Treasured (Embracing Series Book 1) (18 page)

Yours Only,


P.S. I hope you enjoyed the BLT from the café.













My mother is waiting for me at the airport.

“Lila, what are you going to do about all this?” she asks.

“I really don’t know. I love them both, but in my heart, I know its Liam.”

“I know, my sweet girl, I know. Your father has been working on the case, looking for Addison’s killer.”

“I hope they find him. I miss her so much.”

“Oh, you know your father; he won’t stop till they do.”

“I know he won’t, but I worry about him out there on those streets.”

“I do too, sweetie. That’s what he loves, though. That has always been his life. You know him and your uncle Kes have to compete and see who can capture the most criminals.”

“I’m going to look for a job as a paralegal for now. I know I can stay in the guesthouse, but I think I’ll move in the beach house for now, with Liam. Is that okay?”

“That’s fine. Eric isn’t going back to Boston yet. You guys can help get Liam back to himself again.”

“Mom, am I making the right decisions?”

“You will have to do what you feel is best for you, not best for those men.”




“Liam, we need to talk,” I say.

“Okay I’m listening,” he replies.

“I never meant for any of this to happen.”

“So, what if I hadn’t been found? Were you just going to marry that bastard?”

“I don’t know. You were gone. You left me.”

“I left you, Lila? I was lying in a hospital bed in the middle of fucking nowhere with no one knowing who I was while you were playing house and fucking that hulk-looking mother fucker!”

“That’s not fair! You know I love you more than anything.”

“Oh, you love me so much you quit looking for me and started fucking every guy on campus.”

“That’s enough, Liam! It was only Evan and he was my friend. He was there for me when I thought you weren’t coming back. He knew I loved you. I couldn’t help that I fell in love with him. I would have never pursued a relationship with him knowing you were okay and would be back.

“Not a day went by that I didn’t look for you. I thought about you every day. Every day that I woke up, I wanted your arms around me. I wanted to know that you were still breathing and that you were coming back to me.”

“I’m sorry, I’m just so upset.”

“I know you are.”

As he gets up to stand, he falls down. “I can’t take this shit. I can’t even walk sometimes.”

“Liam, stop. You're just upset.”

“Stop treating me like I can’t do anything for myself.”

“Okay, I was just trying to help you.”

“I don’t need help. I’m a man, not a child, and I can take care of myself.”

“I know you can.”

I help him to the couch and sit on his lap. We cry in each other's arms. He walks really well, but he's been so upset and tired lately that it's making him struggle.

“You're my world. I love you so much it hurts to breathe when we’re apart. I’ll never love anyone the way I love you. I would die for you, Lila Rae.”

“I know you do and I would too.”

“Choose me please! I’m not going to beg you, but I want you to choose me. You were always mine. He should have never had you.”

“Don’t you think, by me being here, that I’ve already made my decision and have chosen you. I've waited for you to come back to me for two years. You aren’t getting rid of me that easily.”

Crying tears of happiness, he picks me up and carries me to the bed. He makes me his all over again.




While I’m making breakfast, my phone starts beeping. I pray it isn’t Evan. Fortunately, it’s my mom.

“Mom, is everything all right? Yes, he's here. Okay, I will”

“Liam, my mom said it’s an emergency. We have to go.”

I have no clue what’s going on, but my mother is frantic. We park in the hospital's parking lot and all the memories from the day Addison died comes flooding back to me. I freeze. I can’t walk through the doors.

“Lila, baby, come on. You have to find out what's going on.”

“I can’t. I don’t want to lose anyone else.”

“Come on, I’ll be here with you.”

We walk through the door and I see my mom fall into my uncle Kes’s arms. As the doctor is speaking, Eric hugs me tighter than anyone has ever hugged me.

“Dad is gone.”

I freeze. I can’t breathe; I just want to fall.

“Breathe baby, breathe.” It’s Liam. I’m now in his arms, and I can see Uncle Kes, Mom, Eric, and some lady staring at me. I stand up and look at Liam.

“Honey, you fainted when Eric told you about your dad.”

“Is h-h-he really gone?” I whisper.

“I’m sorry, but he is. He had a heart attack,” Liam says gently.

I walk over to my mom and hug her as we both cry. I can tell the other woman is crying and upset, but who is she? I look at her and back at my mom.

“It will be out anyway, so I better tell you. Come sit down.”

I walk with my mother, but I grab Liam’s hand. I want him by my side so I can be prepared for whatever she has to say.

“Mom, what's going on?”

“Your father was having an affair.”

I cup my hand over my mouth and scream. My daddy would never do that to my mom! They loved each other so much. They were the perfect couple. All of my friends loved how sweet my parents were to each other.

Liam squeezes my hand as I struggle to speak. Eric is on the other side of me.

“Mom, did you know?” he asks.

“I had my suspicions, but I never knew for a fact. Then the hospital called me and said he was here. I thought he was at work, but he was with her.”

I look at the sadness in my mother’s eyes, and then I look at that horrible woman who had been sleeping with my father.

I walk over to her. Eric and Liam follow me. “I’m Lila Rae, Ray’s daughter, and you are?”

“Lillian Trevors. I’m sorry for your loss, Lila.”

I stare at her as hard as I can. “Did you know he was married?” I ask.

“Y-yes, I did. We worked together.”

I don’t know what came over me, but I drop Liam’s hand and smack the home-wrecking whore.

