Read Treasure Yourself Online

Authors: Miranda Kerr

Tags: #ebook

Treasure Yourself (25 page)

i speak with integrity

- don miguel ruiz

i speak highly of others at all times and my word has integrity and strength. i do not condemn,

criticise or complain but instead speak from the basis of truth and love.

my talents are in demand

- louise l. hay

i am talented, courageous and gifted and my skills are in demand. the universe provides me with

ample time and opportunities to achieve my dreams.

i intend to create good luck in my life

- deepak chopra

i create every opportunity that comes into my life. every breath, thought and action i take creates my


my circumstances at home

improve every day

- louise l. hay

my home is my sanctuary – a sanctuary i love to share with others. i create a peaceful and loving

environment for all and relish in the energy and love that flows from the space i have created.

i choose nutritious food

and treasure my body

- miranda kerr

i am a unique human being. i treasure my body and my mind and i look after it nutritiously so that it

supports me in my quest to lead a fulfilled, fun-loving and abundant life.

my point of power is always

in the present moment

- louise l. hay

i choose powerfully to live in the present, not concerned with the past or in trying to predict the

future. i am powerfully present to the abundance life offers me now.

life always gets better

when i treat myself better

- robert holden

i deserve the best in this world and i treat myself with the respect and love i willingly give to others.

i am the perfect age right now

- louise l. hay

i am in the moment and enjoying every step of the way. i choose to live my life now in every breath i

take and in every moment.

i have the ability to accomplish any task

i set my mind to with ease and comfort

- wayne w. dyer

i have the ability and talent to achieve my dreams and i do so with gratitude, ease and grace knowing

all things are possible.

i can release the past and forgive everyone

- louise l. hay

i let go of any wrongs done to me or that i have done to others. i forgive myself and others and i live

in the present moment, allowing myself to relish new and exciting opportunities.

i came here to be me

- robert holden

i give myself permission to be authentic. i am fully self-expressed and never afraid to be who i

really am.

i am in the process

of positive change

- louise l. hay

i am continually growing and learning and i create my future in every moment. my life is exciting and

full of limitless potential.

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