Treasure Yourself (8 page)

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Authors: Miranda Kerr

Tags: #ebook

throw out anyone.

Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you’ll find one at the end of your arm.

As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself, the other for

helping others.

The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she

combs her hair.

The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the

place where love resides.

The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.

It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she knows.

And the beauty of a woman, with passing years only grows!

you are what you eat… and more!

Goodness comes from within – physical, mental and spiritual. I feel you can’t shine on the outside unless

you are healthy on the inside. It’s hard for your eyes to sparkle, your hair to shine, or your skin to glow if

you are not truly healthy in mind, body and spirit. It’s not just about food; it’s about everything you put in

and take out. It’s giving and receiving equally.

As a model I have an extremely demanding schedule. I can be in up to six countries in the space of a

ten-day period. The jetlag alone takes an enormous toll on my body. I know if I don’t look after myself

physically, emotionally and spiritually then I won’t be able to succeed in my career.

My healthy life… In the beginning, when I didn’t have the nutritional knowledge I have now, I deprived

myself of my favourite treats: chocolate, fried chicken, and ice cream. This just made me want them even

more. Eventually I’d give in and eat twice as much then feel bad about myself. Deciding that a certain

food is ‘forbidden’ will make you crave it more! My weakness is fried chicken. Although I know it’s not

good for me, and not just because of the calories, every now and again I’ll treat myself. Moderation and

knowing what’s good for you is the key to staying healthy and looking your best, without feeling like you

are deprived.

I’ve learned if I treasure myself and appreciate my body I naturally want to fill it with all the right fuel

so it can perform at its optimum. Educating myself about nutrition has made a huge difference as I can

apply my knowledge daily. I eat the right food for my body, drink lots of water and detox regularly. Now I

rarely crave food that is not good for me, and when I do I allow myself a small portion and really enjoy it.

I have also found healthy alternatives that are highly nutritious and sometimes even more satisfying.

Fill your body with nutrients… and more. I have been drinking a type of juice called Tahitian Noni

Juice daily since I was 13 years old – I love it. It contains a large number of vitamins, minerals and

antioxidants that I believe boost the immune system, leaving my skin feeling beautiful and soft. I’ve also

used this juice topically on my skin for years when I’ve accidentally been sunburned or had pimples and it

really helped. I recently created my own organic skincare range called Kora that contains Noni juice.

Daily meditation ensures I am healthy, alert, and able to keep up with the demands of my job. I’ve

found that this, along with proper nutrition and exercise, makes me less susceptible to illness, and when I

do get sick I recover quickly, having given my body the tools it needs to fight off illness or infection.

If you are having trouble keeping to your exercise program try exercising with your friends. It’s easier

as you tend to motivate each other into action, and it’s also healthier than going for a cup of coffee! What I

practice keeps me fit and healthy inside and out, boosts my immune system, slows down the ageing

process and allows me to be at my best at all times without the hassle of dieting. I use this affirmation: ‘I

choose to fill my body with nutritious food and treasure my soul’.

Yoga keeps me fit and healthy inside and out. It boosts the immune system, lubricates joints, massages

the organs, and increases strength and flexibility as well as spiritual awareness. I believe it also slows

down the ageing process! My dear friend and yoga teacher Charlotte Dodson has taught me to honour my

practice with quiet moments of positive intention, dedication and gratitude. Through my daily yoga

practice I’ve learned to concentrate on my breath. This helps me to truly be in the present moment, which

is a gift to cherish. If my mind drifts away with thoughts, I intentionally bring my concentration back to my

breath. After all, breath is the essence of life.

My top tips for staying healthy:

– Focus on filling your body with nutrients instead of counting calories.

– Fresh food is the best, so try to avoid processed food and artificial sweeteners, colours and


– Supplement your diet with a nutritional product that works for you.

– Try as much as possible to use natural and/or organic skincare products and remedies.

– Establish a daily routine. For me that’s body brushing, twenty minutes of power yoga, affirmations

and having a shower to my favourite song of the day.

– Sing, dance, smile and laugh. Nothing makes you feel so blessed as a big belly laugh. It is a great

medicine and it rejuvenates the soul.

Getting personal:

– What is your daily routine like?

– Is there time in your routine to think about what you eat and drink?

– How can you start learning more about what you put into your body?

– What do you put on your body now?

– What can you do to better look after your health and your self in general?

it’s all about you…

Balance is one of the key elements for your wellbeing. Try to imagine an old-fashioned weight scale; to

balance the scales you need to put equal parts of your life on either side. Too much on one side will

topple the scale, but when you place just the right amounts on either side, you find a force that’s balanced

and powerful.

When I lived in the model house I was way out of balance; sure it was great to meet lots of girls from

different parts of the world and have a sense of connection as we faced similar challenges, but it was

really chaotic. So many people came and went; no one really nurtured the space we shared and it felt

really unsettling. I needed the complete opposite of what was going on.

Everyone needs a little time to nourish their soul and get back in touch with who they are and what they

want. Sometimes the routine you have and the constant commitments you make throw you off the track of

where you want to go. When I find myself in this place I try to make a concerted effort to make the time to

do the things that I want to do. If you are constantly on the go, which I am, you can not only lose touch with

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