“Lila, that’s enough. Come on,” Liam says.

I can’t believe my father had been having an affair. We leave the hospital and go back to my parents’ house. I’m so numb. I’m more pissed off than sad.

“Mom, why didn’t you ever say anything?”

“I didn’t want to bother you kids with our problems, but he had every right to; I cheated on your father years ago. I told him about it and I knew that someday karma would bite me in the ass. I knew that Lillian had been flirting with him for years. I just never thought he would take her up on her offers.

“I saw them at the mall a couple months ago. I spoke with Nancy. She saw your father leaving the Marriott a couple weeks ago with Lillian. I never told your father that I knew. Then this morning he seemed fine and said he was going in early. About three hours later, the hospital called me and when I got here, she and your Uncle Kes were here.”

“So Uncle Kes knew?”

“Oh, sweetie, I’m sure he did. He and your father are best friends.”

I can’t believe all of this is happening. First Liam went missing, then Addison and her baby were killed, and now I learn that my dad was having an affair and died while with the woman.

Liam is being so supportive. I’m glad he’s here, but part of me needs Evan. I need his embrace, his touch, and his smell. I’ve been thinking about him all day. I call Nikki. She and Brody are coming to my father’s memorial. I wish Evan could be here.




I’ve never seen so many people in a church. I think every police personnel and FBI agent in California are here. Everyone gives their condolences and says so many great things about my father. He was an amazing man. I never thought, in a million years, he would cheat on my mom.

At the graveside, I think I see Evan.

“Nikki, you said Evan was in New York still, didn’t you?”

“Yes, only Brody came.”

I look around the corner and point him out to Nikki. It’s definitely him.

“Holy crap, I didn’t know he would show up,” Nikki says.

“I have to go talk to him, Nik. I can’t ignore him.”

Liam is talking to my mom. I jog over to him and pull him aside.

“Please don’t get upset, but I see Evan over there and I have to go talk to him. Please stay here.”

Liam looks Evan dead in his eyes. Then he kisses me and lets my hand go. “Hurry back.”





“Evan, what are you doing here?”

“I heard about your father and I had to see you. I’m so sorry for your loss. Can I please give you a hug?”

“Of course you can.” He grabs me and hugs me with so much love. Damn, I missed him so fucking bad. He holds me for several minutes; I don't stop him even though I know Liam is probably watching.

“Thank you for coming.”

“I told you I would do anything for you, darlin’. I miss you so much.”

“Me too, Evan.”

He gives me a look, kind of a disgusted look, probably because he's wondering how I could miss him when I'm with the man I chose over him.

Liam, Nikki, and Brody walk over to where we're standing. “Everything okay, beautiful?” Liam asks.

“Yes, Evan wanted to give me his condolences.”

Evan reaches his hand out to Liam to shake it. “Liam, glad to know Lila has you here with her in her time of need.”

“Lila will always have me.”

“Evan, we’re all going back to the house. Why don’t you join us?” I ask.

Evan looks from me to Liam and hesitantly nods his head. I know I shouldn’t have asked, but I need him here just as much as I need the others.

Liam looks at me and says, “Let’s go.”

Once we get back to my mom’s house, everyone shares stories and looks at pictures. There are pictures of my dad with everyone, even Evan and Brody from when they went fishing a few months back.

“I can’t believe you invited him here,” Liam whispers.

“He's my friend. Although I came back to you, I’ll always have a place in my heart for Evan. My father loved you and wanted me to be with you, but he also liked Evan. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to talk with my guests.”

Oh my God, I’m so stupid. Liam is right. How could I invite him over? I guess it’s not as bad as the home wrecker at my father’s funeral. I thought my mom was going to strangle her.

“Sweetie, are you okay?” Nikki asks.

“Oh God, Nik, I’m such an idiot.” I start crying.

“Oh no, Li. You’re not an idiot. I take it Liam isn’t happy about Evan?”

“You know he isn’t.”

Evan puts his hand in the small of my back. “Lila, I’m going to go now. Again, I’m so sorry for your loss, darlin’. Please call me if you need anything.”

“Wait, come with me, please.”

I get looks from Nikki, Liam, and Brody, but I want a few minutes alone with him. We walk out to the guesthouse, where it's quiet.

“I just needed to be alone with you for a minute,” I say. ”Please just hold me in your arms.”

He places his hands in the small of my back and pulls me in for one of his warm hugs. “I’m sorry for everything you've been through the last couple months. I know after losing Addison, you were devastated, and now your dad's gone. Is there anything I can do to help you get through this?”

“Thanks, you’re doing it now. Just you holding me means more to me than you will ever know.”

He leans over and places his lips to my forehead. “I love you and miss you so much. I should get going.”

It feels like our last night all over again. I’m losing him again.

“Thank you. I love you and I miss you more than you can imagine.”

I know I shouldn’t, but I lean up on my tiptoes and brush his lips with mine. He pulls back and gives me a hurt and confused look. Then he pulls me in tighter and kisses my lips, and I part his lips with my tongue. As I do, he lets out a little moan. We kiss with so much passion. Finally, I pull away. I can’t take anymore—I want him so bad.

His breathing is rapid and he kisses my head and says, “It isn’t goodbye. I’ll see you later.”

“Evan, wait.” I grab him and kiss him again. I wrap my legs around his waist and look him in his eyes. “I need you now. Please don’t tell me no. Please, I need to feel your love.”

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