would stop me. Now let’s begin your training.”

Dante already implied their kind of
training wouldn’t have anything to do with capturing the bad guys.

“Take off your clothes.”

Her heart hitched for a
moment. It was the man who usually wanted to disrobe her, but questioning him
might not be wise. She was curious about what would happen if she didn’t follow
his instructions.

As if her fingers had a will
of their own, she lifted her shirt over her head. Because the swelling had gone
down on her cut, she was able to move her fingers better. She tossed the shirt
toward the cabinet and missed.

“Pick it up and fold it.”

Was he serious?

He inched forward.

. She did as he asked
and placed the shirt on the counter. Needing some support to finish undressing,
she leaned against the credenza, bent over, and untied her laces. Since she was
somewhat handicapped, she wasn’t able to give him the strip show she bet he
expected. Well, too damned bad.

She half thought he’d tell
her to hurry, but he remained rigid as he watched her. Once she removed both shoes
and her socks, she glanced at his crotch, but the room was too dim to tell what
effect her undressing had on him.

Getting out of her jeans took
a little more work, but eventually she got them down to her ankles. Using her
feet to hold the leg in place, she stepped out of one side then the other.
After neatly placing her clothes on top of the others she faced him wondering
if he wanted her totally naked or not.

She drew her hands behind her
back and waited for his command.

“Come here.” He stepped to
the left behind a mat.

She eased toward him. At
first she thought this was new and exciting. Now she began to question whether
this had been a smart move. Only because he had told her he’d stop if she asked
was she willing to see what he had in mind. Images of him hanging her on the
wall and impaling her with his big cock made her drip.

“Yes, Master?” Okay, that
wasn’t a question, but she was new to this game.

She thought of this as fun but Trax
seemed intent on making sure she understood who was in control.

“You failed to completely

She’d been about to say that
he hadn’t been specific, but wisely she chose to keep her trap shut for once.
She bowed her head and inhaled, waiting to see what he would do.

He lowered one strap of her
bra and leaned forward acting as if she was some kind of present he wanted to
savor instead of a man who wanted to teach her a lesson. His tongue tripped
over her shoulder blade and the urge to grab his shoulders and pull him closer
raced through her. She reached out to touch his skin and enjoy the feel of his
bulging muscles, when he grabbed her wrist.

“I can see this is going to
take a long time. I don’t want you to move. Remember?”

. Had that been one of his rules? She couldn’t remember.

He lowered both straps and
peeled the cups below her breasts. She looked up just in time to see his eyes
widen as if seeing her nakedness excited him a lot. “So pretty.”

He thumbed her nipples and
they immediately puckered. Her pussy was vibrating something fierce, and even
she could smell her own arousal. He unhooked the back of her bra and lowered it
down over her hands.

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